Hey my friends/it seems your eyes are troubled/care to share/your time with me?
Well here we are at the end of another season...which, depending on how tomorrow night goes, could be the best season yet....yeah, I said it...even though in the last week or so I had my doubts..but here I am, born again in the bath of light known as LOST....religious connotations aside it has been a good season....
We were introduced to a new feature of flash forwards, as we saw the Oceanic 6 off the island, dealing with life after the escape...But it looks like Jack and Hurley want to go back, Sayid and Sun are in positions of power and Kate and Aaron are trying to live a lie...I look forward to seeing why and how they concoct the lie about the crash and all of that...it seems pretty concise and factual enough to pass the press test...speaking of, tomorrow night at 8, they are replaying the last newest episode and the press ask a few more in depth questions, in an extended cut..make sure to catch that..
We've also seen Benjamin Linus off island, leading an attack against Charles Widmore, in some high stakes game of chess or checkers...whatever island hopping, time traveling old pirates play...yes, I went on record and said Charles Widmore was the captain of the Black Rock and Ben stole the island from him...I guess we'll see how that plays out...I've been wrong so many times before..
And we also found out this season that Locke has been courted by the island for a long time..since birth, apparently..Is he the Chosen One? It would appear so, even though we see Ben in the future, still up to some tricks..it doesn't appear that he's protecting the island anymore but as I said above, he's engaged in some war with Widmore....But does that mean Locke is watching the island? Is he taking care of the islands wishes? Is he taking care of creepy Claire and playing backgammon with Undead Christian Shepard?
And what has happened to our other LOSTIES, Sawyer, Jin and Bernard and Rose? Are they still alive and kicking? Did they go back to New Otherton and rebuild the houses that were shot up and blown up? I would..that little town has running water..beats what bears do in the woods..
And for once, I think the writers did a good job of introducing new characters like Faraday and Charlotte(even though she's a regal pain in the arse)...and that little weirdo Miles, who see dead people...I think these folks are a pleasant addition to the overall story of the show, adding nuances and mystery, as if the show needed more of that...
And last but not least, we saw Desmond make contact with Penny in what I believe to be the best love story on the show....How will that play out? Certainly not by blowing up on a giant boat with the newly returned Michael....time will tell...
I think overall it's been an eventful season...there's still plenty to come and it all goes down tomorrow night !!!!!
As a side note, I've been elbow deep in house projects...as I write this, I'm actually winding down from an insane toilet installation that dang near drove me to the edge of sanity and straight over....the reason I bring this up is because while I want to fulfill my Prez duties, I have to make sure I can do other "duties" in my own home...so if the last update of the season is exactly right after tomorrow night's show, have no fear, we'll get it straight...no worries...
SO enjoy the show!!! You know I will......
Oh yeah..check the link below to watch the flash forwards in chronological order..some one with more time than me did an excellent job of putting that together...