Well here we are, one week away from the finale of Season 5! It's hard to believe that next week is it for this season... but there's no time for tears, as we still have 3 more hours to dissect, starting with tonight's episode, entitled: Follow the Leader.
So who is the Leader? This guy?:

Or This guy?:

Tonight, they were on very specific missions.... Locke, or a thing that resembles Locke, is on his way to expose Jacob, an entity that apparently, no one has ever seen...and by expose I mean kill... so now that begs the question: Why?
Jack is on Faraday's mission to blow up the energy pocket that the Swan is currently being built upon.. By negating that energy, the Swan won't need to have a button that needs to be pushed every 108 minutes and the non pushing of that button won't cause planes to fall out of the sky... again, this is where the time paradox issues arise... I know Jack is technically in his own "present" and Locke is in his own "present"... do these 2 "presents" coincide?
The reason I wonder is because Richard remembers Jack and gang because he saw them die. He tells Sun this in 2007 that he saw them die in 1977. He didn't date it but you have to assume that THAT is what he means..
I can't really dive into more of this time stuff...it literally makes my head hurt...it's like a roller coaster: Instead of enjoying the ride, I'm worrying about how the dang thing stays together and people don't fall out... so in terms of the rest of what's left of this season, I'm going to sit back and throw my hands in the air and just yell "WHEEEEEEE!!"... and with my little baby arms and toothy smile, that will be a cute picture..
Moving on...

OUCH! Jack got a beat down in this episode... we haven't seen Jack this bloody since his tattoo on the beach of Thailand flashback.... some might say this was well deserved, considering Jack's been a big dummy the last 3 years, off island.. by the way, in pro wrestling slang, Jack has the "crimson mask"... Dusty Rhodes was the King Of crimson masks... not to be confused with King Crimson, a progressive rock band out of the 70's....

But a crimson mask beats this, which is just straight up dead.... and dead is dead, right? I have a feeling we will see Miles one more time but only in a flashback of some sorts... perhaps they will dive into what exactly he was up to in Ann Arbor for those 3 years with the DI...

Anyone notice this scene last night? Specifically the hand of Charles Widmore on the stomach of Eloise Hawking? Like Richard said, love is a complicated thing... but I would think shooting your unborn child that has time travelled back to the past is a pretty complicated thing... but whatever..WHEEEE!!!!

Let's eat!! Locke comes bearing gifts... now I don't want to stir a great political debate BUT, isn't it odd that these Others have been following the same rules of protocol for 50 plus years and now this Locke guys comes back from the dead and presents the notion that they as a group have a right to see where their leadership actually comes from.. It's like Mr Smith goes to Washington! Or in this case, Mr Locke goes to Somewhere... do we think the cabin is going to be seen again or is Jacob actually somewhere in a physical state? Is Jacob the answer to "What Lies in the Shadow of the Statue?" Hmmm....

Let's insert a little humor for a second...Anytime Hurley is on screen, I smile... this guy is a terrible liar..which is a great thing...when he said there was no such thing as the Korean War, I peed a little in my diaper..the look on Jin's face was hilarious... And so Dr Chang came face to face with his grown son from the future... WHEEEEEEEE!!!

This isn't humorous at all really... Kate is a big ol 3rd wheel... And Juliet has got to be the most insecure woman on the Island... she's been shacking up with Sawyer now for 3 years!! Come on woman, own your spot!! Don't let that scrub put you out! That's YOUR man, girlfriend!! And Kate is no homewrecker.. she's a home blower upper, as we saw when she killed her dad but we have to trust that she's on a much bigger mission right now and that's to find Claire somehow... So Juliet, get a grip...

"Good Riddance"... right.... I don't buy that for a second... but I had to laugh about Sawyer's plans to become rich.."We'll buy Microsoft and bet the 78 Cowboys to win the Superbowl"... haha...great plan, Biff.

I thought this was one of the biggest Island mysteries of all..at least top 5. The tunnels. We often wondered how Goodwin could have made it to the Tail end of Flight 815 in record time....turns out, he took the subway.
And when Jack asked Richard if they pulled the Bomb thru the under water tunnel, the look on Richard's face was priceless and his response was even better... "Yeah, dumbass, we pulled the most deadly, gigantic weapon of the middle century thru an under water tunnel"... Stick to doctoring Jack and leave the science to real ageless guys... and does anyone else think that Richard wears waterproof eyeliner?

The old ship in a bottle hobby.. I always wondered how this was done... as if it isn't hard enough to build a mini Black Rock replica, Richard has to show off and stick one in a bottle... This is what a lot of immortals do..they always have to take it one step further... That's always been my biggest beef with vampires: They're arrogant.

My boyfriend's back and your going to be in trouble, hey now, hey now Sayid is BACK!! And he's shooting people once more.. this dude is ice water!!!
And where has he been? Eating fruits and berries in the jungle, eluding the smoke monster and improving his ninja skills? Whichever it is, I'm glad he's back in the mix.. and Kate had to put him in his place in regards to shooting kids and that not being cool... it wouldn't surprise me to see a recovered young Benjamin Linus seek his revenge and ingratiate himself into the Others camp by killing our dear friend Sayid... that might be close enough to reality to be a spoiler but who knows...
And finally:

That's right Ben...I'm going to kill the man you've been blindly following ALL of these years... That's got to really get your underroos in a wad, huh? But guess what? You can't do anything about it or else Smokey will come back in the form of Alex and kill you dead.
I just have the feeling that there a million different agendas at work here, a shell game if you will...follow the ball but the ball is constantly changing... I think the overall "war" that's coming is between Jacob and the Island. Everyone that we've seen is going to be divided between the 2 and that's going to be the war.
Think of it this way: The Earth was first, then Man. And since that time, they've been at odds. But the Earth has a natural way of healing itself and returning to it's original state, when left untouched by man. There is no further proof than in our backyard here at Casa El Prez. My dad hasn't mowed in a week and I swear there's a forest that's grown in it's place.
So we could be seeing the same reclamation of power. The Island has had enough with Jacob and his machinations and time is up. Locke swears the Island tells him what to do.... but the weird part is that Jacob asked Locke to help him.... I for one, have no idea how this is going to play out but like I've said before:
L Prez OUT
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