Hellooo LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I go on a mini vacation with the wifey and no sooner do my feet step on Ohio soil, do I start getting the questions..."El Prez, where's the update?!"..."El Prez, what are you waiting on? Give us the dang update!"..."El Prez, you breath is funky.."..Ok so that last one was just the wife and no, she doesn't call me El Prez....but she knows enough now about time travel that she made me her default "constant"....As we learned in this week's episode, Desmond and Penny are definitely each other's lobsters....I mean, I've waited by the phone in my day, but 8 years?!?!...dang..
But enough about love and constants and blah, blah, blah....What's up with the time travel?!?!
Honestly, I don't know...I think this episode was a way of explaining Des' abilities, to forsee events in the future and to get us to a point where his story starts to make a little more sense..
You have to be really careful with having time travel as one of your main possibilities in your storyline...It can get pretty confusing...what intrigues me the most about it is how the writers are interjecting it sparingly...From what I can gather, when the hatch imploded slash exploded, Desmond was exposed to a MASSIVE dose of radiation....enough that he was sent through time, mentally....I say mentally because he didn't physically travel..he stayed on the island but his mind travelled back to a key point..
I really think I need to stop here with the time travel talk...I wouldn't be doing my full duty if I didn't really explore it more and try to give a better explanation...I stumbled in the past on this type of postulating and I don't want to say anything that may turn folks away from this great show...I truly believe it's not about time travel, but more about how the island has the ability to create certain phenomenon...I wouldn't put it past the show to take certain characters and allow them to "travel" on and off the island...say, certain people who have been there a lot longer and may know how to do said "travelling" without quite the headache Desmond received..
That being said, I found it extremely interesting that Penny's dad was bidding on a ledger that came from the Black Rock, the very ship that is on the island...

.....did anyone catch the name of one of the crew on the ship..The last name was Hanso, as in the Hanso Foundation...the very people behind the DHARMA initiative....it's all starting to tie together...slowly and surely, this whole thing is going to be one big ball o' yarn...or is it a tangled web we weave when we first practice to deceive....that's Sir Walter Scott...see? those LOST writers aren't the only ones who can be literate...or illiterate, in my case....

...Just one last thing about the time travel...it's more like the ability to see the future...a very detailed future, not one you can change but one you can predict...Faraday was seen tryng to guess cards back in Kate's episode..he got all but one and was very disappointed in his abilities....the question you need to ask yourself is: who else can do this? Ben? Locke? We know Desmond has it sparingly, mostly in dealing with Charlie's death...Is Locke's only about predicting the rain? Could Walt do it? Is that how we were able to see him in the jungle, way back in season 2? Remember backwards talking, soaking wet Walt? It should play out more into someone like Ben's favor...I think he has it down exactly and that's how he's able to stay one step ahead of everyone..the question is if Locke can catch up....
That's all for me...I'm sure this thing will unfurl itself on it's own....
Goodnight, my little LOSTIES......
Unfortunately you wouldn't know what would be your constant unless you know when you would travel too; you could possibly end up without one like the other guy or the mouse.
So it’s not really time travel but more along the lines of being able to transfer your consciousness between different points within your life. At least that's how it appears to me.
Although I can only assume such based on Desmond's adventures so I can't really be sure but it’s not like he can know something that happened or happens unless he is at some point in his life able to experience it.
I can't wait to see what might happen next.
I only read the title, but it was enough to make me laugh out loud.
One more week of the Biggest Loser and I'm heading straight to my foil encrusted veneration.
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