Friday, March 21, 2008

Friday night lights

GOOD EVENING LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For those of you who tune into this blog from the comforts of your PJ's and more often than I send the emails announcing the updates, this blog's for you!
Yes, it's a rare Friday night blog that is truly informative....
As I write this I am listening to Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse on their weekly podcast at In these podcasts, they discuss certain things about the previous week's episode and usually straighten out some mysteries, but mostly they act goofy and seem to be punchy from their late night writing sessions....
Here's a brief summary of what they mentioned in this week's:
1. There will be a scene in the season finale that will have the same upside down, scratch your head kind of moment that last season's finale and all previous finale's have had...although it won't be the LAST scene, which will also be good...I can hardly wait and currently have goose bumps and reaffirmation that I am indeed a spaz...
2. Due to their own history of shenanigans they are coming clean and clear on who The OCEANIC 6 are:
Jack Kate Hurley Sayid Sun and Aaron....the promo shown for the upcoming episodes at the end of last night's ep confirmed who the Oceanic 6 were...Damon and Carlton also said that we will see a scene with all of them together at some point....
3. The next episode is entitled "The Shape of Things to Come"
4. There are only certain coordinates or bearings that can get you out of the island's proximity...When Desmond tried to leave on the boat back at the end of Season 2, he was only able to go in circles, since he had no bearings...
5. The "side effects" that Desmond and Minkowski experienced were due in large part to the large doses of electromagnetism they both were exposed to...Minkowski's from working around radio equipment on ships for a better part of his life, I suspect and Des' from imploding the Hatch....these "side effects" could also be termed "illness" or "sickness", which led to a comment that maybe we've heard about other people experiencing a "sickness" before(Danielle and her crew).
6. We haven't seen the last of the "purple sky" and they eluded to another electromagnetic event happening at some point....however, they will not revisit visually what happened at the Swan Station anymore..
7. There was a question about what was real or an apparition or the smoke monster. The breakdown is as follows:
Ben's mother: apparition
Spider that killed Nikki: smoke monster...Damon kind of snickered after this one, which led me to believe that he wasn't really being serious about this take it with a grain of ironic salt
Yemi: Smoke monster
Walt: Some apparition, some smoke monster
Christian Shepard and Kate's black horse: be clear about what undead means: collective name for beings that the superstitious believe are deceased yet behave as if alive.
8. A question was asked in regards to Aaron being raised by someone other than Claire and if he was really in danger, like the psychic predicted way back in season 1. They basically debunked the psychic as a con man, which means that Aaron could indeed be raised by Kate....although Damon did elude to the fact that Aaron was in danger, simply because Kate was a murdering house blower upper.....
9. we will learn more about the Black Rock and the 4 toed statue, but neither will get their own flashback...
10. Charlotte, the new red head Freightie, is a cultural anthropologist, which is someone who studies ancient cultures. This is will still be determined....

So there are 10 things you may not have known prior to reading this blog...Are you better off for knowing this? Probably not but who cares? Now go baffle your friends with this overload of info at the next closest water cooler...


Anonymous said...

So, what will El Prez do for the next month on Thursdays?

Anonymous said...

.... Obviously it's not answering my question!!!

El Prez said...

HAHA....yeah....I've been keeping myself preoccupied with some personal business...but have no fear...there will be a post coming soon that will enlighten all on my whereabouts....Thanks for busting my chops Anonymous Said....I like to stay fresh... :)