Let's jump right in shall we? We have LOTS to cover.... last we saw, Jack wanted to detonate the bomb and reset the whole damn thing, as if it never happened. He got all Gap Band and dropped the bomb down the Swan hole and nothing happened... But as we saw, Juliet came through for the team and beat that SOB bomb with a rock and poof.... transported them back to Oceanic Flight 815, mid air....except now, things were a little different...the same but not quite...
For example:
Rose was the one telling Jack to stay calm...
Jack only got one bottle from flight attendant Cindy....
Boone went to get Shannon, but she didn't want to come home...
Hurley was calling himself "lucky" and that nothing bad ever happens to him...
Sawyer actually seemed happy, not at all like a man who had killed the wrong guy...
Kate was still a fugitive...now this one requires a little more back story: At Comi-Con this past summer, they played an America's Most Wanted video of Kate Austin, who had killed an apprentice plumber, when she meant to kill her evil, abusive stepfather...
Sayid appeared unchanged...
So what's my point? Well something worked or rebooted these guys and it goes back to one over all theory: In 1977, Jack was hell bent on blowing up the island and starting over. But that was 1977... there were other people living on the island... as we saw in the Big Reveal, the island had been sunk...

so while the overall themes are still the same(Kate's fugitive, Hurley won the lottery), the details are different. So if they are different for these folks, what does that mean for people like Ben? Or Widmore? Where was Mr Eko? Still on the plane? What about Ana Lucia? Libby?
I think this will play out in what is being referred to as the "side-flash"... not a flash back or a flash forward... a side flash...and the creators are saying that it isn't an alternate reality, because that would indicate that one of the versions we are seeing is not real...no, they wanted to see how both scenarios played out and how they will eventually connect...
There are some slight comparisons that remind of us of season 1...
For example:
Jack is bleeding

This reminds me of him discovering his cut in his side, that Kate helped him stitch up... of course it could also mean he was shot with a dart gun and left in suspended animation but I'm getting tired of trying to come up with these larger, more sinister reasons for something as simple as a shaving cut...
Jack saves Charlie

Very reminiscent of Season 1, when Charlie also died of asphyxiation after Ethan hung him from a tree.. the only thing missing was Jack pounding on his chest...all he needed this time was some long fingers to dig out that heroin bag... if you were wondering why Jack couldn't find his pen to perform a tracheotomy, it was because Kate had pick pocketed him so she could break out of her cuffs..more on that in a second... the other eerie thing here was Charlie telling Jack he was supposed to die... Which was Charlie's life story basically... its gotta end tragic...
Back to Kate...when she escaped from the Marshall, she knocked his head against the sink, which resulted in the same bump on his head that he got when the plane initially blew apart... coincidence? I think not...
Boone tells Locke that he's "sticking with him, if we go down"

Weirdly enough I thought this was sweet... it kind of validates that Boone would follow Locke anyway, as he did on the island...until he climbed into the teetering drug plane, resulting in yet another plane crash... but that's not the point.. check out the picture...that's Frogurt, aka Neil, the dude that was killed by a Flaming Arrow after Locke turned the wheel... pretty funny...also good to see Dr Arzt, who had THE best death on Lost...
Moving on, yet staying with the side flash
Claire and Kate together again!!!

Is she pregnant? I think so...is she going to have the baby in the cab and Kate will have to help her? I'd be willing to bet YES... good to old Claire Bear back... I look forward to this one..
I'm not going to comment on Jin and Sun...their pre Island life is BORING to me... I like them a lot better once they had to fight for their love... just remember that Sun was going to leave Jin in Australia but backed out and Jin was going to get them away from her father, which would explain the large bag of cash...
Sawyer meets Kate

I like that Sawyer played a part in Kate's great escape... and he did it with his usual charm...so the question is, is he still a con man with a vengeance? Or just a con man?....
Just really quickly in relation to Sawyer and the bomb working... When Juliet was dying, she said something about getting coffee and "going Dutch"...then she said she had something very important to tell Sawyer...and then she died...which lead us to this happening:

A terrible still shot of Miles reading Juliet's last thought "It Worked"....so my theory is that Juliet saw this "side flash" and I would be willing to bet dollars to rubles that Sawyer will meet Juliet in this side flash and ask her out for coffee... I'm putting it out there now...
Lastly on the side flash thing is my guy, John Locke

Once again there is a parallel to Season 1...remember when Jack went tearing through the jungle chasing after his "dad" and Locke ended up telling him that the Island was special? At that time, jack was pretty receptive to Locke's words of encouragement... and we saw the same exchange last night...Similar to Jack opening the coffin and his dad's body not being in there, in the side flash, the airline "misplaced" Pops... but Locke was there to assure Jack that his father wasn't missing, just his body...
I also liked the fact that Jack said "Nothings irreversible", which is basically the theme of the show... and it seemed like Jack had faith in science... or he was his usual Mr Fix It self... either way, a connection was made...
And give it up for Terry O'Quinn, who played old John Locke and new and EVIL Smoke Monster Locke!!!

I mean, just look at this picture!! Damn!!! Straight up bad mofo!!
Which brings me to the biggest theory that I tweeted about last night... "I want to go HOME"...this implies that the Smoke Monster is not of this world....and Jacob is not of this world...so what world are they from?
I'm proposing heaven and I'm sticking with the movie Dogma as my sticking point... The argument there was that some cast out angels where trying to get back into heaven...their method of getting there was killing the earthly body of God and then walking right back through the gates of heaven...of course, this would mean the end of existence as we know it...
So is Smokey trying to get back to heaven? And what does that mean for the people on the island? If its not heaven and he's just a straight up alien, does he need to hijack the Temple and fly that hooptie back into space?
I don't know...
But I watched Jimmy Kimmel Live and Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse were answering some questions...They confirmed that Smokey is now in Locke's body, but they hedged a little on confirming that the Dark Shirt Guy that was on the beach with Jacob is Smokey.. but 2 things are working against them: 1. Jacob told Hurley that he was killed by an old friend who had tired of his company and 2. When Smokey Locke showed up to kill Jacob, Jacob said "You found your loop hole", which referred back to the conversation on the beach with the Dark Shirt Guy...and he confirmed that he did find his loophole....So I think that Smokey and DSG are the same fellow...
But as we know on this show, nothing is cut and dried... but if you find yourself in the presence of a Smoke Monster, make sure you are standing in a circle of ash... always, always carry ash with you! Let that be a lesson... reference poor Bram, who was impaled on some wood... much like Dracula..and who wrote Dracula? Bram Stoker.... WHOA!!!
And lastly, we saw the Temple and the healing spring of life... which was muddied, most likely due to Jacob being killed... but they still stuck Sayid in there and apparently it worked...now the question is: Is that really Sayid? Could it be Jacob in a new kick ass body? What are the consequences to bringing Sayid back to life?

I don't know but we won't have to wait long to find out...I mean, they only have 15 more weeks!!!
And finally, Mr Dark Eyes himself, Richard saw a ghost from his past that scared the beejesus out of him...and then punched the beejesus out of him...Smokey is bad dude!!

I look forward to seeing Richards back story this year...the reference to being in chains was interesting, to say the least...
Well that's all from me... I'm worn out... See you on the flip side...
El Prez
PS. I'll get to Desmond next time... that was a whole nother mind bender
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