Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Dream a little dream

Tonight is the 1st part of the 3 part season finale, "No Place Like Home"....this is the umpteenth reference to the Wizard of Oz....So is it all a dream? Is Hurley the cowardly Lion or Toto?..Who's Dorothy? Jack?..who knows?
All I know is that I will be front and center tonight at 10PM, eagerly anticipating what promises to be the most amazing season finale of the show so far...
The questions to ask yourself:
Will they succeed in moving the Island?
What is the Orchid Station?
How do the Oceanic 6 actually leave the island?
Why do they all tell a lie?

There will be a "spectacular kiss" in the season finale, but I suspect that will take place at the very end of the finale, but what do I know??
I do know that the person in the coffin will be revealed. And I've heard there will be a...wait for it....another death of a significant character.....I do not know who it is and I do not know what this rumor classifies as a "significant" character....
I also know that I won't be blogging live...I think I shortchanged you guys by posting a slightly weaker blog because I couldn't devote the proper time to I'll take a moment, gather my thoughts and give the people my best...
So that's it for now...Enjoy the show!!!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

And the winner is.... we are..Only 3 hours left of Season 4....just so we're clear, this Thursday is the first hour of the season finale..then they break for a week(!) and come back with the last 2 hours....while we have a chance, let's back track just a bit to last week's episode...
I had a LOT of responses to last week's update...the contributors will have to forgive me if I mix it all together but they were such good points..I'm not trying to pass them as my own but I will write them in the 8th person..kidding, I don't even know how that's possible...I guess I could time travel and have my neighbor's kid write it in the future but that's really me just guessing that might work...I don't really know...anyhoo...
One of our distinguished LFCers wrote to me and suggested that young Locke knew he should have chosen something other than the knife but wanted to be something he wasn't truly, leading Richard to be disgusted...why would Richard want young Locke anyway?? And to ask him which objects were already his?
There is an overwhelming theory floating around the dubya dubya dubya that Richard is actually time travelling's where you have to pick your battle: is he immortal or is he time travelling?? perhaps, if he's a time traveller, he knows what kind of man Locke is but may be trying to change destiny by getting to Locke at a young age..much like he got to Ben at a young age...
Another submitted theory is that Richard is part of a group who are looking for their next leader....a Dalai Lama if you will...The Dalai Lama is the current incarnation of a Buddhist master...we've already seen Buddhism play a part in this show with the DHARMA initiative and I really like this theory because not only does it make sense, but the writers have also hinted at it...See, the purpose of the Dalai Lama is to continue living, passing on from one physical being to another, in order to help others reach Nirvana...not the cool ass Seattle band so many of us drank and did other recreational things to in college, but actual Nirvana: peace and freedom away from sickness and other "afflicted states"...ed. note: My apologies to any Buddhists reading this...I hope I haven't butchered the essence of your beliefs..
Back to the point...Reaching this heightened enlightenment was the goal of the DHARMA initiative and I think that was their ticket into convincing the original island inhabitants to let them on the island...although once there, they deceived the original islanders and built all their crap and electric fences and thus, they were killed....when the original islanders installed Ben as the new Lama, if you will, he worked to restore their goals again...but all the while he had his own agenda, and that was to help the people carry on by having children...he got lost in that work and even Richard said to Locke back in season 3 that they were tired of Ben wasting time...Now Locke is being groomed, even though it's taken him a while to get there...but I think even Locke has his own agenda..he chose that knife as a child and then was left to become his own man...I think Locke will try to become the hero and do something incredible, against the wishes of the original islanders and Jacob...he appears to be a servant of the very island itself...not answering to one person, but a higher calling....
whew...that's deep, even for me...but I really think that we haven't even scraped the surface of what this show is ultimately about, even though we've seen's about destiny and free much control do we really have over either one?
In the event that I don't post again before Thursday night, I want to leave you with a slight spoiler...we have been told that we WILL find out who was in the coffin. Remember the funeral? There were very weird and possibly misleading clues but let's revisit for a moment:
The funeral director asked Jack if he was friend or family. Jack said neither.
There was no one else who attended the funeral.
Kate was almost offended that Jack would even suggest that she go, which tells us that the person wasn't really cared for by her....and she likes everyone..
And the obituary intoned that the person was a male, from New York, who hung themselves and was survived by a teenage son.
Now if the props department can be believed, all signs point to Michael. This isn't the spoiler. I've theorized this with absolutely no proof since the episode aired. The spoiler is that Jack wasn't the only one to attend the funeral...maybe at the point where he showed up, but there was another visitor.....and we will see this act in the season finale, if the rumors are true....or maybe we'll see it in another life....brutha....
Special thanks to DC, Braveheart and Melly Mel for all the inspiration and good comments...
That's all from this peanut gallery..Enjoy the show if I don't blog at you before....