Tuesday, February 20, 2007

LOST update 2/20--That peanut butter was disgusting

Her hair is so pretty...I wonder what she uses? This island air is destroying my roots!!

GOOD TUESDAY, LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So far the reviews on the new blog have been positive...I'm pleased and thankful for all the kind words and open minds.....I promise as the season moves along, we'll hopefully enter into some dialogue that will inspire some real thought provoking theories...

This week's episode is "Stranger in a Strange Land".....We will learn a little more about what will happen to Jack and it looks like we'll be seeing some of the other passengers of Flight 815, that were abducted by the Others....we'll also learn what Juliet's fate is..will Ben let her leave? will she have to serve time in some Other's prison for shooting Pickett? stay tuned.....

It was brought to my attention yesterday that I needed an action figure....I am currently in talks with Todd McFarlane to create one such figure of action...and by "talks", I mean that I have contacted him via email and have yet to be snubbed..we shall see what transpires...

In the meantime, enjoy series 2 of the action figures McFarlane is responsible for so far...Recall the first round having Jack, Kate, Locke and Hurley...Now comes Sawyer, Jin, Sun and Eko....
Mr Eko
And from McFarlane's website, this special announcement:
Look for LOST Series 2 figures to arrive in stores in July.
We're excited to announce the figure lineup for LOST Series 3 - f
our more central characters scheduled to be in stores in October.
Henry Gale
That's all for now, LOSTIES!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

did you notice the Lost reference on Heroes last night?? Nathan Petrelli said that they could never let anyone find out about what they could do because people would probably "send them all to a lab on an island in the middle of the ocean." Pretty interesting, especially considering the other connections you mentioned earlier. Anyway, just a thought!
Thanks for all your great (if slightly obsessive) commentary; I always look forward to it!