GOOD TUESDAY, LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today's LOST lesson is ANAGRAMS. Anagrams are defined as :A word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase.
LOST is absolutely famous for these...Why just look above at the picture of Ethan. When asked his name by Hurley, he said Ethan Rom, which can be rearranged to spell "Other Man", which is what he turned out to be...an Other...pretty creepy and cool, eh?
Let's take a look at another possible anagram from this week's Juliet episode. We know Juliet was courted by Mittelos Bioscience.

Mittelos can be rearranged into "LOST TIME". I wouldn't think much of that, except that Richard Alpert(I need to correct this from yesterday, in which I called him Mr. Halpert, which was me channeling Jim Halpert from the Office..:)), said that Time seems to fly by where they are going(the Island)...This kind of wording leads me into a theory about time moving much slower on the island, versus what's happening in the real world...I don't have any strong proof, just speculation based on interviews and really straight hearsay, so I'll leave that alone until the time is right...
Another anagram is the plane company Richard Alpert and Ethan were using, Herarat Aviation.

Herarat by itself could rearrange to Earhart, as in Amelia Earhart, the famed female pilot who's plane mysteriously disappeared, oh so many years ago, kind of like Flight 815.....
Or you could put Herarat Avaition all together and get A Variation Earth, which could imply that the Dharma Initiative was working on recreating a better earth and the Others are fulfilling that mission...who knows??
Lest you all worry about my mental health, I culled this information from the world wide web. I love my LOST spoiler sites and I greatly enjoy the info I find on there, so I thought I'd share. All the credit goes out to those like me who strive to find every last little mystery there is on this show. I applaud them all.
Just for fun, I decided to throw my own name into an anagram decipher system...Jason Brown can be arranged to Worn Banjos..which is close to Used Guitars, which is my Indian name, so take these things for what they're worth. It's not an exact science..:)
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