GOOD EVENING LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For those of you who tune into this blog from the comforts of your PJ's and more often than I send the emails announcing the updates, this blog's for you!
Yes, it's a rare Friday night blog that is truly informative....
As I write this I am listening to Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse on their weekly podcast at In these podcasts, they discuss certain things about the previous week's episode and usually straighten out some mysteries, but mostly they act goofy and seem to be punchy from their late night writing sessions....
Here's a brief summary of what they mentioned in this week's:
1. There will be a scene in the season finale that will have the same upside down, scratch your head kind of moment that last season's finale and all previous finale's have had...although it won't be the LAST scene, which will also be good...I can hardly wait and currently have goose bumps and reaffirmation that I am indeed a spaz...
2. Due to their own history of shenanigans they are coming clean and clear on who The OCEANIC 6 are:
Jack Kate Hurley Sayid Sun and Aaron....the promo shown for the upcoming episodes at the end of last night's ep confirmed who the Oceanic 6 were...Damon and Carlton also said that we will see a scene with all of them together at some point....
3. The next episode is entitled "The Shape of Things to Come"
4. There are only certain coordinates or bearings that can get you out of the island's proximity...When Desmond tried to leave on the boat back at the end of Season 2, he was only able to go in circles, since he had no bearings...
5. The "side effects" that Desmond and Minkowski experienced were due in large part to the large doses of electromagnetism they both were exposed to...Minkowski's from working around radio equipment on ships for a better part of his life, I suspect and Des' from imploding the Hatch....these "side effects" could also be termed "illness" or "sickness", which led to a comment that maybe we've heard about other people experiencing a "sickness" before(Danielle and her crew).
6. We haven't seen the last of the "purple sky" and they eluded to another electromagnetic event happening at some point....however, they will not revisit visually what happened at the Swan Station anymore..
7. There was a question about what was real or an apparition or the smoke monster. The breakdown is as follows:
Ben's mother: apparition
Spider that killed Nikki: smoke monster...Damon kind of snickered after this one, which led me to believe that he wasn't really being serious about this take it with a grain of ironic salt
Yemi: Smoke monster
Walt: Some apparition, some smoke monster
Christian Shepard and Kate's black horse: be clear about what undead means: collective name for beings that the superstitious believe are deceased yet behave as if alive.
8. A question was asked in regards to Aaron being raised by someone other than Claire and if he was really in danger, like the psychic predicted way back in season 1. They basically debunked the psychic as a con man, which means that Aaron could indeed be raised by Kate....although Damon did elude to the fact that Aaron was in danger, simply because Kate was a murdering house blower upper.....
9. we will learn more about the Black Rock and the 4 toed statue, but neither will get their own flashback...
10. Charlotte, the new red head Freightie, is a cultural anthropologist, which is someone who studies ancient cultures. This is will still be determined....
So there are 10 things you may not have known prior to reading this blog...Are you better off for knowing this? Probably not but who cares? Now go baffle your friends with this overload of info at the next closest water cooler...
Friday, March 21, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Not yet
HELLOOO LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll start by saying 5 weeks. 5 weeks until another new episode and it looks like some things are about to get even hairier.....
So let's cut to the heart of the matter, as my good chum Don Henley once said....
Before we go any further, allow me to apologize for my obsession with time travel...I mean, it's definitely prevalent in the Desmond and the Daniel Faraday story but maybe that's where it stops... I fully realize now that it's possible for a complete stranger to board a freighter in search of a mysterious island and the elusive man behind the curtain on less than 2 days notice.....
Just to be specific about the timeline..It looks like Michael has told Walt about killing Ana Lucia and Libby and now he wants to kill himself...
But the "Island won't let you kill yourself!".....yes, much to Michael's dismay, all suicidal tendencies are snuffed by the Island, which means it's influence is not limited to just the Island....let's meander, if you would, around this point for a second and talk Jack...
We've seen Jack in the all encompassing downward spiral of pills and depression and we've seen him attempt to throw himself off of a bridge, but the car crash happened, reminding him that he still had work to do....we also saw him throw caution to the wind before entering the funeral parlor by walking into traffic with no regard for his own safety...So the question is, has Jack tried and failed suicide more than what we've seen?? And has the Island intervened at each point? And if Michael is seeing Libby out of guilt, who is Jack seeing????
But back to the timeline of he gets off the Island by Thanksgiving and is trying to kill himself just prior to Christmas....which is how Tom is able to seemingly be in 2 places at once...Tom's part in this episode is prior to Sawyer gunning him down on the beach...and on that note:
Let's have our own flashback, shall we?
"Relax Kate, you're not my type".....Spoken back in Episode 1 of Season 3, by Tom, when he had Kate shower at the Hydra station...Well finally the mystery is SOLVED!! Now we all know what he meant....yes, Tom prefers the company of a man, specifically a handsome fellow by the name of Arturo. To which I say...Bravo!...Bravo, LOST for continuing to embrace all walks of life by being one of the very few shows to portray honest, well rounded characters and not stereotyping...say what you want but to deal with a show that shrouds itself in mystery and science fiction, I think it offers an interesting look at how to have developed characters really drive the story and make it all the more was a side of Tom that was fun to watch...and it was enlightening...
You see, Tom really came out of the information closet as well in this episode, in terms of who was behind Oceanic Flight 815's discovery and how all the dead passengers were "acquired"...the other part was his admittance to Michael that some of the Others could come and go as they pleased on the Island...So far we've seen Ethan, Richard Alpert and Tom out in the real world....and we know Ben likes to travel as well.....It will be interesting to see if Jack and crew try to return to the island, if it will be one of the Others who are responsible for their return....Maybe Sayid gets to come and go now, since he works for Ben...
Which brings me to my other point...something big must happen to Sayid for him to trust Ben enough to work for him...because after he turned Michael into the captain, we know he's not quite there yet......I'm thinking it's "Nadia big"...oh yeah...don't think we haven't seen the last of Nadia...oh no....Sayid is a sucker for the ladies..
But back to Michael...he's seeking redemption for killing Ana Lucia and Libby...which I thought was cool of Ben to tell him that those deaths were his own choosing...Ben didn't ask Michael to kill those women....And Ben is trying to show Michael, that unlike Charles Widmore, he actually cares for innocent life....
But then you got Frank the helicopter pilot saying that Widmore is trying to FIND the Oceanic who to believe??
My money is still on Ben..hell I've been wrong on everything else so maybe I'll just start to believe what Ben actually says...They're the good guys...which leads me to ponder this:
Who the HECK is shooting Alex and Karl and Danielle???? Karl for sure is dead and Danielle took a hefty shot to the chest area....Were they set up by Ben? They had every chance to kill Alex as well but she was spared....why?? Because Papa don't preach, he's protecting and possessing his daughter!! Oh my what a tangled web this is....ridiculously so.....
So I guess that's all I have to say about the episode...We saw Walt and he looked fairly still doesn't explain how Locke saw a taller version of Walt on the Island...Perhaps the smoke monster doesn't have a good accounting of time and felt that Walt's been gone a long time...
And it was good to see Libby, even though she was spooky...But she told Michael not to push the button and he went ahead with it...that was confusing....
And the previews for the rest of the season look kind of promising as well...A WAR is coming...they've been calling for it since back in Season 1...Locke told Boone that they would want Sayid on their side.....see, something's been planned for some time now and it's all coming together...The cake has been prepared and the oven has finished let's get COOKING!!!!!....
That's all for me for this week.....if other things pop up that I may have missed I'll update the blog...look for some posts during the next couple of weeks that should be enlightening and frightening.. :)
I'll start by saying 5 weeks. 5 weeks until another new episode and it looks like some things are about to get even hairier.....
So let's cut to the heart of the matter, as my good chum Don Henley once said....
Before we go any further, allow me to apologize for my obsession with time travel...I mean, it's definitely prevalent in the Desmond and the Daniel Faraday story but maybe that's where it stops... I fully realize now that it's possible for a complete stranger to board a freighter in search of a mysterious island and the elusive man behind the curtain on less than 2 days notice.....
Just to be specific about the timeline..It looks like Michael has told Walt about killing Ana Lucia and Libby and now he wants to kill himself...
But the "Island won't let you kill yourself!".....yes, much to Michael's dismay, all suicidal tendencies are snuffed by the Island, which means it's influence is not limited to just the Island....let's meander, if you would, around this point for a second and talk Jack...
We've seen Jack in the all encompassing downward spiral of pills and depression and we've seen him attempt to throw himself off of a bridge, but the car crash happened, reminding him that he still had work to do....we also saw him throw caution to the wind before entering the funeral parlor by walking into traffic with no regard for his own safety...So the question is, has Jack tried and failed suicide more than what we've seen?? And has the Island intervened at each point? And if Michael is seeing Libby out of guilt, who is Jack seeing????
But back to the timeline of he gets off the Island by Thanksgiving and is trying to kill himself just prior to Christmas....which is how Tom is able to seemingly be in 2 places at once...Tom's part in this episode is prior to Sawyer gunning him down on the beach...and on that note:
Let's have our own flashback, shall we?
"Relax Kate, you're not my type".....Spoken back in Episode 1 of Season 3, by Tom, when he had Kate shower at the Hydra station...Well finally the mystery is SOLVED!! Now we all know what he meant....yes, Tom prefers the company of a man, specifically a handsome fellow by the name of Arturo. To which I say...Bravo!...Bravo, LOST for continuing to embrace all walks of life by being one of the very few shows to portray honest, well rounded characters and not stereotyping...say what you want but to deal with a show that shrouds itself in mystery and science fiction, I think it offers an interesting look at how to have developed characters really drive the story and make it all the more was a side of Tom that was fun to watch...and it was enlightening...
You see, Tom really came out of the information closet as well in this episode, in terms of who was behind Oceanic Flight 815's discovery and how all the dead passengers were "acquired"...the other part was his admittance to Michael that some of the Others could come and go as they pleased on the Island...So far we've seen Ethan, Richard Alpert and Tom out in the real world....and we know Ben likes to travel as well.....It will be interesting to see if Jack and crew try to return to the island, if it will be one of the Others who are responsible for their return....Maybe Sayid gets to come and go now, since he works for Ben...
Which brings me to my other point...something big must happen to Sayid for him to trust Ben enough to work for him...because after he turned Michael into the captain, we know he's not quite there yet......I'm thinking it's "Nadia big"...oh yeah...don't think we haven't seen the last of Nadia...oh no....Sayid is a sucker for the ladies..
But back to Michael...he's seeking redemption for killing Ana Lucia and Libby...which I thought was cool of Ben to tell him that those deaths were his own choosing...Ben didn't ask Michael to kill those women....And Ben is trying to show Michael, that unlike Charles Widmore, he actually cares for innocent life....
But then you got Frank the helicopter pilot saying that Widmore is trying to FIND the Oceanic who to believe??
My money is still on Ben..hell I've been wrong on everything else so maybe I'll just start to believe what Ben actually says...They're the good guys...which leads me to ponder this:
Who the HECK is shooting Alex and Karl and Danielle???? Karl for sure is dead and Danielle took a hefty shot to the chest area....Were they set up by Ben? They had every chance to kill Alex as well but she was spared....why?? Because Papa don't preach, he's protecting and possessing his daughter!! Oh my what a tangled web this is....ridiculously so.....
So I guess that's all I have to say about the episode...We saw Walt and he looked fairly still doesn't explain how Locke saw a taller version of Walt on the Island...Perhaps the smoke monster doesn't have a good accounting of time and felt that Walt's been gone a long time...
And it was good to see Libby, even though she was spooky...But she told Michael not to push the button and he went ahead with it...that was confusing....
And the previews for the rest of the season look kind of promising as well...A WAR is coming...they've been calling for it since back in Season 1...Locke told Boone that they would want Sayid on their side.....see, something's been planned for some time now and it's all coming together...The cake has been prepared and the oven has finished let's get COOKING!!!!!....
That's all for me for this week.....if other things pop up that I may have missed I'll update the blog...look for some posts during the next couple of weeks that should be enlightening and frightening.. :)
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Meet Magic Johnson....

Here it is....the last episode before the 5 week break....aargh....well at least it should be a good one..As we saw last week, Shoot 'em up Mike is back on the show....and he's on the freighter headed back to the the big question is how is this happening??

All signs are pointing to the time travel element of the show...we've seen it with Desmond, albeit it was a mind time travel situation...I don't think the same can be said for Michael...we saw Michael and Walt leave the island less than a month ago..sort of..remember the short time line that's actually part of the story-This is roughly day 100 or so since the plane crash....That really doesn't leave a lot of time to get on board a freighter as someone else...unless he met the freighter when he left the island, on one of those infamous shipping know, that one that Tom Hanks found when he was a cast away..anyway, I digress...
This week is promising to be informative and interesting, not only with the Michael story but also with the Ben looks like Yoda is going to share the same info he shared with must be pretty good to get out of the jail and into his own place....THAT dude is an amazing salesman....If you ever shot me in my non existent kidney, I'll be damned if I'm going to let you set up shop next door, youknowwhatImean??
One of the other mysteries that seems to have some people all up in arms is the identity of the Oceanic 6.....Here's what we know for sure: Kate Jack Hurley Sun and Sayid are DEFINITELY 5 of the 6...The question is who's the 6th?
There's an argument out there that the 6th is Aaron....but how can that be? He technically wasn't a passenger on Flight 815..well TECHNICALLY he was a passenger on Claire, who was a passenger on the plane..but that's a bit graphic....even for me.. :)
Then there's the whole thing about Kate raising Aaron as her own son...certainly that would mean that he came back with them when they were he would have to be the 6th, right?
Well I'm not signing up for anything....this is the kind of show that can put a full size 747 in the bottom of the ocean and stock it full of 300 odd dead bodies...this is the kind of show that can still find a way to deliver drop shipments of DHARMA oatmeal and boxed wine after the seeming demise of the DHARMA initiative....this is the kind of show that can throw a guy out of an 8 story window, smash his body and leave him only paralyzed from the waist down and then have him crash land on an island that gives him the ability to walk again.....yeah...I think this is also the kind of show that could figure out a way to have Aaron be one of the 6...but since the writers aren't confirming who they are, I'll be reserving judgement....
It's I was typing this, a promo for last week's show(DVR) came on, saying that the last of the 6 would be there's an answer, I guess....hahaha...this dang show....
Later LOSTIES...see you on Friday with a wrap UP!!
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