GOOD THURSDAY, LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Stranger in a Strange Land".....This episode at first seemed like a surface episode, like a what you see is what you get but I think it went much deeper than that.....It was a Jack flashback that seemed a little light on the flashback..
Here's what we learned:
Jack goes to Thailand, seemingly to find himself. He meets Achara, a tattoo artist with a "gift". He spends every night with her for a month and then wants to know what EXACTLY she does. She tells him she can "see people and who they really are" and she marks them. So Jack demands to know what she sees and she tells him that he is a leader, a great man but that makes him afraid and alone. He makes her mark him, she says there will be consequences and he replies: There always are....Stone cold.....
The cool thing is that Isabel(the "sheriff" of Othersville) dismissed the rest of his tattoos so they won't be playing another part.
So where does that leave us? what did that REALLY say about Jack? From his actions with Ben and lying for Juliet and going above and beyond for Kate and Sawyer, we are seeing Jack stepping forward and embracing his natural born role as a LEADER....
The "He walks amongst us, but is not one of us" takes on many different meanings, in my opinion. Jack has always separated himself from the others by taking charge, albiet unwillingly and has emerged as the one all the survivors look to....
OR it could mean that he is simply not an Other, yet will be living with them for a time, in order to care for Ben....
Or, and this may be a stretch, it could imply the Christ-like nature of Jack....The name is Jack Shepard.."shepard-one who tends to sheep"...He traded his life for Kate and Sawyers, a sacrifice...
Like I said..maybe it's a stretch
Either way, Jack stepped up and got his stones back.....By accepting the fact that he was going to have to lead his way out of his situation, he took the bull by the horns and saved Juliet from execution....
My favorite exchange of the night: I would have a lot more respect for you people if you had a decent surgeon....We did. ETHAN was an excellent surgeon.....awesome!!!
So Juliet's ben marked with some sort of star symbol...I don't know what this means..perhaps she won't make it to the promised land in the after life....time will tell on that one...but it sure made for an intimate moment with Juliet and the aloe..I found Ben's word to Jack kind of cryptic"She's one of us, Jack", basically telling him that any efforts to change that would be futile...Jack loves him a challenge!!
Kate and Sawyer sleeping in the woods F-I-G-H-T-I-N-G.....I guess the Kate/Sawyer/Jack triangle isn't dead yet...maybe when she see Jack nestled next to Juliet, she'll change her mind....I thought it was awful crappy of the Others to stick Jack in the same cage that Kate and Sawyers did the do in....not cool...
I have more to add but I'll need to save that for another entry....I'll catch the rest of this update in a bit..
I also liked when Jack asked Tom if they were going to kill him and Tom said "what kind of people do you think we are, Jack?" Didn't Henry say that in another episode? Then Jack brings up all the evil things the Others did to his people and Tom goes on to say something about people living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. I was hoping that they would have played that up in Jack's flashback.
Ok, so I have questions/observations of my own from last night. Feel free to post your opinions to them:
1) When Jack was transferred to Sawyers cage, he couldn't figure out how to get a fish biscuit. Though he was given sandwiches.
2) After he operated on Ben, he was taken back to the outside cages. Only this time it was Kate's cage. Interesting huh? That is the cage that people can escape from.
3) Was the boat at the end of the episode the same boat as the one that Michael and Walt used? If so, how did it get back to the Others?
4) Why can't the LOSTIE'S swallow their pride long enough to ask these people that they come across what their perception of reality regarding the island actually is? Sawyer had the opportunity to ask Karl. Jack had the opportunity to ask Cindy. Neither one of them did it. Understandably, Jack was frustrated but Sawyer last night was just being bull-headed and dumb.
4) Is there one group of Others or two? Is Karl part of the Ben Other group? If he goes to where the Ben group is, he will be killed (according to him). Is Karl a slave or a subservient subset of the Other group of people?
That's it for now.
Ellen H; C-bus, OH
Cool!!!! Some comments!!
Lockeness(great name by the by)-I believe Ben did say that....I think Tom was referring to them killing Ethan and holding Ben captive. Circular logic, I know.....
Ellen--Always with good questions and insight!! Here we go:
1)I think Jack's 8 plus years of medical training may be an answer here. I'm sure he came across a Skinner box in his studies at some point. Plus he was getting hand delivered grilled cheeses...much better than a fish biscuit..:)
2)I was pretty sure he was in the sex cage....I'll have to watch again...
3)No..This boatwas much larger. You can see it's size when they are rowing Ben out there..
4)I'm not any more sure about this than you...It can be frustrating to see an opportunity slip away...why don't they talk to each other?!?!? It's a common complaint...Probably the biggest mystery there is..:)
5)I think Ben is just an overprotective father. I think Karl may be part of a group of Others who want to see the outside world...Maybe they've caught a glimpse of it and want to rebel...Maybe Ben doesn't want that kind of influence on Alex...
Awesome stuff!! This is what the update can be about!!
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