Tonight's episode was a long awaited Faraday backstory...I for one, have found Jeremy Davies performance as Daniel Faraday to be truly inspired...He's had to play a variety of emotions and do it in less screen time than Matthew Fox.... and he's had to sell a premise that polarizes the audience...explaining time travel isn't easy when you have people willing to listen...to spring it on them mid series, in a character driven show, quite frankly confuses and distances your story from the masses.. But LOST took a chance here, introducing an element(time travel) that really allowed then to tell the story in a very interesting way...
I'm not sure who here has read any Ann Rice novels, specifically the Lestat volumes... But Rice had a way(much like other writers who created vast, detailed literary worlds) of starting a story from one of point of view but when it came time to dive into some history, she would successfully lead you to seeing it from another characters view.. but she had the luxury of dealing with Vampires, whose immortality allowed them to live for thousands of years...
LOST found a way to tell you the history of the DHARMA initiative through the eyes of people we've come to know and ,in a sense, trust... Seeing Sawyer as a key member of the DI in it's heyday is much better than a flashback which has characters we don't really care about it... By allowing them to time travel(as much of a risk that was) we become invested in the story more...The downside is the paradox that time travel creates and tonight Faraday decided to tell us that Whatever Happened, Happened.... BUT, his science and formulas had never allowed for a VARIABLE, which he said was HUMANS, more specifically the fact that we have something that science CAN NOT measure, which is FREE WILL... but let's come back to that in a second...

This scene was priceless... Faraday had Dr Chang convinced and then Miles had to go and blow it...when Miles pressed Faraday for why he would spill the beans, he told Miles that he just needs to make sure that Chang does what he's supposed to do...which is order the evacuation of women and children.. This will get Charlotte off the Island, which is ultimately what Faraday is trying to do, save Charlotte..

You see, it all comes down to LOVE... Love is all powerful....it's the ultimate leap of faith to put your heart into someone else's hands... we'll return to this theme in a second as well...moving ahead..

Teresa.. she seemed pretty nice..I mean, heck, she put up with Faraday during his crazy hair days... she also didn't seem to be put off by mean ol Ms. Hawking... too bad her brain turns to moosh later in her life.. I'd be willing to bet we have not seen the last of Teresa.. I feel like she needs to be saved... is she ultimately the reason Faraday does what he does? I don't really buy that he had enough time to fall in love with Charlotte but heck, I guess I could say the same for Jack and Kate...they were only on the Island 108 days when Jack told her he loved her... so what do I know?..
But forget all this love talk for a second...Tonight's ep had some explosions!! And a shoot out at the OK Corral, aka the MotorPool...

Jack looked like Jack last night...Jack Bauer, that is.... yep, we've got a time deadline of roughly 4 hours before some massive incident happens at the Swan, which changes it's true intent of just another Dharma station to one where the button is created to disperse the energy of an incredible power source every 108 minutes..
If Faraday can get the Jughead H Bomb from the Others, he's going to blow up the energy source, which basically would end the Island completely in my opinion...
But doesn't this go AGAINST the whatever happened, happened theory? Yes and this is where I have my biggest issue with this show... If they blow up the Hatch before it ever exists, then Oceanic Flight 815 doesn't get blasted out of the sky and they land and no freighter ever comes to the Island and the wheel never gets turned and our Losties never time travel back....
well if that never happens, how do they actually get to that point?
I guess and that is the key word: Guess, that it all hinges on what Faraday said to Jack: This is our present. So Jack can play a key part in saving his own life....
wow..that's even more confusing....
But I like to think that what's happening to Jack and gang in 1977 is simultaneously happening to Locke and his gang in 2007... which means there could be an incredible situation about to take place... but more on that in a second...lets finish up last nights revelations..

The Dynamic Duo is BACK!! Batman and Robin, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Starsky and Hutch, Cagney and Lacey....and now Jack and Kate... I always get excited to see these 2 together... if one of the mysteries of LOST is who Kate is going to choose, I will always keep Jack at the top of the list.... she flip flops back and forth and Sawyer is showing himself as a real keeper this year but come on!..It's Jack.. besides, I much more approve of the Juliet/Sawyer relationship because it seems so mutually respectable, more adult.. you kind of want that one to last...

Another Widmore sighting last night..turns out he's Faraday's dad.. So now the question is when did he father Daniel? Was it on the Island? Was Faraday born on the Island? Did Eloise exile herself to raise Daniel? Did Daniel create the Lampost station so that eventually his mom could find the island so she could send Jack back? Are her actions like Faraday's in that she's trying like heck to keep the Island from time traveling back so that she doesn't make the mistake of shooting her son in the chest?
See? More questions...but one thing is clear: Widmore is the only one who really hasn't lost anything of great importance to him.... Everyone else involved in this "conflict" has lost something: Ben and Alex, Hawking and Faraday(assuming he's dead).. Widmore just seems to be driven by greed and revenge for being exiled....

Tonight's episode gave us another look at Mr Eyeliner... Sawyer's nicknames seem to stick with me and last night he had one that killed: When he called Faraday "Twitchy"... too funny!
So let's return to those points I mentioned earlier:
Where have we seen these 2 elements better demonstrated than with this cat:
Desmond. Just as he was The Constant for Faraday, he is also the Variable. His love for Penny is stronger than fate. And it's my theory that Desmond is the key to this entire thing... he's the only one acting on something pure. Everyone else seems to have an agenda.....I think more is definitely left in this story..
The last thing I want to finish up is the Simultaneously existing theory. I'm sure that there is an actual scientific theory with a fancy name that better describes what I'm about to try to explain. Let me just jump in:
If Faraday can't blow up the Jughead bomb, then everything we've seen so far happens. Which means that the Jughead bomb is still on the island in 2007. In the previews for next week, it looks like Jack is going to try to finish Faraday's mission. It also appears that Locke is back on the beach and headed somewhere.
But IF time on the Island is existing simultaneously, then Locke may be headed to the same place where Jack is.
But IF time is really linear and you can't change the past, then Jack isn't successful because Locke is still on the Island.
SO, it's my assumption that time is occurring simultaneously on the Island. WHAT IF Jack and Locke both get to the Jughead at the same time and blow it up at the same time?
Boom... I just blew my mind...
That's my time...
L Prez OUT
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