That episode blew my diaper off!.. Or maybe it was the wind... here in Columbus tonight is a mighty windstorm...we lost the cable and my dad had to go "old school"...that's what he said...I have no idea what he says half the time... he hooked up these long metal sticks to the TV..he called them "rabbit ears" but they didn't look like any rabbit I've ever seen....and my mom was all smiles because she said she was impressed that dad was being so calm about the situation.. he was as cool as a teething ring, fresh from the freezer...

Anyway, this episode packed quite a punch! Starting from the beginning we saw how Montand lost his arm...courtesy of Smokey, the temple security system...
I don't know if any of you recall Danielle's story that she told Sayid: That her crew became sick and she had to kill them all, even the father of her child… well it turns out that she was telling the truth! And she killed them to protect herself, as it looked like they were going to kill her…
apparently Smokey is very influential in converting people to his side of things… But at least now we see that Danielle has been telling the truth all of this time, although now she is dead… but maybe the fact that she was alone on the island all those years after killing her crew and seeing a washed ashore Korean fella disappear into thin air, well, losing her mind may have been the most expected route to take….
One last thing about this part of the story: remember when Danielle was leading Jack and crew to the Black Rock back in season 1? She said that the monster was a security system…. Well here we are 5 years later and sure enough, she was right….. I love how some of these things are coming together..

Off Island, we see that Ben has managed to continue to weasel his way into getting what he wants… He’s done nothing but lie and after seeing Jack’s dad helping Locke, I’m convinced that he’s only doing things for his own gain… OR is he???
Let’s assume that Locke was the one who was supposed to move the island in the first place. So then what? Locke gets a free trip back to the real world and the island stays in tact? I don’t believe that. Jack and all still would have left and that wouldn’t have been good…
So was Christian lying to Locke? Does Christian represent the Island? If so, is the Island demanding that Locke leave? “That’s why they call it a sacrifice, John”. I don’t know but this part raised more questions than any other tonight and it may be a while before we get that answer…
I take that last statement back. The Charlotte story actually raised more questions, while simultaneously answering some…which is truly fascinating story telling. So we found out that Charlotte grew up on the Island. She and her mom left her father behind. I’ll assume that Charlotte was fairly young cause when they got back to the real world, her mom tried to convince her that it was all a dream….It was all a dream, I used to read Word Up magazine, Salt and Pepa and Heavy D up in the limosine… sorry, I don’t know where that came from…
I take that last statement back. The Charlotte story actually raised more questions, while simultaneously answering some…which is truly fascinating story telling. So we found out that Charlotte grew up on the Island. She and her mom left her father behind. I’ll assume that Charlotte was fairly young cause when they got back to the real world, her mom tried to convince her that it was all a dream….It was all a dream, I used to read Word Up magazine, Salt and Pepa and Heavy D up in the limosine… sorry, I don’t know where that came from…

Anyway, Charlotte’s dad was still on the Island..I’m going to speculate that he may have been killed in the Purge, as he was part of the DHARMA Initiative. Did they know that they were about to be wiped out and Papa Lewis made them leave? Is he still alive?
Is he Benjamin Linus?
What? Why would you say such a thing? If Ben knew he was about to kill everyone on the Island, surely he would tell the mother of his child that she needed to leave and take their love child with her. I’m calling it now: Charlotte’s mother is Annie, Ben’s childhood sweetheart and Charlotte is their baby. Which means he shot his baby in the chest last season when she showed up on the Island. Confused yet? I’m just getting warmed up..speaking of warmed up, where’s that lady with my bottle?....all this speculating is making me hungry…
So think about this one, even if it’s completely out there: When Ben saw Alex killed by Keamy, he knew that would set into motion the events that would lead us to where we ended up tonight: Charlotte dying by the river. When Ben said “you killed my daughter” to Widmore, he wasn’t referring to Alex. He was referring to Charlotte. Think about it: Ben, although seemingly demented, is a pretty straightforward guy. And yes, he may have raised Alex as his own but he knew she wasn’t his real daughter… so while he was upset about Alex dying, what was really upsetting was the fact that it set into motion all of the events leading up to now. I know it’s an insane theory but there may be some truth to it…
What? Why would you say such a thing? If Ben knew he was about to kill everyone on the Island, surely he would tell the mother of his child that she needed to leave and take their love child with her. I’m calling it now: Charlotte’s mother is Annie, Ben’s childhood sweetheart and Charlotte is their baby. Which means he shot his baby in the chest last season when she showed up on the Island. Confused yet? I’m just getting warmed up..speaking of warmed up, where’s that lady with my bottle?....all this speculating is making me hungry…
So think about this one, even if it’s completely out there: When Ben saw Alex killed by Keamy, he knew that would set into motion the events that would lead us to where we ended up tonight: Charlotte dying by the river. When Ben said “you killed my daughter” to Widmore, he wasn’t referring to Alex. He was referring to Charlotte. Think about it: Ben, although seemingly demented, is a pretty straightforward guy. And yes, he may have raised Alex as his own but he knew she wasn’t his real daughter… so while he was upset about Alex dying, what was really upsetting was the fact that it set into motion all of the events leading up to now. I know it’s an insane theory but there may be some truth to it…

Back to what we do know: Charlotte thinks Faraday once told her she would die if she ever came back to the Island..which means that Faraday is trying to change the past, or the future… we’ve already seen him during the early DHARMA years..is he time traveling in order to save Charlotte? Does he not believe in “course correction”? His mother is the damn teacher of that principle….he should know what his limitations are….
I guess we’ll see what happens next week when Eloise Hawking tells the others how to get back to the Island… that should be COOL…
By the way, did you notice how shocked Ben was to see Desmond? And then, when Desmond said that Eloise was Faraday’s mother, Ben looked like he was going to pee himself…methinks he did not know that little ditty..but Charles Widmore knew it..which means that maybe, just maybe Widmore has the upper hand on ol Ben and has been using him to get the O6 back on the Island, to stabilize it so he could find it again… or something like that.. Noodle on this as well...We made an assumption last week that Eloise was in fact Ellie, the woman that took Dan to see the bomb... a lot of people are speculating that Eloise is Charles Widmore's sister, mostly due to the way he told her to shut up... I like that assumption...it adds real heft to the story and it also pits a family(Charles, Penny, Eloise, Faraday) against a young punk, who stole the Island from them(Ben).....
By the way, did you notice how shocked Ben was to see Desmond? And then, when Desmond said that Eloise was Faraday’s mother, Ben looked like he was going to pee himself…methinks he did not know that little ditty..but Charles Widmore knew it..which means that maybe, just maybe Widmore has the upper hand on ol Ben and has been using him to get the O6 back on the Island, to stabilize it so he could find it again… or something like that.. Noodle on this as well...We made an assumption last week that Eloise was in fact Ellie, the woman that took Dan to see the bomb... a lot of people are speculating that Eloise is Charles Widmore's sister, mostly due to the way he told her to shut up... I like that assumption...it adds real heft to the story and it also pits a family(Charles, Penny, Eloise, Faraday) against a young punk, who stole the Island from them(Ben).....
I’ll leave you with this one tidbit about next week: Supposedly it was going to be the episode we saw the preview for, which is entitled 316, but I think they are going to switch it with the episode entitled The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham, which should explain what Locke was up to when he traveled off the island… I’ll keep you informed one way or the other… (UPDATE: It looks like it will be the episode entitled 316...anyone want to bust their Bible out for that one? You see it a every football game...John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[a] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life"...NOW if you can't read into that, I can't help you any further)
Later LOSTIES!!!!
L Prez OUT
P.S. All photos courtesy of one of the coolest LOST sites out there Lost Media.. I love it and you should definitely check it out!