It with all due respect that I apologize for the late posting on "Greatest Hits", the excellent Charlie flashback episode. It's the time of year when I become overly obsessed with the show and I get wrapped up into my own salvation for answers, that I forget that I have a job to do.
That job is helping others find their LOST salvation. I have failed in some aspects but I hope to make amends today.
This is the LAST episode of the season coming up. A 2 hour season finale that will raise more questions and twist more heads than any of the previous. It's always about doing it better than the years before and we know how those ended:
Season 1: The Hatch is opened
Season 2: Jack, Kate and Sawyer are taken
Season 3:???? but soon, we'll all know...
But I'm jumping ahead...Let's talk about last week's episode, shall we?

It started with the "We're going to blow them all to hell" line, delivered late in the game by Jack. I say late in the game because it's been a bit of "where you been, dude??" Now you want us to follow you?? Well here we are, following Jack once again...
It's been 90 days on this place and Jack's back to being the leader....great...prove it..that's all I'm saying.
He's been my favorite since the beginning, but lately he's a sourpuss...I want the old crying Jack back...just my opinion..moving on
This week was Charlie's last..or was it? Desmond tells him that in order for Claire and the baby to be rescued, Charlie has to flip "the switch"...Where ever that is....ahh... but then Sayid has the idea of unjamming a signal that's been holding up the transmissions from leaving the island.
Juliet talks about an underwater hatch named "The Looking Glass" and VOILA! We've got ourselves a mission...It all connects...Juliet is led to believe by Ben that the Looking Glass is flooded. Charlie volunteers and sets in motion the prophecy of Desmond and what hopes to be eventual rescue.
This is what I love about the show: Desmond says he sees Claire and the baby getting on a helicopter. Sounds great right? Wrong...what if it's the real "bad guys"??
How can you say that El Prez, they all cried....Here's why....At the end of last season, Ben told Michael: We're the Good Guys.
Well what if he's right? Yes, all season we've been led to believe that the Others are the enemy and yes, they have done some shady stuff and Ben is the biggest of the shady for his "purge" on the DHARMA folks and shooting Locke and leaving him for dead(notice I said left for dead, not DEAD). But as we all know and can attest to in real life, there's always something more evil lurking out there...Powers that appear to be working for the good of the people can sometimes twist and turn on you in a blink. Absolute power rules absolutely...but I digress, down into my own rabbit hole.....what??
Rabbit hole, you say???? Why, that leads me right back into the meat of the meal: The Looking Glass.

Alice in Wonderland had a sequel book written to it, entitled "Through the Looking Glass". The plot summary, according to the all knowing Wikipedia:
Alice ponders what the world is like on the other side of a mirror, and to her surprise, is able to pass through to experience the alternate world.
Now, I'm not going to jump into that possible theory inducing argument but it really explains some of LOST to an extent. I'll let you all do the research instead of boring you. Suffice it to say that this show has a love of rabbits, a love of Alice in Wonderland and now it's follow up, The Looking Glass. Please note that the DHARMA symbol for the Looking Glass is a rabbit.
It's my belief that this is the writers way of telling us that any theorizing we may have will only be leading us down a rabbit hole of our own....
I will stick to the surface and keep on with last week's episode.

Rock stars....
So we learned that Drive Shaft derived it's name from an old family heirloom. The DS on the ring stood for Dexter Stratton. File that name away as we haven't seen any use of it thus far in the show but it could rear it's head somewhere down the line. It is also not in reference to anyone historically, like John Locke or Desmond Hume, so that tells me it will come back again.
Much like...

Nadia, Sayid's long lost love.
Yes, Charlie saved her from being mugged and she dubbed him a hero. This is no coincidence, I am now convinced.
This all goes back to Desmond and his time travelling abilities. The monk, the old lady in the jewelry shop. These are "plants" or other entities bent on keeping the order to the universe. Yes, this show has stepped into the realm of science fiction so I'll hop along for the ride.
We used to think these "crossings" were mere coincidence but there's something larger at play here. I don't have all the answers but Nadia has popped into Locke and Charlie's back story.
Christian Shepard is the king pin of flashback appearances: Sawyer, Ana Lucia, Claire and Jack of course. There's a connection here folks. This year provided more as we saw Sawyer's spurned love turn up in the same town as Kate. Now that's just wacky....and it can not be a coincidence. I don't believe it. But again, I digress.
Back to the beach and the surprise showing of.....

Rose and Bernard!!! Or should I say, Sniper First Officer Bernard? Who knew that a dentist would be such a good shot??

And yes, this was the most touching moment of the show...If anyone knows me by now, they know how I love to compare LOST to Star Wars and now is no different.
In the grand scheme of things, these two have been the C3PO and R2D2 of LOST, providing the comic relief in an otherwise tense situation. And this week they said their goodbyes, much like that duo did many times...They are buddies for life and it's only a matter of how this all plays out to see if they'll remain friends or if one will be..

Shot by 2 gun-toting underwater ladies?!?!?! What the..? So the Hatch wasn't flooded but was instead manned( or womanned)....Another of Ben's lies, as Juliet thought the hatch was flooded...or did she know that it wasn't???
I still don't trust that lady but dang!! I like the way she eats ice cream!!

Anyway, this week's show is going to out some evil plans, expose some lies and twist some heads...I can not wait and I'm sure that I will talk to you all before then....Oh happy day, the FINALE is upon us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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