Stop! Or my fertility doctor, good-turned-evil-turned-good, hot, dirty friend will shoot!!
HELLOOOOOO LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well here we are on the verge of another all new LOST episode, "Confirmed Dead"!!!! Oh yeah, it's as ominous as it sounds....Everyone wants to know WHO these Boat People are...well on Thursday night, you'll get an intimate glimpse into these folks....no sense dragging it out, we are going to dive right in to who these people are, if they are indeed there for a rescue mission and by what means they'll be getting our fine friends off the Island.....
All I'll advise is that you pay close attention to the details, we may see another face pop up that's new to the LOST universe....Everything is connected....I'm convinced that these Boat People are familiar with our castaways, more intimitely than they may be letting on.....The plot thickens, as if that was even neccesary.....
That's all for me....I'll be back with a big recap post by Friday...unless the sickness claims me again....which, by the way, I would like to thank all the well wishers...It's overwhelming that this little blog has as many loyal readers as it does and then you top it off with the fact that you are all good people and concerned with my health....Thank you from the bottom of my LOST lined heart....
Enjoy the show!!!!!
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