Best. Opening. Sequence. In. A. Long. Time.
How cool was that when that plane landed on the runway?!? Great CGI..... And then the jerk boyfriend from Son In Law, with Pauly Shore, got a tree branch thru the chest... glad to see he's still getting work..
How cool was that when that plane landed on the runway?!? Great CGI..... And then the jerk boyfriend from Son In Law, with Pauly Shore, got a tree branch thru the chest... glad to see he's still getting work..
Well the first most interesting thing about this was the runway... this is the same runway that Sawyer and Kate were working on, waaaay back in Season 3, while they were captives of the Others.... now it's finally put to use.. so someone had to know that a plane would be landing here at some point, right?? Right?? Right! And that someone was.... well it had to be someone on the plane that actually landed there.... and that someone would have to have a way of communicating that info back thru time and space, right?... I'm just going to guess that Ben is pretty powerful and is on top of this one...
Anyway, the second most interesting thing about the flight crashing was that, when they radioed mayday, you could hear the numbers repeating again... remember Danielle added her distress signal to them but the numbers were repeating over and over again... you could just make them out as the plane was going down... don't know what it means yet... when the 815ers got to the radio tower they turned it off.... something happened to restore it...it may not mean anything but when does that mean anything?.. :) more on this theory below....
Anyway, the second most interesting thing about the flight crashing was that, when they radioed mayday, you could hear the numbers repeating again... remember Danielle added her distress signal to them but the numbers were repeating over and over again... you could just make them out as the plane was going down... don't know what it means yet... when the 815ers got to the radio tower they turned it off.... something happened to restore it...it may not mean anything but when does that mean anything?.. :) more on this theory below....
Sawyer is running the show as a thinking man's Jack Shepard... back in business as the best con man this side of Dharmaville...
but not only does he have to figure out how to keep everyone's stories straight, he's also got to keep his love life in tact... Juliet is obviously aware of this same fact but she helps out by supporting her man....once again proving that she's awesome... I mean, if you were into that type of thing... I'm a baby...what do I know?
Tonight we were introduced to another character from the LOST mythology: Radzinsky.
Tonight we were introduced to another character from the LOST mythology: Radzinsky.

This is the cat who was in the Hatch prior to Desmond...turns out he's responsible for building the thing.. besides being a total pain in the arse, he seems to be a pretty big deal, running the Flame station that connects the island to the main land. I'm sure we'll see more in the weeks to come... as we know, he blows his brains all over the inside of the Swan stations ceiling so, hopefully, they'll just allude to that... we really don't need the visual..
Hurley brought up a good point to Sawyer about how the DHARMA Initiative was wiped out...Sawyer then dropped a little nugget about Faraday and his whatever happened, happened speech... now here's something we all need to consider: if the past can't be changed, then why are Jack and co. back in 1977? To see why the DI failed? To see the "incident" first hand? It doesn't really add up to...something has caused them to go back to this point...do they manage to alter the future??
Amy named her baby...the first Other we ever met: Ethan....
As far as a fellow baby goes, this fella is kinda cute...too bad he grows up into one of the creepiest villains on TV....so where does that leave us? Think about this: Ethan was responsibile for recruiting Juliet to the Island. The reason behind that was so Juliet could figure out a way to help the women give birth. But what if that was always going to be a losing battle? We already know that the DI ships their pregnant ladies back to the mainland to have their babies.... so perhaps Juliet was recruited to the Island because they(Ben, Richard) knew she had to be on the Island, in order to time travel back to Ethan's birth, in order to deliver him.... which, yes, I realize opens a whole can of time travel worms... but it's starting to make sense.... the real question is what makes Ethan and his birth so special? Methinks Horace isn't Ethan's real dad at all...perhaps, Richard is?... You have to go waaayy back into the old man's archives to read about his theory on native Islanders communing with earthly women... I can't get into here for 2 reasons...a) it's pretty convoluted and 2) I'm a baby and it's pretty adult material...moving on...

Sayid is a Hostile...yeah, that about sums it up.... moving on.... what? you want more? How about the fact that Sayid is brought a sandwich by the one and only Benjamin Linus?!?!
That was certainly circuitious...it wasn't that long ago that Sayid was visiting Ben in a DHARMA cell... this show is so damn cool and this is why: My theory is that Jack et al make it back to the future before the Purge. Somehow their memory of ever being there is wiped out. But not Ben. He remembers ALL of it. SO go way back to season 2 and remember Ben in the cell, where he's being held prisoner and Sayid comes to "visit" him... That's how Ben was so calm..he knew that this guy couldn't kill him because Sayid still has to travel back in time... weird huh?
Speaking of Ben, he's hell bent on getting back to the main island... but thanks to the swing of the oar, Sun puts a stop to that and she and Frank hit the high seas in the outrigger boat....
They show up at the DI welcome station and are greated by none other than Smokey... well not exactly, but you hear it...and then interestingly enough who shows up? Christian Shepard..
Speaking of Ben, he's hell bent on getting back to the main island... but thanks to the swing of the oar, Sun puts a stop to that and she and Frank hit the high seas in the outrigger boat....
They show up at the DI welcome station and are greated by none other than Smokey... well not exactly, but you hear it...and then interestingly enough who shows up? Christian Shepard..
... and he shows the crew of 2 the picture of the DI class of 1977 and then drops this bomb: You have a long journey ahead of you..... gee...thanks..could you be a little more vague, you walking dead jackass???
Sorry... I digressed... the real question is what has happened between the times 2004-2007? From the O6 leaving to the Ajira 316 showing up... the barracks have been abandoned and look to have been trashed... did Smokey go off his leash and start tearing things up? Or did something change in the past that's affected the future?? As I mentioned above, the numbers were repeating again on the radio tower's distress signal... that means something happened to switch them back on... as Sawyer once said, it's all in the details....
Now to the best emotional scene of the night:
Sorry... I digressed... the real question is what has happened between the times 2004-2007? From the O6 leaving to the Ajira 316 showing up... the barracks have been abandoned and look to have been trashed... did Smokey go off his leash and start tearing things up? Or did something change in the past that's affected the future?? As I mentioned above, the numbers were repeating again on the radio tower's distress signal... that means something happened to switch them back on... as Sawyer once said, it's all in the details....
Now to the best emotional scene of the night:
Jack coming to the SLOW realization that Juliet is shacking up with Sawyer...and then being put into his place by Sawyer..Sawyer hit Jack below the belt with his leadership style of reacting and getting people killed.... Sawyer then hit Jack again with "there's a whole new sheriff in town" smack that let Jack know that Saywer is now THE MAN...and Jack can just sit back and relax and let Sawyer do the heavy lifting.... and the best part is Jack is going to let him...and that threw Sawyer for a loop..The last time he saw Jack, Jack was hell bent and sideways about getting off the island...now Jack seems to be reconciled to the fact that he's not calling the shots anymore.... and he appears to be at peace with that... Jack is starting a new lease on life and maybe he's beginning to embrace his greater purpose instead of his giant god complex ego...
Right before this scene though, Phil, the security lackey gave Jack a prolonged look of disgust... methinks there is something brewing there..Phil may be an Other convert... up to no good....
Right before this scene though, Phil, the security lackey gave Jack a prolonged look of disgust... methinks there is something brewing there..Phil may be an Other convert... up to no good....
So who was this dashing fellow we got a prolonged look at?
This is where my vast DNA infused pop culture brain kicks in... whenever you watch this show or CSI or NCIS or some other acronymed show dealing with a mystery, generally the person you recognize but can't quite place is usually the culprit... and this guy is the next in line for being outed as a minor major player in the future of LOST...
The actor is Brad William Henke and he's been in numerous shows, most recently October Road, a JJ Abrams produced project.... he was also on Nash Bridges, for a couple of eps, which were produced by Carlton Cuse(exec prod. of LOST)..and he's in the new Star Trek, directed by JJ Abrams... see? Even life is as connected as the show....maybe that's the whole point of LOST...
Anyway, on LOST, Mr Henke plays Bram, and he ties to the other new character on the Ajira flight, Ilana... so stay tuned for more action from this cat...
That's my time today folks...sorry about the delay on the posting...the old man was sick and he's got the keys to the distro list... Take care!!