GOOD THURSDAY evening, LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you all for making me comfortable enough to take a picture of my injury and share it with you...I hope no one out there is squeemish..:)
I want to pick up where I left off with the show....
Last night we met Isabel, "The Sheriff".....She seemed more like judge, jury and executioner...It strikes me as odd that these "Others" seem to have lost their humanity for their fellow man...I think that's why we saw a look of surprise on Tom's face when Jack lied about what Juliet said..You could also sense that feeling with Juliet as well...Heck, even Ben told Jack that that kind of thing would ring hollow with Juliet.."She's one of us, Jack"....
As I said before, Isabel pretty much dismissed the rest of Jack's tattoos, rendering them obsolete in future episodes....No, the Chinese was the big thing...It was a symbolic way of showing that Jack was "manning up"..Becoming the leader he truly is....I think we have seen the evolution of Jack and I would look for him to somehow become more involved with these Others than originally planned....
I think they have forgotten that there is another world out there with a lot more people..Jack will bring that compassion back...They take children to give them a better life than the ones that the survivors had but it strikes me as if, they've never really seen any other members of the human race...Perhaps there's more of a religious cult like atmosphere they are trying to cultivate...
My theory is that they think they are saving the world..either by learning how to create a new breed of humanity(needing the fertility skills of Juliet) or by working still within the confines of the DHARMA Initiative...Perhaps they feel they are still carrying that mission out...But there is no such thing as utopia..there cannot be good without evil....And maybe some of them are aware of this or miss their former lives, where sin and free will were more readily accessed...
Look at Karl...perhaps he is part of a group of Others, more liberal than the pure fundamentalist style of Ben....In my theory, Ben is the head of all..The pastor.Think of the movie Footloose: Is Ben the oppressive town preacher who forbids the kids to dance?? Maybe Karl just wants to dance...Karl is Kevin Bacon!! If I see a tractor duel for Alex's affection, I may cut loose and footloose myself...Heaven helps the man who fights with me!!....I'm a bit of a Footloose fanatic..
So instead of being killed, Juliet is "marked" with what looked like an upside down cross or a star pattern....It's very odd...what does it mean?? perhaps the Others use the markings in their code and it means that she can't get to heaven or the after life or's very odd and puzzling...I like it....
Cindy and the other 'watchers"...This scene proved that Cindy and the others are still alive although I don't know what they are's been eluded to that they may be responsible for the whispers heard in the jungle..some of the transcripts have mentioned how they are there to watch...stay tuned on that one...
Jack's new job: primary care physician on the island...Talk about job security!! Oh wait..I forgot about poor Ethan...which raise a question..why would you send your only surgeon to spy on a group of crash survivors?? Unless you weren't planning on him getting offed by a one hit wonder.....Charlie will pay...Eye for an Eye...It's Island Law.....
And now Jack's off to Othersville to be at Ben's bedside....Great line about Jack's bedside manner...ring familiar? Hurley also called this out....
Well Kate isn't going to sit by and leave Jack behind...She's hell bent on going after them and getting him back...Look for the next couple of weeks to be action packed as we lead into the month of April...Lots of big things happening on the island....
That's all for me..I need to go ice the ankle and prepare myself for the continuation of my Desmond time traveling theory..It's a doozy..Perhaps it will go up this weekend...Perhaps I will injure myself again and post that never know.....
Am I the only one that thinks Juliet is crazy hot. I heart her hard.
First things first (a non-LOST related comment)... your ankle is so swollen, you now have a kankle!!! Eeewww.
Second, I love your Footloose analogy! You could go on and say Alex is like Aeiel (Lori Singer)... the rebellious daughter who acts out against her father's cause. But, the question remains, who are Rusty (Sarah Jessica Parker) and Willard (Chris Penn-R.I.P.)? Hmmmm...
Thanks, Jason. Now I want to watch "Footloose"!
Yes..Juliet is a good looking woman, no doubt about it...Plus she's still a little evil, possibly...That's always hot...
Thank you for your diagnosis on my know how to make a man feel special..:)
I would be willing to bet that Karl does have a best friend who can't dance and that friend has a cute girlfriend who just wants to grow up and star in a sitcom about having sex in a city....
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