John Locke, New CEO of the Island....

The Island chooses who the Island chooses.... so says Richard Alpert... while he was telling the truth about that, he wasn't really saying that Ben was the Chosen One.. I think Ben was a holder leader..someone the Island needed until Locke came to power.... But Ben killed Locke..possibly in the hopes that he could return to power... But the Island had different plans and brought Locke back to life...Now we have what some have called Locke, version 2.0.... a new and improved John Locke...who may not be all that he seems...more on that in a second...

Cesar learned Island lesson #109... Don't trust Benjamin Linus. It also happens to be lesson #1. It's just repeated 108 times over... I'm not sure why this guy even signed on to do the show... You want to be on LOST? SURE! Ok, here's the deal: We fly you to Hawaii. You get to have 4 lines of dialogue and then we shoot you in the chest. Cool? Deal!
This was Ben's judgement episode... He told Locke he came to the Island to be judged... Judged for what?
Well crafty ol Ben would have you believe it was for Alex's death.... and the crafty ol writers of LOST would have you believe that as well...but think about it for a second: Of ALL the things that Ben has done, the one thing the Island wants to judge him on is Alex's untimely death? He KILLED his father... He WIPED out the DHARMA initiative... surely he's guilty of other crimes....
Now let's review what we know about the Smoke Monster. Let's go ahead and make the assumption that it is in fact a judge. We saw it judge Mr Eko and when he revealed himself as unrepentant, well that ol judge became the jury and sentenced him to death... then it became the executioner and beat him about the head and shoulder area. Repeatedly. I believe a tree was involved.
Well Ben has been on the Island long enough to know what the "monster" is. And he would know that based on what Richard has most likely shared with him. So imagine that the Smoke Monster only works on guilty feelings. It senses what you are feeling guilty about and if it doesn't see any remorse, it kills you.
We also know that the Smoke Monster can reappear in a human form, as it did with Eko's brother. As it may be doing with Christian Shepard. It may also be doing it with Locke.

As Ben said, Dead is Dead... but there Locke theory is that he is being propped up by the Island... When Ben says what's about to come out of that jungle, I have no control of and Locke pops out, well...I don't need to spell it out anymore... Locke is leading Ben up to his trial, all the while judging him along the way as Smoky... Ben knows this so he remembers all the circumstances that lead up to his acquiring Alex and raising her, saving her from Charles Widmores orders of death... Ben is thinking about this because Smoky is about to read his thoughts and see if he's remorseful, which is a joke because Ben is actually remorseful for this act...
But in the end, Smoky is on to Ben...Smoky appears as Alex and tells Ben under no uncertain terms is he to continue his quest to kill Locke... it KNOWS he wants to, but instead Smoky demands that Ben serve Locke and help however he can..
So is Locke the leader that he's supposed to have been all along? I don't think so...I think Ben has been given about 8 of his 9 lives and he's being tested.. I think the Island is rebooting Ben, making him reconsider the leader he has been.. The Island giveth and the Island taketh away...
Here he is, Benjamin Linus..a new man? Time will tell....
And now on to a new feature I like to call "Quick snippets":
Look! It's Ethan! Little bloodthirsty, evil Ethan!... This kid was born with issues...I'm still not entirely convinced that Ethan is Horace's son... or maybe I'm not convinced that Horace isn't an Other... There's a lot I'm not convinced of.... this show is confusing...

Widmore was exiled from the Island, via the sub.. he was coming and going as he pleased, having relations with outsiders, siring a child... or 2? ooohhh..L Prez is getting cryptic.. :)

More Egyptian subtext..Here we see the Egyptian god Anubis in a submissive pose, yielding to what appears to be the Smoke Monster... what? Yep, that Smoky has been on the Island for a LONG time....

Do you know what lies in the shadow of the Statue? Frank didn't and you know what happened? These 2 yahoos asked him another question: what did the gun butt say to the face? SMACK!
More on these 2 folks in the next blog...
Until then!
L Prez out!!
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