Well I didn't think it had to be like that!!
Let's just jump into the meat and potatoes, shall we? Can someone puree them for me? I only have 2 teeth and they are right next to each other...
Ceasar the new guy is searching the office of the Sheriff...anyone remember the episode where Juliet was being "tried" for killing that one Other, way back in Season 3? Anyway, we know that they are on the Alcatraz Island because, guess what? Turns out Sawyer and Kate really were clearing land for a runway... this show continues to amaze me... they knew back then that they were building a runway for the Ajira Airways jet to land... how did they know that?? And what is with these passengers on the Ajira flight?

Anyway, Ceasar finds a double barrelled shotgun, or a gut buster as my dad calls his, when the pretty cop lady that was escorting Sayid pops into the room...but Ceasar, he doesn't tell her that he found a gun... and they act like they are supposed to be there..nothing seems very shocking until "Roxanne", another passenger was "scouting" and found a dude just standing in the water, wearing a suit..
Scouting.. methinks these are more mercenaries, coming to kill...but whose side are they on..

"My name is John Locke"...Locke is BACK baby!! But wait, there's more about these new Others that I want to get thru...
Alana tells Locke that the pilot and a "woman" ran off in the night.. That would be Frank and Sun, I assume.. That Frank can FLY!! Or more importantly, LAND... haha... he's something else, that Lawnmower Man...
So just to keep the story straight: Jack, Kate and Hurley are in the 70's, with Jin, Sawyer, Juliet, Miles and Faraday.
Sun, Locke, Ben, Frank and Sayid are in the current time zone, let's just say 2008...
Straight? Good...
Explanation? Not yet..

The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham
Locke "lands" in Tunisia, which Widmore tells him is the "exit" from the frozen wheel cave... How does Widmore know this? Because he was tricked, by Ben and that's where he ended up...
"You stole my island from me, boy!"... Widmore is going to get it back... how telling was his tale? He told Locke that HE was the leader...must have happened after Locke met him...Widmore was 17 then and he didn't consider them Others...they were his people..."we protected the Island for 3 decades...until I was exiled..by HIM.."...now, at first I thought he was talking about Ben, but I think Jacob was the one who exiled Richard...
But Locke says, I wasn't exiled..I chose to leave, which gave Widmore a pause.... he then drops this little nugget:
There is a war coming and if Locke isn't back on the Island, then the wrong side is going to win.... this reminds me of something Locke said, way back in Season 1..he told Charlie that he was going to need Sayid on "our side"
Well I think this episode is laying it all out there with one certain little sneaky fellow: Benjamin Linus.
What hasn't this fool done, in the name of the Island? He killed 2 people, just on tonight's show!! I think it's apparent who's side he's on...
But back to Widmore's last words to Locke: The Island needs you John...You're special.. and it's wanted you for a long time... for some reason, Locke is the key..haha..that's funny.. but it's also true..now, I can't tell you what the intentions of the Island are, but any guy who has survived as much as Locke has is certainly special..and tonight, he did the truly unbelievable... he became re born... I was going to say born again but he was already a believer....
Tonight we saw Locke's journey take him all over the States.. I just want to highlight the one I've been wanting to see for a while: the reunion of Walt and Locke....

..these 2 shared a bond on the Island..Walt was special as well and then he was kidnapped and eventually made it off the Island.. and now he dreams of Locke, back on the Island, in a suit, surrounded by people who want to hurt him....
Walt can see the future... or predict it...or cause things to happen..remember him beating Hurley at backgammon? Or causing that bird to hit the window and die when his mom wasn't paying attention to him? Oh, he's special alright.... and I don't think we've seen the last of him...
Eventually Locke goes to see all of the Oceanic 6 and one by one, they all shut him down as a broken, lonely old man... Locke decides that the journey is pointless and buys all the go to suicide props.. I never would have thought of an extension cord, but then again, I was just born 6 months ago...I'm not interested in leaving just yet... anyway, there he is about to end his own life and who should walk in but the little Prince himself: Ben
And what a song and dance that performance was...and what did Locke do yet again? He TRUSTED him...unbelievable!! And once Locke said that Eloise Hawking was going to help him get back to the Island, well ol' Ben choked him out with the aforementioned cord, taking care of the destiny that Locke was going to have to die...
Now here's the theory of the week: Ben actually SAVED Locke.
Here's where I site the religion again. When a person commits suicide, he is taking ownership over his body, but his body doesn't belong to him. It belongs to God. So if Locke takes his own life, then his resurection is compromised. But Ben doing the deed instead allowed him to shoulder the burden. Locke was free to return to the Island and rise once more.
Now don't get it twisted...Ben probably took some joy in that act but that's his cross to bear...
That's all I have for tonight, except for these last 2 nuggets:
Walt can see the future... or predict it...or cause things to happen..remember him beating Hurley at backgammon? Or causing that bird to hit the window and die when his mom wasn't paying attention to him? Oh, he's special alright.... and I don't think we've seen the last of him...
Eventually Locke goes to see all of the Oceanic 6 and one by one, they all shut him down as a broken, lonely old man... Locke decides that the journey is pointless and buys all the go to suicide props.. I never would have thought of an extension cord, but then again, I was just born 6 months ago...I'm not interested in leaving just yet... anyway, there he is about to end his own life and who should walk in but the little Prince himself: Ben
And what a song and dance that performance was...and what did Locke do yet again? He TRUSTED him...unbelievable!! And once Locke said that Eloise Hawking was going to help him get back to the Island, well ol' Ben choked him out with the aforementioned cord, taking care of the destiny that Locke was going to have to die...
Now here's the theory of the week: Ben actually SAVED Locke.
Here's where I site the religion again. When a person commits suicide, he is taking ownership over his body, but his body doesn't belong to him. It belongs to God. So if Locke takes his own life, then his resurection is compromised. But Ben doing the deed instead allowed him to shoulder the burden. Locke was free to return to the Island and rise once more.
Now don't get it twisted...Ben probably took some joy in that act but that's his cross to bear...
That's all I have for tonight, except for these last 2 nuggets:
Matthew Abbadon: Abbadon means "place of destruction"...but he seemed like such a good guy.. 
The Life magazine at the beginning of the episode featured an article on the atomic bomb, which references the bomb that Faraday told the Others to bury...

The Life magazine at the beginning of the episode featured an article on the atomic bomb, which references the bomb that Faraday told the Others to bury...
And a bonus look at this map!!..Notice there are a couple of "Events" that are marked... interesting..
That's my time folks!!
L Prez out!!
(Sshhhh...L Prez is asleep.. this your former fearless leader, El Prez.. I don't have much time but I wanted to tell you guys about a SPECIAL EVENT I am planning...
On March 11th, LOST is actually going to be a repeat. Yes, I know there are only new episodes but I think ABC is trying to get one more week out of this season, so in 2 weeks they are re-airing next week's episode "LaFluer"...
I have scheduled a unique SPECIAL LOST event that any one of you in the local area are invited to attend.
It's called A Taste of LOST and you can get the details HERE
Click on the link and sign up for a night of FUN!! Mama Prez is hosting, so check out the special instructions at the RSVP in the upper right hand corner of the invite.
We'll taste some wine, cheese and other goodies and watch the repeat of the show!
And if it's a success, who knows? It might be the start of something fun, coming down the stretch on these last 2 seasons...
I hope to see you there!
That's my time folks!!
L Prez out!!
(Sshhhh...L Prez is asleep.. this your former fearless leader, El Prez.. I don't have much time but I wanted to tell you guys about a SPECIAL EVENT I am planning...
On March 11th, LOST is actually going to be a repeat. Yes, I know there are only new episodes but I think ABC is trying to get one more week out of this season, so in 2 weeks they are re-airing next week's episode "LaFluer"...
I have scheduled a unique SPECIAL LOST event that any one of you in the local area are invited to attend.
It's called A Taste of LOST and you can get the details HERE
Click on the link and sign up for a night of FUN!! Mama Prez is hosting, so check out the special instructions at the RSVP in the upper right hand corner of the invite.
We'll taste some wine, cheese and other goodies and watch the repeat of the show!
And if it's a success, who knows? It might be the start of something fun, coming down the stretch on these last 2 seasons...
I hope to see you there!