Thursday, April 19, 2007

Catch 22

Now THAT is a terrible way to die.............

GOOD THURSDAY, LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today's first update will be brief. I want to hit on the big ideas from last night and then, hopefully, when I return to headquarters, I can sit down and write a proper theory on TIME TRAVEL and Future events..
First, do you all recall the season finale of last year? Specifically the 2 Portuguese fellows in the Arctic station who detect the "anomaly" and alert Penny Widmore?
Well guess what? She found the least all signs point to that. First piece of evidence was the book and title of last night's show, "Catch-22". The parachutist had a Portuguese version of it in her bag, along with the picture of Des and Penny, which could of course, be the biggest clue of all, if she hadn't murmured Desmond's name after he pulled her helmet off.

Speaking of which, that's a pretty intense outfit for a parachutist and most likely leads to her coming from a VERY HIGH altitude. I'm no master of parachuting but I've seen it on TV. I believe you have to fly pretty high to have to be assisted by an helmet and oxygen supply. The helicopter sound was very interesting as well and I'm hoping more will be illuminated on that.

The other big thing from last night was the picture on the monk's desk, when Des handed in his robe. My good buddy, Jon at the TailSection website, had a great screen capture, so all credit goes to him for publishing.

Now the question for later is, what does this mean? Are there forces outside of this determining Desmond's path? If so, what are their intentions? Saving humanity by forcing Des down the path to turning the key? Are there other time travelers, like the monk and the old lady? Are they good? Or EVIL?
Too many to ask right now, but ask them I shall!!!!
But later...

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Somewhere, out there, Sara Neal just got the "willies"......

GOOD TUESDAY, LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today's LOST lesson is ANAGRAMS. Anagrams are defined as :A word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase.
LOST is absolutely famous for these...Why just look above at the picture of Ethan. When asked his name by Hurley, he said Ethan Rom, which can be rearranged to spell "Other Man", which is what he turned out to Other...pretty creepy and cool, eh?
Let's take a look at another possible anagram from this week's Juliet episode. We know Juliet was courted by Mittelos Bioscience.

Mittelos can be rearranged into "LOST TIME". I wouldn't think much of that, except that Richard Alpert(I need to correct this from yesterday, in which I called him Mr. Halpert, which was me channeling Jim Halpert from the Office..:)), said that Time seems to fly by where they are going(the Island)...This kind of wording leads me into a theory about time moving much slower on the island, versus what's happening in the real world...I don't have any strong proof, just speculation based on interviews and really straight hearsay, so I'll leave that alone until the time is right...
Another anagram is the plane company Richard Alpert and Ethan were using, Herarat Aviation.

Herarat by itself could rearrange to Earhart, as in Amelia Earhart, the famed female pilot who's plane mysteriously disappeared, oh so many years ago, kind of like Flight 815.....
Or you could put Herarat Avaition all together and get A Variation Earth, which could imply that the Dharma Initiative was working on recreating a better earth and the Others are fulfilling that mission...who knows??
Lest you all worry about my mental health, I culled this information from the world wide web. I love my LOST spoiler sites and I greatly enjoy the info I find on there, so I thought I'd share. All the credit goes out to those like me who strive to find every last little mystery there is on this show. I applaud them all.
Just for fun, I decided to throw my own name into an anagram decipher system...Jason Brown can be arranged to Worn Banjos..which is close to Used Guitars, which is my Indian name, so take these things for what they're worth. It's not an exact science..:)

Monday, April 16, 2007

We all arrive in a yellow submarine...

2 guys and a girl...

GOOD MONDAY, LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yeah!! EP is back in tha hizzy!!!!.....The vacation has officially landed back in the States and it's time to get back to business....
Let's get right to it..No time for gabbing..
"One of Us" was full of big time reveals. Let's set them out straight:
1. Juliet was brought to the island in the submarine. She was given a tranquilizer because, according to Mr. Halpert, the ride can get a little bumpy.
When Juliet comes to on the sub, Ethan informs her that the last leg is always the hardest. I think this is in reference to the Islands strong magnetic force. By coming in under water, they can circumvent the force field. That's my theory.
2. The women on the island all die when giving birth. Not for the lack of the Other's trying to keep them alive, I would say. Obviously, they wouldn't keep sacrificing their own, just to get a baby. Which means that they wouldn't have let Claire die when they had her. But Alex seemed to think that she would suffer the same fate, so she helped get her free.
Juliet seemed to think the problem was at conception, which doesn't bode well for our newly pregnant Sun. Unless of course, we all believe that she did in fact get pregnant from her lover and not Jin. We'll see soon enough, I can promise you that.
3. "Jacob" was referenced again. This time Ben told Juliet that Jacob would cure her sister's cancer. And then Ben said, "Unless you don't have faith in Him", which caused Juliet to pause. This means to me, that Jacob is alive and well and on the island and Juliet has met him.
I have my theories as to who I think Jacob is but I'll hold them back for now. It seems so obvious to me that it can't be valid. So I'll wait.
4. Juliet has a great back.

And Goodwin has been appreciating it along with some homemade ice cream. Now I'm really glad he met the end of a really sharp stick via Ana Lucia.
5. Juliet discovered that Ben had a tumor. Ben promised that he could have her siter's cancer cured. Ben was surprised. Juliet threw a fit and thereby, kicked Ben out of the book club. So much for a previous love affair. We now see that she had a valid reason to hate Ben, or at least be mistrustful of him.
I thought it was interesting that Ben swore on his word to Juliet. He was very offended to be called a liar. It's just interesting because we know how he likes to play his mind games.
6. The Others really had some great communications with the outside world. Live direct feeds, cable TV...pretty cool stuff.
7. And finally the big reveal at the end that Juliet was in cahoots with Ben the whole time.

They had this thing planned down to the last detail, save one. I really don't think they know who Desmond is. He arrived on the island through a back door somehow and was rescued by Inman. And then he lived there for 3 years. I wonder if he arrived on the island the same day that Juliet did via the sub??? I'm willing to bet that that's exactly what happened.
There's a whole time loop thing that I have explored previously and it's starting to rear it's weird little head again. I'll save it for another time but I really feel like it's an issue we will have to explore.
So let's just review some things that have happened over the last couple of episodes. If you read between the lines and look big picture, this season has been so revelational that it warrants some deeper analysis.
Let's talk about the "implant" that made Claire sick. The Others were able to trip it, causing her to feel sick and more importantly: BLEED FROM THE HEAD. It's hard to see but blood came shooting out of her nose. That's funny. Didn't blood come shooting out of someone else on the island a couple of weeks ago???? That's right: Mikhail, aka Patchy.
Dollars to doughnuts, that one eyed Russian is alive and well.
Remember that the Others are MASTERS of deception. They wear costumes to throw the survivors off, they conned Sawyer into thinking his heart had a bomb placed in it(ooohhh the Rabbit! Remember Ben shaking it until it "died"?..more proof!)
In that vain, I want you all to think of how Nikki and Paulo died. They were bitten by a spider that could paralyze one so convincingly, that that person appeared dead.
Put on your thinking caps and hop in the time machine. Who else has been dead on this show from NO mortal wound??? I'll give you a hint. He liked the sauce. He was on a bender. In Australia. And he was in a body bag. And his son was trying to get his body on the plane. And his son found his casket. And the casket was empty.
Christian Shepard, Jack's dad.
This is all speculation folks but think about that episode of Nikki and Paulo. It served no real purpose but to tell a moral story, right? Greed is bad. Okay, fair enough. But it's the between the line stuff that is leading me down this path.... Fake death. Faked death and or sickness....The signs are there, it's just a little foggy.....Have we seen the last of Christian Shepard? Is he in fact, alive and well?And if so, in what capacity?
That's a pretty big thinker and I feel good enough about it to leave it sitting there for all to enjoy..:)
That's how I roll...