GOOD MONDAY, LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can barely contain my glee after reading the press release for this week's episode entitled 'The Brig'...This will be a semi flashback for Locke and what he's been up to lately...As you can see from the picture, he's involved with Sawyer in some capacity and I'll let you all deduce your own conclusions as to WHERE they are on the island, based on the picture.
None of this is spoilerish by the way, if you've seen the previews but for those that haven't, I'll stop with all of that...
I do want to clear up some things from some past episodes and these come from the podcast that Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse do weekly, in support of the previously aired episode and they sort of tease the next episode. I'll stay away from spoilers so feel free to read on:
- The parachutist's name is Naomi. This has been released in all of the episode summaries available to TV Guide.
- The survivors are NOT in purgatory. Stop spreading that vile rumor.
- Naomi's comment about Flight 815 could be read 2 different ways. Either she's lying or like I mentioned last week, it's a cover up...time will tell....
- Patchy is alive and it's from the fence being at a lower setting in it's sonic state. He did not rise from the dead, regardless of appearance. The question I have is: Is the fence really strong enough to kill someone or just hurt them ridiculously bad??
If you are more than a casual fan, I implore you not to miss this week's episode. It is bound to be the best one of the year.
Also steer clear of the TV Guide magazine: It does contain some spoilers for this year's season finale. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!!
EPdeLFC out!
1 comment:
Now that the man with the patch is back, obviously either the when he hit the fence it set off the same device in him as what Claire had in her or he was nearly killed by the fence and due to the islands strange healing powers he was able to survive. which begs the question if the woman he shot outside the communications station will be showing up again soon either because him shooting her was faked or because she like him was only nearly killed and was able to heal.
My other thought is due to Jule's little revalation that a man's quite a bit more fertile on the island will Kate having been with Sawyer be the next to find out she's pregnant.
Can't wait to see this weeks episode!
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