Here it is....the last episode before the 5 week break....aargh....well at least it should be a good one..As we saw last week, Shoot 'em up Mike is back on the show....and he's on the freighter headed back to the Island....so the big question is how is this happening??

All signs are pointing to the time travel element of the show...we've seen it with Desmond, albeit it was a mind time travel situation...I don't think the same can be said for Michael...we saw Michael and Walt leave the island less than a month ago..sort of..remember the short time line that's actually part of the story-This is roughly day 100 or so since the plane crash....That really doesn't leave a lot of time to get on board a freighter as someone else...unless he met the freighter when he left the island, on one of those infamous shipping lanes...you know, that one that Tom Hanks found when he was a cast away..anyway, I digress...
This week is promising to be informative and interesting, not only with the Michael story but also with the Ben story...it looks like Yoda is going to share the same info he shared with Locke...it must be pretty good to get out of the jail and into his own place....THAT dude is an amazing salesman....If you ever shot me in my non existent kidney, I'll be damned if I'm going to let you set up shop next door, youknowwhatImean??
One of the other mysteries that seems to have some people all up in arms is the identity of the Oceanic 6.....Here's what we know for sure: Kate Jack Hurley Sun and Sayid are DEFINITELY 5 of the 6...The question is who's the 6th?
There's an argument out there that the 6th is Aaron....but how can that be? He technically wasn't a passenger on Flight 815..well TECHNICALLY he was a passenger on Claire, who was a passenger on the plane..but that's a bit graphic....even for me.. :)
Then there's the whole thing about Kate raising Aaron as her own son...certainly that would mean that he came back with them when they were rescued....so he would have to be the 6th, right?
Well I'm not signing up for anything....this is the kind of show that can put a full size 747 in the bottom of the ocean and stock it full of 300 odd dead bodies...this is the kind of show that can still find a way to deliver drop shipments of DHARMA oatmeal and boxed wine after the seeming demise of the DHARMA initiative....this is the kind of show that can throw a guy out of an 8 story window, smash his body and leave him only paralyzed from the waist down and then have him crash land on an island that gives him the ability to walk again.....yeah...I think this is also the kind of show that could figure out a way to have Aaron be one of the 6...but since the writers aren't confirming who they are, I'll be reserving judgement....
It's funny..as I was typing this, a promo for last week's show(DVR) came on, saying that the last of the 6 would be revealed....so there's an answer, I guess....hahaha...this dang show....
Later LOSTIES...see you on Friday with a wrap UP!!
I'm still putting my money on Aaron not being one of the Oceanic 6. Here's my reasoning. We know that Kate, Jack, Hurley & Sayid are 4 of the 6. If Aaron was one of them that would leave just one more person to complete the 6. If that were the case then all the game play with Sun & Jin wouldn't make sense because for both of them to have made it off the island that would make 7, not 6. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
yep..they said now that the Oceanic 6 have been revealed and then they showed the promo of all of them and Aaron was one of them, I thought, well there it is...mystery solved... :) but not really...they still need to explain him....
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