So I wrote the below blog the night of the season finale... I was really blown away by what we saw and I immediately set out to get my thoughts down and try to make some sense of all of it... and then I didn't post it... I wanted to sit with it for a bit and see if it still made sense a couple of days later...well, as you all know, days turned into weeks... but here it is, un-edited and straight from the mind of a loon... there's a post mortem note at the end.
This very well could be the shortest of all the blog entries. And that may only last a day.... But I have to put this pen to paper and get this out.
Tonight's episode was EPIC. By far one of the most action packed, heart wrenching 2 hours of television. It literally had it all and a giant statue.
But the entire episode, for me, will live in that first 5 minutes.... The reveal of Jacob.
And not just that, the reveal of another character: Dark shirt guy.
You don't have to be a Bible scholar to see what's going on here. You also don't have to know ancient history or know how to speak Egyptian hieroglyphics.... no, the only thing you need to know is this:
Good versus Evil
This show has been about that from the beginning( remember Locke teaching Walt about backgammon? "There are 2 sides: one is light, the other is dark") and now it's all culminating into one final showdown. Or is it?
The scene at the beginning with Jacob and Dark Shirt Guy(DSG) is obviously supposed to remind of us of God and the Devil, Good vs. Evil...
Jacob is wearing a white shirt, an allusion to the light, while DSG, well, he's a little more of a brooder, if you will.
Now let me just set the record straight: I don't mean to offend any religions or beliefs you all might have. My purpose is to explain a show that is truly a mystery but quite possibly, the answer has been in front of us all along. And it has STRONG religious undertones, or in tonight's case and in my opinion, strong overtones as well. It was almost too literal.
SO Jacob brings people to the island, basically to prove a point: That all people are good inside.
DSG doesn't buy into this theology at all:
"Still trying to prove me wrong, aren't you?"
"You are wrong"
"Am I?... They come, fight, They destroy, They corrupt. It always ends the same."
"It only ends once. Anything that happens before that, it's just progress."
It wasn't that long ago that I wrote that the Island is the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve. The Tree of Knowledge, or Good and Evil, whatever you want to call it. God created and the Devil tempted. Ultimately Eve had the choice to eat of the tree and she made the choice. The rest is history.
This conversation between Jacob and DSG is just a continuing play on that dichotomy. This whole episode just screamed free will and faith and love and death and all the crazy things that happen in life.
And tonight LOST finally revealed it's face. The question you have to ask yourself is: Who's right? Jacob or DSG?
Apparently these two have been going at it for quite some time, with Jacob luring people to the island in the hopes that humanity will make improvements and stop fighting one another, stop succumbing to temptation and restore itself back to that perfect creation, living in Utopia, peace, Namaste. In short, Jacob has faith.
But DSG is growing tired of Jacob constantly proving DSG's own point. That man is fallible and will never return to that perfect creation. No matter how many you bring to this Island, they will all fail. They will all fight. They will all destroy. Which one has more compassion: the one who keeps setting these creatures up to fail, or the one who is resigned to the fact that evil is inherant?
That's a pretty deep question for a show about plane crash survivors. And one we may have to explore once again.
Tonight's episode was EPIC. That's really all I need to say for now.
Stay tuned for the FINAL blog of the season.... there was A LOT that happened tonight and we still have to talk about my girl Juliet becoming the hero of the day.
And one last note: surely, everyone noticed that for the first time in 5 seasons, LOST didn't end with the normal black background, white LOST logo. It switched to a white background, Black LOST logo. A change in power?
So that was it...not a lot of exact details but definitely a simplified theory... you know, The Matrix followed the same themes and a lot of people didn't like the way that trilogy played out but it's hard to satisfy everyone when you are dealing with an epic story.. our minds conjure up a larger answer than some can produce... I feel very comfortable tho, in the fact that the LOST writers will deliver a great ending next season....
That's it for me...I think I'll be handing the reins back to the old man next year, let him finish what he started...besides I have to learn how to walk...
Later peeps!
L Prez OUT
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Follow The Leader
Hello, my fellow Losties!
Well here we are, one week away from the finale of Season 5! It's hard to believe that next week is it for this season... but there's no time for tears, as we still have 3 more hours to dissect, starting with tonight's episode, entitled: Follow the Leader.
So who is the Leader? This guy?:

Or This guy?:

Tonight, they were on very specific missions.... Locke, or a thing that resembles Locke, is on his way to expose Jacob, an entity that apparently, no one has ever seen...and by expose I mean kill... so now that begs the question: Why?
Jack is on Faraday's mission to blow up the energy pocket that the Swan is currently being built upon.. By negating that energy, the Swan won't need to have a button that needs to be pushed every 108 minutes and the non pushing of that button won't cause planes to fall out of the sky... again, this is where the time paradox issues arise... I know Jack is technically in his own "present" and Locke is in his own "present"... do these 2 "presents" coincide?
The reason I wonder is because Richard remembers Jack and gang because he saw them die. He tells Sun this in 2007 that he saw them die in 1977. He didn't date it but you have to assume that THAT is what he means..
I can't really dive into more of this time literally makes my head's like a roller coaster: Instead of enjoying the ride, I'm worrying about how the dang thing stays together and people don't fall out... so in terms of the rest of what's left of this season, I'm going to sit back and throw my hands in the air and just yell "WHEEEEEEE!!"... and with my little baby arms and toothy smile, that will be a cute picture..
Moving on...

OUCH! Jack got a beat down in this episode... we haven't seen Jack this bloody since his tattoo on the beach of Thailand flashback.... some might say this was well deserved, considering Jack's been a big dummy the last 3 years, off island.. by the way, in pro wrestling slang, Jack has the "crimson mask"... Dusty Rhodes was the King Of crimson masks... not to be confused with King Crimson, a progressive rock band out of the 70's....

But a crimson mask beats this, which is just straight up dead.... and dead is dead, right? I have a feeling we will see Miles one more time but only in a flashback of some sorts... perhaps they will dive into what exactly he was up to in Ann Arbor for those 3 years with the DI...

Anyone notice this scene last night? Specifically the hand of Charles Widmore on the stomach of Eloise Hawking? Like Richard said, love is a complicated thing... but I would think shooting your unborn child that has time travelled back to the past is a pretty complicated thing... but whatever..WHEEEE!!!!

Let's eat!! Locke comes bearing gifts... now I don't want to stir a great political debate BUT, isn't it odd that these Others have been following the same rules of protocol for 50 plus years and now this Locke guys comes back from the dead and presents the notion that they as a group have a right to see where their leadership actually comes from.. It's like Mr Smith goes to Washington! Or in this case, Mr Locke goes to Somewhere... do we think the cabin is going to be seen again or is Jacob actually somewhere in a physical state? Is Jacob the answer to "What Lies in the Shadow of the Statue?" Hmmm....

Let's insert a little humor for a second...Anytime Hurley is on screen, I smile... this guy is a terrible liar..which is a great thing...when he said there was no such thing as the Korean War, I peed a little in my diaper..the look on Jin's face was hilarious... And so Dr Chang came face to face with his grown son from the future... WHEEEEEEEE!!!

This isn't humorous at all really... Kate is a big ol 3rd wheel... And Juliet has got to be the most insecure woman on the Island... she's been shacking up with Sawyer now for 3 years!! Come on woman, own your spot!! Don't let that scrub put you out! That's YOUR man, girlfriend!! And Kate is no homewrecker.. she's a home blower upper, as we saw when she killed her dad but we have to trust that she's on a much bigger mission right now and that's to find Claire somehow... So Juliet, get a grip...

"Good Riddance"... right.... I don't buy that for a second... but I had to laugh about Sawyer's plans to become rich.."We'll buy Microsoft and bet the 78 Cowboys to win the Superbowl"... haha...great plan, Biff.

I thought this was one of the biggest Island mysteries of least top 5. The tunnels. We often wondered how Goodwin could have made it to the Tail end of Flight 815 in record time....turns out, he took the subway.
And when Jack asked Richard if they pulled the Bomb thru the under water tunnel, the look on Richard's face was priceless and his response was even better... "Yeah, dumbass, we pulled the most deadly, gigantic weapon of the middle century thru an under water tunnel"... Stick to doctoring Jack and leave the science to real ageless guys... and does anyone else think that Richard wears waterproof eyeliner?

The old ship in a bottle hobby.. I always wondered how this was done... as if it isn't hard enough to build a mini Black Rock replica, Richard has to show off and stick one in a bottle... This is what a lot of immortals do..they always have to take it one step further... That's always been my biggest beef with vampires: They're arrogant.

My boyfriend's back and your going to be in trouble, hey now, hey now Sayid is BACK!! And he's shooting people once more.. this dude is ice water!!!
And where has he been? Eating fruits and berries in the jungle, eluding the smoke monster and improving his ninja skills? Whichever it is, I'm glad he's back in the mix.. and Kate had to put him in his place in regards to shooting kids and that not being cool... it wouldn't surprise me to see a recovered young Benjamin Linus seek his revenge and ingratiate himself into the Others camp by killing our dear friend Sayid... that might be close enough to reality to be a spoiler but who knows...
And finally:

That's right Ben...I'm going to kill the man you've been blindly following ALL of these years... That's got to really get your underroos in a wad, huh? But guess what? You can't do anything about it or else Smokey will come back in the form of Alex and kill you dead.
I just have the feeling that there a million different agendas at work here, a shell game if you will...follow the ball but the ball is constantly changing... I think the overall "war" that's coming is between Jacob and the Island. Everyone that we've seen is going to be divided between the 2 and that's going to be the war.
Think of it this way: The Earth was first, then Man. And since that time, they've been at odds. But the Earth has a natural way of healing itself and returning to it's original state, when left untouched by man. There is no further proof than in our backyard here at Casa El Prez. My dad hasn't mowed in a week and I swear there's a forest that's grown in it's place.
So we could be seeing the same reclamation of power. The Island has had enough with Jacob and his machinations and time is up. Locke swears the Island tells him what to do.... but the weird part is that Jacob asked Locke to help him.... I for one, have no idea how this is going to play out but like I've said before:
L Prez OUT
Well here we are, one week away from the finale of Season 5! It's hard to believe that next week is it for this season... but there's no time for tears, as we still have 3 more hours to dissect, starting with tonight's episode, entitled: Follow the Leader.
So who is the Leader? This guy?:

Or This guy?:

Tonight, they were on very specific missions.... Locke, or a thing that resembles Locke, is on his way to expose Jacob, an entity that apparently, no one has ever seen...and by expose I mean kill... so now that begs the question: Why?
Jack is on Faraday's mission to blow up the energy pocket that the Swan is currently being built upon.. By negating that energy, the Swan won't need to have a button that needs to be pushed every 108 minutes and the non pushing of that button won't cause planes to fall out of the sky... again, this is where the time paradox issues arise... I know Jack is technically in his own "present" and Locke is in his own "present"... do these 2 "presents" coincide?
The reason I wonder is because Richard remembers Jack and gang because he saw them die. He tells Sun this in 2007 that he saw them die in 1977. He didn't date it but you have to assume that THAT is what he means..
I can't really dive into more of this time literally makes my head's like a roller coaster: Instead of enjoying the ride, I'm worrying about how the dang thing stays together and people don't fall out... so in terms of the rest of what's left of this season, I'm going to sit back and throw my hands in the air and just yell "WHEEEEEEE!!"... and with my little baby arms and toothy smile, that will be a cute picture..
Moving on...

OUCH! Jack got a beat down in this episode... we haven't seen Jack this bloody since his tattoo on the beach of Thailand flashback.... some might say this was well deserved, considering Jack's been a big dummy the last 3 years, off island.. by the way, in pro wrestling slang, Jack has the "crimson mask"... Dusty Rhodes was the King Of crimson masks... not to be confused with King Crimson, a progressive rock band out of the 70's....

But a crimson mask beats this, which is just straight up dead.... and dead is dead, right? I have a feeling we will see Miles one more time but only in a flashback of some sorts... perhaps they will dive into what exactly he was up to in Ann Arbor for those 3 years with the DI...

Anyone notice this scene last night? Specifically the hand of Charles Widmore on the stomach of Eloise Hawking? Like Richard said, love is a complicated thing... but I would think shooting your unborn child that has time travelled back to the past is a pretty complicated thing... but whatever..WHEEEE!!!!

Let's eat!! Locke comes bearing gifts... now I don't want to stir a great political debate BUT, isn't it odd that these Others have been following the same rules of protocol for 50 plus years and now this Locke guys comes back from the dead and presents the notion that they as a group have a right to see where their leadership actually comes from.. It's like Mr Smith goes to Washington! Or in this case, Mr Locke goes to Somewhere... do we think the cabin is going to be seen again or is Jacob actually somewhere in a physical state? Is Jacob the answer to "What Lies in the Shadow of the Statue?" Hmmm....

Let's insert a little humor for a second...Anytime Hurley is on screen, I smile... this guy is a terrible liar..which is a great thing...when he said there was no such thing as the Korean War, I peed a little in my diaper..the look on Jin's face was hilarious... And so Dr Chang came face to face with his grown son from the future... WHEEEEEEEE!!!

This isn't humorous at all really... Kate is a big ol 3rd wheel... And Juliet has got to be the most insecure woman on the Island... she's been shacking up with Sawyer now for 3 years!! Come on woman, own your spot!! Don't let that scrub put you out! That's YOUR man, girlfriend!! And Kate is no homewrecker.. she's a home blower upper, as we saw when she killed her dad but we have to trust that she's on a much bigger mission right now and that's to find Claire somehow... So Juliet, get a grip...

"Good Riddance"... right.... I don't buy that for a second... but I had to laugh about Sawyer's plans to become rich.."We'll buy Microsoft and bet the 78 Cowboys to win the Superbowl"... haha...great plan, Biff.

I thought this was one of the biggest Island mysteries of least top 5. The tunnels. We often wondered how Goodwin could have made it to the Tail end of Flight 815 in record time....turns out, he took the subway.
And when Jack asked Richard if they pulled the Bomb thru the under water tunnel, the look on Richard's face was priceless and his response was even better... "Yeah, dumbass, we pulled the most deadly, gigantic weapon of the middle century thru an under water tunnel"... Stick to doctoring Jack and leave the science to real ageless guys... and does anyone else think that Richard wears waterproof eyeliner?

The old ship in a bottle hobby.. I always wondered how this was done... as if it isn't hard enough to build a mini Black Rock replica, Richard has to show off and stick one in a bottle... This is what a lot of immortals do..they always have to take it one step further... That's always been my biggest beef with vampires: They're arrogant.

My boyfriend's back and your going to be in trouble, hey now, hey now Sayid is BACK!! And he's shooting people once more.. this dude is ice water!!!
And where has he been? Eating fruits and berries in the jungle, eluding the smoke monster and improving his ninja skills? Whichever it is, I'm glad he's back in the mix.. and Kate had to put him in his place in regards to shooting kids and that not being cool... it wouldn't surprise me to see a recovered young Benjamin Linus seek his revenge and ingratiate himself into the Others camp by killing our dear friend Sayid... that might be close enough to reality to be a spoiler but who knows...
And finally:

That's right Ben...I'm going to kill the man you've been blindly following ALL of these years... That's got to really get your underroos in a wad, huh? But guess what? You can't do anything about it or else Smokey will come back in the form of Alex and kill you dead.
I just have the feeling that there a million different agendas at work here, a shell game if you will...follow the ball but the ball is constantly changing... I think the overall "war" that's coming is between Jacob and the Island. Everyone that we've seen is going to be divided between the 2 and that's going to be the war.
Think of it this way: The Earth was first, then Man. And since that time, they've been at odds. But the Earth has a natural way of healing itself and returning to it's original state, when left untouched by man. There is no further proof than in our backyard here at Casa El Prez. My dad hasn't mowed in a week and I swear there's a forest that's grown in it's place.
So we could be seeing the same reclamation of power. The Island has had enough with Jacob and his machinations and time is up. Locke swears the Island tells him what to do.... but the weird part is that Jacob asked Locke to help him.... I for one, have no idea how this is going to play out but like I've said before:
L Prez OUT
Thursday, April 30, 2009
The Variable
As promised.... Tonight's episode was beyond fantastic... finally, some answers...and I'll use the word answers loosely because in true LOST fashion, more questions came with some of those answers.. let's jump in, shall we?

Tonight's episode was a long awaited Faraday backstory...I for one, have found Jeremy Davies performance as Daniel Faraday to be truly inspired...He's had to play a variety of emotions and do it in less screen time than Matthew Fox.... and he's had to sell a premise that polarizes the audience...explaining time travel isn't easy when you have people willing to spring it on them mid series, in a character driven show, quite frankly confuses and distances your story from the masses.. But LOST took a chance here, introducing an element(time travel) that really allowed then to tell the story in a very interesting way...
I'm not sure who here has read any Ann Rice novels, specifically the Lestat volumes... But Rice had a way(much like other writers who created vast, detailed literary worlds) of starting a story from one of point of view but when it came time to dive into some history, she would successfully lead you to seeing it from another characters view.. but she had the luxury of dealing with Vampires, whose immortality allowed them to live for thousands of years...
LOST found a way to tell you the history of the DHARMA initiative through the eyes of people we've come to know and ,in a sense, trust... Seeing Sawyer as a key member of the DI in it's heyday is much better than a flashback which has characters we don't really care about it... By allowing them to time travel(as much of a risk that was) we become invested in the story more...The downside is the paradox that time travel creates and tonight Faraday decided to tell us that Whatever Happened, Happened.... BUT, his science and formulas had never allowed for a VARIABLE, which he said was HUMANS, more specifically the fact that we have something that science CAN NOT measure, which is FREE WILL... but let's come back to that in a second...

This scene was priceless... Faraday had Dr Chang convinced and then Miles had to go and blow it...when Miles pressed Faraday for why he would spill the beans, he told Miles that he just needs to make sure that Chang does what he's supposed to do...which is order the evacuation of women and children.. This will get Charlotte off the Island, which is ultimately what Faraday is trying to do, save Charlotte..

You see, it all comes down to LOVE... Love is all's the ultimate leap of faith to put your heart into someone else's hands... we'll return to this theme in a second as well...moving ahead..

Teresa.. she seemed pretty nice..I mean, heck, she put up with Faraday during his crazy hair days... she also didn't seem to be put off by mean ol Ms. Hawking... too bad her brain turns to moosh later in her life.. I'd be willing to bet we have not seen the last of Teresa.. I feel like she needs to be saved... is she ultimately the reason Faraday does what he does? I don't really buy that he had enough time to fall in love with Charlotte but heck, I guess I could say the same for Jack and Kate...they were only on the Island 108 days when Jack told her he loved her... so what do I know?..
But forget all this love talk for a second...Tonight's ep had some explosions!! And a shoot out at the OK Corral, aka the MotorPool...

Jack looked like Jack last night...Jack Bauer, that is.... yep, we've got a time deadline of roughly 4 hours before some massive incident happens at the Swan, which changes it's true intent of just another Dharma station to one where the button is created to disperse the energy of an incredible power source every 108 minutes..
If Faraday can get the Jughead H Bomb from the Others, he's going to blow up the energy source, which basically would end the Island completely in my opinion...
But doesn't this go AGAINST the whatever happened, happened theory? Yes and this is where I have my biggest issue with this show... If they blow up the Hatch before it ever exists, then Oceanic Flight 815 doesn't get blasted out of the sky and they land and no freighter ever comes to the Island and the wheel never gets turned and our Losties never time travel back....
well if that never happens, how do they actually get to that point?
I guess and that is the key word: Guess, that it all hinges on what Faraday said to Jack: This is our present. So Jack can play a key part in saving his own life....
wow..that's even more confusing....
But I like to think that what's happening to Jack and gang in 1977 is simultaneously happening to Locke and his gang in 2007... which means there could be an incredible situation about to take place... but more on that in a second...lets finish up last nights revelations..

The Dynamic Duo is BACK!! Batman and Robin, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Starsky and Hutch, Cagney and Lacey....and now Jack and Kate... I always get excited to see these 2 together... if one of the mysteries of LOST is who Kate is going to choose, I will always keep Jack at the top of the list.... she flip flops back and forth and Sawyer is showing himself as a real keeper this year but come on!..It's Jack.. besides, I much more approve of the Juliet/Sawyer relationship because it seems so mutually respectable, more adult.. you kind of want that one to last...

Another Widmore sighting last night..turns out he's Faraday's dad.. So now the question is when did he father Daniel? Was it on the Island? Was Faraday born on the Island? Did Eloise exile herself to raise Daniel? Did Daniel create the Lampost station so that eventually his mom could find the island so she could send Jack back? Are her actions like Faraday's in that she's trying like heck to keep the Island from time traveling back so that she doesn't make the mistake of shooting her son in the chest?
See? More questions...but one thing is clear: Widmore is the only one who really hasn't lost anything of great importance to him.... Everyone else involved in this "conflict" has lost something: Ben and Alex, Hawking and Faraday(assuming he's dead).. Widmore just seems to be driven by greed and revenge for being exiled....

Tonight's episode gave us another look at Mr Eyeliner... Sawyer's nicknames seem to stick with me and last night he had one that killed: When he called Faraday "Twitchy"... too funny!
So let's return to those points I mentioned earlier:
Where have we seen these 2 elements better demonstrated than with this cat:

Tonight's episode was a long awaited Faraday backstory...I for one, have found Jeremy Davies performance as Daniel Faraday to be truly inspired...He's had to play a variety of emotions and do it in less screen time than Matthew Fox.... and he's had to sell a premise that polarizes the audience...explaining time travel isn't easy when you have people willing to spring it on them mid series, in a character driven show, quite frankly confuses and distances your story from the masses.. But LOST took a chance here, introducing an element(time travel) that really allowed then to tell the story in a very interesting way...
I'm not sure who here has read any Ann Rice novels, specifically the Lestat volumes... But Rice had a way(much like other writers who created vast, detailed literary worlds) of starting a story from one of point of view but when it came time to dive into some history, she would successfully lead you to seeing it from another characters view.. but she had the luxury of dealing with Vampires, whose immortality allowed them to live for thousands of years...
LOST found a way to tell you the history of the DHARMA initiative through the eyes of people we've come to know and ,in a sense, trust... Seeing Sawyer as a key member of the DI in it's heyday is much better than a flashback which has characters we don't really care about it... By allowing them to time travel(as much of a risk that was) we become invested in the story more...The downside is the paradox that time travel creates and tonight Faraday decided to tell us that Whatever Happened, Happened.... BUT, his science and formulas had never allowed for a VARIABLE, which he said was HUMANS, more specifically the fact that we have something that science CAN NOT measure, which is FREE WILL... but let's come back to that in a second...

This scene was priceless... Faraday had Dr Chang convinced and then Miles had to go and blow it...when Miles pressed Faraday for why he would spill the beans, he told Miles that he just needs to make sure that Chang does what he's supposed to do...which is order the evacuation of women and children.. This will get Charlotte off the Island, which is ultimately what Faraday is trying to do, save Charlotte..

You see, it all comes down to LOVE... Love is all's the ultimate leap of faith to put your heart into someone else's hands... we'll return to this theme in a second as well...moving ahead..

Teresa.. she seemed pretty nice..I mean, heck, she put up with Faraday during his crazy hair days... she also didn't seem to be put off by mean ol Ms. Hawking... too bad her brain turns to moosh later in her life.. I'd be willing to bet we have not seen the last of Teresa.. I feel like she needs to be saved... is she ultimately the reason Faraday does what he does? I don't really buy that he had enough time to fall in love with Charlotte but heck, I guess I could say the same for Jack and Kate...they were only on the Island 108 days when Jack told her he loved her... so what do I know?..
But forget all this love talk for a second...Tonight's ep had some explosions!! And a shoot out at the OK Corral, aka the MotorPool...

Jack looked like Jack last night...Jack Bauer, that is.... yep, we've got a time deadline of roughly 4 hours before some massive incident happens at the Swan, which changes it's true intent of just another Dharma station to one where the button is created to disperse the energy of an incredible power source every 108 minutes..
If Faraday can get the Jughead H Bomb from the Others, he's going to blow up the energy source, which basically would end the Island completely in my opinion...
But doesn't this go AGAINST the whatever happened, happened theory? Yes and this is where I have my biggest issue with this show... If they blow up the Hatch before it ever exists, then Oceanic Flight 815 doesn't get blasted out of the sky and they land and no freighter ever comes to the Island and the wheel never gets turned and our Losties never time travel back....
well if that never happens, how do they actually get to that point?
I guess and that is the key word: Guess, that it all hinges on what Faraday said to Jack: This is our present. So Jack can play a key part in saving his own life....
wow..that's even more confusing....
But I like to think that what's happening to Jack and gang in 1977 is simultaneously happening to Locke and his gang in 2007... which means there could be an incredible situation about to take place... but more on that in a second...lets finish up last nights revelations..

The Dynamic Duo is BACK!! Batman and Robin, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Starsky and Hutch, Cagney and Lacey....and now Jack and Kate... I always get excited to see these 2 together... if one of the mysteries of LOST is who Kate is going to choose, I will always keep Jack at the top of the list.... she flip flops back and forth and Sawyer is showing himself as a real keeper this year but come on!..It's Jack.. besides, I much more approve of the Juliet/Sawyer relationship because it seems so mutually respectable, more adult.. you kind of want that one to last...

Another Widmore sighting last night..turns out he's Faraday's dad.. So now the question is when did he father Daniel? Was it on the Island? Was Faraday born on the Island? Did Eloise exile herself to raise Daniel? Did Daniel create the Lampost station so that eventually his mom could find the island so she could send Jack back? Are her actions like Faraday's in that she's trying like heck to keep the Island from time traveling back so that she doesn't make the mistake of shooting her son in the chest?
See? More questions...but one thing is clear: Widmore is the only one who really hasn't lost anything of great importance to him.... Everyone else involved in this "conflict" has lost something: Ben and Alex, Hawking and Faraday(assuming he's dead).. Widmore just seems to be driven by greed and revenge for being exiled....

Tonight's episode gave us another look at Mr Eyeliner... Sawyer's nicknames seem to stick with me and last night he had one that killed: When he called Faraday "Twitchy"... too funny!
So let's return to those points I mentioned earlier:
Where have we seen these 2 elements better demonstrated than with this cat:
Desmond. Just as he was The Constant for Faraday, he is also the Variable. His love for Penny is stronger than fate. And it's my theory that Desmond is the key to this entire thing... he's the only one acting on something pure. Everyone else seems to have an agenda.....I think more is definitely left in this story..
The last thing I want to finish up is the Simultaneously existing theory. I'm sure that there is an actual scientific theory with a fancy name that better describes what I'm about to try to explain. Let me just jump in:
If Faraday can't blow up the Jughead bomb, then everything we've seen so far happens. Which means that the Jughead bomb is still on the island in 2007. In the previews for next week, it looks like Jack is going to try to finish Faraday's mission. It also appears that Locke is back on the beach and headed somewhere.
But IF time on the Island is existing simultaneously, then Locke may be headed to the same place where Jack is.
But IF time is really linear and you can't change the past, then Jack isn't successful because Locke is still on the Island.
SO, it's my assumption that time is occurring simultaneously on the Island. WHAT IF Jack and Locke both get to the Jughead at the same time and blow it up at the same time?
Boom... I just blew my mind...
That's my time...
L Prez OUT
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Some Like It Hoth
This post is going to be down and dirty....It's all Quick Snippets....if you don't know what the concept of Quick Snippets is, it's very simple: I pulled pictures from the show and I've added my quick snippet. Mostly it provides me the chance to say snippet a lot. I am already sick of that word, so I can only imagine how you, the faithful, must feel...on to the QS!!

This is Miles, age 17? When I saw this on the show I IMMEDIATELY drew the following comparison:

This is Rufio, from the motion picture HOOK, starring Robin Williams as Peter Pan, all grown up. What do these 2 have in common?
Just one crazy arse theory, provided by yours truly....
Let me set it up by reminding everyone about the Flashes of Light. When the light flashed, Sawyer and crew shifted time dimensions. Sometimes it was 1988, 1977, 1950, sometime when the Statue was still in tact.... well if Sawyer and crew were doing this, so were Bernard and Rose, right? Even though we haven't seen them... based on how they arrived on the island and the fact that they were not indigenous, they would be flashing thru time as well....
Ok, so with that being said, there were children on Oceanic flight 815, right? We haven't seen them at all. We believe that they are with the Others and Richard. Well Richard knew about the time travelling.. WHAT IF: after settling in 1977, Richard worked out a deal to send the children BACK to the real world, finding them homes or giving them a place to stay(possibly that gifted camp where he was trying to recruit Locke as teenager)? Now these kids grow up and start a new faction, led by this guy:

What lies in the shadow of the Statue? The frozen wheel does... and these kids have grown up, along with Charlotte and Miles and any other kid who was born on the island and then taken off to live back in the real world, and have every intention of reclaiming the place that made them "special"... WHAT IF: Jack and Kate and Sawyer and Hurley were all also born on the Island, or to people who had been exposed to the Island? Whatever flows through the Island, flows through them....It's in their blood.... think about it....
The Rufio picture inspired me to think of the Lost Boys, Peter Pan's group of boys, lost by their nannies and therefore "adopted" into Neverland..

So perhaps Miles is a Lost boy.... just a theory... and really the crux of this post... I like it so much I don't want to expand on it further, in the event that is true,thereby becoming a spoiler for some....

Faraday sure seemed to be well rested..Ann Arbor in the late 70's must have been trippy... I can only imagine... The place was probably wild considering this interesting piece of VIDEO
....enjoy it, you dirty Wolverines!!!

This is Miles, age 17? When I saw this on the show I IMMEDIATELY drew the following comparison:

This is Rufio, from the motion picture HOOK, starring Robin Williams as Peter Pan, all grown up. What do these 2 have in common?
Just one crazy arse theory, provided by yours truly....
Let me set it up by reminding everyone about the Flashes of Light. When the light flashed, Sawyer and crew shifted time dimensions. Sometimes it was 1988, 1977, 1950, sometime when the Statue was still in tact.... well if Sawyer and crew were doing this, so were Bernard and Rose, right? Even though we haven't seen them... based on how they arrived on the island and the fact that they were not indigenous, they would be flashing thru time as well....
Ok, so with that being said, there were children on Oceanic flight 815, right? We haven't seen them at all. We believe that they are with the Others and Richard. Well Richard knew about the time travelling.. WHAT IF: after settling in 1977, Richard worked out a deal to send the children BACK to the real world, finding them homes or giving them a place to stay(possibly that gifted camp where he was trying to recruit Locke as teenager)? Now these kids grow up and start a new faction, led by this guy:

What lies in the shadow of the Statue? The frozen wheel does... and these kids have grown up, along with Charlotte and Miles and any other kid who was born on the island and then taken off to live back in the real world, and have every intention of reclaiming the place that made them "special"... WHAT IF: Jack and Kate and Sawyer and Hurley were all also born on the Island, or to people who had been exposed to the Island? Whatever flows through the Island, flows through them....It's in their blood.... think about it....
The Rufio picture inspired me to think of the Lost Boys, Peter Pan's group of boys, lost by their nannies and therefore "adopted" into Neverland..

So perhaps Miles is a Lost boy.... just a theory... and really the crux of this post... I like it so much I don't want to expand on it further, in the event that is true,thereby becoming a spoiler for some....

Faraday sure seemed to be well rested..Ann Arbor in the late 70's must have been trippy... I can only imagine... The place was probably wild considering this interesting piece of VIDEO
....enjoy it, you dirty Wolverines!!!
Ahh.. the birth of the Swan station. Technically it should have been called the Ugly Duckling station at this point... zapping dudes fillings out of their teeth and whipping it through their brains... Death Magnetic, indeed....
Look closely at what Jack is about to erase from the board: Egyptian History 101! Maybe Ben could bring his new friend Richard Alpert(the Sun God RA) to class for a little show and tell....
And now we see why Miles wanted 3.2 million dollars..It was twice the amount Widmore was going to pay him... I love the fact that Widmore knew there were dead souls on the island that would surely give up Ben's location... I feel slighted by the writer's strike because I feel like there was more to this story that we don't get to see because they had to cut last season short... They introduced these guys but it never felt complete... Which is why not a lot of people shed any tears when Charlotte died... oh well..
Please forgive me for what I'm about to write:
"That douche is my dad"
I'm not sure if there has been a funnier line on this show than that right there. As Larry the CableGuy would say: I don't care who you are, that's funny. He would aslo then make a fart joke, followed by some inaudible Southern slang..which is odd because he's from Nebraska... go figure..
Uncle Rico drinking a beer? I wish he had said "See those mountains? I could throw a football over those mountains"... have I used that joke before? maybe... maybe I should just refer to him as Lazlo Hollyfeld.... I'll let you guys figure that one out...
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure has nothing on these 2... it's nice to see Hurley get a buddy, even though it's an unwilling, sort of a jerk of a buddy.... And I applaud Hurley's decision to re-write Empire Strikes Back but seriously, that was the best one.... Maybe he was going to have Luke accept the fact that Vader was his father and let that be the end of the series.... Who knows? Maybe we would have been spared Jar Jar Binks... sorry...I'm letting the geek flag fly right now...
That's it for this recap! Back to the real thing for the next episode, number 100!!!!
The Variable is a Faraday tale, with some big explosions... get out the popcorn and put the kids to bed, it's gonna be a barn burner!!
L Prez OUT
Dead is Dead
Post Note: I'm a little out of practice...It's been too long between posts and I think I may have lost my writing rhythm... I apologize ahead of time for the garbled mess that this post may be...
John Locke, New CEO of the Island....

The Island chooses who the Island chooses.... so says Richard Alpert... while he was telling the truth about that, he wasn't really saying that Ben was the Chosen One.. I think Ben was a holder leader..someone the Island needed until Locke came to power.... But Ben killed Locke..possibly in the hopes that he could return to power... But the Island had different plans and brought Locke back to life...Now we have what some have called Locke, version 2.0.... a new and improved John Locke...who may not be all that he seems...more on that in a second...
Cesar learned Island lesson #109... Don't trust Benjamin Linus. It also happens to be lesson #1. It's just repeated 108 times over... I'm not sure why this guy even signed on to do the show... You want to be on LOST? SURE! Ok, here's the deal: We fly you to Hawaii. You get to have 4 lines of dialogue and then we shoot you in the chest. Cool? Deal!
This was Ben's judgement episode... He told Locke he came to the Island to be judged... Judged for what?
Well crafty ol Ben would have you believe it was for Alex's death.... and the crafty ol writers of LOST would have you believe that as well...but think about it for a second: Of ALL the things that Ben has done, the one thing the Island wants to judge him on is Alex's untimely death? He KILLED his father... He WIPED out the DHARMA initiative... surely he's guilty of other crimes....
Now let's review what we know about the Smoke Monster. Let's go ahead and make the assumption that it is in fact a judge. We saw it judge Mr Eko and when he revealed himself as unrepentant, well that ol judge became the jury and sentenced him to death... then it became the executioner and beat him about the head and shoulder area. Repeatedly. I believe a tree was involved.
Well Ben has been on the Island long enough to know what the "monster" is. And he would know that based on what Richard has most likely shared with him. So imagine that the Smoke Monster only works on guilty feelings. It senses what you are feeling guilty about and if it doesn't see any remorse, it kills you.
We also know that the Smoke Monster can reappear in a human form, as it did with Eko's brother. As it may be doing with Christian Shepard. It may also be doing it with Locke.
As Ben said, Dead is Dead... but there Locke theory is that he is being propped up by the Island... When Ben says what's about to come out of that jungle, I have no control of and Locke pops out, well...I don't need to spell it out anymore... Locke is leading Ben up to his trial, all the while judging him along the way as Smoky... Ben knows this so he remembers all the circumstances that lead up to his acquiring Alex and raising her, saving her from Charles Widmores orders of death... Ben is thinking about this because Smoky is about to read his thoughts and see if he's remorseful, which is a joke because Ben is actually remorseful for this act...
But in the end, Smoky is on to Ben...Smoky appears as Alex and tells Ben under no uncertain terms is he to continue his quest to kill Locke... it KNOWS he wants to, but instead Smoky demands that Ben serve Locke and help however he can..
So is Locke the leader that he's supposed to have been all along? I don't think so...I think Ben has been given about 8 of his 9 lives and he's being tested.. I think the Island is rebooting Ben, making him reconsider the leader he has been.. The Island giveth and the Island taketh away...
Widmore was exiled from the Island, via the sub.. he was coming and going as he pleased, having relations with outsiders, siring a child... or 2? ooohhh..L Prez is getting cryptic.. :)

More Egyptian subtext..Here we see the Egyptian god Anubis in a submissive pose, yielding to what appears to be the Smoke Monster... what? Yep, that Smoky has been on the Island for a LONG time....

Do you know what lies in the shadow of the Statue? Frank didn't and you know what happened? These 2 yahoos asked him another question: what did the gun butt say to the face? SMACK!
John Locke, New CEO of the Island....

The Island chooses who the Island chooses.... so says Richard Alpert... while he was telling the truth about that, he wasn't really saying that Ben was the Chosen One.. I think Ben was a holder leader..someone the Island needed until Locke came to power.... But Ben killed Locke..possibly in the hopes that he could return to power... But the Island had different plans and brought Locke back to life...Now we have what some have called Locke, version 2.0.... a new and improved John Locke...who may not be all that he seems...more on that in a second...

Cesar learned Island lesson #109... Don't trust Benjamin Linus. It also happens to be lesson #1. It's just repeated 108 times over... I'm not sure why this guy even signed on to do the show... You want to be on LOST? SURE! Ok, here's the deal: We fly you to Hawaii. You get to have 4 lines of dialogue and then we shoot you in the chest. Cool? Deal!
This was Ben's judgement episode... He told Locke he came to the Island to be judged... Judged for what?
Well crafty ol Ben would have you believe it was for Alex's death.... and the crafty ol writers of LOST would have you believe that as well...but think about it for a second: Of ALL the things that Ben has done, the one thing the Island wants to judge him on is Alex's untimely death? He KILLED his father... He WIPED out the DHARMA initiative... surely he's guilty of other crimes....
Now let's review what we know about the Smoke Monster. Let's go ahead and make the assumption that it is in fact a judge. We saw it judge Mr Eko and when he revealed himself as unrepentant, well that ol judge became the jury and sentenced him to death... then it became the executioner and beat him about the head and shoulder area. Repeatedly. I believe a tree was involved.
Well Ben has been on the Island long enough to know what the "monster" is. And he would know that based on what Richard has most likely shared with him. So imagine that the Smoke Monster only works on guilty feelings. It senses what you are feeling guilty about and if it doesn't see any remorse, it kills you.
We also know that the Smoke Monster can reappear in a human form, as it did with Eko's brother. As it may be doing with Christian Shepard. It may also be doing it with Locke.

As Ben said, Dead is Dead... but there Locke theory is that he is being propped up by the Island... When Ben says what's about to come out of that jungle, I have no control of and Locke pops out, well...I don't need to spell it out anymore... Locke is leading Ben up to his trial, all the while judging him along the way as Smoky... Ben knows this so he remembers all the circumstances that lead up to his acquiring Alex and raising her, saving her from Charles Widmores orders of death... Ben is thinking about this because Smoky is about to read his thoughts and see if he's remorseful, which is a joke because Ben is actually remorseful for this act...
But in the end, Smoky is on to Ben...Smoky appears as Alex and tells Ben under no uncertain terms is he to continue his quest to kill Locke... it KNOWS he wants to, but instead Smoky demands that Ben serve Locke and help however he can..
So is Locke the leader that he's supposed to have been all along? I don't think so...I think Ben has been given about 8 of his 9 lives and he's being tested.. I think the Island is rebooting Ben, making him reconsider the leader he has been.. The Island giveth and the Island taketh away...
Here he is, Benjamin Linus..a new man? Time will tell....
And now on to a new feature I like to call "Quick snippets":
Look! It's Ethan! Little bloodthirsty, evil Ethan!... This kid was born with issues...I'm still not entirely convinced that Ethan is Horace's son... or maybe I'm not convinced that Horace isn't an Other... There's a lot I'm not convinced of.... this show is confusing...

Widmore was exiled from the Island, via the sub.. he was coming and going as he pleased, having relations with outsiders, siring a child... or 2? ooohhh..L Prez is getting cryptic.. :)

More Egyptian subtext..Here we see the Egyptian god Anubis in a submissive pose, yielding to what appears to be the Smoke Monster... what? Yep, that Smoky has been on the Island for a LONG time....

Do you know what lies in the shadow of the Statue? Frank didn't and you know what happened? These 2 yahoos asked him another question: what did the gun butt say to the face? SMACK!
More on these 2 folks in the next blog...
Until then!
L Prez out!!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Whatever Happened, Happened

I read a great post the other day on another LOST blog that said: Isn't it cool that Uncle Rico can be involved with time travel, without having to use an ice pack?
Which, if you've seen Napoleon Dynamite, you know that's a pretty funny line.
If you haven't seen Napoleon Dynamite, then you don't know that the man pictured above can throw a steak like a football and knock a kid off a bicycle. And he's a helluva Tupperware salesman.
But here, he's just a conflicted dude, who was just trying to do the right thing...something his wife would've done, had she been alive...
Tonight's theme was Who are YOU doing this for and it goes like this:
Kate doing for Sawyer- She met up with Cassidy to tell her that Sawyer wanted his daughter to know he cared about her.

Friday Night Lights(which was renewed for 2 more seasons!Yay!) and Deadwood Alum Kim Dickens... maybe LOST is really about how many good actors can you link to other great shows?
Kate doing for Aaron-Taking care of him and ultimately making the right decision to give him over to his grandmother

this is Clear's mom.... not Claire, CLEAR... watch this scene and all the other ones this actress is in... It's a wonder we ever derived Claire from the Australian way of saying it... if there are any Aussie's out there, correct me if I'm wrong but I could swear that if they were to try to say "Clear the table", it would come out "Claire the table"... so maybe they're just interchangeable...

Speaking of Claire...who thought this chick was going to turn around and actually BE Claire?!?
I did... and honestly, I would have been so cool with that.... but alas, it was just a potential kidnapper... I hope my mom never loses me in a supermarket.. I better ask for one of those leash backpacks or something...
Kate doing for Claire- We finally know Kate's motivations for going back to the Island.. She's on the hunt for Claire! Not to get Sawyer back...or Jack... it is ,in fact, a Rambo mission...
as a matter of fact, we saw a great interchange with the whole Kate/Jack/Sawyer/Juliet love quadrangle square thingy... and I feel like tonight's episode finally put it all to rest...

And it was pretty much summed up between a couple of scenes. The first was when Kate said she didn't like the new Jack. Jack countered with: You didn't like the old Jack either.
Now, I know I'm just a baby and love is a complicated thing but DANG! If that's not a nail in that coffin, I don't know what is! Kate didn't really dispute it and the fact that Jack is coming to grips with his new reality/destiny, this is going to be a true revolution for our man of science.
He sounded an awful lot like Locke last night, talking about doing what the Island wanted... Kate hasn't bought into that mumbo jumbo just yet...heck, maybe not a lot of you have either... but don't worry about Jack turning all new age on us...we'll be seeing Action Jackson soon as he finds out what he's supposed to do...
The next scene that put more nails in the coffin was between Jack and Juliet...Juliet needs to learn how to knock!

And we also learned Jack is like a Rod Tidwell kind of showerer.. he prefers the drip dry method... the picture above is for all the Jack fans who had been complaining about only seeing a shirtless Sawyer this season... but I digress... Juliet told Jack that they were fine, without his interference... he shows up and all heck breaks lose, disrupting the nirvana that she and Sawyer have been enjoying the last 3 years.. which is proof that the 70's were much cooler times to live in because honestly, how could you be happy in a place that you know is about to be purged of it's entire neighborhood in 15 or so years?
And finally we see the last nail in the coffin between Sawyer and Kate....

"I'm doing it for her"... Sawyer has indeed grown up and become a man.. no wonder he likes the DI.. he gets to be someone important, love someone important.. he gets to live a life free of seeking revenge.. he gets to fix things... he's Jack, without the God complex... It makes you wonder that if Jack had never left the Island, would he have come to this type of life, like Sawyer did? Sometimes life teaches you to go with the flow... you can't fight the man...

Speaking of the man, we finally get some answers to the paradox of time travel!!!
And boy, was it just as confusing as I've tried to make it.. Miles was doing great, getting Hurley to follow along and then Hurley stumped him with a question that we've all been asking: If Ben knew that Sayid shot him as a kid, then why wouldn't he say that when he meets Sayid in 2004?
And then we got our answer..sort of..
"He will forget that all of this happened and he will lose his innocence"
But I don't think Ben forgot... if he did, then he was certainly "guided" by someone, or some thing into remembering the specifics of the 815ers when he grows up... but we'll see more of that next week... I want to get to the bones of the episode tonight, the last 10 minutes...
They were PHENOMENAL!!
So much explained in so little time that I had to watch it 3 times... not because it was convoluted...but because it contained SO MUCH...
First I noticed something completely out there and it could just be me.. But the scene where Kate was looking at Richard and he held her gaze and she was holding his and then finally she looked she had been staring at the sun too long... the pictures below are in exact order of how they occurred..

Like it became too much...maybe it's Nestor Carbonell's dreamy eyes and smoldering good looks... or maybe it's the fact that he is a god... bear with me for a moment... let's go back to the Egyptian mythology associated with the show.. We KNOW that there is a statue and hieroglyphics.. we KNOW Richard doesn't age... is it possible that he is a god, trapped, or exiled to the Island? Or is he a willing servant to the Island?
We heard one of the Others tell Richard that he should check with "Elly or Charles" before healing Ben.. presumably, this is Eloise Hawking and Charles and sister? Husband and wife? Or did they crash on the Island via the Black Rock and subsequently are the island's first version of Jack and Kate?
Regardless, Richard says he doesn't answer to either one of them. Which we kind of knew already... I am looking forward to seeing how Richard plays into the bigger part of this... He doesn't answer to Ben either but he does listen to him and follow his directions... it's very interesting...
And we now know how Ben came to be who he is... Kate ultimately makes the decision to give up Ben's innocence to save his life... She knows who he will grow up to become, the things that he will be responsible for but Kate can only see him as he is: a kid.
Perhaps she is showing him the kindness he sort of showed her when he took her captive back in Season 3. He let her shower, gave her a dress, fed her a good breakfast. Then of course he used her to manipulate Jack and Sawyer and pick up some rocks on a makeshift runway... it's very circular because perhaps he remembers that she helped save his young life and that's why he was nice to her in 2004.....
But the part about Ben's innocence was the real thing of interest...

Richard takes Ben to the Temple, where Ben will become "one of us forever".. does the Smoke Monster "infect" him like it did Danielle's crew? Does that mean Ben is more than human? Does the Smoke Monster "infect" all of the Others?... weird questions...maybe it enlightens them to a greater purpose?
All I know is that next week, the episode description is : Ben must summon the Smoke Monster to be judged for his actions.
The title of the episode: Dead is Dead.

The smile says it all!
That's my time, folks!!
L Prez out!
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