GOOD FRIDAY, LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you all....I've been trying to wrap my head around what's happening on this dang show...
Let's just recap some key moments from the other night:
Starting with:

Yep..our boy Sawyer finally got his redemption...after carrying that letter around with him for 30 or so years, the numerous cons and the killing of the wrong man, James came face to face with the man who took his childhood from him...and 38,000 dollars....
Personally I would have choked him as well...that scene leading up to him committing the act was Emmy worthy and hopefully Josh Holloway will be recognized for this seasons work...He's paid his dues this season....
Isn't it ironic how Locke played a little con on Sawyer and convinced him to come with him? I also thought it was interesting to see Locke play with some of Ben's tools of manipulation by asking Sawyer about his childhood...re stoking that fire that may have been finally burning out...But Locke knew what he was doing...
The comment "free will" came back again this week.....Ben tried to have Locke kill his father but Locke is no killer, no matter the circumstances..In my opinion, he had more of a reason to kill Cooper than anyone on the planet but Locke knows that doing something like that will forever damn him, in the Island's mind. I see Locke using the Island as his new religion...he's not going to mess up now...He's most likely going to try to restore the place back to where it was before DHARMA came a callin'....
Other things learned:
Jack and Juliet are up to something...The question is: who's side is Juliet on? we may find out next week when Sawyer comes back with the tape recorder...
That whole tape recorder was a set up from somebody...My theory: Ben knew Juliet would betray him, so he had her commit to recording her mission. That tape will plant the seed of doubt amongst the Losties and they'll be divided as to who to follow, Jack or Sawyer....Civil war is a brewin'!!!
Desmond finally had a little pep in his step after Naomi came to and told him her mission. BUT, is all as it seems??? I ultimately trust Sayid's BS meter when it comes to these things....She IS NOT what she seems to be...Her words to Patchy were "I'm not alone"...She also confessed to working for a company that was hired by Penny and she helicoptered out from about 80 nautical miles, from a ship...Was she searching for Desmond or the Hatch??
**I have stated on numerous occasions that the end of last year and those 2 guys in the arctic station were searching for the "anomaly"..They called Penny and told her they found "IT", not "him"....keep an eye out for this one folks, this is more than just some long lost loves...
The "magic box" that Ben referred to a couple episodes back was a metaphor. Don't expect to see an actual box....When Ben told Locke "You brought him here", I think he was talking about finding out what was holding Locke back from being "special"..in a sense, Locke brought Cooper with him emotionally...The Others brought him there physically by causing an accident and dragging him to the island....
Cooper confirmed that the plane was found with no survivors..The cover up smells even more fishy this week than last....stay tuned there as well..
Well that's all for me....Excellent episode and next week's looks to be even better, with some new revelations about the DHARMA Initiative and Ben's back story..Stay tuned!!