I love this show..always have..I mean, I know this is my first real season of watching it visually but believe me when I say I have LOST running through my DNA... so trust me when I say that this was a filler episode...That's not to say it wasn't solid..It was very much so... it's long been theorized that the Island is a place for redemption and tonight we saw the redemption of James Ford...
First things first: did you see the rest of the 3 toed statue??? Holy smokes that thing was tall....and Egyptian..... if you look closely it definitely resembles a statue of pharaoh...kind of goes with all the hieroglyphics we've seen so far....as a matter of fact there was another Egyptian symbol shown several times tonight: the ankh, which is a hieroglyphic symbol that means eternal life.... how about that?....and you know what else? Once Sawyer called him "Eyeliner", I'm beginning to think that Richard Alpert may in fact be of Egyptian descent... he kind of looks like Elizabeth Taylor in Cleopatra.. :)
Here's something fun: The ankh necklace was worn by Paul, Amy's husband...
Paul+"ankh"= Paul Anka, singer/songwriter of such hits as "You are my destiny", "One Man Woman/One Woman Man", and "You're having my baby"...take that Jeff Jensen!!!
Anyway, the show opened with the another wheelchair bound in the real world guy dancing on the Island...what's that? who? Locke?
Nope...this guy:

He apparently jumped back in time as well, from Friday Night Lights, where he was paralyzed and living with Jason Street...

it's all connected... watch..Sawyer will turn out to be Riggins dad...oh wait, that was Goodwin...

So Sawyer has conned his way into being the Head of Security on DHARMA Island, as Jim LaFluer.... He also happens to be IN LOVE!! with Juliet, the new head of mechanics down at the bus depot...

Funniest line of the night:
"Good evening Enos".. Sawyer to Miles, as they are about to go collect Horace Goodspeed..you have to love a good Dukes of Hazard reference...
now if my LOST history serves me correctly, Horace was married to another woman by the time Ben gets to the Island..so what happens to Amy? And her baby boy? I think we'll get that answer soon enough...but the interesting point here is that DHARMA was coming and going as they pleased, every 2 weeks, via the submarine...something happened after Ben gets to the Island as a young boy but even before that, DHARMA was still sending it's people back to the mainland to have their children... and then bringing them back I guess....
It's pure speculation on my part that once Ben became the leader of the Others, his makeup became the islands makeup, meaning that his mother died at childbirth and the island sensed this and thus, no mothers lived during child birth during Ben's regime... except Aaron, which makes him all the more special, so don't think you've seen the last of him...
It's pure speculation on my part that once Ben became the leader of the Others, his makeup became the islands makeup, meaning that his mother died at childbirth and the island sensed this and thus, no mothers lived during child birth during Ben's regime... except Aaron, which makes him all the more special, so don't think you've seen the last of him...

An interesting thing about Daniel Faraday tonight: first, he's devastated enough about Charlotte's death that he mumbles that he won't tell her to never come back... but then minutes later he issues this nugget: Whatever happened, happened. But methinks we're about to see the dark side of Faraday, as foreshadowed in the shot above...Whatever happened, happened.
Now, he said that before to Sawyer but now I've had a couple of weeks to think about it...what we've seen since the beginning of this show has happened. Meaning, we saw Ben kill the DHARMA Initiative...but Sawyer and gang are part of the DI in 1974... so let's do some math, shall we?
According to Lostpedia Ben was born in the early 60's, let's say 1964...he looked to be about 12 or so when he came to the Island, which would be 1976, which would be right smack in the middle of when Sawyer and gang are there...it should be 1977 when Jack and crew shows up... so does Ben KNOW Jack and Sawyer before they show up on Oceanic Flight 815 in 2004?
It would certainly explain all the lists, wouldn't it? hmmmm....
So who were Sawyer and perfectly English speaking Jin searching for on grids 1-3? I think this might be DHARMA people who were abducted by the Hostiles... it was kind of a throwaway scene but it shows that Sawyer has turned a new leaf over back in the 70's.... he actually cares about people...
Isn't it funny to see Sawyer happy? His 3 years have been spent pretty damn happily, versus Jacks... further proof that Jack should have never left? Only misery has met the ones who left...
I have to admit though, seeing Sawyer smile is like watching Clint Eastwood in The Bridges of Madison County... I watched that movie and the whole time I had this weird feeling that I couldn't shake....then it hit me..I'd never seen Clint Eastwood smile.. it was off putting..much like seeing Sawyer being anything other than his normal, pessimistic self....

Now if that showdown between Richard and Sawyer did not remind you of Han Solo going to talk to Darth Vader himself, then you clearly don't get my old man's parallels of Star Wars to LOST... do some research... it's spot on... Richard is awesome and brings such a cool element to the show..the fact that they are allowing the DI to live there under a "truce" says a lot about how tough the Others are...

But let's get back to Sawyer and Juliet... Mr LeFluer brings a fluer to Miss Juliet and they proclaim their love for each other... well now this is certainly going to turn the love triangle of Jack/Kate/Sawyer into a square now that Juliet is involved... but hey, it's the 70's, man!! Free love and all that....
So what did I mean by filler, when all this good stuff was in the episode? Well it didn't really advance the story as much as it filled in some pieces.. and after last week's episode of Locke's journey, we could use a little supposition..some peace... some Namaste, DHARMA love, you know?
I will now leave you with this to ponder: Is Horace Goodspeed really the Smoke Monster? They both blow up trees... that's too much of a coincidence, if you ask me.... which you may not have...but here you are...
Next week is a re-run of this episode.. if you are in the Columbus area, you are invited to attend the Taste of LOST wine tasting event.(click on the highlighted area for details).. it's not often a baby invites you to drink wine and talk about LOST, so make the most of it.. odds are, you'll have fun! Oh wait, that's if you play the Ohio lottery....
I'm out!
L Prez
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