Wow... a lot to cover so let's get to it...
No Jack and the gang this week, which was fine with me..until Jack starts becoming the guy we always liked, I can wait on their mom doesn't agree...she likes that side of the story...
Let's go ahead and get the Desmond story out of the way..not because it doesn't matter but because all the other stuff was so AWESOME....
So Des and Penny are floating around the world and they have a baby...the most special moment of the night was when we find out the baby's name is Charlie.... aww, Charlie, who reunited Des and Penny when he turned the sonar block off.... I miss Charlie..
But more importantly, Desmond was on the mission to find Faraday's mom, Eloise Hawking.... yep, I'm going ahead and putting 2 and 2 together... one of Faraday's rats was named Eloise and if you saw the enhanced episode of "The Lie", you would have seen that they gave Ms. Hawking a first name...pair that with the fact that she's in LA and there you go...
All of Desmonds searching led him to discover that Faraday's research was funded by none other than Charles Widmore, so Des goes and confronts Widmore and gets the LA address...wait til Des realizes that he's already met Ms Hawking(she taught him about course correction) .... but back to speaking of Mr Widmore...

Long ago, my dad posited that Widmore had a larger tie to the Island, that maybe he landed with the Black Rock... turns out he was off by about 150 it turns out Widmore was one of the Others back in 1954! Pretty cool when Locke said "Nice to meet you"....
2 funny lines of the night:
Juliet: "Others 101, gotta learn Latin, the language of the enlightened"
Sawyer: "Enlightened my ass"
Locke: "How old is Richard?"
Juliet: "Old"
And the Richard and Locke scene was priceless... we saw last year that Richard was at Locke's birth..turns out that Locke himself told him how to get there...

NOW here's where I have a problem... as it always goes with time travel, once you interact with the past, it's inevitable that you change the future... that's always been my stance and I'm only 4 and half months old...
So if Locke told Richard that he was his leader and to go see him in 2 years when he's born, then Richard has been compromised...Locke changed Richard's future...
A side note was Richard telling Locke that they have a selection process for choosing their leader that starts at a young age..remember the "test" that Richard gave a young Locke? Turns out Richard has been wanting to see John Locke for a LONG time, mostly based on the fact that after he tells Richard he's his leader, he basically disappears... now if that doesn't peak your interest in John Locke's future, then I don't know what would....
Another blast from the past included Faraday being marched off by a young blonde woman to disarm the H-Bomb, nicknamed Jughead.... Faraday mentioned that she looked familiar.... after I watched the episode the second time, I picked up her name... you ready for this one?

Elly.... short for Eloise, perhaps? Meaning that Faraday was being held at gunpoint by his own mother...
Boom.. I just blew my own mind..
And in an effort to blow your mind some more, I will leave you with this one thought: Think about EVERYTHING you have seen in the last 5 years of this show and now ask yourself: What have you seen happen on the Island that has been unexplained and link that to time travel.... it explains SO much... my favorite thing to think about while I lay in the pack and play is that Ben Linus gets blamed for so much...killing the DHARMA initiative people, etc... what if he killed them because Locke told him too? And he doesn't say anything at the time to Locke because he can't influence Locke's future...
Boom... there it goes again.....
And lastly, think about this: What if the Island gang flashes back to when they are on the island? Will the run into themselves? Do you recall when there where instances where Locke was not really consistent in his behavior? Like one minute he's a bad arse and the next he's all wimpy? What if the bad arse Locke is Post Flash and he acts on Pre Flash Locke's behalf? That's a tougher sell, I know but the possibility is the preview for next week, we see Sawyer say he sees Kate in the jungle..... I'm just throwing it out there...
Anyway, that's my time... sorry no cutesy stuff this week.... I'm a baby but I'm a LOST fan first...
And as a post script: I don't know what's happening to Charlotte... my thought is that something has changed that leads to her circumstances being changed..Remember Back to the Future? It's my dad's favorite it, Marty McFly goes back in time and ends up disrupting the circumstances where his parents meet and fall in love..if you recall, by the end, Marty starts to disappear because he's ceasing to exist...
Now this could be happening to Charlotte but it goes against Faraday's "rules" about not being able to change anything...on that note, I caught a web interview with the creators of the show and they implied that Faraday could be mistaken about the rule...most likely he'll find out later that things can change... or maybe he said that to Sawyer to keep him from trying to effect the future.. I guess we'll find out...
OH and one more thing... at the beginning of this seasons first episode we saw Dr Candle/Halliwax/Wickman tell the foreman that, when it came to time travel, "There are rules. Rules that CANNOT be broken"
Put that together with what Ben said after his daughter was killed: "He changed the rules."...referring to was if Ben already knew how the story was going to go but the moment that Alex was killed, he realized that the past had been changed, which affected the we see that Ben is sort of lost himself, trying to right the wrong that Widmore did...which is why the Oceanic 6 were, in fact, never supposed to leave... but the freighter showed up and Jack's free will overrode destiny...
whew...I apologize for the absolute randomness of this blog... I haven't learned how to really edit my thoughts just yet... I think that comes around the same time I get teeth....
Namaste, my peeps
L Prez