Helloooooo LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I first need to apologize...I started this blog last Friday and never got around to finishing it...I think it had something to do with being exhausted and trying to fend off a snow shovelling heart attack...my driveway is over 100 feet long and I had to dig my way to the curb in order for the pizza delivery guy to get his job done....so without further ado..here's the update...
It's not often I disparage this great show but as a fearless leader, sometimes I need to call 'em like I see 'em......If I were Simon Cowell giving a critique of episode 3:06 "The Other Woman", I would call it OBVIOUS.....and that's where I have my biggest problem...this show has never been as obvious as it was tonight, which leads me to be a little skeptical about what we're being told...
I guess the biggest thing I could site as obvious is Ben's insane infatuation with Juliet....we all saw that a mile away...The interesting line here was spoken by the therapist, Harper Stanhope( note the name as an anagram: Another perhaps) when she says : You look just like her.....methinks this is more in reference to Ben's childhood sweetheart, who gave him the doll on his birthday...her name escapes me at this point...
The next biggest case of obviousness is the fact that Charles Widmore, Penny's dad is behind the freighter folks showing up...The question now becomes: Is Ben being honest about not knowing why Widmore is going through all this trouble to find the island? Again, methinks not....I'm not sure where the word methinks got it's start but I like using it apparently....
I know there were some other things about the show that might be worth examining deeper but truthfully, I felt it said all it had to say....it really is that point in the season that some episodes feel like they are stretching the inevitable and shoring up some mythology or overstating some points...NOT THAT I'M COMPLAINING....I think they are building up for some big show stopping stuff for the end of the season....I look forward to it all...
Speaking of which, it looks like they are going to air the already filmed episode 8, entitled "Meet Kevin Johnson" next week, instead of postponing it until they have all of their other episodes filmed....also the season finale will be a 2 hour event, aired over 2 weeks because Grey's Anatomy has the bigger pull aparrently and for LOST to stay on Thursday night, it needs to break up it's finale....whatever...I swear this show can't catch a scheduling break to save it's life...The first season it had a crappy lead in and a crappy after show...The second season everyone berated the reruns and it had an even crappier lead in ....the third season they try the old "Air 6 episodes and then take a 13 week break"....that didn't work....and now, the writers strike wreaked it's havoc on the scheduling...if it weren't such a great show, it would have been cancelled a long time ago....jeez...who put that soapbox there??.....
Anyway, let's go out on a high note....Fellas, this one is for you:

El Prez..OUT
My audio was messed up on my DVR recently. I unplugged the HDMI cable on both ends and plugged it in again and it worked.
Ok - no. Several things here. Juliet does not look anything like Ben's childhood sweetheart, whose name is Annie, btw. Juliet DOES, however, look just like Ben's MOTHER. Everyone else on this show (including Ben) has father issues, but don't forget whose ghost lured Ben beyond the Dharma fence in the first place - his mom. Of course he'd attach himself to Juliet, just not for the reason you think.
Also - a better anagram for Stanhope might be "Hanso Pet". Additionally, check out the notes on Lostpedia, which mentions an historical Stanhope who was opposed to the philosophy held by Burke (who Juliet is named for).
Hey El Prez, now the other obvious thing is the man on the boat. Taking into account the preview for next week that comments we'll see a face we never thought we would see again, just about everyone thinks this is Michael. Coming back for Vincent I guess. My other guesses for who this "man" is are: 1) the FBI agent that infiltrated Locke's hippy camp; 2) Nikolai or Patchy - this guy has nine lives; 3) Locke's boss at the box company; or 4) Hurley's Dad Cheech Marin.
John Q: Thanks...early buzz around the office is that this has been a recurring problem with WOW cable...but I will take your advice and then kick the machine...
Anonymous: To you, I say phooey....First give a name so Ican either bash you or praise you in a future update....now my rebuttal....Juliet bears a resemblance to Ben's mother, but the comment by Stanhope was "You look just like her"...The only similarity between Ben's mom and Juliet is that they both had blonde hair...It's Annie(thank you) who we haven't seen the last of...was she Ben's girlfriend? Wife? The mother of his child who died giving birth? A casualty of the Purge? This is all still underdeveloped so I'll hold on to my theory that Juliet resembles Annie and it's THAT relationship Ben is so desperately trying to hold on to....and I usually don't reference Lostpedia as I like to create my own mythology and canon..this is after all LOST, according to ME.....but trust me(and I know you do) that if I am wrong, I will admit so...if anything I am humble...and good looking...
Braveheart: My man! I agree with your Vincent prediction. It's brilliant and would be unprecedented....
Usually reseting the system should fix any problems as well as force any updates that might have been sent to device.
My perferred method of dealing with any issues with my WOW DVR is unplugging it for a bit.
Just don't do it while the device is recording.
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