That's why it's called a leap of faith, Jack......
So the gang's all back together... the whole Oceanic 5... yep, not 6... somewhere, somehow Aaron is no longer "available"... as a fellow baby, I find this turn of events concerning..I think it sends a bad message to people with babies, that they can just pass them off on someone else anytime they want to magically transport to a mysterious island...let's just say that I've got one eye open at all times.....
That's why it's called a leap of faith, Jack......
The episode started with a visit to the Lamppost, a DHARMA station that is used to figure out when the Island and where the Island will appear next... apparently, that pesky sucker has an impressive source of electromagnetic activity that can be found in other parts of the world as well and this one happens to be in LA, under a church...ok... The Lamp Post was also the first thing the kids saw when they traveled through the Wardrobe in the Chronicles of Narnia... now there's a book with some parallels to our beloved show...
That's why it's called a leap of faith, Jack......
So the gang's all back together... the whole Oceanic 5... yep, not 6... somewhere, somehow Aaron is no longer "available"... as a fellow baby, I find this turn of events concerning..I think it sends a bad message to people with babies, that they can just pass them off on someone else anytime they want to magically transport to a mysterious island...let's just say that I've got one eye open at all times.....
That's why it's called a leap of faith, Jack......
The episode started with a visit to the Lamppost, a DHARMA station that is used to figure out when the Island and where the Island will appear next... apparently, that pesky sucker has an impressive source of electromagnetic activity that can be found in other parts of the world as well and this one happens to be in LA, under a church...ok... The Lamp Post was also the first thing the kids saw when they traveled through the Wardrobe in the Chronicles of Narnia... now there's a book with some parallels to our beloved show...
That's why it's called a leap of faith, Jack......
So some "great man" concocted these equations... at least that's what Ms. Hawking said... Faraday's mom... anyone else get the cold hearted impression that she could have cared less about her son's warning from Desmond? I no longer feel like these folks(Hawking, Widmore, Ben) any of them are on the up and up...I would not be surprised to see that somehow, Faraday has been skipping thru time and he's the one who came up with the formulas that found the island in the first dang place... maybe he's the one who is behind all of this.. Maybe he's Jacob..
Check out the date on this photo...Exactly 50 years later, Oceanic Flight 815 crashed on the Island... coincidence?
That's why it's called a leap of faith, Jack......
That's why it's called a leap of faith, Jack......

And what was Ben up to, calling Jack from a payphone, looking like he had been fighting sharks, all bloodied and wet...He told Jack he made a promise to an old friend and that he had to tie up some loose ends...with Desmond in town, methinks Ben was going to complete his threat to Widmore that he was going to kill Penny... I guess we'll have to wait to see what that was all about.... either way, he made his flight....
Along with Hurley, who is carrying a guitar(for Charlie, perhaps?)..so who told Hurley about the flight? Or Sayid?
And why was Sayid in cuffs? And who was the lady cop escorting him? We see the lady cop in the previews for next week...in which we also see Widmore and Locke talking...you know what? For that matter, who told Kate? For all she knew, Jack was already gone..how did she know he would go back to his apartment?
I think that Widmore has got one half of the 6 on his side..something makes me think that he also has Aaron..maybe he threatened Hurley, Sayid and Kate to get on the plane... Ben sure was shocked to see those guys...
I think that Widmore has got one half of the 6 on his side..something makes me think that he also has Aaron..maybe he threatened Hurley, Sayid and Kate to get on the plane... Ben sure was shocked to see those guys...

OH and what about Frank Lapidus being the pilot??? HAha..this show is such a mind bender... Frank is a pilot on Ajira Airlines, which if you recall, was the label on the water bottle that Sawyer found on the beach, right before they were all chased in the boat..was that Jack and crew shooting at them?? How could that even happen??
That's why it's called a leap of faith, Jack......
Locke is the stand in for Jack's dad..I guess they needed a dead body to gain access to the island... but noodle on this:
what if Christian Shepard was supposed to bring all of the 815er's there when he died?
And then Jack and his dang free will caused them to leave and now they have to recreate the whole thing over again... to stop something from happening... or to make something happen... everything happens for a reason...
Bibles! Get your Bibles here!
With an episode entitled 316, you had to infer the most known quote of the Bible, as I mentioned last week....
Turns out, I was mostly right...Ben gave a great Bible lesson to Jack about Thomas the apostle and how even though Thomas was the one apostle who had Jesus' back, he'll always be remembered for his moment of doubt, forever coining the phrase "Doubting Thomas"...
.... so who is Thomas in our LOST world? I'll go with Ben...I think he'll do whatever the Island asks of him but he won't believe it until he sees it with his own eyes... and what is IT? I'll keep going with the story of Jesus and say that Locke will be resurrected...not actually brought back to life but more like, UN DEAD...like Christian... the real question here is will Christian want his shoes back when he sees Locke wearing them...

And at the risk of blasphemy, the "JL" sort of looks like "JC".....I'm just sayin'!!
Oh and further proof that Jack is a Man Of Science, he didn't know how the Thomas story ended... don't they make you take Religious Studies at like every college in the world??...
That's why it's called a leap of faith, Jack......
The reason I keep inserting this line is because it sums up this whole show..I can recap and predict but it still requires a leap of faith..and that's what's asked of us as viewers and fans... all in due time... although maybe Desmond spoke for a majority of the audience when he yelled out that he was done with Island...
That's why it's called a leap of faith, Jack......
The reason I keep inserting this line is because it sums up this whole show..I can recap and predict but it still requires a leap of faith..and that's what's asked of us as viewers and fans... all in due time... although maybe Desmond spoke for a majority of the audience when he yelled out that he was done with Island...
Speaking of time, take a look at this picture and then read my last theory of the day...
The newness of this DHARMA van would indicate that DHARMA is still on the island... but we know Ben killed all the DHARMA folks, right?....which means this van being new can only mean one thing:
Bring on that '70's show!!!
Yep, when Locke stopped the wheel from skipping, he "landed" the island back in the 70's....which means that for close to 3 years, Sawyer, Jin, Juliet, et all have been living on the island, in the 70's..... so why bring the O6 back to that time period? Was it a mistake?
Ms Hawking said they had 36 hours...but at the beginning of the episode, it said "46 hours earlier"..maybe I misheard...I have tiny baby ears....
And I can't wait to see Jin speaking in perfect English..he would have to after living on the Island for 3 years...heck, look how good it is now and he's only been there for 3 months....it's going to blow Hurley's mind, since Hurley had that vision way back in Season 3 of Jin saying "It's all going to change"...
That's my time tonight...I'm tired and I want to bask in the silly geekiness of this show... I LOVE IT!!!
L Prez OUT!