This is Miles, age 17? When I saw this on the show I IMMEDIATELY drew the following comparison:

This is Rufio, from the motion picture HOOK, starring Robin Williams as Peter Pan, all grown up. What do these 2 have in common?
Just one crazy arse theory, provided by yours truly....
Let me set it up by reminding everyone about the Flashes of Light. When the light flashed, Sawyer and crew shifted time dimensions. Sometimes it was 1988, 1977, 1950, sometime when the Statue was still in tact.... well if Sawyer and crew were doing this, so were Bernard and Rose, right? Even though we haven't seen them... based on how they arrived on the island and the fact that they were not indigenous, they would be flashing thru time as well....
Ok, so with that being said, there were children on Oceanic flight 815, right? We haven't seen them at all. We believe that they are with the Others and Richard. Well Richard knew about the time travelling.. WHAT IF: after settling in 1977, Richard worked out a deal to send the children BACK to the real world, finding them homes or giving them a place to stay(possibly that gifted camp where he was trying to recruit Locke as teenager)? Now these kids grow up and start a new faction, led by this guy:

What lies in the shadow of the Statue? The frozen wheel does... and these kids have grown up, along with Charlotte and Miles and any other kid who was born on the island and then taken off to live back in the real world, and have every intention of reclaiming the place that made them "special"... WHAT IF: Jack and Kate and Sawyer and Hurley were all also born on the Island, or to people who had been exposed to the Island? Whatever flows through the Island, flows through them....It's in their blood.... think about it....
The Rufio picture inspired me to think of the Lost Boys, Peter Pan's group of boys, lost by their nannies and therefore "adopted" into Neverland..

So perhaps Miles is a Lost boy.... just a theory... and really the crux of this post... I like it so much I don't want to expand on it further, in the event that is true,thereby becoming a spoiler for some....

Faraday sure seemed to be well rested..Ann Arbor in the late 70's must have been trippy... I can only imagine... The place was probably wild considering this interesting piece of VIDEO
....enjoy it, you dirty Wolverines!!!
Ahh.. the birth of the Swan station. Technically it should have been called the Ugly Duckling station at this point... zapping dudes fillings out of their teeth and whipping it through their brains... Death Magnetic, indeed....
Look closely at what Jack is about to erase from the board: Egyptian History 101! Maybe Ben could bring his new friend Richard Alpert(the Sun God RA) to class for a little show and tell....
And now we see why Miles wanted 3.2 million dollars..It was twice the amount Widmore was going to pay him... I love the fact that Widmore knew there were dead souls on the island that would surely give up Ben's location... I feel slighted by the writer's strike because I feel like there was more to this story that we don't get to see because they had to cut last season short... They introduced these guys but it never felt complete... Which is why not a lot of people shed any tears when Charlotte died... oh well..
Please forgive me for what I'm about to write:
"That douche is my dad"
I'm not sure if there has been a funnier line on this show than that right there. As Larry the CableGuy would say: I don't care who you are, that's funny. He would aslo then make a fart joke, followed by some inaudible Southern slang..which is odd because he's from Nebraska... go figure..
Uncle Rico drinking a beer? I wish he had said "See those mountains? I could throw a football over those mountains"... have I used that joke before? maybe... maybe I should just refer to him as Lazlo Hollyfeld.... I'll let you guys figure that one out...
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure has nothing on these 2... it's nice to see Hurley get a buddy, even though it's an unwilling, sort of a jerk of a buddy.... And I applaud Hurley's decision to re-write Empire Strikes Back but seriously, that was the best one.... Maybe he was going to have Luke accept the fact that Vader was his father and let that be the end of the series.... Who knows? Maybe we would have been spared Jar Jar Binks... sorry...I'm letting the geek flag fly right now...
That's it for this recap! Back to the real thing for the next episode, number 100!!!!
The Variable is a Faraday tale, with some big explosions... get out the popcorn and put the kids to bed, it's gonna be a barn burner!!
L Prez OUT
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