GOOD THURSDAY, LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today's first update will be brief. I want to hit on the big ideas from last night and then, hopefully, when I return to headquarters, I can sit down and write a proper theory on TIME TRAVEL and Future events..
First, do you all recall the season finale of last year? Specifically the 2 Portuguese fellows in the Arctic station who detect the "anomaly" and alert Penny Widmore?
Well guess what? She found the place...at least all signs point to that. First piece of evidence was the book and title of last night's show, "Catch-22". The parachutist had a Portuguese version of it in her bag, along with the picture of Des and Penny, which could of course, be the biggest clue of all, if she hadn't murmured Desmond's name after he pulled her helmet off.

Speaking of which, that's a pretty intense outfit for a parachutist and most likely leads to her coming from a VERY HIGH altitude. I'm no master of parachuting but I've seen it on TV. I believe you have to fly pretty high to have to be assisted by an helmet and oxygen supply. The helicopter sound was very interesting as well and I'm hoping more will be illuminated on that.
The other big thing from last night was the picture on the monk's desk, when Des handed in his robe. My good buddy, Jon at the TailSection website, had a great screen capture, so all credit goes to him for publishing.
Now the question for later is, what does this mean? Are there forces outside of this determining Desmond's path? If so, what are their intentions? Saving humanity by forcing Des down the path to turning the key? Are there other time travelers, like the monk and the old lady? Are they good? Or EVIL?
Too many to ask right now, but ask them I shall!!!!
But later...
I thought the helicopter sound was interesting as well.
What's the range of a helicopter? Could it be the island isn't in the middle of the ocean? Maybe its a few miles of the coast of a South Pacific country. Or maybe the Others have they're own helicopter...
The helicopter could have taken off from a large boat or aircraft carrier though in order to reach the island if it is in the middle of the ocean. If not it could have been a long range helicopter like the H-3 Sea King that the coast guard and navy use with a range of around 625 miles, which might explain why it crashed if they had to use all the fuel to reach the island.
It could also have been a V22 Osprey aircraft that converts from a helicopter to an airplane.
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