Helloooo LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well tonight's episode: Confirmed Dead was very, very interesting. Let's bisect this sucker like it's been sitting in formaldehyde, with a cute pair of frog's legs, shall we??
First, the discovery of Oceanic flight 815. There's a couple of points of note, in regards to the crash:
1. The plane was in sections, not unlike how it actually crashed. There were 3 distinct breaks, just like it broke apart on the island. Now I'll have to watch again to see at what depth the wreckage was found but someone is going to have their hands full explaining how 6 people survived. I look forward to that discussion.
2. The pilot was not the pilot. During Frank's flashback, they showed the pilot who really did crash land on the island, Mr Seth Norris, aka Greg Grungberg(now on Heroes and JJ Abrams childhood friend, has appeared in all of Abrams projects, most notably Alias.) Frank WAS supposed to be the pilot of that flight, but I'll get to that in a second.....actually let's get to it now....
THEORY of the night: Ben's inside "man" on the boat is Frank Lapidus. This is strictly conjecture but follow me, if you dare. Frank was supposed to be the pilot of THAT flight...now why he wasn't is still to be discovered but EVERYONE else got on that flight, not neccesarily of their own means. Jack, Jin, Sun,Charlie, Michael, Walt and Hurley were ACTUALLY flying from Australia to LA. Sayid, Kate, Sawyer, Locke and Claire were all ARRANGED to board that flight. In essence all of them were pulled toAustralia for various reasons, so arranged or not, fate was involved. Or was it planned?
Was Frank supposed to fly Oceanic 815 because "he can land anything", like he did the helicopter? Would he have flown them all home, bypassing the island completely? Or would he have landed the plane on the Island? Was he in fact in cahoots with Ben to bring Oceanic 815 there?
Add the fact that the smoke monster also destroyed Mr Seth Norris, probably because he was not a good person...NOW if it had been Chuck Norris, this show would have been over after the first episode by way of a roundhouse kick....I digress...
Plus Frank studied the manifest. He studied the manifest of a plane where all the passengers were confirmed dead....why bother? Because he's just like Ben, gathering information. Something doesn't sit right with old Frank. Why jettison all of your passengers so that you could land, which was a guarenteed landing in his mind? So he could connect with the Others....That's my theory....He's in Ben's circle.
Plus there's his name. When I wrote it down in my notes, I spelled it "Lepidus". On the IMDB website, they list the character as Frank Lapidus. But Lepidus is better.... Lepidus was one of Julius Caeser's greatest supporters. Does Ben equal Caeser? Not quite. I think Jacob is Caeser and Jacob has been "assassinated", much like Caeser, except Jacob "lives", in Island terms. Lepidus(Frank) joined forces with Marc Antony(Richard, the guy who never aged) and Caeser Octavian, Juluis' adopted son(Ben).( parenthesis mean Island terms.).
These 3 comprised the Second Triumverate:the Second Triumvirate was an official (if extraconstitutional) organization, whose overwhelming power in the Roman state was given full legal sanction and whose imperium maius outranked that of all other magistrates, including the consuls.(Wikipedia)
Now this might be a stretch on my part but as I sit here and re-read it, I have to say, it's pretty dang good...ahhahaha...sometimes I write my own LOST mythology....oh well, no harm, right? Thats why it's called a theory! :)
Now let's give a quick, but brief but short synopsis on the other "rescuers".
1. Daniel Faraday: The physicist.....I'm going to let my Google search do all the work here. Check out this site to read some very interesting things about Michael Faraday...
...for those who want the down and dirty: This dude lived a long time ago, discovered electromagnetic force fields and was generally known as a pretty dang good physicist. I thought the most telling line of the night was when Daniel Faraday said that the "light doesn't scatter quite right here".......methinks this fellow might be handy when it comes to the Black Smoke monster......WHICH...
..leads me to my next quick point: Locke wanted to know what it was. He asked a question that all of us have been asking since we saw that smokey little weirdo....But true to LOST fashion, Ben didn't know.....Sometimes I would like to beat the writers like Sawyer beat Ben...twice...And how disturbing was it that Sawyer asked Locke if he(Locke) wanted him(Sawyer) to kill Ben(Ben)....Locke was going to do it himself when Ben started spilling the beans on our next rescuer:
2. Charlotte Staples Lewis..the anthropolgist....who discovered the DHARMA Hydra Station collar on a polar bear in Tunisia......who.....discovered....the......DHARMA........Hydra..... Station....collar....... on....... a....... polar...... bear..... in...... Tunisia......what...the.....??!?!?!? And she was pleased as punch! I mean it's a big discovery but she acted like it was supposed to be there!! And when she landed on the island she was beside herself...at first I thought it was because she knew she was alive but then it was apparent that she knows more about the island than maybe we know..She was amazed that Claire had her baby on the island, which means she must know how that whole thing has been working.....more to come, no doubt from that chippie...who by the way has her own literary reference: C.S. Lewis, author of The Chronicles of Narnia....You know? That parallel world that you get through from the wardrobe? Of course CS Lewis was Irish and really didn't like the English, so it's a bit odd that this CS Lewis was born in Essex England, as Ben explained....no real point, just a random thought....moving on....
3. Miles No Name....This dude can see dead people. And talk to them. He's a bit jumpy and he dropped the bomb that they were there for Benjamin Linus. Why he even had a picture of Ben in a dapper white vest, going through some security checkpoint.....But the dead people connection is going to prove useful when he hears the whispers in the jungle or talks to Jacob....This is bound to happen..I mean, it would have to right??...maybe Naomi told him about Jacob when she was laying there dead.....speaking of...
4. Naomi....Hired special ops bad ass, who fell out of helicopter, landed spleen first into a tree and caught a knife in the back from Locke, only to die hours later after falling out of another tree and onto Kate. I'll give her props..she was way cooler in those 5 minutes that Paulo and Nikki combined....but back to the being "hired" part....who hired her but none other than Creeping Death himself, Michael Abaddon...let's take him to number 5..
5. Michael Abaddon, the gentleman who told Hurley he was a lawyer for Oceanic Airlines...but yet he had no cards saying so but he did manage to ask Hurley if "they were still alive".....In this episode Mr Abaddon told Naomi there were no survivors of Oceanic 815....Now, he knew he was sending Naomi on a search and retract mission to the Island. She wanted to know what to do if she ran into Oceanic survivors.....Now she's seen the footage of the wreckage in the ocean, yet she asks what to do if she runs into survivors.....ODD....Now maybe Mr Abaddon figured that the Others on the Island would kill the Oceanic passengers, or convert them to Others as well...Either way, something smells fishy here and it ain't the cat's breath....One last little piece about Mr Abaddon: Once again I go to the all knowing Wikipedia: In Biblical terms Abaddon means "Angel of the Abyss", or "the realm of the dead"..so now you know why I call this dude Creeping Death....
I'll leave you all with some last thoughts...something to ponder over the weekend and some beers with your respective clans:
1. Einstein's theory of relativity as it pertains to Gravitational Time Dilation.
2. Occam's Razor: All things being equal, the simplest solution is the best.
3. Buddsim: In the Pali Canon and numerous Mahayana sutras and Tantras, the Buddha stresses that Dharma (Truth) cannot truly be understood with the ordinary rational mind or logic
Now that's some deep doo doo.....call it whatever you want but CSI ain't got this kind of mind bending craziness, no matter how long Grissam's beard gets.....
I'm out LOSTIES...
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Tha next episode.....

Stop! Or my fertility doctor, good-turned-evil-turned-good, hot, dirty friend will shoot!!
HELLOOOOOO LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well here we are on the verge of another all new LOST episode, "Confirmed Dead"!!!! Oh yeah, it's as ominous as it sounds....Everyone wants to know WHO these Boat People are...well on Thursday night, you'll get an intimate glimpse into these folks....no sense dragging it out, we are going to dive right in to who these people are, if they are indeed there for a rescue mission and by what means they'll be getting our fine friends off the Island.....
All I'll advise is that you pay close attention to the details, we may see another face pop up that's new to the LOST universe....Everything is connected....I'm convinced that these Boat People are familiar with our castaways, more intimitely than they may be letting on.....The plot thickens, as if that was even neccesary.....
That's all for me....I'll be back with a big recap post by Friday...unless the sickness claims me again....which, by the way, I would like to thank all the well wishers...It's overwhelming that this little blog has as many loyal readers as it does and then you top it off with the fact that you are all good people and concerned with my health....Thank you from the bottom of my LOST lined heart....
Enjoy the show!!!!!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
The End of the Beginning

I really wish I could play the theme to Chariots of Fire here.....maybe in the future...
HELLOOOOOOOO, LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Before I get started with the update, I have to give LFCer4Life, Braveheart, the most props for giving me grief for not posting...In true LOST geekdom, he told me that if John Locke could survive a gun shot to the stomach, surely I could write an update with a severe headcold...HAHAHA...That one got me pretty good....well played, sir....
ANYWAY, let's get on with how awesome the beginning of season 4 was!! It felt as if this show had never been gone...8 months were immediately forgotten...I know because I was still able to yell at the cat for meowing incessantly, just like I did back in Season 2....ahh, good times....
So we started with a Hurley flash FORWARD....If you knew your LOST history, you would have recognized the car that was in the high speed chase as the one Hurley and his dad Cheech were going to restore....And big props to LFCer Andy Plant for commenting about the fact that during the chase, we saw a big bottle of OJ.....I swear, I'm just trying to keep up with these guys....The OJ in question was mixed with a little vodka and belonged to one clean cut Jack Shepard, apparently at the beginning of his descent into alcohol and drugs...C'mon people!! It was like 9 in the morning!!! But more importantly it sets the timeline up a little better. This episode was POST rescue and PRE Jack's awesome beard....
As Hurley was arerested he was screaming if they knew who he was..."I'm one of the Oceanic 6!!!!"......that's interesting...and telling: Let's add up who we've seen so far in the future: Kate, Jack and Hurley....That leaves 3....who else made it?? Is one of those people in the coffin?? I'll give my best answer: highly unlikely....The "Oceanic 6" are semi celebrities...we know this at the end because Jack says he still gets stopped for autographs when he goes for coffee....we also remember that he was recognized for his heroics while trying to get a prescription filled....he was referred to as a "hero, twice over"(Season 3 finale, as well).....so the point is that if one of the Oceanic 6 was in the coffin, then someone would have shown up at the funeral....as it was, there was only Jack.....
Also we saw another flash back in the form of Ana Lucia's former partner, Officer Mike..Now Detective Mike....interesting that Hurley would lie and deny knowing her...I mean, he did help dig her grave...she did die in the same place as his unrequited love interest Libby....You'd think the big fella would remember...Brainwashed? Or threatened? I'll pick the later and you can catch some well placed points to that further in this long winded diatribe....
So what had Hurley all freaked out in the first place??? Why, it was a ghost of course!!!

Charlie!! He got himself a fancy new jacket and snazzy haircut in the after life...Further proof that the after life has at least one mall, as I've always contended.....So Charlie had a message for Mr Reyes:

Who are they??? The people left on the Island?? Is this a hint that they aren't dead? Are they in need of rescue? Are they in need of a hero?? Are they lonely and just miss the big fella???? Time will tell...
Prior to Hurley seeing Charlie, he was asked by an Oceanic lawyer if they were still alive...again, the they.... what in the h e double hockey sticks happened on that island??? and was that dude even a lawyer?? He looked too creepy to be a lawyer....He looked like a messenger of death...Now, I've never met an actual messenger of death, but I would suspect he would have the same menacing stare as that gentleman had.....but I digress....
Now for the big LOST conspiracists, Hurley was seen painting a picture of an Eskimo and an igloo...was this a reference to the 2 guys in the Arctic at the end of Season 2??? I'll let Jorge Garcia, Hurley Himself, answer that one, courtesy of Kristin from E!Online, courtesy of Janet in Eugene, Oregon:
That was a great Hurley interview, but you forgot the biggest question of them all. What was with the Eskimo watercolor painting he was drawing? Was that an Easter egg?
Funny. Jorge himself brought that up and said that if anyone asks, he wanted everyone to know that that painting is hugely important because it was drawn by...Jorge himself.
“I just thought to myself, what would Hurley be drawing? And given that he didn’t want an ocean view and wanted to be as far away from the island as possible, that seemed like the farthest place.” That's all it meant, according to J.G.
(color coding added for effect)
So there you have it...or do you? Nothing is an accident folks, not with this show, you can bet your bottom dollar...or your top dollar...whichever...
Another cool feature of the show was another run in with the CABIN.....Jacob's cabin to be exact...and who was in the rocking chair?? I'll let you all go back to your DVR's and discover that it was none other than Jack's dead father, Mr Christian Shepard!!!!! WTF!!! Now I know what that means and it fits right here!! I won't even begin to speculate as to WHO's eye it was that peered out at Hurley...I will only say that I made a little pee when it happened....to my credit, it was the beginning of my sickness that I am still suffering through, so it's really not a big deal.....I could blame the illness but I'll just admit I was a little frightened there.... and then Hurley started running and the cabin appeared again!!! Now I have to speculate if the cabin really exists or does it just appear to those who are special enough to see it?? Time will tell...

Ladies and Gentleman, the WORST basketball player in the LOST universe...it's a good thing he's pretty....It was nice to see Jack show up to support his friend and fellow Oceanic 6er....But we saw right through Jack when he asked Hurley if he was going to crack and tell the truth...Hurley was offended by the suggestion and then told Jack that he was sorry and should have gone with him instead of Locke....Then he shouted that IT wants them to go back to the island, that they never should have left.
IT. IT.......first THEY need him, then IT wants them to come back.....I CANNOT wait to see that part of the show when they leave and under what circumstances....It is going to be AWESOME!!!...It would have to be... we can see that Jack hasn't yet fell victim to his lying ways, as we saw in the season finale but it won't be long...Never say never, dude!.......also the part about Jack saying he was thinking about growing a beard was pretty funny, partly because it looks funny and partly because we know he does in fact grow a beard...turns out he did it to keep from being recognized in the streets while getting coffee, not out of some drug induced laziness.....I'm sure the fact that it's gnarly looking is helped by the alcohol and vicodin....
And finally, we have our first glimpse of the new "Others".....possibly the bad guys that Ben was referring to, not that long ago.....

This is Jeremy Davies. You may remember him from Saving Private Ryan.....or the Helter Skelter movie, where he played Charles Manson.....either way, expect nothing but evil from this dude......he looks just innocent enough to cut you where you stand......
Wow...well that's all from me...I am winded and a little weary..I think I'll take a pill and relax....Jack style.....
Yours Truly,
PS...El Prez does not advocate drug use in any way, unless it's been prescribed by a doctor....and given to you in a brown paper bag, behind the Tastee Freez.....I kid!!!
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