Thursday, October 23, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Second to Last
Hey my friends/it seems your eyes are troubled/care to share/your time with me?
Well here we are at the end of another season...which, depending on how tomorrow night goes, could be the best season yet....yeah, I said it...even though in the last week or so I had my doubts..but here I am, born again in the bath of light known as LOST....religious connotations aside it has been a good season....
We were introduced to a new feature of flash forwards, as we saw the Oceanic 6 off the island, dealing with life after the escape...But it looks like Jack and Hurley want to go back, Sayid and Sun are in positions of power and Kate and Aaron are trying to live a lie...I look forward to seeing why and how they concoct the lie about the crash and all of seems pretty concise and factual enough to pass the press test...speaking of, tomorrow night at 8, they are replaying the last newest episode and the press ask a few more in depth questions, in an extended cut..make sure to catch that..
We've also seen Benjamin Linus off island, leading an attack against Charles Widmore, in some high stakes game of chess or checkers...whatever island hopping, time traveling old pirates play...yes, I went on record and said Charles Widmore was the captain of the Black Rock and Ben stole the island from him...I guess we'll see how that plays out...I've been wrong so many times before..
And we also found out this season that Locke has been courted by the island for a long time..since birth, apparently..Is he the Chosen One? It would appear so, even though we see Ben in the future, still up to some doesn't appear that he's protecting the island anymore but as I said above, he's engaged in some war with Widmore....But does that mean Locke is watching the island? Is he taking care of the islands wishes? Is he taking care of creepy Claire and playing backgammon with Undead Christian Shepard?
And what has happened to our other LOSTIES, Sawyer, Jin and Bernard and Rose? Are they still alive and kicking? Did they go back to New Otherton and rebuild the houses that were shot up and blown up? I would..that little town has running what bears do in the woods..
And for once, I think the writers did a good job of introducing new characters like Faraday and Charlotte(even though she's a regal pain in the arse)...and that little weirdo Miles, who see dead people...I think these folks are a pleasant addition to the overall story of the show, adding nuances and mystery, as if the show needed more of that...
And last but not least, we saw Desmond make contact with Penny in what I believe to be the best love story on the show....How will that play out? Certainly not by blowing up on a giant boat with the newly returned Michael....time will tell...
I think overall it's been an eventful season...there's still plenty to come and it all goes down tomorrow night !!!!!
As a side note, I've been elbow deep in house I write this, I'm actually winding down from an insane toilet installation that dang near drove me to the edge of sanity and straight over....the reason I bring this up is because while I want to fulfill my Prez duties, I have to make sure I can do other "duties" in my own if the last update of the season is exactly right after tomorrow night's show, have no fear, we'll get it worries...
SO enjoy the show!!! You know I will......
Oh yeah..check the link below to watch the flash forwards in chronological order..some one with more time than me did an excellent job of putting that together...
Well here we are at the end of another season...which, depending on how tomorrow night goes, could be the best season yet....yeah, I said it...even though in the last week or so I had my doubts..but here I am, born again in the bath of light known as LOST....religious connotations aside it has been a good season....
We were introduced to a new feature of flash forwards, as we saw the Oceanic 6 off the island, dealing with life after the escape...But it looks like Jack and Hurley want to go back, Sayid and Sun are in positions of power and Kate and Aaron are trying to live a lie...I look forward to seeing why and how they concoct the lie about the crash and all of seems pretty concise and factual enough to pass the press test...speaking of, tomorrow night at 8, they are replaying the last newest episode and the press ask a few more in depth questions, in an extended cut..make sure to catch that..
We've also seen Benjamin Linus off island, leading an attack against Charles Widmore, in some high stakes game of chess or checkers...whatever island hopping, time traveling old pirates play...yes, I went on record and said Charles Widmore was the captain of the Black Rock and Ben stole the island from him...I guess we'll see how that plays out...I've been wrong so many times before..
And we also found out this season that Locke has been courted by the island for a long time..since birth, apparently..Is he the Chosen One? It would appear so, even though we see Ben in the future, still up to some doesn't appear that he's protecting the island anymore but as I said above, he's engaged in some war with Widmore....But does that mean Locke is watching the island? Is he taking care of the islands wishes? Is he taking care of creepy Claire and playing backgammon with Undead Christian Shepard?
And what has happened to our other LOSTIES, Sawyer, Jin and Bernard and Rose? Are they still alive and kicking? Did they go back to New Otherton and rebuild the houses that were shot up and blown up? I would..that little town has running what bears do in the woods..
And for once, I think the writers did a good job of introducing new characters like Faraday and Charlotte(even though she's a regal pain in the arse)...and that little weirdo Miles, who see dead people...I think these folks are a pleasant addition to the overall story of the show, adding nuances and mystery, as if the show needed more of that...
And last but not least, we saw Desmond make contact with Penny in what I believe to be the best love story on the show....How will that play out? Certainly not by blowing up on a giant boat with the newly returned Michael....time will tell...
I think overall it's been an eventful season...there's still plenty to come and it all goes down tomorrow night !!!!!
As a side note, I've been elbow deep in house I write this, I'm actually winding down from an insane toilet installation that dang near drove me to the edge of sanity and straight over....the reason I bring this up is because while I want to fulfill my Prez duties, I have to make sure I can do other "duties" in my own if the last update of the season is exactly right after tomorrow night's show, have no fear, we'll get it worries...
SO enjoy the show!!! You know I will......
Oh yeah..check the link below to watch the flash forwards in chronological order..some one with more time than me did an excellent job of putting that together...
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Dream a little dream
Tonight is the 1st part of the 3 part season finale, "No Place Like Home"....this is the umpteenth reference to the Wizard of Oz....So is it all a dream? Is Hurley the cowardly Lion or Toto?..Who's Dorothy? Jack?..who knows?
All I know is that I will be front and center tonight at 10PM, eagerly anticipating what promises to be the most amazing season finale of the show so far...
The questions to ask yourself:
Will they succeed in moving the Island?
What is the Orchid Station?
How do the Oceanic 6 actually leave the island?
Why do they all tell a lie?
There will be a "spectacular kiss" in the season finale, but I suspect that will take place at the very end of the finale, but what do I know??
I do know that the person in the coffin will be revealed. And I've heard there will be a...wait for it....another death of a significant character.....I do not know who it is and I do not know what this rumor classifies as a "significant" character....
I also know that I won't be blogging live...I think I shortchanged you guys by posting a slightly weaker blog because I couldn't devote the proper time to I'll take a moment, gather my thoughts and give the people my best...
So that's it for now...Enjoy the show!!!!
Monday, May 12, 2008
And the winner is.... we are..Only 3 hours left of Season 4....just so we're clear, this Thursday is the first hour of the season finale..then they break for a week(!) and come back with the last 2 hours....while we have a chance, let's back track just a bit to last week's episode...
I had a LOT of responses to last week's update...the contributors will have to forgive me if I mix it all together but they were such good points..I'm not trying to pass them as my own but I will write them in the 8th person..kidding, I don't even know how that's possible...I guess I could time travel and have my neighbor's kid write it in the future but that's really me just guessing that might work...I don't really know...anyhoo...
One of our distinguished LFCers wrote to me and suggested that young Locke knew he should have chosen something other than the knife but wanted to be something he wasn't truly, leading Richard to be disgusted...why would Richard want young Locke anyway?? And to ask him which objects were already his?
There is an overwhelming theory floating around the dubya dubya dubya that Richard is actually time travelling's where you have to pick your battle: is he immortal or is he time travelling?? perhaps, if he's a time traveller, he knows what kind of man Locke is but may be trying to change destiny by getting to Locke at a young age..much like he got to Ben at a young age...
Another submitted theory is that Richard is part of a group who are looking for their next leader....a Dalai Lama if you will...The Dalai Lama is the current incarnation of a Buddhist master...we've already seen Buddhism play a part in this show with the DHARMA initiative and I really like this theory because not only does it make sense, but the writers have also hinted at it...See, the purpose of the Dalai Lama is to continue living, passing on from one physical being to another, in order to help others reach Nirvana...not the cool ass Seattle band so many of us drank and did other recreational things to in college, but actual Nirvana: peace and freedom away from sickness and other "afflicted states"...ed. note: My apologies to any Buddhists reading this...I hope I haven't butchered the essence of your beliefs..
Back to the point...Reaching this heightened enlightenment was the goal of the DHARMA initiative and I think that was their ticket into convincing the original island inhabitants to let them on the island...although once there, they deceived the original islanders and built all their crap and electric fences and thus, they were killed....when the original islanders installed Ben as the new Lama, if you will, he worked to restore their goals again...but all the while he had his own agenda, and that was to help the people carry on by having children...he got lost in that work and even Richard said to Locke back in season 3 that they were tired of Ben wasting time...Now Locke is being groomed, even though it's taken him a while to get there...but I think even Locke has his own agenda..he chose that knife as a child and then was left to become his own man...I think Locke will try to become the hero and do something incredible, against the wishes of the original islanders and Jacob...he appears to be a servant of the very island itself...not answering to one person, but a higher calling....
whew...that's deep, even for me...but I really think that we haven't even scraped the surface of what this show is ultimately about, even though we've seen's about destiny and free much control do we really have over either one?
In the event that I don't post again before Thursday night, I want to leave you with a slight spoiler...we have been told that we WILL find out who was in the coffin. Remember the funeral? There were very weird and possibly misleading clues but let's revisit for a moment:
The funeral director asked Jack if he was friend or family. Jack said neither.
There was no one else who attended the funeral.
Kate was almost offended that Jack would even suggest that she go, which tells us that the person wasn't really cared for by her....and she likes everyone..
And the obituary intoned that the person was a male, from New York, who hung themselves and was survived by a teenage son.
Now if the props department can be believed, all signs point to Michael. This isn't the spoiler. I've theorized this with absolutely no proof since the episode aired. The spoiler is that Jack wasn't the only one to attend the funeral...maybe at the point where he showed up, but there was another visitor.....and we will see this act in the season finale, if the rumors are true....or maybe we'll see it in another life....brutha....
Special thanks to DC, Braveheart and Melly Mel for all the inspiration and good comments...
That's all from this peanut gallery..Enjoy the show if I don't blog at you before....
Friday, May 9, 2008
And now a word from our sponsors...
This was sent to me by one of the faithful, Steve O...Enjoy!!!!
ABC has found more hours for the final two seasons of "Lost."
The 2009 and 2010 editions of the hit drama will be 17 hours each -- not
16 as previously planned.
ABC has added two hours to the show's production plan because the WGA strike knocked three hours out of the current season. To partly compensate, the network recently added an additional hour to Part 2 of the season finale that airs May 29.
All told, the changes will wrap up the show with the same number of episodes that producers and ABC negotiated last year.
"We were supposed to do 16-16-16," "Lost" co-creator Damon Lindelof said. "But we ended up doing 14 this season, so we owe two."
Lindelof, however, ruled out the show extending beyond the remaining 34-episode order.
"(Executive producer) Carlton Cuse and I worked so hard to get the show to end that I think to suddenly say, 'Oh, I think we got another season in us' would be a betrayal to everybody involved in the show -- but most of all the audience," he said. "It's better to retire your number at the top of your game."
For the upcoming season finale, Lindelof promised a more action-driven cliffhanger instead of the mind-bending flash-forward time shift that stunned fans last season.
"The finale this year will not be as tricky as last year," he said.
"Hopefully, this year it's a little bit more of a straightforward action-adventure narrative. But the ending of the episode will hopefully engage and intrigue people looking forward to the next season of the show."
Lindelof declined to say whether the flash forwards will continue, but did leave open the possibility of the show's main story line on the island catching up with the flash forwards that have taken place on the mainland this season.
"It's very exciting that the audience is going to be wondering when is the present going to be (next season)," he said. "We've moved backward in time, now we've moved forward in time. The present of the show has always been on the island -- that may not necessarily be the case in the future."
When it comes time to air the series finale in 2010, Lindelof said he and Cuse plan to "go into hiding for many, many months" at an "undisclosed location."
"David Chase set a great example when he went off to Paris after 'The Sopranos' ending, which is great because all these people are going to be asking, 'What does it mean? What is it?' " he said. "The fact that there's no one really around to answer that question, it forces people to come up with what they think it means. We can guarantee our show will not end with a cut to black, it will be more clear than that. But whenever anything you love ends ... there's a certain disappointment."
ABC has found more hours for the final two seasons of "Lost."
The 2009 and 2010 editions of the hit drama will be 17 hours each -- not
16 as previously planned.
ABC has added two hours to the show's production plan because the WGA strike knocked three hours out of the current season. To partly compensate, the network recently added an additional hour to Part 2 of the season finale that airs May 29.
All told, the changes will wrap up the show with the same number of episodes that producers and ABC negotiated last year.
"We were supposed to do 16-16-16," "Lost" co-creator Damon Lindelof said. "But we ended up doing 14 this season, so we owe two."
Lindelof, however, ruled out the show extending beyond the remaining 34-episode order.
"(Executive producer) Carlton Cuse and I worked so hard to get the show to end that I think to suddenly say, 'Oh, I think we got another season in us' would be a betrayal to everybody involved in the show -- but most of all the audience," he said. "It's better to retire your number at the top of your game."
For the upcoming season finale, Lindelof promised a more action-driven cliffhanger instead of the mind-bending flash-forward time shift that stunned fans last season.
"The finale this year will not be as tricky as last year," he said.
"Hopefully, this year it's a little bit more of a straightforward action-adventure narrative. But the ending of the episode will hopefully engage and intrigue people looking forward to the next season of the show."
Lindelof declined to say whether the flash forwards will continue, but did leave open the possibility of the show's main story line on the island catching up with the flash forwards that have taken place on the mainland this season.
"It's very exciting that the audience is going to be wondering when is the present going to be (next season)," he said. "We've moved backward in time, now we've moved forward in time. The present of the show has always been on the island -- that may not necessarily be the case in the future."
When it comes time to air the series finale in 2010, Lindelof said he and Cuse plan to "go into hiding for many, many months" at an "undisclosed location."
"David Chase set a great example when he went off to Paris after 'The Sopranos' ending, which is great because all these people are going to be asking, 'What does it mean? What is it?' " he said. "The fact that there's no one really around to answer that question, it forces people to come up with what they think it means. We can guarantee our show will not end with a cut to black, it will be more clear than that. But whenever anything you love ends ... there's a certain disappointment."
Thursday, May 8, 2008
As it happens...
This is the second time I've ever done this but I have to make up for lost time..or LOST time as it were...Tonight I blog LIVE!!...
Currently it's 9:54 and something angsty and melodramatic is happening on Grey's Anatomy..I know RO, I said those words again, but this is were I am....
This is LOST, According to El Prez, as it happens...
Alright here we go...DANG IT...I picked a bad time to rely on my typing skills...
So there's Emily, John Locke's mom...young and apparently impressionable...her mom says that the dude she's going out with is much older...My guess is that she's referring to the man we've known as Anthony Cooper, Locke's con artist dad...As she ran out, she was hit by a 6 months pregnant..
Now we got Keamy trying to kill Michael and he can't because apparently Mike's work with the island isn't done yet...explain that to the folks on the island who were randomly shot by Keamy...
Horace Goodspeed...find me looks like Horace and the missus built the cabin?? Is Horace Jacob?
Richard Alpert at Locke's hospital..Not the baby's father but what the h-e double hockey sticks is Richard doing at the hospital??? it takes me back to when Locke told Jack that the Island brought them here....This is proof that the people on the plane were definitely chosen....the question is, where they chosen because they've already been through this time loop once? and now there are forces at work that are placing them into the destiny they need to follow?? You can't change destiny
"I used to have dreams"....
drawing of smoke monster in Locke's house..
book of laws..gotta wikipedia that later...
grabbed the knife, Richard was not happy...I guess Locke wasn't really the chosen one...was the same test administered to any of our other LOSTIES?? Are these the type of tests that they made Walt take??
widmore knows where Ben was going...secondary protocol..almost like a script...again, a time loop reference??
Morse code from Daniel going off on Omar's satellite phone...
Mittelos Lab Summer by Richard Alpert, looking for young exceptional minds...John Locke is a man of science?? Wants to be somebody he isn't....very interesting...And Locke convinced Hurley that he would still want to travel with them..Ben complimented Locke and Locke was offended...Ben gets last word: No, you're not...
It was also intersting that Ben said that the leader of the DHARMA initiative wanted them to die...wonder why? is it like Star Wars, where when a Jedi dies, he becomes more powerful?? Oh yeah, the DI was inspired by Star Wars...this is Pop Culture Island!!!
Ben has lost his way, his destiny...consequences ...destiny is a fickle bitch....oops, don't read that last part kids...
Locke has met Matthew Abbaddon, I think that's how its spelled....he's the one who plants the walk about idea in Locke's head...
And when they meet again, Locke will owe him one....
Sorry, I really fell behind..We got Desmond staying on the boat after Keamy killed the captain....and what is Keamy wearing on his arm?? My guess? some type of magnetic repellant, in the event that he comes across the smoke monster again...
And now Locke has found the cabin and who's there to greet him? Christian Shepard...and a creepy Claire...But the big news here is that Aaron can't be on the Island...cause people are coming to destroy it? Or because Jacob wants them to "move the Island"???....
Okay..I may have lost my way, like Ben and Locke before him, but I'm here to tell you...I'm all in now baby!!!! Holy Smokes....this show is unbelievable... and then the last scene of Hurley and Ben sharing the candy bar was priceless....
And now, I've rewound the old DVR and am currently freeze framing the previews for next week...there's a scene in which Kate and Sayid have guns drawn on a man in the jungle..and that man looks to be....Richard Alpert....oh man....this just keeps getting better and better and better..."and they're describing you a the Oceanic 6"....the reveal to the world...but how do they keep the island a secret? and why???
Okay...I'm done for now...I need to go back and watch this again and figure out what I just witnessed...I apologize for the poor grammar, the misspellings and the rambling nature of this update...But it's warm bread...that doesn't make any sense....oh well...
Later..EPdeLFC, JB
Currently it's 9:54 and something angsty and melodramatic is happening on Grey's Anatomy..I know RO, I said those words again, but this is were I am....
This is LOST, According to El Prez, as it happens...
Alright here we go...DANG IT...I picked a bad time to rely on my typing skills...
So there's Emily, John Locke's mom...young and apparently impressionable...her mom says that the dude she's going out with is much older...My guess is that she's referring to the man we've known as Anthony Cooper, Locke's con artist dad...As she ran out, she was hit by a 6 months pregnant..
Now we got Keamy trying to kill Michael and he can't because apparently Mike's work with the island isn't done yet...explain that to the folks on the island who were randomly shot by Keamy...
Horace Goodspeed...find me looks like Horace and the missus built the cabin?? Is Horace Jacob?
Richard Alpert at Locke's hospital..Not the baby's father but what the h-e double hockey sticks is Richard doing at the hospital??? it takes me back to when Locke told Jack that the Island brought them here....This is proof that the people on the plane were definitely chosen....the question is, where they chosen because they've already been through this time loop once? and now there are forces at work that are placing them into the destiny they need to follow?? You can't change destiny
"I used to have dreams"....
drawing of smoke monster in Locke's house..
book of laws..gotta wikipedia that later...
grabbed the knife, Richard was not happy...I guess Locke wasn't really the chosen one...was the same test administered to any of our other LOSTIES?? Are these the type of tests that they made Walt take??
widmore knows where Ben was going...secondary protocol..almost like a script...again, a time loop reference??
Morse code from Daniel going off on Omar's satellite phone...
Mittelos Lab Summer by Richard Alpert, looking for young exceptional minds...John Locke is a man of science?? Wants to be somebody he isn't....very interesting...And Locke convinced Hurley that he would still want to travel with them..Ben complimented Locke and Locke was offended...Ben gets last word: No, you're not...
It was also intersting that Ben said that the leader of the DHARMA initiative wanted them to die...wonder why? is it like Star Wars, where when a Jedi dies, he becomes more powerful?? Oh yeah, the DI was inspired by Star Wars...this is Pop Culture Island!!!
Ben has lost his way, his destiny...consequences ...destiny is a fickle bitch....oops, don't read that last part kids...
Locke has met Matthew Abbaddon, I think that's how its spelled....he's the one who plants the walk about idea in Locke's head...
And when they meet again, Locke will owe him one....
Sorry, I really fell behind..We got Desmond staying on the boat after Keamy killed the captain....and what is Keamy wearing on his arm?? My guess? some type of magnetic repellant, in the event that he comes across the smoke monster again...
And now Locke has found the cabin and who's there to greet him? Christian Shepard...and a creepy Claire...But the big news here is that Aaron can't be on the Island...cause people are coming to destroy it? Or because Jacob wants them to "move the Island"???....
Okay..I may have lost my way, like Ben and Locke before him, but I'm here to tell you...I'm all in now baby!!!! Holy Smokes....this show is unbelievable... and then the last scene of Hurley and Ben sharing the candy bar was priceless....
And now, I've rewound the old DVR and am currently freeze framing the previews for next week...there's a scene in which Kate and Sayid have guns drawn on a man in the jungle..and that man looks to be....Richard Alpert....oh man....this just keeps getting better and better and better..."and they're describing you a the Oceanic 6"....the reveal to the world...but how do they keep the island a secret? and why???
Okay...I'm done for now...I need to go back and watch this again and figure out what I just witnessed...I apologize for the poor grammar, the misspellings and the rambling nature of this update...But it's warm bread...that doesn't make any sense....oh well...
Later..EPdeLFC, JB
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Where will I be in 2010?
I have to admit…..I’m a little jaded by LOST lately….w-w—w-w-wWhat?!?!? Yeah…I know that’s considered a bit treasonous, for a lack of a better word…I mean, you never hear George Bush say he’s disenchanted by America, right?? Even at the end of his tenure in office…heck, I’ve got 2 more seasons and I’m already feeling a little less glossy about the best show on the planet??
I’m not sure what it is…I think it’s because I feel “rushed”…you know, this season was truncated with the writer’s strike and the fact that the show is going to end soon…I miss the old days of not knowing everything...I know, I’s an embarrassment of riches, right? We’ve always had to wait for answers and now they are giving them to us at a faster clip and I shouldn't’t complain…But I will go on record as saying that I never complained about not getting answers quicker..I’ve always enjoyed the chase of the mystery, the thrill of the hunt..nowadays I think I’ll have a mystery to solve and then they turn around and answer it before the show is over…
So now I’m only left with making up theories and waiting for them to shoot them down…I thought I had Michael pegged at time traveling to get on the boat and was rudely slapped with the reality that he did in fact get on the boat less than 2 months after getting off the island….I went looking for mysteries and deception where in fact there were none….Looking back, I say “in fact” way too much….
But let’s talk about last week’s episode for a second….Jack and Kate together at last!!! But wait…Jack can’t be happy…It’s just not meant to be…it’s either the jealousy or the controlling or the bull headed drive to save everyone..Jack is the stereotypical doctor with the God complex….and I think the island is trying to tell him, guess what, buddy? You ain’t all that..and I think I’ll take your appendix to prove it…There is a huge theory going around that Juliet planted some type of device in Jack so that they could track him once he left the island…this is the type of theory I used to get behind but now, as I mentioned above, it’s most likely not the case…there’s no point..we’ve already seen them track Michael and they didn’t put anything into him…except a ton of remorse…
But there was one element of the show that I found to be the fulfillment of one of my deepest, most self respected theories, in that LOST is a reflection of Star Wars….and this week’s episode provided the biggest moment of foreshadowing of any of the past episodes ever….
If you’ve never read my theory on LOST and how it directly ties into Star Wars, then shame on you…I’m sure it’s logged out there somewhere on the internet highway…most likely it’s gathering dust at rest stop or something…Long theory short, Jack is Luke, Kate is Leia and Sawyer is none other than Han Solo….so maybe you can all see where I’m going with this…What did Jack step on in the kitchen? The Millennium Falcon…and then he let out a Sawyer like “sonuvabitch”…so I knew long before the end when Kate tearily told Jack that she was doing a favor for Sawyer, that the Jack and Kate relationship was over….I'm not saying they are brother and sister but I believe that like Luke, Jack has a greater destiny than just a loving relationship...and Han and Leia were such a better may have been the lack of the incest thing...but I digress way too much
Now I don’t know for a fact that it’s over but it doesn’t look well…I mean, this is where Jack starts the pill popping road to ruin…and then he grows a beard, which is kind of a slap to Kate, considering she bought him a razor at the beginning of the show…and we’ve already seen how jacked up poor Hurley is…How is Jack going to get back to the island??? He looks crazy and the only person who agrees they need to go back is Hurley, who IS crazy..but he’s really not…we know he sees Charlie in the courtyard of the loony bin and they talk about things…and now Jack is seeing his dad….wasn’t it interesting that the smoke alarm went off and that’s when Jack sees his dad? Is this a blatant reference to the Smoke Monster? We’ve seen Smokey manifest himself in many ways and it’s this humble writer’s opinion that this is just another sign that Jack’s work with the Island is not done…..
And I will lastly note that it’s going to be a real treat to see Sawyer again in the future, along with his current role of protector of Claire, who was seeing things and has now run off into the jungle(once again), this time, following her father, the one and only Christian Shepard...VERY INTERESTING...but we have to assume that Sawyer is still alive and kicking on the island…especially if Kate still feels the need to do favors for him still…..Maybe, just maybe Kate is seeing people from the island as well..maybe Sawyer…aww there I go again..hoping and wishing on yet another theory..:)
That’s all folks….my hope is slowly being restored…I will inspire the nation once again…I’m no lame duck Presidente..
I’m not sure what it is…I think it’s because I feel “rushed”…you know, this season was truncated with the writer’s strike and the fact that the show is going to end soon…I miss the old days of not knowing everything...I know, I’s an embarrassment of riches, right? We’ve always had to wait for answers and now they are giving them to us at a faster clip and I shouldn't’t complain…But I will go on record as saying that I never complained about not getting answers quicker..I’ve always enjoyed the chase of the mystery, the thrill of the hunt..nowadays I think I’ll have a mystery to solve and then they turn around and answer it before the show is over…
So now I’m only left with making up theories and waiting for them to shoot them down…I thought I had Michael pegged at time traveling to get on the boat and was rudely slapped with the reality that he did in fact get on the boat less than 2 months after getting off the island….I went looking for mysteries and deception where in fact there were none….Looking back, I say “in fact” way too much….
But let’s talk about last week’s episode for a second….Jack and Kate together at last!!! But wait…Jack can’t be happy…It’s just not meant to be…it’s either the jealousy or the controlling or the bull headed drive to save everyone..Jack is the stereotypical doctor with the God complex….and I think the island is trying to tell him, guess what, buddy? You ain’t all that..and I think I’ll take your appendix to prove it…There is a huge theory going around that Juliet planted some type of device in Jack so that they could track him once he left the island…this is the type of theory I used to get behind but now, as I mentioned above, it’s most likely not the case…there’s no point..we’ve already seen them track Michael and they didn’t put anything into him…except a ton of remorse…
But there was one element of the show that I found to be the fulfillment of one of my deepest, most self respected theories, in that LOST is a reflection of Star Wars….and this week’s episode provided the biggest moment of foreshadowing of any of the past episodes ever….
If you’ve never read my theory on LOST and how it directly ties into Star Wars, then shame on you…I’m sure it’s logged out there somewhere on the internet highway…most likely it’s gathering dust at rest stop or something…Long theory short, Jack is Luke, Kate is Leia and Sawyer is none other than Han Solo….so maybe you can all see where I’m going with this…What did Jack step on in the kitchen? The Millennium Falcon…and then he let out a Sawyer like “sonuvabitch”…so I knew long before the end when Kate tearily told Jack that she was doing a favor for Sawyer, that the Jack and Kate relationship was over….I'm not saying they are brother and sister but I believe that like Luke, Jack has a greater destiny than just a loving relationship...and Han and Leia were such a better may have been the lack of the incest thing...but I digress way too much
Now I don’t know for a fact that it’s over but it doesn’t look well…I mean, this is where Jack starts the pill popping road to ruin…and then he grows a beard, which is kind of a slap to Kate, considering she bought him a razor at the beginning of the show…and we’ve already seen how jacked up poor Hurley is…How is Jack going to get back to the island??? He looks crazy and the only person who agrees they need to go back is Hurley, who IS crazy..but he’s really not…we know he sees Charlie in the courtyard of the loony bin and they talk about things…and now Jack is seeing his dad….wasn’t it interesting that the smoke alarm went off and that’s when Jack sees his dad? Is this a blatant reference to the Smoke Monster? We’ve seen Smokey manifest himself in many ways and it’s this humble writer’s opinion that this is just another sign that Jack’s work with the Island is not done…..
And I will lastly note that it’s going to be a real treat to see Sawyer again in the future, along with his current role of protector of Claire, who was seeing things and has now run off into the jungle(once again), this time, following her father, the one and only Christian Shepard...VERY INTERESTING...but we have to assume that Sawyer is still alive and kicking on the island…especially if Kate still feels the need to do favors for him still…..Maybe, just maybe Kate is seeing people from the island as well..maybe Sawyer…aww there I go again..hoping and wishing on yet another theory..:)
That’s all folks….my hope is slowly being restored…I will inspire the nation once again…I’m no lame duck Presidente..
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Istanbul is now Constantinople
Oh snap!!! I just totally time travelled!!!!!!
GOOD DAY, LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well it's taken me a full weekend to digest the first episode back: The Shape of Things to Come...and if this episode is an indication of things to come, I'm even more in than I was before!!
I was well aware that they would be packing as much in as possible due to the strike shortened season, but dang! they jammed it all in this week!
First let's start with the above picture...Ben wakes up in the Sahara Desert, in a DHARMA parka, with the surname Halliwax on it....This is a deliberate illusion to the Orchid Station and a certain Dr. Halliwax who runs certain "experiments"...I posted a youtube video of this station in an old post(look in Archives 2/17-2/24)..feel free to watch it...It was entitled The Orchid, of course....
That being said, there's still no proof that Ben did in fact time travel...but there's nothing so far saying he hasn't.. :)
One other thing we saw Ben do was go through a secret room inside of his secret room, through a door marked with hieroglyphics, much like what was on the time clock in the Swan Station...proof that things have been on this island for a very long time...

In this room, Ben apparently has the key to controlling the Black Smoke Monster....And boy howdy, did he unleash the beast after Keamy killed Alex...who saw that coming??? I thought ol' Ben had it all under control and then Keamy does the unthinkable, leading Ben to say: He changed the rules. Which was interesting considering that he referred to Alex as just a "pawn"...A high risk game of Chess with an unknown player...well not exactly unknown, considering Charles Widmore's name has been dropped more times than footballs thrown to Terrell Owens... So we've established that Widmore is the foe of Mr Linus but with the breaking of game rules, we see him to be a truly evil mastermind, on a level with Ben himself...But I have a theory about ol Charles and we'll get to the ol' part in a second..First let's look at the freight train that is Smokey:

WHOOSH!!!!!! Very cool...but not exactly effective if next week's promos are to be believed....It looks like a good deal of Keamy and his men are left...but is Smokey finished?? Ah, maybe, maybe not....The question raised here is that how much does Ben control anything at this point?....

Ah Sayid...poor poor Sayid...We learned how he got roped into being Ben's hired gun...willingly so it seems...Ben told him to beat it but Sayid wanted more...Look at Sayid, exercising that FREE WILL....the same free will that Jack exercised by operating on Ben...Apparently, Ben can't really ask for anything but he can plant such copious seeds that you believe it's your own idea to join the team....crazy....But Sayid dropped another unseen bomb, in that he found his lost love Nadia and married her! Yay! But then she was killed! Boo!..Such a roller coaster of emotions!!
And let's not sell Ben short..he proved to be quite the resourceful one, especially when Sayid asked him how he got off the island..Ben lied about using the Elizabeth, Desmond's boat that he was given by Libby...the fact that they used that little blast from the past, makes me think we may still see more of Libby again this season, in some capacity....maybe, maybe not...
And then we saw Ben kicking a little arse in the desert and getting himself to Tunisia, Lawrence of Arabia style....very cool....not exactly all brains only, that Mr Linus..

And now let's conclude with the aforementioned Charles Widmore.....Who is this cat?? We know him to be Penny's father...we know Ben now wants to kill Penny, although he finds Charles a year later to tell him that little unsavory ambition...Ben crept in, like a thief in the night(read your Bibles for that reference) and was within inches of ending Widmore's life if he so chose....
"Are you here to kill me, Ben?"
"You know I can't do that Charles"
Why not, I yelled at the TV.....and then it hit me....Read the words's not that Ben CAN'T kill Widmore himself....Here's my whopper theory: It's more likely that Widmore CAN'T be killed...He's what I like to call a LIFER....I'm introducing a new word into the LOST lexicon...You see, we've already met one LIFER: Mr Richard Alpert....I contend that Charles Widmore is just like Richard in that he doesn't age...I think he's part of the crew that crashed on the Island on the Black Rock...which if you go back and watch very carefully, Widmore sleeps with a painting of the Black Rock beside his bed...
Then he says this to Ben:
"I know who you are, BOY! Everything you have, you stole from me!"
But Widmore must have trusted Ben at some point and Ben tricked him and then applied some sort of cloaking device to keep anyone from finding the Island....It's all very tricky but that doesn't mean it isn't plausible....which is really all I need to frame a theory.. :)
And with that, I leave you all to think and discuss amongst yourselves...I must depart and concoct more theories that will continue to provide more smoke and confusion, only to be ultimately proven wrong by next week's episode...which looks to be taking a cue from Grey's Anatomy and causing Jack to contract appendicitis.... YAY!..I mean, BOO!..Go Speed Racer!!
El Prez JB

well it's taken me a full weekend to digest the first episode back: The Shape of Things to Come...and if this episode is an indication of things to come, I'm even more in than I was before!!
I was well aware that they would be packing as much in as possible due to the strike shortened season, but dang! they jammed it all in this week!
First let's start with the above picture...Ben wakes up in the Sahara Desert, in a DHARMA parka, with the surname Halliwax on it....This is a deliberate illusion to the Orchid Station and a certain Dr. Halliwax who runs certain "experiments"...I posted a youtube video of this station in an old post(look in Archives 2/17-2/24)..feel free to watch it...It was entitled The Orchid, of course....
That being said, there's still no proof that Ben did in fact time travel...but there's nothing so far saying he hasn't.. :)
One other thing we saw Ben do was go through a secret room inside of his secret room, through a door marked with hieroglyphics, much like what was on the time clock in the Swan Station...proof that things have been on this island for a very long time...

In this room, Ben apparently has the key to controlling the Black Smoke Monster....And boy howdy, did he unleash the beast after Keamy killed Alex...who saw that coming??? I thought ol' Ben had it all under control and then Keamy does the unthinkable, leading Ben to say: He changed the rules. Which was interesting considering that he referred to Alex as just a "pawn"...A high risk game of Chess with an unknown player...well not exactly unknown, considering Charles Widmore's name has been dropped more times than footballs thrown to Terrell Owens... So we've established that Widmore is the foe of Mr Linus but with the breaking of game rules, we see him to be a truly evil mastermind, on a level with Ben himself...But I have a theory about ol Charles and we'll get to the ol' part in a second..First let's look at the freight train that is Smokey:

WHOOSH!!!!!! Very cool...but not exactly effective if next week's promos are to be believed....It looks like a good deal of Keamy and his men are left...but is Smokey finished?? Ah, maybe, maybe not....The question raised here is that how much does Ben control anything at this point?....

Ah Sayid...poor poor Sayid...We learned how he got roped into being Ben's hired gun...willingly so it seems...Ben told him to beat it but Sayid wanted more...Look at Sayid, exercising that FREE WILL....the same free will that Jack exercised by operating on Ben...Apparently, Ben can't really ask for anything but he can plant such copious seeds that you believe it's your own idea to join the team....crazy....But Sayid dropped another unseen bomb, in that he found his lost love Nadia and married her! Yay! But then she was killed! Boo!..Such a roller coaster of emotions!!
And let's not sell Ben short..he proved to be quite the resourceful one, especially when Sayid asked him how he got off the island..Ben lied about using the Elizabeth, Desmond's boat that he was given by Libby...the fact that they used that little blast from the past, makes me think we may still see more of Libby again this season, in some capacity....maybe, maybe not...
And then we saw Ben kicking a little arse in the desert and getting himself to Tunisia, Lawrence of Arabia style....very cool....not exactly all brains only, that Mr Linus..

And now let's conclude with the aforementioned Charles Widmore.....Who is this cat?? We know him to be Penny's father...we know Ben now wants to kill Penny, although he finds Charles a year later to tell him that little unsavory ambition...Ben crept in, like a thief in the night(read your Bibles for that reference) and was within inches of ending Widmore's life if he so chose....
"Are you here to kill me, Ben?"
"You know I can't do that Charles"
Why not, I yelled at the TV.....and then it hit me....Read the words's not that Ben CAN'T kill Widmore himself....Here's my whopper theory: It's more likely that Widmore CAN'T be killed...He's what I like to call a LIFER....I'm introducing a new word into the LOST lexicon...You see, we've already met one LIFER: Mr Richard Alpert....I contend that Charles Widmore is just like Richard in that he doesn't age...I think he's part of the crew that crashed on the Island on the Black Rock...which if you go back and watch very carefully, Widmore sleeps with a painting of the Black Rock beside his bed...
Then he says this to Ben:
"I know who you are, BOY! Everything you have, you stole from me!"
But Widmore must have trusted Ben at some point and Ben tricked him and then applied some sort of cloaking device to keep anyone from finding the Island....It's all very tricky but that doesn't mean it isn't plausible....which is really all I need to frame a theory.. :)
And with that, I leave you all to think and discuss amongst yourselves...I must depart and concoct more theories that will continue to provide more smoke and confusion, only to be ultimately proven wrong by next week's episode...which looks to be taking a cue from Grey's Anatomy and causing Jack to contract appendicitis.... YAY!..I mean, BOO!..Go Speed Racer!!
El Prez JB
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Wouldn't you, wooden shoe?
Ben realized that shooting Locke wouldn't slow him down but maybe a hernia would.


Do you like gun battles? Do you like explosions? Do you like heroic acts? Do you wonder what the heck I'm getting at??
Well tonight, the answer to all the questions will be answered...wait, that doesn't make any sense....either way, TONIGHT, it's going down!
An all new show, with even higher stakes!!!
I have seen a few tidbits on the new episode The Shape of Things to Come and I am downright giddy....We are going to see an impressive outing from a character we've kind of grown accustomed to disliking.....or liking, depending on your preferences....
That's really all I can say...I'm keeping a lot of things under wraps because I don't want to spoil anything for anybody...but I do have it on good authority that there may be a scene featuring : ...Highlight if you REALLY want to were warned....hahaha......nothing to see....smoke and mirrors...or maybe just smoke....
So remember to tune in tonight at 10 after Grey's Anatomy...Meredith will be chased thru the halls of Seattle Grace by her should be awesome!!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Back to Back
OH How I've missed you all!!!!!
I've been biding my time, silently chilling out...Chillaxin' as I'm known to do from time to time, eagerly waiting with much anticipation for one of the biggest nights in TV..Again...that's right..not only did we have to wait all thru the fall for new episodes of LOST, when we finally do get them, there's a stinkin' writer's they make amends and film 6 more hours of this fabulous show...and now, it's BACK!
And none to soon...but not only will the action be more intense, but the story will be fast paced and revealing...they are getting down to the wire and if LOST history has shown us anything, this is the time of the season where the story really starts to deliver....Last 6 episodes....
Here's the even better news: Because of the intense story telling, the season finale will actually be 3 hours long!! That's also aided by the fact that the show is returning at a different, later time(BOO!) but I'll takes what I can gets...
So because of the later time start, LOST will air a one hour episode on May 15th, and then be off the following week, allowing Grey's Anatomy it's own 2 hour season finale...then it comes back on the 29th from 9-11 with the remainder of the season that's pretty sweet.....apparently the writers couldn't squeeze it all in so they got the green light to expand...SWEET!!
So here's the breakdown with dates for your Outlook calendars:
April 24th: Episode 9 "The Shape of Things to Come"
May 1st: Ep 10
May 8th: EP 11
May 15th: Ep 12 The first hour of season finale
May 22nd: OFF Greys Anatomy season finale: I predict blood, guts and a surprise hookup!
May 29th: The 2 hour season finale....
May 30th: El Prez PTO.....
That's all I can mustard right now...wait, that's supposed to be muster.....anyhoo, I hope to have something for Thursday to geek you all out and get you hyped and whatever else they're saying in the streets right now...
I leave you with this:
LOST starts at 10PM ET this week....after Ugly Betty and Grey's Anatomy...smoke em if you got em....
Get some
People ask me all the time: How are you surviving without LOST?
The answer is in the video below.. Enjoy!
People ask me all the time: How are you surviving without LOST?
The answer is in the video below.. Enjoy!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Friday night lights
GOOD EVENING LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For those of you who tune into this blog from the comforts of your PJ's and more often than I send the emails announcing the updates, this blog's for you!
Yes, it's a rare Friday night blog that is truly informative....
As I write this I am listening to Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse on their weekly podcast at In these podcasts, they discuss certain things about the previous week's episode and usually straighten out some mysteries, but mostly they act goofy and seem to be punchy from their late night writing sessions....
Here's a brief summary of what they mentioned in this week's:
1. There will be a scene in the season finale that will have the same upside down, scratch your head kind of moment that last season's finale and all previous finale's have had...although it won't be the LAST scene, which will also be good...I can hardly wait and currently have goose bumps and reaffirmation that I am indeed a spaz...
2. Due to their own history of shenanigans they are coming clean and clear on who The OCEANIC 6 are:
Jack Kate Hurley Sayid Sun and Aaron....the promo shown for the upcoming episodes at the end of last night's ep confirmed who the Oceanic 6 were...Damon and Carlton also said that we will see a scene with all of them together at some point....
3. The next episode is entitled "The Shape of Things to Come"
4. There are only certain coordinates or bearings that can get you out of the island's proximity...When Desmond tried to leave on the boat back at the end of Season 2, he was only able to go in circles, since he had no bearings...
5. The "side effects" that Desmond and Minkowski experienced were due in large part to the large doses of electromagnetism they both were exposed to...Minkowski's from working around radio equipment on ships for a better part of his life, I suspect and Des' from imploding the Hatch....these "side effects" could also be termed "illness" or "sickness", which led to a comment that maybe we've heard about other people experiencing a "sickness" before(Danielle and her crew).
6. We haven't seen the last of the "purple sky" and they eluded to another electromagnetic event happening at some point....however, they will not revisit visually what happened at the Swan Station anymore..
7. There was a question about what was real or an apparition or the smoke monster. The breakdown is as follows:
Ben's mother: apparition
Spider that killed Nikki: smoke monster...Damon kind of snickered after this one, which led me to believe that he wasn't really being serious about this take it with a grain of ironic salt
Yemi: Smoke monster
Walt: Some apparition, some smoke monster
Christian Shepard and Kate's black horse: be clear about what undead means: collective name for beings that the superstitious believe are deceased yet behave as if alive.
8. A question was asked in regards to Aaron being raised by someone other than Claire and if he was really in danger, like the psychic predicted way back in season 1. They basically debunked the psychic as a con man, which means that Aaron could indeed be raised by Kate....although Damon did elude to the fact that Aaron was in danger, simply because Kate was a murdering house blower upper.....
9. we will learn more about the Black Rock and the 4 toed statue, but neither will get their own flashback...
10. Charlotte, the new red head Freightie, is a cultural anthropologist, which is someone who studies ancient cultures. This is will still be determined....
So there are 10 things you may not have known prior to reading this blog...Are you better off for knowing this? Probably not but who cares? Now go baffle your friends with this overload of info at the next closest water cooler...
For those of you who tune into this blog from the comforts of your PJ's and more often than I send the emails announcing the updates, this blog's for you!
Yes, it's a rare Friday night blog that is truly informative....
As I write this I am listening to Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse on their weekly podcast at In these podcasts, they discuss certain things about the previous week's episode and usually straighten out some mysteries, but mostly they act goofy and seem to be punchy from their late night writing sessions....
Here's a brief summary of what they mentioned in this week's:
1. There will be a scene in the season finale that will have the same upside down, scratch your head kind of moment that last season's finale and all previous finale's have had...although it won't be the LAST scene, which will also be good...I can hardly wait and currently have goose bumps and reaffirmation that I am indeed a spaz...
2. Due to their own history of shenanigans they are coming clean and clear on who The OCEANIC 6 are:
Jack Kate Hurley Sayid Sun and Aaron....the promo shown for the upcoming episodes at the end of last night's ep confirmed who the Oceanic 6 were...Damon and Carlton also said that we will see a scene with all of them together at some point....
3. The next episode is entitled "The Shape of Things to Come"
4. There are only certain coordinates or bearings that can get you out of the island's proximity...When Desmond tried to leave on the boat back at the end of Season 2, he was only able to go in circles, since he had no bearings...
5. The "side effects" that Desmond and Minkowski experienced were due in large part to the large doses of electromagnetism they both were exposed to...Minkowski's from working around radio equipment on ships for a better part of his life, I suspect and Des' from imploding the Hatch....these "side effects" could also be termed "illness" or "sickness", which led to a comment that maybe we've heard about other people experiencing a "sickness" before(Danielle and her crew).
6. We haven't seen the last of the "purple sky" and they eluded to another electromagnetic event happening at some point....however, they will not revisit visually what happened at the Swan Station anymore..
7. There was a question about what was real or an apparition or the smoke monster. The breakdown is as follows:
Ben's mother: apparition
Spider that killed Nikki: smoke monster...Damon kind of snickered after this one, which led me to believe that he wasn't really being serious about this take it with a grain of ironic salt
Yemi: Smoke monster
Walt: Some apparition, some smoke monster
Christian Shepard and Kate's black horse: be clear about what undead means: collective name for beings that the superstitious believe are deceased yet behave as if alive.
8. A question was asked in regards to Aaron being raised by someone other than Claire and if he was really in danger, like the psychic predicted way back in season 1. They basically debunked the psychic as a con man, which means that Aaron could indeed be raised by Kate....although Damon did elude to the fact that Aaron was in danger, simply because Kate was a murdering house blower upper.....
9. we will learn more about the Black Rock and the 4 toed statue, but neither will get their own flashback...
10. Charlotte, the new red head Freightie, is a cultural anthropologist, which is someone who studies ancient cultures. This is will still be determined....
So there are 10 things you may not have known prior to reading this blog...Are you better off for knowing this? Probably not but who cares? Now go baffle your friends with this overload of info at the next closest water cooler...
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Not yet
HELLOOO LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll start by saying 5 weeks. 5 weeks until another new episode and it looks like some things are about to get even hairier.....
So let's cut to the heart of the matter, as my good chum Don Henley once said....
Before we go any further, allow me to apologize for my obsession with time travel...I mean, it's definitely prevalent in the Desmond and the Daniel Faraday story but maybe that's where it stops... I fully realize now that it's possible for a complete stranger to board a freighter in search of a mysterious island and the elusive man behind the curtain on less than 2 days notice.....
Just to be specific about the timeline..It looks like Michael has told Walt about killing Ana Lucia and Libby and now he wants to kill himself...
But the "Island won't let you kill yourself!".....yes, much to Michael's dismay, all suicidal tendencies are snuffed by the Island, which means it's influence is not limited to just the Island....let's meander, if you would, around this point for a second and talk Jack...
We've seen Jack in the all encompassing downward spiral of pills and depression and we've seen him attempt to throw himself off of a bridge, but the car crash happened, reminding him that he still had work to do....we also saw him throw caution to the wind before entering the funeral parlor by walking into traffic with no regard for his own safety...So the question is, has Jack tried and failed suicide more than what we've seen?? And has the Island intervened at each point? And if Michael is seeing Libby out of guilt, who is Jack seeing????
But back to the timeline of he gets off the Island by Thanksgiving and is trying to kill himself just prior to Christmas....which is how Tom is able to seemingly be in 2 places at once...Tom's part in this episode is prior to Sawyer gunning him down on the beach...and on that note:
Let's have our own flashback, shall we?
"Relax Kate, you're not my type".....Spoken back in Episode 1 of Season 3, by Tom, when he had Kate shower at the Hydra station...Well finally the mystery is SOLVED!! Now we all know what he meant....yes, Tom prefers the company of a man, specifically a handsome fellow by the name of Arturo. To which I say...Bravo!...Bravo, LOST for continuing to embrace all walks of life by being one of the very few shows to portray honest, well rounded characters and not stereotyping...say what you want but to deal with a show that shrouds itself in mystery and science fiction, I think it offers an interesting look at how to have developed characters really drive the story and make it all the more was a side of Tom that was fun to watch...and it was enlightening...
You see, Tom really came out of the information closet as well in this episode, in terms of who was behind Oceanic Flight 815's discovery and how all the dead passengers were "acquired"...the other part was his admittance to Michael that some of the Others could come and go as they pleased on the Island...So far we've seen Ethan, Richard Alpert and Tom out in the real world....and we know Ben likes to travel as well.....It will be interesting to see if Jack and crew try to return to the island, if it will be one of the Others who are responsible for their return....Maybe Sayid gets to come and go now, since he works for Ben...
Which brings me to my other point...something big must happen to Sayid for him to trust Ben enough to work for him...because after he turned Michael into the captain, we know he's not quite there yet......I'm thinking it's "Nadia big"...oh yeah...don't think we haven't seen the last of Nadia...oh no....Sayid is a sucker for the ladies..
But back to Michael...he's seeking redemption for killing Ana Lucia and Libby...which I thought was cool of Ben to tell him that those deaths were his own choosing...Ben didn't ask Michael to kill those women....And Ben is trying to show Michael, that unlike Charles Widmore, he actually cares for innocent life....
But then you got Frank the helicopter pilot saying that Widmore is trying to FIND the Oceanic who to believe??
My money is still on Ben..hell I've been wrong on everything else so maybe I'll just start to believe what Ben actually says...They're the good guys...which leads me to ponder this:
Who the HECK is shooting Alex and Karl and Danielle???? Karl for sure is dead and Danielle took a hefty shot to the chest area....Were they set up by Ben? They had every chance to kill Alex as well but she was spared....why?? Because Papa don't preach, he's protecting and possessing his daughter!! Oh my what a tangled web this is....ridiculously so.....
So I guess that's all I have to say about the episode...We saw Walt and he looked fairly still doesn't explain how Locke saw a taller version of Walt on the Island...Perhaps the smoke monster doesn't have a good accounting of time and felt that Walt's been gone a long time...
And it was good to see Libby, even though she was spooky...But she told Michael not to push the button and he went ahead with it...that was confusing....
And the previews for the rest of the season look kind of promising as well...A WAR is coming...they've been calling for it since back in Season 1...Locke told Boone that they would want Sayid on their side.....see, something's been planned for some time now and it's all coming together...The cake has been prepared and the oven has finished let's get COOKING!!!!!....
That's all for me for this week.....if other things pop up that I may have missed I'll update the blog...look for some posts during the next couple of weeks that should be enlightening and frightening.. :)
I'll start by saying 5 weeks. 5 weeks until another new episode and it looks like some things are about to get even hairier.....
So let's cut to the heart of the matter, as my good chum Don Henley once said....
Before we go any further, allow me to apologize for my obsession with time travel...I mean, it's definitely prevalent in the Desmond and the Daniel Faraday story but maybe that's where it stops... I fully realize now that it's possible for a complete stranger to board a freighter in search of a mysterious island and the elusive man behind the curtain on less than 2 days notice.....
Just to be specific about the timeline..It looks like Michael has told Walt about killing Ana Lucia and Libby and now he wants to kill himself...
But the "Island won't let you kill yourself!".....yes, much to Michael's dismay, all suicidal tendencies are snuffed by the Island, which means it's influence is not limited to just the Island....let's meander, if you would, around this point for a second and talk Jack...
We've seen Jack in the all encompassing downward spiral of pills and depression and we've seen him attempt to throw himself off of a bridge, but the car crash happened, reminding him that he still had work to do....we also saw him throw caution to the wind before entering the funeral parlor by walking into traffic with no regard for his own safety...So the question is, has Jack tried and failed suicide more than what we've seen?? And has the Island intervened at each point? And if Michael is seeing Libby out of guilt, who is Jack seeing????
But back to the timeline of he gets off the Island by Thanksgiving and is trying to kill himself just prior to Christmas....which is how Tom is able to seemingly be in 2 places at once...Tom's part in this episode is prior to Sawyer gunning him down on the beach...and on that note:
Let's have our own flashback, shall we?
"Relax Kate, you're not my type".....Spoken back in Episode 1 of Season 3, by Tom, when he had Kate shower at the Hydra station...Well finally the mystery is SOLVED!! Now we all know what he meant....yes, Tom prefers the company of a man, specifically a handsome fellow by the name of Arturo. To which I say...Bravo!...Bravo, LOST for continuing to embrace all walks of life by being one of the very few shows to portray honest, well rounded characters and not stereotyping...say what you want but to deal with a show that shrouds itself in mystery and science fiction, I think it offers an interesting look at how to have developed characters really drive the story and make it all the more was a side of Tom that was fun to watch...and it was enlightening...
You see, Tom really came out of the information closet as well in this episode, in terms of who was behind Oceanic Flight 815's discovery and how all the dead passengers were "acquired"...the other part was his admittance to Michael that some of the Others could come and go as they pleased on the Island...So far we've seen Ethan, Richard Alpert and Tom out in the real world....and we know Ben likes to travel as well.....It will be interesting to see if Jack and crew try to return to the island, if it will be one of the Others who are responsible for their return....Maybe Sayid gets to come and go now, since he works for Ben...
Which brings me to my other point...something big must happen to Sayid for him to trust Ben enough to work for him...because after he turned Michael into the captain, we know he's not quite there yet......I'm thinking it's "Nadia big"...oh yeah...don't think we haven't seen the last of Nadia...oh no....Sayid is a sucker for the ladies..
But back to Michael...he's seeking redemption for killing Ana Lucia and Libby...which I thought was cool of Ben to tell him that those deaths were his own choosing...Ben didn't ask Michael to kill those women....And Ben is trying to show Michael, that unlike Charles Widmore, he actually cares for innocent life....
But then you got Frank the helicopter pilot saying that Widmore is trying to FIND the Oceanic who to believe??
My money is still on Ben..hell I've been wrong on everything else so maybe I'll just start to believe what Ben actually says...They're the good guys...which leads me to ponder this:
Who the HECK is shooting Alex and Karl and Danielle???? Karl for sure is dead and Danielle took a hefty shot to the chest area....Were they set up by Ben? They had every chance to kill Alex as well but she was spared....why?? Because Papa don't preach, he's protecting and possessing his daughter!! Oh my what a tangled web this is....ridiculously so.....
So I guess that's all I have to say about the episode...We saw Walt and he looked fairly still doesn't explain how Locke saw a taller version of Walt on the Island...Perhaps the smoke monster doesn't have a good accounting of time and felt that Walt's been gone a long time...
And it was good to see Libby, even though she was spooky...But she told Michael not to push the button and he went ahead with it...that was confusing....
And the previews for the rest of the season look kind of promising as well...A WAR is coming...they've been calling for it since back in Season 1...Locke told Boone that they would want Sayid on their side.....see, something's been planned for some time now and it's all coming together...The cake has been prepared and the oven has finished let's get COOKING!!!!!....
That's all for me for this week.....if other things pop up that I may have missed I'll update the blog...look for some posts during the next couple of weeks that should be enlightening and frightening.. :)
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Meet Magic Johnson....

Here it is....the last episode before the 5 week break....aargh....well at least it should be a good one..As we saw last week, Shoot 'em up Mike is back on the show....and he's on the freighter headed back to the the big question is how is this happening??

All signs are pointing to the time travel element of the show...we've seen it with Desmond, albeit it was a mind time travel situation...I don't think the same can be said for Michael...we saw Michael and Walt leave the island less than a month ago..sort of..remember the short time line that's actually part of the story-This is roughly day 100 or so since the plane crash....That really doesn't leave a lot of time to get on board a freighter as someone else...unless he met the freighter when he left the island, on one of those infamous shipping know, that one that Tom Hanks found when he was a cast away..anyway, I digress...
This week is promising to be informative and interesting, not only with the Michael story but also with the Ben looks like Yoda is going to share the same info he shared with must be pretty good to get out of the jail and into his own place....THAT dude is an amazing salesman....If you ever shot me in my non existent kidney, I'll be damned if I'm going to let you set up shop next door, youknowwhatImean??
One of the other mysteries that seems to have some people all up in arms is the identity of the Oceanic 6.....Here's what we know for sure: Kate Jack Hurley Sun and Sayid are DEFINITELY 5 of the 6...The question is who's the 6th?
There's an argument out there that the 6th is Aaron....but how can that be? He technically wasn't a passenger on Flight 815..well TECHNICALLY he was a passenger on Claire, who was a passenger on the plane..but that's a bit graphic....even for me.. :)
Then there's the whole thing about Kate raising Aaron as her own son...certainly that would mean that he came back with them when they were he would have to be the 6th, right?
Well I'm not signing up for anything....this is the kind of show that can put a full size 747 in the bottom of the ocean and stock it full of 300 odd dead bodies...this is the kind of show that can still find a way to deliver drop shipments of DHARMA oatmeal and boxed wine after the seeming demise of the DHARMA initiative....this is the kind of show that can throw a guy out of an 8 story window, smash his body and leave him only paralyzed from the waist down and then have him crash land on an island that gives him the ability to walk again.....yeah...I think this is also the kind of show that could figure out a way to have Aaron be one of the 6...but since the writers aren't confirming who they are, I'll be reserving judgement....
It's I was typing this, a promo for last week's show(DVR) came on, saying that the last of the 6 would be there's an answer, I guess....hahaha...this dang show....
Later LOSTIES...see you on Friday with a wrap UP!!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
The Time Plot thickens
HELLLOOOO LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay...we'll get to the return of Michael in a second...or are we calling him Mr Johnson?...either way, he's not really the hot topic just yet....yet...
So Sun got off the island and had her baby....and we were watching Jin running around at seemingly the same time trying to buy a panda bear....for the ambassador of China....on an errand for his father in law....but Jin is dead...or at least how is this happening??????
This one is a head scratcher...or is it? Let's examine the clues.....
The first clue is the Year of the Dragon reference by the toy stoy owner...according to this:
the year of the dragon is 2000...This would be 4 years before Oceanic Flight 815 crashed on the Island...The second clue is that Jin has only been married for 2 months and he's working for Sun's father...So Jin's part is definitely happening PRIOR to Oceanic Flight 815....
Sun, as we all know, is pregnant on the Island in Juliet said "in 3 weeks, you will die" the math with the fact that, on the Island, women reach the middle of their second trimester and Sun is 15 weeks pregnant.... that means 5 months later she gives birth to Ji Yeon, so May 2005...we know she is part of the Oceanic 6, which for a recap I guess would consist of: Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, Sun and Aaron......
Then there's the headstone, which has Jin's death as 9/22/ 2004, the day of the Oceanic he never made it off the Island.....and the fact that one sharp dressed Hurley is there...
So Jin's story is a flashback and Sun's is a flash forward.....My first thought was that's an easy way out and it really doesn't make much sense in terms of reasoning...why bother telling some lame-o story about Jin trying to acquire a teddy bear??? It's filler and pointless, unless it was meant to confuse...which it was...You get the build up that he makes it to the hospital just in time to deliver the panda and then you realize that his is the flashback and her's is the flashforward...SO Jin never makes it off the Island...and the way Sun is emotional would indicate that he is dead because certainly she would be more adamant about getting back to the Island...
A nice twist on the whole flashback/flashforward angle...employing them both in one episode....very sneaky, sis!
So here's a theory about how this might pan out:
Jack wants to get back to the Island, desperately
Hurley is being summoned by the ghost of Charlie to return to the Island...
Kate has Aaron and doesn't want to go back to the Island at all....
Sayid is working as an assassin for Ben to protect the Island...
Sun has a baby and is the only one thus far who appears to be living a healthy lifestyle, although she does have a baby that was concieved on a magical Island...
So maybe in the near future we will see that the folks who were left behind are in danger and it's possible that Claire and Jin are still alive...perhaps the Oceanic 6 were chosen randomly and now they need to go back to help their fellow LOSTIES....I don't know how this is going to play but damn, it's getting fun!!!
Now as far as Kevin Johnson is concerned, this will most likely deal with time travel....I think Ben put Michael and Walt on a heading off the Island that would put them into a different time..Think about how the helicopter took off from the Island with Sayid and Des and landed a day later...It's entirely plausible with this show that Michael ends up back in time, maybe a year or so and is "recruited", much like Sayid in the future.......REMEMBER, he's only been off the Island for about 30 days at the most....I highly doubt this is enough time to get a new identity and infiltrate a boat that's headed back to the Island....but maybe he does...It only took me 35 days to do the same back in 1996....but I had a lot more hair back then so that helped....what the hell am I talking about??!..........
Anyway, next week will set all of that prepared for time travel, alien abduction and the Watergate tapes....who knows how this thing will go.......
That's it LOSTIES......
Okay...we'll get to the return of Michael in a second...or are we calling him Mr Johnson?...either way, he's not really the hot topic just yet....yet...
So Sun got off the island and had her baby....and we were watching Jin running around at seemingly the same time trying to buy a panda bear....for the ambassador of China....on an errand for his father in law....but Jin is dead...or at least how is this happening??????
This one is a head scratcher...or is it? Let's examine the clues.....
The first clue is the Year of the Dragon reference by the toy stoy owner...according to this:
the year of the dragon is 2000...This would be 4 years before Oceanic Flight 815 crashed on the Island...The second clue is that Jin has only been married for 2 months and he's working for Sun's father...So Jin's part is definitely happening PRIOR to Oceanic Flight 815....
Sun, as we all know, is pregnant on the Island in Juliet said "in 3 weeks, you will die" the math with the fact that, on the Island, women reach the middle of their second trimester and Sun is 15 weeks pregnant.... that means 5 months later she gives birth to Ji Yeon, so May 2005...we know she is part of the Oceanic 6, which for a recap I guess would consist of: Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, Sun and Aaron......
Then there's the headstone, which has Jin's death as 9/22/ 2004, the day of the Oceanic he never made it off the Island.....and the fact that one sharp dressed Hurley is there...
So Jin's story is a flashback and Sun's is a flash forward.....My first thought was that's an easy way out and it really doesn't make much sense in terms of reasoning...why bother telling some lame-o story about Jin trying to acquire a teddy bear??? It's filler and pointless, unless it was meant to confuse...which it was...You get the build up that he makes it to the hospital just in time to deliver the panda and then you realize that his is the flashback and her's is the flashforward...SO Jin never makes it off the Island...and the way Sun is emotional would indicate that he is dead because certainly she would be more adamant about getting back to the Island...
A nice twist on the whole flashback/flashforward angle...employing them both in one episode....very sneaky, sis!
So here's a theory about how this might pan out:
Jack wants to get back to the Island, desperately
Hurley is being summoned by the ghost of Charlie to return to the Island...
Kate has Aaron and doesn't want to go back to the Island at all....
Sayid is working as an assassin for Ben to protect the Island...
Sun has a baby and is the only one thus far who appears to be living a healthy lifestyle, although she does have a baby that was concieved on a magical Island...
So maybe in the near future we will see that the folks who were left behind are in danger and it's possible that Claire and Jin are still alive...perhaps the Oceanic 6 were chosen randomly and now they need to go back to help their fellow LOSTIES....I don't know how this is going to play but damn, it's getting fun!!!
Now as far as Kevin Johnson is concerned, this will most likely deal with time travel....I think Ben put Michael and Walt on a heading off the Island that would put them into a different time..Think about how the helicopter took off from the Island with Sayid and Des and landed a day later...It's entirely plausible with this show that Michael ends up back in time, maybe a year or so and is "recruited", much like Sayid in the future.......REMEMBER, he's only been off the Island for about 30 days at the most....I highly doubt this is enough time to get a new identity and infiltrate a boat that's headed back to the Island....but maybe he does...It only took me 35 days to do the same back in 1996....but I had a lot more hair back then so that helped....what the hell am I talking about??!..........
Anyway, next week will set all of that prepared for time travel, alien abduction and the Watergate tapes....who knows how this thing will go.......
That's it LOSTIES......
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Cowboys Like Us
HELLOOOOO LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tonight we have an all new episode of LOST entitled : Ji Yeon....I'll let the Korean name do the talking for me and let you figure out who the show is centered on....I also think the promos tell you as well.....I will spoil this for you: Jin's English is getting better by the day....I think the island can not only make a paralyzed man walk, it can also get you hooked on Phonics....
So today's update is a little informational, a little fun at the show's expense and the link at the bottom is a great interview with the show's Executive Producers, Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof...I highly recommend the read....
So, now for the you all know, I find pictures from the episodes from time to time and post them on the blog....I try to come up with something witty to say, in lieu of the actual dialogue...a "Mad Libs", if you will...So here are some photos from episodes so far, with a couple of attempts at humor...I will thank you all in advance for indulging me....
"That was a lovely is your dollar"

"I'm sorry you didn't find it "sexy" is your dollar back."
There goes Ben...getting his ROLL on....

"Now, Sawyer, we'll need you to try to look seductive in this shot........"

".....Or maybe this would be better......."

"....Or this......"

..THAT'S IT!!!!!.......wait...can we get another button removed?!?!?!"
These were all courtesy of ONE episode: #4 "Eggtown"...
"What?!...I cannn't bloody hear yew....what?...You "just called to say I love you"...who is this?...Stevie?!...." they aren't all solid gold but I have to admit..everytime I read the Ben one I laugh....maybe I should have stopped there.... :)
One more thing: I HIGHLY recommend you guys check out the comments section at the bottom of each blog...Sometimes it's like a whole nother blog has been written...I love all the comments from the LOSTIES!!!!!!! That's what this whole thing was for: creating a forum where I lead with an extremely self biased iron fist...
Enjoy this link and enjoy tonight's show!!!
Source: courtesy of
Tonight we have an all new episode of LOST entitled : Ji Yeon....I'll let the Korean name do the talking for me and let you figure out who the show is centered on....I also think the promos tell you as well.....I will spoil this for you: Jin's English is getting better by the day....I think the island can not only make a paralyzed man walk, it can also get you hooked on Phonics....
So today's update is a little informational, a little fun at the show's expense and the link at the bottom is a great interview with the show's Executive Producers, Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof...I highly recommend the read....
So, now for the you all know, I find pictures from the episodes from time to time and post them on the blog....I try to come up with something witty to say, in lieu of the actual dialogue...a "Mad Libs", if you will...So here are some photos from episodes so far, with a couple of attempts at humor...I will thank you all in advance for indulging me....
"That was a lovely is your dollar"

"I'm sorry you didn't find it "sexy" is your dollar back."
There goes Ben...getting his ROLL on....

"Now, Sawyer, we'll need you to try to look seductive in this shot........"

".....Or maybe this would be better......."

"....Or this......"

..THAT'S IT!!!!!.......wait...can we get another button removed?!?!?!"
These were all courtesy of ONE episode: #4 "Eggtown"...
"What?!...I cannn't bloody hear yew....what?...You "just called to say I love you"...who is this?...Stevie?!...." they aren't all solid gold but I have to admit..everytime I read the Ben one I laugh....maybe I should have stopped there.... :)
One more thing: I HIGHLY recommend you guys check out the comments section at the bottom of each blog...Sometimes it's like a whole nother blog has been written...I love all the comments from the LOSTIES!!!!!!! That's what this whole thing was for: creating a forum where I lead with an extremely self biased iron fist...
Enjoy this link and enjoy tonight's show!!!
Source: courtesy of
Friday, March 7, 2008
About dang time
"Look! I know it's raining and we're in the jungle in the middle of a mysterious island and you just saw a your ex lover's wife and she just appeared out of nowhere and then some whispers happened and she disappeared but she told you to kill some people who just arrived on the island and you appear to be upset about that, BUT do you feel about ME?!?"

Helloooooo LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I first need to apologize...I started this blog last Friday and never got around to finishing it...I think it had something to do with being exhausted and trying to fend off a snow shovelling heart driveway is over 100 feet long and I had to dig my way to the curb in order for the pizza delivery guy to get his job without further's the update...
It's not often I disparage this great show but as a fearless leader, sometimes I need to call 'em like I see 'em......If I were Simon Cowell giving a critique of episode 3:06 "The Other Woman", I would call it OBVIOUS.....and that's where I have my biggest problem...this show has never been as obvious as it was tonight, which leads me to be a little skeptical about what we're being told...
I guess the biggest thing I could site as obvious is Ben's insane infatuation with Juliet....we all saw that a mile away...The interesting line here was spoken by the therapist, Harper Stanhope( note the name as an anagram: Another perhaps) when she says : You look just like her.....methinks this is more in reference to Ben's childhood sweetheart, who gave him the doll on his birthday...her name escapes me at this point...
The next biggest case of obviousness is the fact that Charles Widmore, Penny's dad is behind the freighter folks showing up...The question now becomes: Is Ben being honest about not knowing why Widmore is going through all this trouble to find the island? Again, methinks not....I'm not sure where the word methinks got it's start but I like using it apparently....
I know there were some other things about the show that might be worth examining deeper but truthfully, I felt it said all it had to really is that point in the season that some episodes feel like they are stretching the inevitable and shoring up some mythology or overstating some points...NOT THAT I'M COMPLAINING....I think they are building up for some big show stopping stuff for the end of the season....I look forward to it all...
Speaking of which, it looks like they are going to air the already filmed episode 8, entitled "Meet Kevin Johnson" next week, instead of postponing it until they have all of their other episodes filmed....also the season finale will be a 2 hour event, aired over 2 weeks because Grey's Anatomy has the bigger pull aparrently and for LOST to stay on Thursday night, it needs to break up it's finale....whatever...I swear this show can't catch a scheduling break to save it's life...The first season it had a crappy lead in and a crappy after show...The second season everyone berated the reruns and it had an even crappier lead in ....the third season they try the old "Air 6 episodes and then take a 13 week break"....that didn't work....and now, the writers strike wreaked it's havoc on the scheduling...if it weren't such a great show, it would have been cancelled a long time ago....jeez...who put that soapbox there??.....
Anyway, let's go out on a high note....Fellas, this one is for you:

El Prez..OUT

Helloooooo LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I first need to apologize...I started this blog last Friday and never got around to finishing it...I think it had something to do with being exhausted and trying to fend off a snow shovelling heart driveway is over 100 feet long and I had to dig my way to the curb in order for the pizza delivery guy to get his job without further's the update...
It's not often I disparage this great show but as a fearless leader, sometimes I need to call 'em like I see 'em......If I were Simon Cowell giving a critique of episode 3:06 "The Other Woman", I would call it OBVIOUS.....and that's where I have my biggest problem...this show has never been as obvious as it was tonight, which leads me to be a little skeptical about what we're being told...
I guess the biggest thing I could site as obvious is Ben's insane infatuation with Juliet....we all saw that a mile away...The interesting line here was spoken by the therapist, Harper Stanhope( note the name as an anagram: Another perhaps) when she says : You look just like her.....methinks this is more in reference to Ben's childhood sweetheart, who gave him the doll on his birthday...her name escapes me at this point...
The next biggest case of obviousness is the fact that Charles Widmore, Penny's dad is behind the freighter folks showing up...The question now becomes: Is Ben being honest about not knowing why Widmore is going through all this trouble to find the island? Again, methinks not....I'm not sure where the word methinks got it's start but I like using it apparently....
I know there were some other things about the show that might be worth examining deeper but truthfully, I felt it said all it had to really is that point in the season that some episodes feel like they are stretching the inevitable and shoring up some mythology or overstating some points...NOT THAT I'M COMPLAINING....I think they are building up for some big show stopping stuff for the end of the season....I look forward to it all...
Speaking of which, it looks like they are going to air the already filmed episode 8, entitled "Meet Kevin Johnson" next week, instead of postponing it until they have all of their other episodes filmed....also the season finale will be a 2 hour event, aired over 2 weeks because Grey's Anatomy has the bigger pull aparrently and for LOST to stay on Thursday night, it needs to break up it's finale....whatever...I swear this show can't catch a scheduling break to save it's life...The first season it had a crappy lead in and a crappy after show...The second season everyone berated the reruns and it had an even crappier lead in ....the third season they try the old "Air 6 episodes and then take a 13 week break"....that didn't work....and now, the writers strike wreaked it's havoc on the scheduling...if it weren't such a great show, it would have been cancelled a long time ago....jeez...who put that soapbox there??.....
Anyway, let's go out on a high note....Fellas, this one is for you:

El Prez..OUT
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Chipotle is my constant
"We have to save Johnny 5!!"
Hellooo LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I go on a mini vacation with the wifey and no sooner do my feet step on Ohio soil, do I start getting the questions..."El Prez, where's the update?!"..."El Prez, what are you waiting on? Give us the dang update!"..."El Prez, you breath is funky.."..Ok so that last one was just the wife and no, she doesn't call me El Prez....but she knows enough now about time travel that she made me her default "constant"....As we learned in this week's episode, Desmond and Penny are definitely each other's lobsters....I mean, I've waited by the phone in my day, but 8 years?!?!...dang..
But enough about love and constants and blah, blah, blah....What's up with the time travel?!?!
Honestly, I don't know...I think this episode was a way of explaining Des' abilities, to forsee events in the future and to get us to a point where his story starts to make a little more sense..
You have to be really careful with having time travel as one of your main possibilities in your storyline...It can get pretty confusing...what intrigues me the most about it is how the writers are interjecting it sparingly...From what I can gather, when the hatch imploded slash exploded, Desmond was exposed to a MASSIVE dose of radiation....enough that he was sent through time, mentally....I say mentally because he didn't physically travel..he stayed on the island but his mind travelled back to a key point..
I really think I need to stop here with the time travel talk...I wouldn't be doing my full duty if I didn't really explore it more and try to give a better explanation...I stumbled in the past on this type of postulating and I don't want to say anything that may turn folks away from this great show...I truly believe it's not about time travel, but more about how the island has the ability to create certain phenomenon...I wouldn't put it past the show to take certain characters and allow them to "travel" on and off the island...say, certain people who have been there a lot longer and may know how to do said "travelling" without quite the headache Desmond received..
That being said, I found it extremely interesting that Penny's dad was bidding on a ledger that came from the Black Rock, the very ship that is on the island...

.....did anyone catch the name of one of the crew on the ship..The last name was Hanso, as in the Hanso Foundation...the very people behind the DHARMA's all starting to tie together...slowly and surely, this whole thing is going to be one big ball o' yarn...or is it a tangled web we weave when we first practice to deceive....that's Sir Walter Scott...see? those LOST writers aren't the only ones who can be literate...or illiterate, in my case....

...Just one last thing about the time's more like the ability to see the future...a very detailed future, not one you can change but one you can predict...Faraday was seen tryng to guess cards back in Kate's episode..he got all but one and was very disappointed in his abilities....the question you need to ask yourself is: who else can do this? Ben? Locke? We know Desmond has it sparingly, mostly in dealing with Charlie's death...Is Locke's only about predicting the rain? Could Walt do it? Is that how we were able to see him in the jungle, way back in season 2? Remember backwards talking, soaking wet Walt? It should play out more into someone like Ben's favor...I think he has it down exactly and that's how he's able to stay one step ahead of everyone..the question is if Locke can catch up....
That's all for me...I'm sure this thing will unfurl itself on it's own....
Goodnight, my little LOSTIES......
Thursday, February 21, 2008
The "Him" is revealed
Hello LOSTIES!!!
Well, well, well.......tonight's episode had some interesting turns in it....Once again we have a flash forward employed to cast an even larger shadow of questions...Let's start where we ended, with the reveal that Kate's "baby" was in fact Claire's baby, Aaron....also it's the "Him" Kate referred to at the end of last season's season finale, when she met Jack at the airport...
There is NO question that it isn't the same kid....who now appears to be around 2 years old?...I'm confused about the timeline but I'll give it my best shot:
They are on the island for 92 days or so....The baby was born about 30 days in, making it 2 months old, Island time....
They get "rescued" and Kate goes on trial immediately?? I don't think so...The fact that she told Jack that she's heard him tell "that story a dozen times"...that would mean some time has passed before her trial...let's say 6 months or so...That makes the baby less than a year old...which would put her trial ending at roughly 6 months or more later?
This is all a guess but I think the timeline is very important to the grand scheme of the story...because we know at some point Jack is going to grow a crazy beard, pop some pills and become suicidal....Matthew Fox indicated that that would only take a year and a Aaron is a little less than 2 when Jack has the beard and is screaming about how he's tired of I guess it makes sense for now...
Which brings me to my next point: Jack perjured himself on the stand at Kate's trial....He said that 8 of them survived the crash and that Kate administered first aid and was a hero....We all know this is a lie but who concocted this story??? It had to be something they all bought into and it had to mean something signifigant to their well being for them to lie repeatedly...Are they being blackmailed or extorted or what??
I think this story will continue to unfold as the season wears on...but it still leaves us scratching our heads as to how Kate came about being the mommy to Aaron....What happened(or happens) to Claire?? We know she wouldn't just give her baby up...and we know Kate would never take a baby..she might kill an abusive stepdaddy but baby stealing doesn't seem like her kind of business....
Jack also lied about saying he didn't love Kate anymore....But then he got super weirded out about her referring to the baby and that he wouldn't get any "coffee" until he accepted the baby....What The Fudge is going on here?!?!?! I'm losing my marbles...I think the circumstances that dictated Kate getting Aaron are what's behind Jack's depression, suicidal tendancies and drug and alcohol abuse....For a hero and leader of men, Jack's a little off the ranch, you know?...Also, and he may not even know it or maybe he does, but Aaron is Jack's nephew, since Christian Shepard is Claire's father...from what we know so far, this has yet to be discovered by Claire or Jack.....interesting...
Then you have Miles trying to extort Ben for 3.2 million dollars...I loved Ben's reaction about not exactly being in the right place at the moment to make that transaction happen....
But that story will have to wait until Locke comes back and removes the hand grenade from Miles' mouth...DANG!!! That's some cold stuff!!!! But funny from a torturers perspective, I guess....
Last but not least, you got the case of the missing helicopter...It's apparently taking the long way around the island....It looks like next week we'll get a glimpse of what that's all about...One hint: It may or may not have to do with Time Travel.....just a warning...
On that note, I'd like to send you off with an interview conducted by Jeff Jensen over at Entertainment Weekly...There are some mild spoilers so read only if you want to know more about the show.....Like you don't want to know......,,20179125,00.html
Just some weekend reading...again, DON'T READ if you want to be unspoiled....but they are kind of mild...nothing too revealing....I swear it's like some weird LOST angel and devil are sitting on each shoulder telling me to tell you what to do....very cartoon like...anyhoo...
Enjoy LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, well, well.......tonight's episode had some interesting turns in it....Once again we have a flash forward employed to cast an even larger shadow of questions...Let's start where we ended, with the reveal that Kate's "baby" was in fact Claire's baby, Aaron....also it's the "Him" Kate referred to at the end of last season's season finale, when she met Jack at the airport...
There is NO question that it isn't the same kid....who now appears to be around 2 years old?...I'm confused about the timeline but I'll give it my best shot:
They are on the island for 92 days or so....The baby was born about 30 days in, making it 2 months old, Island time....
They get "rescued" and Kate goes on trial immediately?? I don't think so...The fact that she told Jack that she's heard him tell "that story a dozen times"...that would mean some time has passed before her trial...let's say 6 months or so...That makes the baby less than a year old...which would put her trial ending at roughly 6 months or more later?
This is all a guess but I think the timeline is very important to the grand scheme of the story...because we know at some point Jack is going to grow a crazy beard, pop some pills and become suicidal....Matthew Fox indicated that that would only take a year and a Aaron is a little less than 2 when Jack has the beard and is screaming about how he's tired of I guess it makes sense for now...
Which brings me to my next point: Jack perjured himself on the stand at Kate's trial....He said that 8 of them survived the crash and that Kate administered first aid and was a hero....We all know this is a lie but who concocted this story??? It had to be something they all bought into and it had to mean something signifigant to their well being for them to lie repeatedly...Are they being blackmailed or extorted or what??
I think this story will continue to unfold as the season wears on...but it still leaves us scratching our heads as to how Kate came about being the mommy to Aaron....What happened(or happens) to Claire?? We know she wouldn't just give her baby up...and we know Kate would never take a baby..she might kill an abusive stepdaddy but baby stealing doesn't seem like her kind of business....
Jack also lied about saying he didn't love Kate anymore....But then he got super weirded out about her referring to the baby and that he wouldn't get any "coffee" until he accepted the baby....What The Fudge is going on here?!?!?! I'm losing my marbles...I think the circumstances that dictated Kate getting Aaron are what's behind Jack's depression, suicidal tendancies and drug and alcohol abuse....For a hero and leader of men, Jack's a little off the ranch, you know?...Also, and he may not even know it or maybe he does, but Aaron is Jack's nephew, since Christian Shepard is Claire's father...from what we know so far, this has yet to be discovered by Claire or Jack.....interesting...
Then you have Miles trying to extort Ben for 3.2 million dollars...I loved Ben's reaction about not exactly being in the right place at the moment to make that transaction happen....
But that story will have to wait until Locke comes back and removes the hand grenade from Miles' mouth...DANG!!! That's some cold stuff!!!! But funny from a torturers perspective, I guess....
Last but not least, you got the case of the missing helicopter...It's apparently taking the long way around the island....It looks like next week we'll get a glimpse of what that's all about...One hint: It may or may not have to do with Time Travel.....just a warning...
On that note, I'd like to send you off with an interview conducted by Jeff Jensen over at Entertainment Weekly...There are some mild spoilers so read only if you want to know more about the show.....Like you don't want to know......,,20179125,00.html
Just some weekend reading...again, DON'T READ if you want to be unspoiled....but they are kind of mild...nothing too revealing....I swear it's like some weird LOST angel and devil are sitting on each shoulder telling me to tell you what to do....very cartoon like...anyhoo...
Enjoy LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
A horse named Whimsy...
" 'The Life and Times of El Prez'....This should be a great read!"

Once again, we find ourselves at the foot of another great chapter in the LOST saga.....Tonight's episode is entitled "Eggtown"....It may or may not be Kate-centric.....It may or may not have a twisted ending that will rival last week's head scratcher....It may or may not feature one smooth Sawyer and a box o' wine.....This bit may or may not be getting old....
After the last post, I was looking for something more whimsical to update you all on but with the serious dramatic turn that this season has taken, that whimsy is getting harder to find...however, if you know me by now, you know that I can whip up some here goes...

"Seriously?!? You WANT me to sign it 'Foxy' ??"

3 keys to a good time: Matthew Fox, roses and sweet, sweet karaoke....
Ok..that's all the whimsy I can manage....I don't know what's wrong with me...I gotta go out on a high note..
When asked how much time has passed from Jack on the island to Jack, bearded and drug addled, Matthew Fox seems to think the time line is somehwere around a year and half....So take that for what it's worth...I guess going crazy and pill popping doesn't take as long for some as it would others...
So to recap: Fall in love with Evangeline Lily all over again tonight..

"Eggtown", after a special Enhanced version of last weeks show, "The Economist"....
That's all folks....

Once again, we find ourselves at the foot of another great chapter in the LOST saga.....Tonight's episode is entitled "Eggtown"....It may or may not be Kate-centric.....It may or may not have a twisted ending that will rival last week's head scratcher....It may or may not feature one smooth Sawyer and a box o' wine.....This bit may or may not be getting old....
After the last post, I was looking for something more whimsical to update you all on but with the serious dramatic turn that this season has taken, that whimsy is getting harder to find...however, if you know me by now, you know that I can whip up some here goes...

"Seriously?!? You WANT me to sign it 'Foxy' ??"

3 keys to a good time: Matthew Fox, roses and sweet, sweet karaoke....
Ok..that's all the whimsy I can manage....I don't know what's wrong with me...I gotta go out on a high note..
When asked how much time has passed from Jack on the island to Jack, bearded and drug addled, Matthew Fox seems to think the time line is somehwere around a year and half....So take that for what it's worth...I guess going crazy and pill popping doesn't take as long for some as it would others...
So to recap: Fall in love with Evangeline Lily all over again tonight..

"Eggtown", after a special Enhanced version of last weeks show, "The Economist"....
That's all folks....
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
The Orchid
Hellooooo LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!
I submit to you today a THEORY. A time travelling, polar bear in the desert theory. What I am about to embark on is mind bending and scientific. It may be completely plausible or it may be completely plausible only in the world of LOST but it is a position that the writers which to take, therefore it becomes my responsibility to you to bring it to light.
Every week, Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, the 2 driving minds behind LOST, host a podcast over on these podcasts, they answer fan questions and expound very little on some things we may not have noticed or don't have full answers to and they shed a little more info on that particular item. Oftentimes they can be heard giggling like school children, either at our expense or at their own...either way, you have to sift through their ADD...well you don't, but I do...being El Prez isn't all wine and roses...
Anyhoo, this week they were asked HOW CAN THERE BE A POLAR BEAR IN TUNISIA? The desert of all places??? And especially a polar bear that's obviously from the DHARMA station, the Hydra???
Well, our creators alluded to the Island's "Special Properties"....They even mentioned that there may be particular places where these properties are stronger and therefore have displacement abilities...They didn't say "wormholes" but the allusion was there....The other thing they mentioned was the "Orchid video"....
Now the Orchid video was part of the Season 3 DVD special features....I have posted it below for you all to witness....After watching the video, I will try my best to explain WTF you just watched...
Now, after watching that I can only come up with the following points:
1. The #15 rabbit has in fact either duplicated itself or travelled back through time and space and has arrived upon itself....
2. The yelling of "Keep them away from each other!!!" signifies that if the same being comes in contact with itself, who the hell knows what will explosion? The apocolypse? Who knows?
3. This "doctor" has been in 3 seperate films, all under the names of someone different each time....remember the Swan film? Dr Marvin Candle. The Pearl video, he was Dr Waxman. This time: Dr Edgar Haliwax..this name doesn't show up in any google searches, so I would have to assume it doesn't mean anything more than it's just another alias....that involves candles and wax....
4. The woman in the background yells out that they "are still learning about"....and then it cuts obviously this was new technology at the time...
Has Ben perfected it? Is this the reason for the passport and clothes and does it speak to his ability to get off the island?
The other part of this mystery reverts back to last week's point made by Daniel Faraday, the latest Island newcomer...He specifically told Frank to follow the same coordinates that they flew in on...Do not deviate!...This was interesting because it goes back even further to when Ben let Michael and Walt go and told them to stay on the bearing of 325....Was Ben honest with Michael about the bearing?
Is it possible that if you select a different bearing out of the island, you could end up in a different time? Could this explain the 70's style pimp suit Ben was wearing in the picture that Miles had? Is it possible that Michael went back to a different time? A time BEFORE the flight crashed?? Is this why Walt would now appear older?
I have to be honest with the last part...That theory comes from my good friend, DocArzt, who runs a very successful and informative LOST website of his own. The Theory was so good that I had to share, but I will not take credit for it...But boy! does it get the mind going or what????
That's it for today..I think time travel, wormholes and desert dead polar bears is enough for one night...
Later LOSTIES!!!!!
I submit to you today a THEORY. A time travelling, polar bear in the desert theory. What I am about to embark on is mind bending and scientific. It may be completely plausible or it may be completely plausible only in the world of LOST but it is a position that the writers which to take, therefore it becomes my responsibility to you to bring it to light.
Every week, Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, the 2 driving minds behind LOST, host a podcast over on these podcasts, they answer fan questions and expound very little on some things we may not have noticed or don't have full answers to and they shed a little more info on that particular item. Oftentimes they can be heard giggling like school children, either at our expense or at their own...either way, you have to sift through their ADD...well you don't, but I do...being El Prez isn't all wine and roses...
Anyhoo, this week they were asked HOW CAN THERE BE A POLAR BEAR IN TUNISIA? The desert of all places??? And especially a polar bear that's obviously from the DHARMA station, the Hydra???
Well, our creators alluded to the Island's "Special Properties"....They even mentioned that there may be particular places where these properties are stronger and therefore have displacement abilities...They didn't say "wormholes" but the allusion was there....The other thing they mentioned was the "Orchid video"....
Now the Orchid video was part of the Season 3 DVD special features....I have posted it below for you all to witness....After watching the video, I will try my best to explain WTF you just watched...
Now, after watching that I can only come up with the following points:
1. The #15 rabbit has in fact either duplicated itself or travelled back through time and space and has arrived upon itself....
2. The yelling of "Keep them away from each other!!!" signifies that if the same being comes in contact with itself, who the hell knows what will explosion? The apocolypse? Who knows?
3. This "doctor" has been in 3 seperate films, all under the names of someone different each time....remember the Swan film? Dr Marvin Candle. The Pearl video, he was Dr Waxman. This time: Dr Edgar Haliwax..this name doesn't show up in any google searches, so I would have to assume it doesn't mean anything more than it's just another alias....that involves candles and wax....
4. The woman in the background yells out that they "are still learning about"....and then it cuts obviously this was new technology at the time...
Has Ben perfected it? Is this the reason for the passport and clothes and does it speak to his ability to get off the island?
The other part of this mystery reverts back to last week's point made by Daniel Faraday, the latest Island newcomer...He specifically told Frank to follow the same coordinates that they flew in on...Do not deviate!...This was interesting because it goes back even further to when Ben let Michael and Walt go and told them to stay on the bearing of 325....Was Ben honest with Michael about the bearing?
Is it possible that if you select a different bearing out of the island, you could end up in a different time? Could this explain the 70's style pimp suit Ben was wearing in the picture that Miles had? Is it possible that Michael went back to a different time? A time BEFORE the flight crashed?? Is this why Walt would now appear older?
I have to be honest with the last part...That theory comes from my good friend, DocArzt, who runs a very successful and informative LOST website of his own. The Theory was so good that I had to share, but I will not take credit for it...But boy! does it get the mind going or what????
That's it for today..I think time travel, wormholes and desert dead polar bears is enough for one night...
Later LOSTIES!!!!!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
The Big Hit
Helloooooooo LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let's hit it hard and hit it fast. This is going to be one of those LOST updates that you'll tell your kids about.....mostly you'll say that you once knew this guy who was so obsessed with a show that he would write about it.....Ad anyone who would listen and had a decent internet connection...
Tonight's episode once again confirmed that we AIN'T SEEN NOTHING YET.....I'm going to start at the end.....WTF?!?!? Sayid is a hired gun for Ben?????? Holy Smokes!!!
"Are you crying because you got shot or because you were stupid enough to care for her?", Ben is SO cold....and apparently now a veternarian.....Off the island, in fact...Folks, I can't begin to tell you what a mind bender this show is turning into....
There were 2 great lines of the night: The first was very telling and that was when Sayid said, about Ben, "The day I trust him, I will have sold my soul to the devil".....well I guess he sold his soul....But was it to the devil??
Let's deconstruct the last exchange between Ben and Sayid.
Ben: Those people don't deserve our sympathies(Who are those?) Need I remind you what they did the last time you thought with your heart and not your gun?(Will this be on the island, or on the freighter? Or back in the real world? Will it have anything to do with Sayid's long lost love, Nadia?....ahh...which leads to this from Sayid:
Sayid: You used that into recruiting me to kill for you.(Did Ben promise something to Sayid in exchange for Nadia's well being???...He doesn't seem like the kind of guy to do anything for himself...except maybe fall in love with women all over the place..Shannon, this Elsa chick....Naomi..but I'll get to that in a minute)
Ben: You want to protect your friends or not, Sayid?(Is Ben referring to the other Oceanic 6 or the people left behind on the island? Or some other friends? Maybe some poker buddies??)
Whatever happens here, let's remember one thing: Ben is still alive and kicking and causing some real disturbances....And apparently he can come and go off the island like it ain't no thing...
We saw in his secret room that he has a ton of money, a ton of passports and a ton of fresh threads...very interesting...
Let me get back to my Sayid in love with Naomi bit....He looked at her bracelet when she was dead. It had an inscription: N-I will be with you always. R.G.
Now I don't know who R.G. is and right now I really don't care. My point was that Sayid looked sad when he saw the bracelet...Something was triggered...It wasn't until he shot Elsa at the end that it dawned on me. He saw a kindred spirit in Naomi...a hired killer...We all know Naomi was the military brains behind the freighter people...Sayid was the military brains to the 815ers...And Elsa was also a hired gun...and she had a bracelet as well!! Sayid's hand lingered on it after he shot her....Were Naomi and Elsa working for the same dude???
Methinks so.....and I'll leave it at that...
The second memorable line of the night was the funniest of LOST so far this season...and it comes compliments of Hurley:
"I saw that breakdancing thing you did with your legs when you snapped that dudes neck at the beach. I'll hang back here."
HAHAHHAHAHH....that was pretty funny.....
Another interesting factoid popped up tonight in the form of Daniel's "experiment". Apparently time off the island is 31 MINUTES faster than time on the island....or was it slower?? I've never been good at math, which is why I now have a job using math 95% of the time....relax, bosses!! The computer is a big help....Hahaha...I kid...Seriously, it's PHYSICS I've never been good at...hell, half the time when I spell it, I spell it PSYCHICS and that's just a whole nother ball of wax...or yarn...
Either way, there's some freaky time variations on the island and that was enough to cause Daniel to warn Frank the Pilot to not deviate off the bearing they came in on...DO NOT, under any circumstances....what do you think would happen???
I'll tell you what I think...I think its a worm hole situation.....yep, you heard me..a worm hole....through time...Like Back to the Future, except without the fancy flying car....This is your Doc Brown, El Prez, telling you that somehow, time travel will play a part in this show....If they deviate of the heading, will they catch up to the future? Will they age instantly? Is that why we've seen a taller Walt???? Something is happening here folks and this show just continues to push all the MYSTERY buttons it can, every 108 minutes!!! My mind is blown!!!
I have to stop head continues to spin and it's going to cause me to get dizzy and lose my lunch.....I will leave with a little factoid from the "Enhanced" episode of the show that aired before tonights new know, the episodes with the pop up facts?
Well they spoke about the Christiane 1, the boat that found Oceanic Flight 815 off the Sunda Barrier or whatever? Well it turns out that boat was searching for old trade boats.....Old trade boats like the Black Rock.....Folks, there's a lot of people looking for this island and I think before it's all said and done, you are going to find that there are 2 factions fighting over this place, one for good and one for evil and our LOSTIES are caught in the middle.....which side will you be on??
I'm out....
Let's hit it hard and hit it fast. This is going to be one of those LOST updates that you'll tell your kids about.....mostly you'll say that you once knew this guy who was so obsessed with a show that he would write about it.....Ad anyone who would listen and had a decent internet connection...
Tonight's episode once again confirmed that we AIN'T SEEN NOTHING YET.....I'm going to start at the end.....WTF?!?!? Sayid is a hired gun for Ben?????? Holy Smokes!!!
"Are you crying because you got shot or because you were stupid enough to care for her?", Ben is SO cold....and apparently now a veternarian.....Off the island, in fact...Folks, I can't begin to tell you what a mind bender this show is turning into....
There were 2 great lines of the night: The first was very telling and that was when Sayid said, about Ben, "The day I trust him, I will have sold my soul to the devil".....well I guess he sold his soul....But was it to the devil??
Let's deconstruct the last exchange between Ben and Sayid.
Ben: Those people don't deserve our sympathies(Who are those?) Need I remind you what they did the last time you thought with your heart and not your gun?(Will this be on the island, or on the freighter? Or back in the real world? Will it have anything to do with Sayid's long lost love, Nadia?....ahh...which leads to this from Sayid:
Sayid: You used that into recruiting me to kill for you.(Did Ben promise something to Sayid in exchange for Nadia's well being???...He doesn't seem like the kind of guy to do anything for himself...except maybe fall in love with women all over the place..Shannon, this Elsa chick....Naomi..but I'll get to that in a minute)
Ben: You want to protect your friends or not, Sayid?(Is Ben referring to the other Oceanic 6 or the people left behind on the island? Or some other friends? Maybe some poker buddies??)
Whatever happens here, let's remember one thing: Ben is still alive and kicking and causing some real disturbances....And apparently he can come and go off the island like it ain't no thing...
We saw in his secret room that he has a ton of money, a ton of passports and a ton of fresh threads...very interesting...
Let me get back to my Sayid in love with Naomi bit....He looked at her bracelet when she was dead. It had an inscription: N-I will be with you always. R.G.
Now I don't know who R.G. is and right now I really don't care. My point was that Sayid looked sad when he saw the bracelet...Something was triggered...It wasn't until he shot Elsa at the end that it dawned on me. He saw a kindred spirit in Naomi...a hired killer...We all know Naomi was the military brains behind the freighter people...Sayid was the military brains to the 815ers...And Elsa was also a hired gun...and she had a bracelet as well!! Sayid's hand lingered on it after he shot her....Were Naomi and Elsa working for the same dude???
Methinks so.....and I'll leave it at that...
The second memorable line of the night was the funniest of LOST so far this season...and it comes compliments of Hurley:
"I saw that breakdancing thing you did with your legs when you snapped that dudes neck at the beach. I'll hang back here."
HAHAHHAHAHH....that was pretty funny.....
Another interesting factoid popped up tonight in the form of Daniel's "experiment". Apparently time off the island is 31 MINUTES faster than time on the island....or was it slower?? I've never been good at math, which is why I now have a job using math 95% of the time....relax, bosses!! The computer is a big help....Hahaha...I kid...Seriously, it's PHYSICS I've never been good at...hell, half the time when I spell it, I spell it PSYCHICS and that's just a whole nother ball of wax...or yarn...
Either way, there's some freaky time variations on the island and that was enough to cause Daniel to warn Frank the Pilot to not deviate off the bearing they came in on...DO NOT, under any circumstances....what do you think would happen???
I'll tell you what I think...I think its a worm hole situation.....yep, you heard me..a worm hole....through time...Like Back to the Future, except without the fancy flying car....This is your Doc Brown, El Prez, telling you that somehow, time travel will play a part in this show....If they deviate of the heading, will they catch up to the future? Will they age instantly? Is that why we've seen a taller Walt???? Something is happening here folks and this show just continues to push all the MYSTERY buttons it can, every 108 minutes!!! My mind is blown!!!
I have to stop head continues to spin and it's going to cause me to get dizzy and lose my lunch.....I will leave with a little factoid from the "Enhanced" episode of the show that aired before tonights new know, the episodes with the pop up facts?
Well they spoke about the Christiane 1, the boat that found Oceanic Flight 815 off the Sunda Barrier or whatever? Well it turns out that boat was searching for old trade boats.....Old trade boats like the Black Rock.....Folks, there's a lot of people looking for this island and I think before it's all said and done, you are going to find that there are 2 factions fighting over this place, one for good and one for evil and our LOSTIES are caught in the middle.....which side will you be on??
I'm out....
The last Jarra

Happy Valentines Day, LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Head over to to get your own LOST Valentine!!!.....Last week they had a feature on getting your own Sawyer nickname....not nearly as original as the original but kind of funny, nonetheless........
Tonight we get another all new, mind bending episode that's sure to please and confuse: "The Economist" ...Just make sure you stick with it all the way thru the end....It's a DOOZY!!!! ol' El Prez when he says he didn't expect this kind of surprise......
That's all the crypticness I have for today.....Enjoy the show!!!!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
It's now officially ON

"hehehehehehehe....the strike is OVER!!"
HELLLLOOOOOO LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, it's official...The writers strike is finally over....who cares about their basic human rights, what's "owed" to them and whether or not they can live off rerun's of Gimme a Break...The strike is a thing of the past and the future holds with it the promise of..........At least 5 more episodes of LOST!...That's right! Check it:
Gary Coleman reveals he's been secretly married

Gary Coleman is a not-so-newlywed.
The former Diff'rent Strokes star married 22-year-old Shannon Price in August on a mountaintop in Nevada, but they have been keeping their vows under wraps, the pair told Inside Edition.
"Nobody was around but the minister, preacher, the videographers, the photographer, the helicopter pilot and us," Coleman, 40, said on Tuesday's broadcast of the program.
Oh crap...that's supposed to go in my other blog......
Check this IT instead:
From my good friend Doc Arzt over at his blog:
Carlton Cuse spoke with Variety today with regards to what the future looks like for lost. Here are his comments:
As for "Lost," exec producer Carlton Cuse said he and fellow showrunner Damon Lindelof would meet with ABC brass today to hammer out the plan for the rest of the season. They won't be able to finish the remaining eight segs of the show's planned 16-episode season -- five is a more likely number -- but they will be able to craft a completed storyline for the remainder of this season, Cuse said.
And whatever segs are not produced this season will be picked up down the road in the show's remaining two seasons, Cuse said.
"We're going to try to make as many as we can and do a good job of finishing out this season," he said. "We'll have to compress some of the storytelling we planned for this season, and that may not be a bad thing. Damon and I feel like we know how we can finish it off and still make it a really, really great story."
So there you have it folks.....Not great news because I'm greedy and want all 8 but I will settle for 13 high quality, deeply impactful episodes of the greatest show since Diff'rent Strokes.....
That's all I got...
Thursday, February 7, 2008
High Fidelity- Top 5 Newest Weirdos on LOST
Helloooo LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well tonight's episode: Confirmed Dead was very, very interesting. Let's bisect this sucker like it's been sitting in formaldehyde, with a cute pair of frog's legs, shall we??
First, the discovery of Oceanic flight 815. There's a couple of points of note, in regards to the crash:
1. The plane was in sections, not unlike how it actually crashed. There were 3 distinct breaks, just like it broke apart on the island. Now I'll have to watch again to see at what depth the wreckage was found but someone is going to have their hands full explaining how 6 people survived. I look forward to that discussion.
2. The pilot was not the pilot. During Frank's flashback, they showed the pilot who really did crash land on the island, Mr Seth Norris, aka Greg Grungberg(now on Heroes and JJ Abrams childhood friend, has appeared in all of Abrams projects, most notably Alias.) Frank WAS supposed to be the pilot of that flight, but I'll get to that in a second.....actually let's get to it now....
THEORY of the night: Ben's inside "man" on the boat is Frank Lapidus. This is strictly conjecture but follow me, if you dare. Frank was supposed to be the pilot of THAT why he wasn't is still to be discovered but EVERYONE else got on that flight, not neccesarily of their own means. Jack, Jin, Sun,Charlie, Michael, Walt and Hurley were ACTUALLY flying from Australia to LA. Sayid, Kate, Sawyer, Locke and Claire were all ARRANGED to board that flight. In essence all of them were pulled toAustralia for various reasons, so arranged or not, fate was involved. Or was it planned?
Was Frank supposed to fly Oceanic 815 because "he can land anything", like he did the helicopter? Would he have flown them all home, bypassing the island completely? Or would he have landed the plane on the Island? Was he in fact in cahoots with Ben to bring Oceanic 815 there?
Add the fact that the smoke monster also destroyed Mr Seth Norris, probably because he was not a good person...NOW if it had been Chuck Norris, this show would have been over after the first episode by way of a roundhouse kick....I digress...
Plus Frank studied the manifest. He studied the manifest of a plane where all the passengers were confirmed dead....why bother? Because he's just like Ben, gathering information. Something doesn't sit right with old Frank. Why jettison all of your passengers so that you could land, which was a guarenteed landing in his mind? So he could connect with the Others....That's my theory....He's in Ben's circle.
Plus there's his name. When I wrote it down in my notes, I spelled it "Lepidus". On the IMDB website, they list the character as Frank Lapidus. But Lepidus is better.... Lepidus was one of Julius Caeser's greatest supporters. Does Ben equal Caeser? Not quite. I think Jacob is Caeser and Jacob has been "assassinated", much like Caeser, except Jacob "lives", in Island terms. Lepidus(Frank) joined forces with Marc Antony(Richard, the guy who never aged) and Caeser Octavian, Juluis' adopted son(Ben).( parenthesis mean Island terms.).
These 3 comprised the Second Triumverate:the Second Triumvirate was an official (if extraconstitutional) organization, whose overwhelming power in the Roman state was given full legal sanction and whose imperium maius outranked that of all other magistrates, including the consuls.(Wikipedia)
Now this might be a stretch on my part but as I sit here and re-read it, I have to say, it's pretty dang good...ahhahaha...sometimes I write my own LOST mythology....oh well, no harm, right? Thats why it's called a theory! :)
Now let's give a quick, but brief but short synopsis on the other "rescuers".
1. Daniel Faraday: The physicist.....I'm going to let my Google search do all the work here. Check out this site to read some very interesting things about Michael Faraday...
...for those who want the down and dirty: This dude lived a long time ago, discovered electromagnetic force fields and was generally known as a pretty dang good physicist. I thought the most telling line of the night was when Daniel Faraday said that the "light doesn't scatter quite right here".......methinks this fellow might be handy when it comes to the Black Smoke monster......WHICH...
..leads me to my next quick point: Locke wanted to know what it was. He asked a question that all of us have been asking since we saw that smokey little weirdo....But true to LOST fashion, Ben didn't know.....Sometimes I would like to beat the writers like Sawyer beat Ben...twice...And how disturbing was it that Sawyer asked Locke if he(Locke) wanted him(Sawyer) to kill Ben(Ben)....Locke was going to do it himself when Ben started spilling the beans on our next rescuer:
2. Charlotte Staples Lewis..the anthropolgist....who discovered the DHARMA Hydra Station collar on a polar bear in Tunisia......who.....discovered....the......DHARMA........Hydra..... Station....collar....... on....... a....... polar...... bear..... in...... Tunisia......what...the.....??!?!?!? And she was pleased as punch! I mean it's a big discovery but she acted like it was supposed to be there!! And when she landed on the island she was beside first I thought it was because she knew she was alive but then it was apparent that she knows more about the island than maybe we know..She was amazed that Claire had her baby on the island, which means she must know how that whole thing has been working.....more to come, no doubt from that chippie...who by the way has her own literary reference: C.S. Lewis, author of The Chronicles of Narnia....You know? That parallel world that you get through from the wardrobe? Of course CS Lewis was Irish and really didn't like the English, so it's a bit odd that this CS Lewis was born in Essex England, as Ben real point, just a random thought....moving on....
3. Miles No Name....This dude can see dead people. And talk to them. He's a bit jumpy and he dropped the bomb that they were there for Benjamin Linus. Why he even had a picture of Ben in a dapper white vest, going through some security checkpoint.....But the dead people connection is going to prove useful when he hears the whispers in the jungle or talks to Jacob....This is bound to happen..I mean, it would have to right??...maybe Naomi told him about Jacob when she was laying there dead.....speaking of...
4. Naomi....Hired special ops bad ass, who fell out of helicopter, landed spleen first into a tree and caught a knife in the back from Locke, only to die hours later after falling out of another tree and onto Kate. I'll give her props..she was way cooler in those 5 minutes that Paulo and Nikki combined....but back to the being "hired" part....who hired her but none other than Creeping Death himself, Michael Abaddon...let's take him to number 5..
5. Michael Abaddon, the gentleman who told Hurley he was a lawyer for Oceanic Airlines...but yet he had no cards saying so but he did manage to ask Hurley if "they were still alive".....In this episode Mr Abaddon told Naomi there were no survivors of Oceanic 815....Now, he knew he was sending Naomi on a search and retract mission to the Island. She wanted to know what to do if she ran into Oceanic survivors.....Now she's seen the footage of the wreckage in the ocean, yet she asks what to do if she runs into survivors.....ODD....Now maybe Mr Abaddon figured that the Others on the Island would kill the Oceanic passengers, or convert them to Others as well...Either way, something smells fishy here and it ain't the cat's breath....One last little piece about Mr Abaddon: Once again I go to the all knowing Wikipedia: In Biblical terms Abaddon means "Angel of the Abyss", or "the realm of the dead" now you know why I call this dude Creeping Death....
I'll leave you all with some last thoughts...something to ponder over the weekend and some beers with your respective clans:
1. Einstein's theory of relativity as it pertains to Gravitational Time Dilation.
2. Occam's Razor: All things being equal, the simplest solution is the best.
3. Buddsim: In the Pali Canon and numerous Mahayana sutras and Tantras, the Buddha stresses that Dharma (Truth) cannot truly be understood with the ordinary rational mind or logic
Now that's some deep doo it whatever you want but CSI ain't got this kind of mind bending craziness, no matter how long Grissam's beard gets.....
I'm out LOSTIES...
Well tonight's episode: Confirmed Dead was very, very interesting. Let's bisect this sucker like it's been sitting in formaldehyde, with a cute pair of frog's legs, shall we??
First, the discovery of Oceanic flight 815. There's a couple of points of note, in regards to the crash:
1. The plane was in sections, not unlike how it actually crashed. There were 3 distinct breaks, just like it broke apart on the island. Now I'll have to watch again to see at what depth the wreckage was found but someone is going to have their hands full explaining how 6 people survived. I look forward to that discussion.
2. The pilot was not the pilot. During Frank's flashback, they showed the pilot who really did crash land on the island, Mr Seth Norris, aka Greg Grungberg(now on Heroes and JJ Abrams childhood friend, has appeared in all of Abrams projects, most notably Alias.) Frank WAS supposed to be the pilot of that flight, but I'll get to that in a second.....actually let's get to it now....
THEORY of the night: Ben's inside "man" on the boat is Frank Lapidus. This is strictly conjecture but follow me, if you dare. Frank was supposed to be the pilot of THAT why he wasn't is still to be discovered but EVERYONE else got on that flight, not neccesarily of their own means. Jack, Jin, Sun,Charlie, Michael, Walt and Hurley were ACTUALLY flying from Australia to LA. Sayid, Kate, Sawyer, Locke and Claire were all ARRANGED to board that flight. In essence all of them were pulled toAustralia for various reasons, so arranged or not, fate was involved. Or was it planned?
Was Frank supposed to fly Oceanic 815 because "he can land anything", like he did the helicopter? Would he have flown them all home, bypassing the island completely? Or would he have landed the plane on the Island? Was he in fact in cahoots with Ben to bring Oceanic 815 there?
Add the fact that the smoke monster also destroyed Mr Seth Norris, probably because he was not a good person...NOW if it had been Chuck Norris, this show would have been over after the first episode by way of a roundhouse kick....I digress...
Plus Frank studied the manifest. He studied the manifest of a plane where all the passengers were confirmed dead....why bother? Because he's just like Ben, gathering information. Something doesn't sit right with old Frank. Why jettison all of your passengers so that you could land, which was a guarenteed landing in his mind? So he could connect with the Others....That's my theory....He's in Ben's circle.
Plus there's his name. When I wrote it down in my notes, I spelled it "Lepidus". On the IMDB website, they list the character as Frank Lapidus. But Lepidus is better.... Lepidus was one of Julius Caeser's greatest supporters. Does Ben equal Caeser? Not quite. I think Jacob is Caeser and Jacob has been "assassinated", much like Caeser, except Jacob "lives", in Island terms. Lepidus(Frank) joined forces with Marc Antony(Richard, the guy who never aged) and Caeser Octavian, Juluis' adopted son(Ben).( parenthesis mean Island terms.).
These 3 comprised the Second Triumverate:the Second Triumvirate was an official (if extraconstitutional) organization, whose overwhelming power in the Roman state was given full legal sanction and whose imperium maius outranked that of all other magistrates, including the consuls.(Wikipedia)
Now this might be a stretch on my part but as I sit here and re-read it, I have to say, it's pretty dang good...ahhahaha...sometimes I write my own LOST mythology....oh well, no harm, right? Thats why it's called a theory! :)
Now let's give a quick, but brief but short synopsis on the other "rescuers".
1. Daniel Faraday: The physicist.....I'm going to let my Google search do all the work here. Check out this site to read some very interesting things about Michael Faraday...
...for those who want the down and dirty: This dude lived a long time ago, discovered electromagnetic force fields and was generally known as a pretty dang good physicist. I thought the most telling line of the night was when Daniel Faraday said that the "light doesn't scatter quite right here".......methinks this fellow might be handy when it comes to the Black Smoke monster......WHICH...
..leads me to my next quick point: Locke wanted to know what it was. He asked a question that all of us have been asking since we saw that smokey little weirdo....But true to LOST fashion, Ben didn't know.....Sometimes I would like to beat the writers like Sawyer beat Ben...twice...And how disturbing was it that Sawyer asked Locke if he(Locke) wanted him(Sawyer) to kill Ben(Ben)....Locke was going to do it himself when Ben started spilling the beans on our next rescuer:
2. Charlotte Staples Lewis..the anthropolgist....who discovered the DHARMA Hydra Station collar on a polar bear in Tunisia......who.....discovered....the......DHARMA........Hydra..... Station....collar....... on....... a....... polar...... bear..... in...... Tunisia......what...the.....??!?!?!? And she was pleased as punch! I mean it's a big discovery but she acted like it was supposed to be there!! And when she landed on the island she was beside first I thought it was because she knew she was alive but then it was apparent that she knows more about the island than maybe we know..She was amazed that Claire had her baby on the island, which means she must know how that whole thing has been working.....more to come, no doubt from that chippie...who by the way has her own literary reference: C.S. Lewis, author of The Chronicles of Narnia....You know? That parallel world that you get through from the wardrobe? Of course CS Lewis was Irish and really didn't like the English, so it's a bit odd that this CS Lewis was born in Essex England, as Ben real point, just a random thought....moving on....
3. Miles No Name....This dude can see dead people. And talk to them. He's a bit jumpy and he dropped the bomb that they were there for Benjamin Linus. Why he even had a picture of Ben in a dapper white vest, going through some security checkpoint.....But the dead people connection is going to prove useful when he hears the whispers in the jungle or talks to Jacob....This is bound to happen..I mean, it would have to right??...maybe Naomi told him about Jacob when she was laying there dead.....speaking of...
4. Naomi....Hired special ops bad ass, who fell out of helicopter, landed spleen first into a tree and caught a knife in the back from Locke, only to die hours later after falling out of another tree and onto Kate. I'll give her props..she was way cooler in those 5 minutes that Paulo and Nikki combined....but back to the being "hired" part....who hired her but none other than Creeping Death himself, Michael Abaddon...let's take him to number 5..
5. Michael Abaddon, the gentleman who told Hurley he was a lawyer for Oceanic Airlines...but yet he had no cards saying so but he did manage to ask Hurley if "they were still alive".....In this episode Mr Abaddon told Naomi there were no survivors of Oceanic 815....Now, he knew he was sending Naomi on a search and retract mission to the Island. She wanted to know what to do if she ran into Oceanic survivors.....Now she's seen the footage of the wreckage in the ocean, yet she asks what to do if she runs into survivors.....ODD....Now maybe Mr Abaddon figured that the Others on the Island would kill the Oceanic passengers, or convert them to Others as well...Either way, something smells fishy here and it ain't the cat's breath....One last little piece about Mr Abaddon: Once again I go to the all knowing Wikipedia: In Biblical terms Abaddon means "Angel of the Abyss", or "the realm of the dead" now you know why I call this dude Creeping Death....
I'll leave you all with some last thoughts...something to ponder over the weekend and some beers with your respective clans:
1. Einstein's theory of relativity as it pertains to Gravitational Time Dilation.
2. Occam's Razor: All things being equal, the simplest solution is the best.
3. Buddsim: In the Pali Canon and numerous Mahayana sutras and Tantras, the Buddha stresses that Dharma (Truth) cannot truly be understood with the ordinary rational mind or logic
Now that's some deep doo it whatever you want but CSI ain't got this kind of mind bending craziness, no matter how long Grissam's beard gets.....
I'm out LOSTIES...
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