Wednesday, January 30, 2008

High hopes

Hellloooooo, LOSTIES!!!!!
First, let me apologize for the fact that the video in the last post isn't available anymore....first I hype the dang thing and then it's not available?!?!?! As my neighbors kid likes to say: WTF? I don't have any idea what that means but they always look angry when they say it, so I thought it was appropriate here...maybe not....
Anyway, I'll re post it once it becomes available again and we'll have a longer disertation, I'm sure....But tonight is a different topic: The season finale of last year, "Through the Looking Glass", the ENHANCED version, with the pop up "facts"....I can't decide if they are informative or someone who discusses this show ad nauseum with anyone who'll listen, I suppose they are were my highlights of the ones I thought were cool:
Jack is recognized by a guy when he's trying to get a prescription filled. We always thought that it was due to the crash on the bridge but it was in fact that Jack became a hero in regards to the Oceanic Flight 815  and it's subsequent discovery.
The new spinal surgeon at Jack's hospital has the same last name as Bernard, Rose's husband...and as we all know Bernard was a dentist. So doctoring is in their family. That's my own fun fact.
All the "homages" to Star Wars....Like I couldn't have figured that one out...everyone who reads this regularly knows that I can cross reference Star Wars and LOST all day.....
The survivors have been on the island 91 days.....will they get to 108 days on the island before finally shipping off??
There were maybe a few more but in my infinite searching and sluething on the internet, I'd already known most of's not bragging if it's true, folks.. :)
All in all I found rewatching the last episode was just as rewarding as it was the first time....but I want to leave you with a little food for own LOST questionable mystery: Kate says she has to get back, "He's going to wonder where I am".....we always speculated that she was possibly referring to either Sawyer or maybe her husband she left behind when she went on the run.....but what if she was referring to someone else? perhaps someone...shorter?......She was also driving a Volvo, a car known for it's safety features.....I'll let you guys sort through the crypticness.....I'm more tired than Goodyear...
EPdeLFC, JB......see you tomorrow night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Craziest thing I've seen about LOST in a while...

Good evening, LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my, what a day ol' El Prez has had....I will never complain about having a lot of work to do because it beats the alternative, which would be no work....Unlike most of the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815, I wouldn't be able to sit on an island all day, reading with Sawyer or playing ping pong.....No, I would be the guy running the DHARMA dry goods store, counting up all the jars of Ranch dressing and raisins...that's just how I roll.....
But enough about guys don't want to know how I roll...I don't even know where and when I started using the phrase "how I roll"'s a bit ridiculous for a man my age to attempt that type of slang.....I'll just keep it real from here on out... :) 
SO the producers of the show started a really cool idea a couple of months back...It was called LOST The Missing Pieces and they were little vignettes that aired to all Verizon Wireless Users, affectionately called "Mobisodes".....They are also available on and there are about 13 of them so far..I highly recommend them because they kind of fill in the blanks on a few things....The reason I bring them up is because I'll take all the LOST I can I like all the little extra things the creators do to round out the story and provide more insight to the mystery that is LOST....normally I'd let you guys discover these things on your own but I saw the most current one today and HAD to share....
Check out the video and read below for the craziest thing I've seen about LOST in a while....and I'm not talking about the French subtitles....those are just extra..

So what does this all mean??? Well Jack's dad was in a casket on Oceanic Flight 815....So what in the Bo Diddly is he doing telling Vincent to do anything!?!?!?
Here's my theory, as if you had to ask: We've seen the Black Smoke appear as Yemi, Mr Eko's Mr Eko knew who Yemi was and he was able to see through that facade and recognize that it was NOT his this above mobisode strikes me as puzzling. Vincent has never met Jack's dad, unless of course they were in the cargo hold of the plane, which is just a weird thought but I guess to an international flight attendant that isn't so odd...ANYWAY, "Jack's dad" speaks to Vincent, just as "Walt" spoke to Locke in last years season finale...And here's the weird part: "Jack's dad" says the same thing that "Walt" says: You've got work to do.


And a bit spoilerish, if you think about it....Locke and Jack have been told by the Black Smoke, or the Island or whatever, that they "have work to do"....Does Locke know that about Jack? Is that why he didn't pull the trigger on Jack last year when Jack called the freighter? Is that why Jack screams at Kate that they need to go back?? Is Jack the "Chosen One"?? Is Locke??

I don't know.....that's why my head now hurts....ahh!! the sweet brain freeze of a LOST theory! I haven't had one of these in a while.. :)
That's all for now....El Prez needs to recharge....see you in a few...

Monday, January 28, 2008

Continuing to let Others do my work....

Hello my fellow LOSTIES!!!!!

There is a level of excitement in the air that not even Shaq could touch.....The premiere of LOST is upon less than 3 days, we will get one step closer to the "Beginning of the End" the week progresses, I will try to give a little more insight as to what to expect, keep your ears open for and your eyes peeled....The producers were able to have their wish fulfilled last year by setting an end date for the show.. Now the story will move at a faster clip, more answers and surely, more questions. I can guarantee that LOST will continue to confound but have no fear...El Prez is here.....My regime is still intact and my senses are honed after spending the last 8 months LOST free. I'm refreshed and ready....Are you???

Below is an amazing clip. It's 8 minutes.. this brilliant person put the whole series in a YouTube video that summarizes the whole kit and kaboodle...mostly the kaboodle....Kaboodle..that's a fun word....anyway, enjoy that instead of a cigarette on your next break....or hell, kick back at your desk and light one up and's your world...I'm just providing some content....

Also, just to put this out there so no one misses it: On Wednesday January 30th, watch the season 3 finale "Through the Looking Glass". Even if you've already seen it, you won't want to miss this...they are adding a cool feature to the show by adding these subtitle like facts about the show....You're guaranteed to learn something.....Plus it will start to get the blood pumping for the LOST event on Thursday. Starting at 8PM they are going to air a Recap episode just to catch you up and then BOOM!!! Season Premiere at 9!!! Oh glory glory!!!!!

There's more to come tomorrow from this site so don't forget to check back....


The affirmative,