Damn Hippies....
GOOD THURSDAY, LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a show! It had a little bit of everything in it......here we go:
Hurley was a skinny kid. Before his dad left him, he gave him a candy bar. I guess that set into motion Hurley's weight issues. But his dad did leave him with one thing that came back: You make your own luck. Hurley was able to break free of the "curse" of the numbers and he found a little HOPE and FAITH, which, ironically was the name of that Kelly Ripa sitcom that ABC cancelled....at least I think they cancelled it...I saw it once..they should have cancelled it right away...

This shot of the meteor(or astroid) destroying Mr. Clucks was awesome!! It was on par with Heroes this week, for best visual effect...Those who watch Heroes know what I'm talking about...It was good to see Randy Nations, Hurley's boss turned employee...LOST TIDBIT: Randy also was Locke's boss at the box company. Who's willing to bet that Hurley got him that job, since Hurley owned the box company?? a little nugget there for you to chew on...it's delicious!

So Hurley finds a van and one Mr. Roger Workman, aka Skeletor. I swear Sawyer had some of the best lines of his career last night and then Hurley hit him back with a few pop culture references of his own..."Dude, that beer's been there since Rocky 3..Or Rocky 2.."...HA!!
Sawyer and "Jinbo" got hooked on phonics and shared a very endearing moment. I think the stuff that these two guys have been through has formed a bond that may not be broken. Way back when they got on the raft, Sawyer called Michael and Jin "Han and Chewie", a reference to Star Wars and the unspoken communication that Han Solo and Chewbacca had. Now I've always maintained that Sawyer was Han Solo, which would make Michael more of a Lando Calarissean....I always assumed that Lando and Chewbacca had a backstory and more history than Chewie and Han...I think it had to do with Lando moving on and becoming the Cloud City mayor or whatever, leaving Han and Chewie to their more mercenary ways...Much like Michael left Sawyer and Jin...sorry..my analogy went a little tangent-ish....

In the van, Sawyer discovers that Roger was part of a DHARMA road services program...Adopt a Highway that Doesn't exist yet...I loved it when Hurley said he was on a beer run....which he could have been..It would explain why he flipped the van and died..Don't drink and drive, even if you're on an island with no one else around...
But realistically(and I use that term loosely, seeing as how this is a TV show), why would you have a VW van on an island? It doesn't really seem all that terrain worthy...I would think a Jeep would have been more appropriate..either way, it sets up for a great flashback..Imagine if Roger was actually Gerald DeGroot, the founder of DHARMA...say he was drunk and trying to get out for a bit..go grab some beer from the Swan Station, threw on Roger's jumpsuit and then perished...No one finds him, the DHARMA initiative fails, everyone leaves(except the true believers, the Others) and many years later, he's discovered by our Losties....That's how I would write it..because of a drinking binge, the whole thing failed....
Let's see..what else happenned?...Charlie decided to join Hurley and laugh in death's face...I would be easy tempting fate, Charlie Pace.....all your past sins will come back to haunt you...Everyone please remember that it was Charlie who attacked Sun in her garden..It was Sawyer who put him up to it so I think it's very possible that will come out eventually..Atone for your sins....
Kate went off to get help....Sayid and Locke followed and told her that they found something at Eko's funeral. The way the sun hit Mr. Eko's stick gave them a compass bearing..This is important because way back in season 1, Locke gave Sayid his compass, basically because it didn't work...that may have to do with the large magnet they are all sitting on..SO the sun shined down, shone down?, shine downed?..whatever and pointed out where north was...And then Rouseau popped out of the woods...I swear this woman sleeps standing up....Kate tells her about Alex, so now we have some new drama...I guess Kate feels guilty about leaving Jack, or sleeping with Sawyer or drugging her husband and running away...any way you slice it, she's going to get Jack back....I hope when she gets to Othersville, she stumbles upon Jack and Juliet having a picnic in Juliets back yard....this show has been missing a good cat fight...:)
Well that's my two cents...I'll re read this later and realize that I left out something big but I have the power to POST and will if needed....
Next week's episode is going to be intense!!! It is a Sayid flashback, entitled "Enter 77"..If you pay attention to the preview, there's a voice that says "Manual overide complete. For mainland communication, enter 38"....AHH yeah!!!! The plot thickens!!!!!
Tell me what you think LOSTIES!!! Click comments and let the brouhaha begin!!!!