Anyone see Pet Cemetary? All I'm saying is that I wouldn't trust this kid any further than I could throw him...and I'm a baby with very little upper body strength..
Good day, LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!
This episode was entitled "The Little Prince", which is a book about a young explorer who leaves his meteorite. This book was written by a French pilot. Who, in real life, took off from a small island and was never seen again.
This is all on Wikipedia and I could not make it up if I tried...
Ok... so after watching the episode, how could you not draw multiple parallels?!?! Well one of my favorite LOST followers, Jeff Jensen at Entertainment Weekly expounds on this ad-nauseum so I won't do it... feel free to see for yourself here....
This is all on Wikipedia and I could not make it up if I tried...
Ok... so after watching the episode, how could you not draw multiple parallels?!?! Well one of my favorite LOST followers, Jeff Jensen at Entertainment Weekly expounds on this ad-nauseum so I won't do it... feel free to see for yourself here....
But after watching the show, the best parallel is the reveal of the French people at the end:

Danielle Rousseau and her science team! Hey look, there's Montand, the one who loses an arm! And look, there's her pregnant belly with Alex inside! And hey look, they found Jin floating at sea....
Wait.....JIN?!?! That dude has like 9 lives!!!!!!!!
Wait.....JIN?!?! That dude has like 9 lives!!!!!!!!
And he must be part fish, cause he's always washing up somewhere..except this time he speaks English... which helps, with the French... Thankfully Danielle shows up bilingual... Of course, this only adds to Jin's confusion..poor dude has been passed out during all the flashes... he really is LOST.... But I'm glad he's alive...that would have been a lame death...
So let's return to the central plot this week. Kate is on a mission to find out who is behind trying to get Aaron away from her.... Jack meets up with her and they follow the lawyer to the same hotel that Locke's dad was staying at...oh yeah, I checked the tape.. funny how all of these things circle back.. which reminds me: In last week's episode, Desmond is inquiring at Oxford about Faraday..the lady helping him is the SAME lady that helped Hurley board Oceanic flight 815 in Australia... now, I didn't know that right off the bat.. this internet is crawling with people who have far less to do than me, and I'm a baby...all I do is eat, sleep and poo..... I'm pretty sure they don't sleep...what does the fact that it's the same lady mean? Either she's there to keep the "course corrected" or the casting director at LOST is lame at their job.... I'll let you decide....
Where was I? oh yeah... if this were season 2, we wouldn't know who was behind the lawyer until next week's episode..but now? Well now, we knew before Kate and Jack found out...turns out ol' Ben was up to his old tricks and trying to scare the band into getting back together...
Surely Ben knows that deception isn't always the way...surely, he would try some honey to lure the bees.... well, he might...and don't call me Shirley....
So now the whole gang is back together, sans Hurley... when Hurley showed up in that bright orange jumpsuit, I nearly spit up my bottle... actually I did spit up my bottle but that's another story.... too funny..

Jumping ahead to next week, we see Sun holding a gun to Ben and Ben telling her that Jin is alive and he can prove it... that should be interesting to see...
Meanwhile back on the island.... Charlotte is still bleeding from the nose and next thing you know Miles is bleeding from the nose.... So finally Miles has to know what's going on, now that it's him about to do the "temporal displacement" dance.... for those of you who aren't up to speed on this: Temporal displacement is when your mind can't distinguish between the past, present and future...Remember Minkowski, the guy on the frieghter? Or Desmond? So everyone needs to find their constant, right? That's how Desmond cured himself..he got a phone call from Penny. Faraday is ok because Desmond is his constant, who he just saw again when he told him to find his mother...
So who is Charlotte's constant? What about Miles? and now, what about Juliet?? Turns out, the longer you've been exposed to the island, the sooner you'll get bitten by the temporal displacement love bug.... and it's only a matter of time before it gets to Sawyer and Locke..... or will it?

I'm of the hope that Kate is Sawyer's constant and that by seeing her in the jungle, that was enough to keep him nosebleed free.. as for Locke, well maybe he leaves the island before it happens to him.... that's not a spoiler...we know he leaves and we know he dies but it's the how and why that keeps us caring...take a lesson, writers of Heroes!!!.....
It was really cool to see the Kate and Claire scene from season 1... and the light of the Hatch..Sawyer and Locke sharing their experience of "when they were".... Sawyer asking Locke why he didn't try to change it and save himself "a world of pain". Locke says he needed that pain to get to where he was now.... how cool that the same reasoning also applies to Sawyer..without falling in love with Kate, Sawyer would still be a jaded con artist, never trusting anyone... now he's a better person, sacrificing himself for others... This proves to me that Sawyer and Kate will be together again... that's just raw passion... being a baby doesn't preclude me from knowing about passion... how do you think I got here?
It was really cool to see the Kate and Claire scene from season 1... and the light of the Hatch..Sawyer and Locke sharing their experience of "when they were".... Sawyer asking Locke why he didn't try to change it and save himself "a world of pain". Locke says he needed that pain to get to where he was now.... how cool that the same reasoning also applies to Sawyer..without falling in love with Kate, Sawyer would still be a jaded con artist, never trusting anyone... now he's a better person, sacrificing himself for others... This proves to me that Sawyer and Kate will be together again... that's just raw passion... being a baby doesn't preclude me from knowing about passion... how do you think I got here?
But back to Miles and his nosebleed. Faraday thinks it has to do with the duration of exposure to the Island. Miles responds that he's never been to the Island before 2 weeks ago. Faraday asks him if he's sure about that. SPECULATION TIME!!: Is Miles the baby we saw at the start of this season? The son of Dr Cheng, slash Wickmund slash Waxman slash Marvin Candle??? There was a time when babies could be born on the island.. It's been put out there before that Charlotte has definitely been there before... I hate to speculate based solely on race but I give this episode as my defense. The writers don't show us things that aren't important. At least not anymore now that they are a speed mission to tell the rest of the story... we may soon find out that little Miles is special cause he was born there....and to be born to the man we've come to know as Mr Dharma himself? well that my friends would be called coming full circle..

So who was shooting at Sawyer and his crew in the future? I can't say but I would be willing to speculate that whoever it is, they are the ones responsible for all the bad things that happened after Jack and the 6 left...
This is going to be the hard part to explain to me: The 6 have been off the island for 3 years. And Locke showed up as Bentham 3 months prior to the 6's present time. Which means that the Island folk have been skipping thru time for 2 and half years or so? How????
That to me is the biggest mystery. Well that and the 4 toed statue... but something tells me that will get explained this season as well... who's laying bets that it's Hurley's foot??? haha..I'll let you think about that one...
and if you missed the bit about the water bottle with Ajira Airlines logo, you can check out their site here...
That's my time folks! See you on the flip!
L Prez..O.U.T