I read a great post the other day on another LOST blog that said: Isn't it cool that Uncle Rico can be involved with time travel, without having to use an ice pack?
Which, if you've seen Napoleon Dynamite, you know that's a pretty funny line.
If you haven't seen Napoleon Dynamite, then you don't know that the man pictured above can throw a steak like a football and knock a kid off a bicycle. And he's a helluva Tupperware salesman.
But here, he's just a conflicted dude, who was just trying to do the right thing...something his wife would've done, had she been alive...
Tonight's theme was Who are YOU doing this for and it goes like this:
Kate doing for Sawyer- She met up with Cassidy to tell her that Sawyer wanted his daughter to know he cared about her.

Friday Night Lights(which was renewed for 2 more seasons!Yay!) and Deadwood Alum Kim Dickens... maybe LOST is really about how many good actors can you link to other great shows?
Kate doing for Aaron-Taking care of him and ultimately making the right decision to give him over to his grandmother

this is Clear's mom.... not Claire, CLEAR... watch this scene and all the other ones this actress is in... It's a wonder we ever derived Claire from the Australian way of saying it... if there are any Aussie's out there, correct me if I'm wrong but I could swear that if they were to try to say "Clear the table", it would come out "Claire the table"... so maybe they're just interchangeable...

Speaking of Claire...who thought this chick was going to turn around and actually BE Claire?!?
I did... and honestly, I would have been so cool with that.... but alas, it was just a potential kidnapper... I hope my mom never loses me in a supermarket.. I better ask for one of those leash backpacks or something...
Kate doing for Claire- We finally know Kate's motivations for going back to the Island.. She's on the hunt for Claire! Not to get Sawyer back...or Jack... it is ,in fact, a Rambo mission...
as a matter of fact, we saw a great interchange with the whole Kate/Jack/Sawyer/Juliet love quadrangle square thingy... and I feel like tonight's episode finally put it all to rest...

And it was pretty much summed up between a couple of scenes. The first was when Kate said she didn't like the new Jack. Jack countered with: You didn't like the old Jack either.
Now, I know I'm just a baby and love is a complicated thing but DANG! If that's not a nail in that coffin, I don't know what is! Kate didn't really dispute it and the fact that Jack is coming to grips with his new reality/destiny, this is going to be a true revolution for our man of science.
He sounded an awful lot like Locke last night, talking about doing what the Island wanted... Kate hasn't bought into that mumbo jumbo just yet...heck, maybe not a lot of you have either... but don't worry about Jack turning all new age on us...we'll be seeing Action Jackson soon...as soon as he finds out what he's supposed to do...
The next scene that put more nails in the coffin was between Jack and Juliet...Juliet needs to learn how to knock!

And we also learned Jack is like a Rod Tidwell kind of showerer.. he prefers the drip dry method... the picture above is for all the Jack fans who had been complaining about only seeing a shirtless Sawyer this season... but I digress... Juliet told Jack that they were fine, without his interference... he shows up and all heck breaks lose, disrupting the nirvana that she and Sawyer have been enjoying the last 3 years.. which is proof that the 70's were much cooler times to live in because honestly, how could you be happy in a place that you know is about to be purged of it's entire neighborhood in 15 or so years?
And finally we see the last nail in the coffin between Sawyer and Kate....

"I'm doing it for her"... Sawyer has indeed grown up and become a man.. no wonder he likes the DI.. he gets to be someone important, love someone important.. he gets to live a life free of seeking revenge.. he gets to fix things... he's Jack, without the God complex... It makes you wonder that if Jack had never left the Island, would he have come to this type of life, like Sawyer did? Sometimes life teaches you to go with the flow... you can't fight the man...

Speaking of the man, we finally get some answers to the paradox of time travel!!!
And boy, was it just as confusing as I've tried to make it.. Miles was doing great, getting Hurley to follow along and then Hurley stumped him with a question that we've all been asking: If Ben knew that Sayid shot him as a kid, then why wouldn't he say that when he meets Sayid in 2004?
And then we got our answer..sort of..
"He will forget that all of this happened and he will lose his innocence"
But I don't think Ben forgot... if he did, then he was certainly "guided" by someone, or some thing into remembering the specifics of the 815ers when he grows up... but we'll see more of that next week... I want to get to the bones of the episode tonight, the last 10 minutes...
They were PHENOMENAL!!
So much explained in so little time that I had to watch it 3 times... not because it was convoluted...but because it contained SO MUCH...
First I noticed something completely out there and it could just be me.. But the scene where Kate was looking at Richard and he held her gaze and she was holding his and then finally she looked away..like she had been staring at the sun too long... the pictures below are in exact order of how they occurred..

Like it became too much...maybe it's Nestor Carbonell's dreamy eyes and smoldering good looks... or maybe it's the fact that he is a god... bear with me for a moment... let's go back to the Egyptian mythology associated with the show.. We KNOW that there is a statue and hieroglyphics.. we KNOW Richard doesn't age... is it possible that he is a god, trapped, or exiled to the Island? Or is he a willing servant to the Island?
We heard one of the Others tell Richard that he should check with "Elly or Charles" before healing Ben.. presumably, this is Eloise Hawking and Charles Widmore..brother and sister? Husband and wife? Or did they crash on the Island via the Black Rock and subsequently are the island's first version of Jack and Kate?
Regardless, Richard says he doesn't answer to either one of them. Which we kind of knew already... I am looking forward to seeing how Richard plays into the bigger part of this... He doesn't answer to Ben either but he does listen to him and follow his directions... it's very interesting...
And we now know how Ben came to be who he is... Kate ultimately makes the decision to give up Ben's innocence to save his life... She knows who he will grow up to become, the things that he will be responsible for but Kate can only see him as he is: a kid.
Perhaps she is showing him the kindness he sort of showed her when he took her captive back in Season 3. He let her shower, gave her a dress, fed her a good breakfast. Then of course he used her to manipulate Jack and Sawyer and pick up some rocks on a makeshift runway... it's very circular because perhaps he remembers that she helped save his young life and that's why he was nice to her in 2004.....
But the part about Ben's innocence was the real thing of interest...

Richard takes Ben to the Temple, where Ben will become "one of us forever".. does the Smoke Monster "infect" him like it did Danielle's crew? Does that mean Ben is more than human? Does the Smoke Monster "infect" all of the Others?... weird questions...maybe it enlightens them to a greater purpose?
All I know is that next week, the episode description is : Ben must summon the Smoke Monster to be judged for his actions.
The title of the episode: Dead is Dead.

The smile says it all!
That's my time, folks!!
L Prez out!