Let's get on with it... With a heavy heart, we bid our fair show farewell...so the question is: What did it all mean?!?!?
As I've always done, this is my opinion of what it all meant...my opinion and 1 dollar will get you a large sweet tea at McDonalds... so use it wisely..
The Island held the source of ALL LIFE in the Universe. It looked like an extra strong halogen lamp in a cave. Of course, we saw that it had a lot more detail once old Desmond got closer... a pretty mystical place, with an upside down cone that had some writing on it..which, of course only raises more questions but let's not dwell on that for now... let's deal with the facts...
So the Light had to be protected. It could not go out. If it did, then what? Would life cease to exist? Would everyone feel completely soulless? I don't know... I think it would just make life suck and feel empty and possibly prevent any new life from ever entering the world again...basically Armageddon and the complete destruction of life as we know it.. I guess....
So the Man in Black could only leave if the Light went out. And Jacob couldn't kill his own brother so once he was dead, he needed someone else to do it.
But the how was the question....in what I think was one of the coolest scenes in all of LOST, Jack told Fake Locke that they were going to go to the source, see what Des could do and then Jack was going to kill Fake Locke... point blank... finally...some straight shooting...
So Des pulled the plug on the source, which made Locke human..which meant he could be killed....In the SECOND coolest scene in all of LOST, Jack and Locke had a kick ass fight on the side of a cliff... I mean, c'mon!!! How COOL was that??
But Jack took a blade to the side for his trouble(Christ like?) and almost took the blade to the throat(which explained that crazy mark on his neck that wouldn't stop bleeding)....but leave it to Gunslinger Kate to save a bullet for Locke... she popped a cap in his back, saving Jack from sure death..
Then Jack gave the boot to Locke and that was that... pretty anti-climatic.. Raise your hand if you thought Locke wasn't going to be there when Sawyer peered over the edge... all I could think of was Cape Fear with DeNiro...Come out, come out wherever you are..... haha.. but alas it was really over..
So Jack made the ultimate sacrifice and saved the Island by plugging the hole back... but it was too late for Jack to be saved... so he went back to the spot where the show started and laid down... as he lay, he rejoiced in the Ajira plane flying over, carrying his friends off for good... and then Vincent laid next to him, I cried, and Jack died....
The redemption and journey of Jack Shephard was complete. My man has been to hell and back and now he can move on.
Which leads me to the point of the Side Flash... a lot of people are crying FOUL about the whole Purgatory theory becoming an actuality... personally, I don't have a problem with it...it was one season and it culminated in some of the most heart wrenching reunions this show has ever produced. It was like a flashback of the entire series and each one was more killer than the previous....
Jack's realization that he was in fact dead was the most moving moment I can recall... it had a Sixth Sense vibe and it was truly a beautiful moment... Sorry if you don't agree but I've devoted a fair amount of my life to this show..I don't live or die by getting answers and I've theorized crazier scenarios than anything this show has ever actually produced...so when I got the ending that was delivered last night, it was better than anything I could ever imagine...
I watched the speech that Christian gave Jack and it pretty much said it all... The people that meant the most to Jack were in the church. They needed him as much as he needed them. And that is ultimately the point the writers were trying to make....it's not about the things you consume during your life, but the relationships you cultivate and grow that make LIFE.
Some died before Jack and some died long after him. This was evident when Hurley told Ben he was a great number 2. Ben responded that Hurley was a great number 1. Which could potentially be a spin off: LOST- The Hurley and Ben Years....
But they were all remembered as they were at the most pivotal moment in their lives. When you think of it that way, you may find yourself especially touched when you rewatch the show. Watch Kate tell Jack on Island that she loves him. And that he better promise to see her again. And then when they see each other at the concert and she says she missed him, that lead me to believe that Kate lived a lot longer after she left the Island... which is sad.. and really heart warming when she sees him again.
So to sum it up, I don't care about the numbers, or the DHARMA food drop, or if Widmore was really evil or not, or if Faraday's mom knew everything from the start.....I started watching this show and fell in love with this show based on the characters... Based on their struggles and redemption and choices and journeys... of course I loved the sci-fi part of it and the religious undertones that were mixed in were pretty brilliant and subtle...
Sorry if I get a little Tim Tebow on you guys here at the end but the last scene reminded me of a Bible quote that I remembered as a kid:
John 14 1 “Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. 2 “In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. 3 “If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also. 4 “And you know the way where I am going.” 5 Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, how do we know the way?” 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.
Now I'm not saying that LOST is that overt in it's religious undertones but it reminded me of that verse... and I would never suggest that Jack was Jesus and Christian was God and all of that...even though I'm sure I have... you know what? I am actually making that comparison.. in my interpretation, that's EXACTLY what I think the show was about... and that's pretty interesting... and open to debate... but that's for another life....
And that's my time... the term of El Prez is officially over... Think of this blog as a notebook in a shoebox. The lid is closing but it's always available to you. It's just tucked away in the back of the closet...every once in a while when you rewatch the show, feel free to pull this out, knock the dust off of it and remember the ramblings of some odd bird who really REALLY loved this show....so much that he wrote about it, ad nauseum....
I've enjoyed every minute of it and I will miss the time we shared. It has truly been a lot of fun and if we are lucky, there's some kid out there who gets inspired by this show and in our lifetime creates a show that's half as good as this and fills our imaginations like this show has.
Thank you all for reading and sharing your thoughts with me over the years...who knows....we may actually meet in a church in the afterlife one day.... whoa....