I can see the future, in the past, but also in the present or is this the past??? I need a drink....

GOOD THURSDAY, LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope everyone is thawing out and getting back into the swing of things....I'm glad I'm getting older because my memory keeps fading..I can't remember if I said to myself last year that if we continue to get below 10 degree weather for weeks on end, that I was going to move to San Diego...Well I'm saying it now!!.....
On to the show.......
huh....That was my first thought..not huh?!?! but huh....kind of a sigh and a grunt that I exude when I am perplexed...but as I lay in bed last night, I began to start to piece the thing together...I don't know if I'm right or not but here goes....
Desmond turns the fail safe key and recedes into a dream state....He goes back, like many of our Losties do, to a time when he feels he should have taken a different path....His ability to "see the future" is only because he's lived this before...That explains his precognitive abilities in his flashback...His flashback picks up to the time when he and Penny move in together and leads up to their eventual breakup, right after the infamous picture is taken...I call it infamous because, if you'll recall, it was not the same girl as the original, way back in Season 2
Most likely this is just a continuity error..They didn't have the actress cast for the role of Penny, prior to the picture being taken....I thought it was weird that he had the picture...Last night's flashback made it appear as if there were only one picture..He took it and kept it, Penny runs off....BUT in the season finale of last year, we see the same picture on Penny's bed side table....how could that be???.............This is where I am open to all ideas and may be changing from my original stance that Desmond's flashback wasn't just a flashback....I'll let LFC member Kristen Kyle explain:
I guess now we know how Penny knew to be looking for Desmond (when the key was turned and the guys in their arctic hut called her to say they may have found him). When Desmond told his friend about his "time travel" theory his buddy thought he was losing his mind, but I'm sure once the events he talked about did happen (winning the soccer game & the guy coming in the pub to kick the bartenders butt) he probably went to Penny & told her the story about sailing to prove his worthiness and then being stuck on the perpetual island. It was too late b/c Desmond was gone, but at least she knows he is out there somewhere and still loves her so she keeps looking.
So what if she's right? This may be hard to follow, so bear with me: Let's say, the first time around, roughly the same events happen:Desmond gets turned down by Mr. Widmore, goes to buy the ring and has second thoughts, like the lady in the ring shop says. He takes Penny to the place, they take the picture, she keeps it and he breaks up with her. He then joins the British Army, does something to land himself in military prison, writes Penny all the letters, gets out, gets the boat from Libby and lands on the island. He turns the failsafe key, KABOOM......
So Desmond wakes up, smack dab in the beginning of his and Penny's living together. He has been given a second chance at life. He cans see the future because it is actually a part of his past. BUT he cannot control fate or destiny. It is his sole purpose, "the greatest thing he will ever do in his life", to turn that key. It saves humanity. He ends up on the island anyway, turns the key and KABOOM, EXCEPT this time the guys in the arctic catch it and call Penny. It's hard to distinguish but I believe they say, we found IT....Others, like Kristen, think they say, we found HIM....Either way, she's looking for the island and the heroic turning of the key.....We know she has the means to set something like a remote station up...she even said to Desmond that she has enough money to find anyone...Did Desmond's physicist friend tell Penny about Desmond and the island? Did she orchestrate a way to find the island through the electromagnetic anomaly????
And where does that put his abilities now, in being able to see Charlie's demise???
My Theory: He's actually lived this moment before as well. SOMETHING happens in the future that he STARTS OVER AGAIN after waking up in the jungle, much like he woke up in his flat, flat on his back. He's not seeing the future, as Hurley wants us to believe...He's seeing the past and can change it, just like he was trying to change it with Penny...He can't stop fate or destiny though....SOMETHING BIGGER HAPPENS IN THE FUTURE......That's my theory...
This episode is sure to spark some mad debate about Time travel or a time loop theory that's been kicking around since season 1.....It doesn't change the fact that Charlie is going to die and no matter what Desmond does to try and stop it, it's going to happen...Just like the guy in the red shoes had a building land on him....He may be able to postpone it but it will happen....everyone say your goodbyes to Charlie...:)
A couple of other notes....There's a thing out on the net about the Brainwashing scene from last week..When it's played backwards, there is a very clear message that is repeated over and over again by a female voice: Only fools are enslaved by time and space.....Now I haven't seen any confirmation from the producers on this one, so I'll leave it up to speculation that this is real...We know that they have put stuff in the show before, like the whispers and Walt talking backwards.....I'm leaning toward believing this...
The other note is actually from another site, linking the show Heroes and LOST together. In both shows, they share the same rental car company, Gannon....In Monday night's Heroes, one of the characters has a brochure. It's the same brochure Kate and Sawyer and Hurley have in Locke's dream sequence of the airport, earlier this season.....Pretty neat stuff....
That's all for today...My brain is rattling...
El Presidente de LFC, the back to the future loving
I hope everyone is thawing out and getting back into the swing of things....I'm glad I'm getting older because my memory keeps fading..I can't remember if I said to myself last year that if we continue to get below 10 degree weather for weeks on end, that I was going to move to San Diego...Well I'm saying it now!!.....
On to the show.......
huh....That was my first thought..not huh?!?! but huh....kind of a sigh and a grunt that I exude when I am perplexed...but as I lay in bed last night, I began to start to piece the thing together...I don't know if I'm right or not but here goes....
Desmond turns the fail safe key and recedes into a dream state....He goes back, like many of our Losties do, to a time when he feels he should have taken a different path....His ability to "see the future" is only because he's lived this before...That explains his precognitive abilities in his flashback...His flashback picks up to the time when he and Penny move in together and leads up to their eventual breakup, right after the infamous picture is taken...I call it infamous because, if you'll recall, it was not the same girl as the original, way back in Season 2
Most likely this is just a continuity error..They didn't have the actress cast for the role of Penny, prior to the picture being taken....I thought it was weird that he had the picture...Last night's flashback made it appear as if there were only one picture..He took it and kept it, Penny runs off....BUT in the season finale of last year, we see the same picture on Penny's bed side table....how could that be???.............This is where I am open to all ideas and may be changing from my original stance that Desmond's flashback wasn't just a flashback....I'll let LFC member Kristen Kyle explain:
I guess now we know how Penny knew to be looking for Desmond (when the key was turned and the guys in their arctic hut called her to say they may have found him). When Desmond told his friend about his "time travel" theory his buddy thought he was losing his mind, but I'm sure once the events he talked about did happen (winning the soccer game & the guy coming in the pub to kick the bartenders butt) he probably went to Penny & told her the story about sailing to prove his worthiness and then being stuck on the perpetual island. It was too late b/c Desmond was gone, but at least she knows he is out there somewhere and still loves her so she keeps looking.
So what if she's right? This may be hard to follow, so bear with me: Let's say, the first time around, roughly the same events happen:Desmond gets turned down by Mr. Widmore, goes to buy the ring and has second thoughts, like the lady in the ring shop says. He takes Penny to the place, they take the picture, she keeps it and he breaks up with her. He then joins the British Army, does something to land himself in military prison, writes Penny all the letters, gets out, gets the boat from Libby and lands on the island. He turns the failsafe key, KABOOM......
So Desmond wakes up, smack dab in the beginning of his and Penny's living together. He has been given a second chance at life. He cans see the future because it is actually a part of his past. BUT he cannot control fate or destiny. It is his sole purpose, "the greatest thing he will ever do in his life", to turn that key. It saves humanity. He ends up on the island anyway, turns the key and KABOOM, EXCEPT this time the guys in the arctic catch it and call Penny. It's hard to distinguish but I believe they say, we found IT....Others, like Kristen, think they say, we found HIM....Either way, she's looking for the island and the heroic turning of the key.....We know she has the means to set something like a remote station up...she even said to Desmond that she has enough money to find anyone...Did Desmond's physicist friend tell Penny about Desmond and the island? Did she orchestrate a way to find the island through the electromagnetic anomaly????
And where does that put his abilities now, in being able to see Charlie's demise???
My Theory: He's actually lived this moment before as well. SOMETHING happens in the future that he STARTS OVER AGAIN after waking up in the jungle, much like he woke up in his flat, flat on his back. He's not seeing the future, as Hurley wants us to believe...He's seeing the past and can change it, just like he was trying to change it with Penny...He can't stop fate or destiny though....SOMETHING BIGGER HAPPENS IN THE FUTURE......That's my theory...
This episode is sure to spark some mad debate about Time travel or a time loop theory that's been kicking around since season 1.....It doesn't change the fact that Charlie is going to die and no matter what Desmond does to try and stop it, it's going to happen...Just like the guy in the red shoes had a building land on him....He may be able to postpone it but it will happen....everyone say your goodbyes to Charlie...:)
A couple of other notes....There's a thing out on the net about the Brainwashing scene from last week..When it's played backwards, there is a very clear message that is repeated over and over again by a female voice: Only fools are enslaved by time and space.....Now I haven't seen any confirmation from the producers on this one, so I'll leave it up to speculation that this is real...We know that they have put stuff in the show before, like the whispers and Walt talking backwards.....I'm leaning toward believing this...
The other note is actually from another site, linking the show Heroes and LOST together. In both shows, they share the same rental car company, Gannon....In Monday night's Heroes, one of the characters has a brochure. It's the same brochure Kate and Sawyer and Hurley have in Locke's dream sequence of the airport, earlier this season.....Pretty neat stuff....
That's all for today...My brain is rattling...
El Presidente de LFC, the back to the future loving