It took me a minute to process this episode...It's kind of typical Lost fashion to have the second or third episode kind of be a little softer in tone...a kind of "let you catch your breath" story after a thrilling season opener...and this particular story fit the bill... a little bit of action, a little bit of mythology, a little bit of comedy.... while this episode didn't set off any bells and whistles for me, it was still pretty damn good..
Let's start with the title character, our dear sweet fugitive Kate...in the flash sideways world she's still on the run but with a heart of gold...just not for the Marshall assigned to bring her back....she's messed that dude up in every version of the LOST realities... if I was him I'd ask for another gig..
Let's start with the title character, our dear sweet fugitive Kate...in the flash sideways world she's still on the run but with a heart of gold...just not for the Marshall assigned to bring her back....she's messed that dude up in every version of the LOST realities... if I was him I'd ask for another gig..
no, Kate saves her love for other people she life threatens, who just happen to be pregnant... if you noticed the biggest thing about this episode is that it's starting to reflect the back stories we've already seen... which makes me think that these people are indeed destined to be together... We've seen Jack and Locke interact, and pleasantly at that...making plans to do some life altering surgeries...maybe some coffee... jenga... and now we see Kate and Claire like some modern day Thelma and Louise...and who's playing the Brad Pitt role in this fantasy? why, it's Ethan!!

How funny was the line where he said he didn't want to stick her with a lot of needles?... Haha...considering that was almost an entire episode back in Season 2 or 3... But now our old friend Ethan is going by his given name, Goodspeed....the son of Horace and Amy Goodspeed, whom, if you'll remember were key members of the DHARMA initiative...but instead of growing up on the island and cavorting with Ben Linus on baby stealing missions, Ethan has grown up to be a nice young man with a gentle bedside member.....but, he's still kind of creepy... but I think it's another sign of what this "flash sideways" is really all about, which seems to be life after DHARMA...
Something happened after Juliet blew up the bomb but I don't know if that's what sunk the island... I think that happened later... so maybe there was some other event that caused the island to sink, thereby destroying the DHARMA initiative... I don't know the answer to this yet, but my brain is cooking something up...
Either way, I think we should expect to see more folks popping up...who knows? Ben might even turn up as an English teacher or something.... Maybe Mr Friendly will turn up as cop.... I'll let that one marinate next to the destruction of the island...so there are 2 pots cooking on the stove for those keeping track...

Back to the episode...Kate on and off the island is trying to do right by Claire and by Sawyer... I feel bad for that rascal...he had a good thing going and that stupid frozen wheel in the Island totally screwed up his life with Juliet....but he was living on borrowed time anyway and he knew it...we found out that he really blamed himself for Juliet dying...and now he's off to who knows where to do who knows what...but hell hath no fury like a man who buried a ring in the floorboards of a house he previously occupied 30 years earlier and then crow-barred open 3 days later after a hydrogen bomb detonated, blowing him back to 2007 and killing the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, that he just buried in a god forsaken jungle.. I mean, that's some real crap....
Along with this whole mind bender is our good torturing hitman kid shooter, Sayid... I've always like Sayid...yeah, he tortured people...yeah, he shot Ben when he was a boy...yeah, he shot some other cats who were trying to kill him...and yeah, he shot some other cats who he was hired to kill.... but come on! To go out like that was kind of weak... and just like Michael, the island isn't done with Sayid, so it brought him back to life..with a twist...
Yes, The Darkness is on its way to claim Sayid's heart... which will turn him into an evil crazed something or another... I Tweeted the other night that he could eventually turn into the members of Danielle's team...remember the "Sickness"?.... yeah, apparently if you experience death on the Island AND come back to life, you are susceptible to possession of an evil Darkness... just another fun layer to add to the LOST mythology...I don't see it as any other function of the story, other than to explain what happened to Claire when her house blew up with her in it...She died and when Sawyer rescued her, the Darkness brought her back to life...this according to Dogen, the island's Last Samurai, who told Jack that his SISTER was infected... someone asked me if Rouseau was Jack's sister...I think this show is so confusing that people forget that Claire and Jack have the same father...and this sort of explains why she was in the cabin with Christian 2 years ago... but not really.. I mean, there's still a LOT of explaining to do... and we'll see what happens with Sayid, as he battles the Darkness...
Jack turned into the hero we've kind of been waiting for... the kind that doesn't have all the answers but still feels the responsibility of his actions and has a leadership role that's starting to become defined...
It was great to see Dogen telling Jack that he was brought to the island, same as the Oceanic 815ers...when Jack said what brought you to the island, Dogen replied "You know what brought you here", meaning Jacob of course... but Jack doesn't really know that so we are probably going to see some more angst out of old Jackie boy... I think we are also starting to make more sense of the hierarchy that's going on with the Others...you have to keep in mind that these folks have been kind of ambling along for 3 years with no leader... as Aldo(that guy from Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia) was saying to Kate, 3 years had passed since they had been there last...which means life was still happening for the Others... hopefully we will get that story sooner than later....
A couple of things I wanted to touch on:
- Aldo and the other fella referred to Jin as "one of them"....that statement in itself reminds me of what Sayid called Ben when they first discovered him in the jungle.... and it was a title of another episode, where Juliet joined the Oceanic survivors... I'm curious as to what the "them" means....obviously it's important that Jack and company stay alive, even at the expense of the Others, as Aldo said that Sawyer shot one on his way out... so they will sacrifice their own people to keep Jack and Co. alive....I'll add this to the current cooking pots....
- Kate spotted Jack when she was escaping from the airport...Did she recognize him from the plane or was there a deeper connection, like she recognized him from a past life? Also she gave him a great look on the Island when he told her to be careful...it was the good Jack she fell in love with...not the crazy drug addled drinky jealous Jack who grew that weird beard...
- Hurley asking Sayid if he was a zombie.... I nearly spit up my pop when I heard this line...if you know anything about the behind the scenes writers, they have often jokingly referred to season 6 as the "zombie season"...this was obviously a nod to the die hard fans...
- Sayid's reaction to being tortured..I knew something was up because my man was crying and screaming like a lunatic... I know he was being electrocuted and burned with a poker, but my man has been tortured before... he's a tough ass.. he wouldn't have cried like that, unless he was possessed... by a little baby..
- The killer whale stuffed animal that was packed in Claire's bag was just like the one Kate had for Aaron when he was with her...did Kate recognize it as something she gave him in a past life?
- The guy driving the cab played a villain on Heroes...he acted better as the cab driver in the 2 minutes he was on screen than the 5 episodes he was on Heroes....which is proof that a minor role on LOST is better than a starring role on Heroes... quality writing...look it up..

Lastly, I want to talk about Desmond being on the plane... I think we have to assume that Desmond is still "special"... I don't think he appeared on the plane and then disappeared mid flight... LOST has never really been about that kind of magic...but I do think he booked a flight on the plane so that he could still influence these certain people... I think he has become like Faraday's mom, helping people stay "on course"...
Keep in mind that the past we have seen on LOST is not the same in this new flash sideways world... so Desmond would also be changed in that...maybe he still has an interest in these people but he might not be with Penny.... and if he's not with Penny, then he's going to be free to do other things... maybe help others get where they need to go?? And where is that?
I don't know....for now the stove is full of cooking pots... and I'm tired...
See you on the flippidy flip..
Keep in mind that the past we have seen on LOST is not the same in this new flash sideways world... so Desmond would also be changed in that...maybe he still has an interest in these people but he might not be with Penny.... and if he's not with Penny, then he's going to be free to do other things... maybe help others get where they need to go?? And where is that?
I don't know....for now the stove is full of cooking pots... and I'm tired...
See you on the flippidy flip..
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Super-Duper site! I am loving it!! Will come back again - taking you feeds also, Thanks.
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