GREAT WEDNESDAY, LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
El Prez is back in the building!!!! I had to take some time off, do some traveling and see the folks...All is good in my hood, how about you!?!?!
Enter 77Wednesday, March 7 at 10/9c
Locke, Sayid and Kate investigate a strange structure and its mysterious inhabitant
Well, that sounds promising!! Don't expect the feel good story of last week...Tonight is all about intrigue and island lore. We may find out more than we expect about the Dharma Initiative and the Others....one and the same??? Tune in and you may find out.....
As for last week's episode, one little tidbit I didn't really touch on: The Song
It was playing at the beginning of the episode on the boom box and then it was also the same song on the 8 track in the van.
The Road to Shambala by 3 Dog Night.
Check out what Wikipedia had to say about this...Very Interesting, with a capital I...
The song is about the mythical kingdom of Shambala, said to be hidden somewhere within or beyond the peaks of the Himalayas and mentioned in various ancient texts including the Kalachakra Tantra and ancient texts of Tibetan Buddhism.[6]
Shambala is also a theme in Sufism and it is through this tradition that the notion of Shambala became the song discussed. Songwriter Daniel Moore became a Sufi in 1970.[1]
The lyrics refer to a situation where kindness and cooperation are universal, joy and good fortune abound, and psychological burdens are lifted:
Wash away my troubles,
The song is about the mythical kingdom of Shambala, said to be hidden somewhere within or beyond the peaks of the Himalayas and mentioned in various ancient texts including the Kalachakra Tantra and ancient texts of Tibetan Buddhism.[6]
Shambala is also a theme in Sufism and it is through this tradition that the notion of Shambala became the song discussed. Songwriter Daniel Moore became a Sufi in 1970.[1]
The lyrics refer to a situation where kindness and cooperation are universal, joy and good fortune abound, and psychological burdens are lifted:
Wash away my troubles,
wash away my pain
With the rain in Shambala
Wash away my sorrow,
wash away my shame
With the rain in Shambala
[...]Everyone is helpful,
everyone is kind
On the road to Shambala
Everyone is lucky,
everyone is so kind
On the road to Shambala
[...]How does your light shine,
in the halls of Shambala?
While the lyrics include the refrain "in the halls of Shambala", much of the song actually refers to "the road to Shambala", perhaps alluding to the idea of Shambala not as a physical place but as a metaphor for the spiritual path one might follow.[6]
Now, say what you will about last week's episode being more about Hurley's faith but this song is pretty damn leading when it comes to the world of LOST.....Read into it what you will..It could be an answer to certain mysteries or it could just be a feel good Hippie song that sums up the Dharma Initiative folks....That's what I love about this show...You never know what to expect...
Enjoy the show tonight folks!!! See you tomorrow!!