GREAT WEDNESDAY, LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is in great anguish that I write today's update.....I traveled back in time last night...or at least my mind did..my body did not follow...During a pick up basketball game, I fell awkwardly on my ankle, causing a snap, crackle and pop...That's right..El Prez has got a bad wheel...It would seem at this juncture that it is of the high ankle sprain variety but I have another visit with a specialist this week and hopefully, they will confirm that it's not broken......
What does this have to do with today's update? Nothing really..I just thought I'd share..:)
TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All New Episode at 10/9 Central: Stranger in a Strange Land, A Jack flashback...A power play ensues between Jack and "The Others" as Juliet's future hangs in the balance. Meanwhile, Kate, Sawyer and Karl continue on their journey away from "Alcatraz."
Also, to clarify what exactly transpired last week to Desmond....According to the latest podcast by Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, Desmond DID IN FACT experience that time travel. During that iteration, he used his FUTURE MEMORIES to guide him. This experience took place in 1996, prior to his joining the military.
The theory is that he joined the military to impress Penny's father. We learned through his very first flashback that he was dishonorably discharged. It was then that he got the boat and tried to race around the world to prove his worth to Mr. Widmore.
In last weeks flashback, he is told that the greatest thing he will ever do is turn the fail safe key. Without carrying out that destiny, HIS DESTINY, the whole world would die. Pretty heavy destiny....
Carlton and Damon said that it is entirely possible that Desmond would have a flashback episode again but that it might not be the same as last week's time travel....You see, the first time we saw Desmond's flashback, it was the first time...Once he turned the key, he got a second chance to change the events leading up to his destiny. If we see another flashback(possibly about his time in the army) it will be as part of the first go around......confused yet? Think of it as loop 1 and loop 2. Loop 1 ends with him turning the fail safe key and loop 2 is pretty much the same, except he has already been through loop 1 and can now see things he can influence but cannot ultimately change, ending with him turning the fail safe key.....
Also, Desmond is the only one this is happening to...All other flashbacks are in loop 1 mode....And if Des goes back and changes one thing, it will have a changing effect in loop 2......
So let's play with that little nugget for a minute: What if, in loop 2, Des or someone close to him that he spoke with about seeing the future, told Penny about the island....if after 2 years she started to believe that he was in fact lost at sea and on that island, she would set about to search for him, there by explaining the season finale....
Now suppose someone found out that a plane was going to crash on that very same island? Suppose Des said that Oceanic flight 815 specifically was going to crash.....Someone could have influence enough to put all of these people on this plane, in order to land on that island...
"We were all brought here for a reason, Jack"-Locke
Yes..They were...And because they serve the greater purpose of saving the world in their own way, they were guaranteed survival in the plane crash...once they serve their purpose, they can die as they have served their purpose, possibly doing the one great thing they were meant to do...
For example: Charlie.....He saved Jack in season 1, when the cave collapsed....then he wasn't needed anymore and Ethan was free to kill him...or perhaps Charlie wasn't meant to survive the crash at all, since he ended up in the wrong seat on the plane...So now, Des is trying to save Charlie but Charlie can't escape his destiny of dieing young....
Look at it this way..If you knew you were guaranteed to pass away at age 80, anything you did death defying wouldn't matter because it's already predetermined that you will live to 80....jump out of a plane, drive crazy, whatever...Instead of living to a certain age, what if our Losties are living for a certain EVENT???
This is some heady stuff...I'll let you all mull it over...the big part of this is my theory....it's just now becoming formed based on events that we have seen on the show...
I'll leave you with this..Remember Des running in the stadium in Jack's flashback? Jack was worried that he didn't fix Sara..and Des says"What if you did fix her?".....Was that Des's 2nd loop?Did he use his future events to see that it was a miracle that Jack fixed her and then set into motion a series of events that got Jack on that plane to save Ben's life?
Later Losties,
Another great brain bomb! Holy smokes!
How are you going to break it down at light on Saturday with a broken wheel??
Interesting idea about Desmond having gone through a loop already and having some foresight into what would happen if Jack could save his wife.
~David C.
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