The following post is an example of how I spend my free time...These are two theories I had posited online at a LOST fan website....People seemed to like the theories and I wanted to share them with all of you...Mostly because I like them and mostly because you all know how crazy obsessed I am...:)
Think of the success of the DaVinci Code(the book, not the movie). They were applying actual events to the story of Christ' time on Earth. Suppose our LOST creators have stumbled upon a story telling device that would let them explain the creation of man, but in a scientific way.
In the real world,as much as they're finding Christ's bones in a tomb to finding Noah's Ark in the Himalayas, who's to say that the Garden of Eden couldn't be discovered? And using that train of thought, what if our LOST creators found a way to intertwine Bible stories with today's events?
When Adam and Eve ate the fruit of "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil", they became aware. God was worried that they would continue to partake of the tree and feared they would become immortal. So he booted their asses and set up a cherubim to guard the Garden. This information was gathered from the all knowing wikipedia.
What if the island is the Garden of Eden? what if Ben is a descendant of Adam and Eve? Mix him in with the Dharma Initiative folks and after the purge, you're left with a group who's mission it is to protect the island. What if the Dharma Initiative found a way to circumvent the cherubim(Smokey) and figured out a way to gain immortality from the island's powers? Ben and his people lay the smackdown on them and it's their sole mission to protect the island.
Another fun fact(thanks to wikipedia) is the name Samael. It is believed that this Angel of Death was the one who tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden. He is also associated as the angel who wrestled Jacob, back in the day(a Wednesday) as he was returning to Canaan to submit his loyalty to his twin brother Esau. It was said that the angel was either God himself or an angel(Samael) and that he was Esau's guardian angel. Bad Twin, anyone?
I've been remembering all of my Sunday school teaching and I think the writers of this show have some serious credit to give when this thing is all said and done....Check out this theory:In my latest musings, I have compared the Island to the Garden of Eden..Actually Eden was the place and the tree that Adam and Eve ate from was in the garden...So the island is Eden...If that's the case, Adam and Eve had children(Cain and Abel are the most popular) but they had to have female offspring as well...Which means that after Cain killed Able, he ran off with his sister and they sired some children. Those kids had to marry each other and have kids..Incestuous and inbred? You got it!! But theoligists claim that this wasn't as inbred as it seems. Adam and Eve were creations of God, perfect in every way, pure bloods. The further the lineage splits from the core, the less perfect the offspring become, which leads to babies with birth defects or anyone from West Virginia....I KID! I KID! I swear....anyhoo, that all sets up my theory that the Others can't concieve their own children..Technically they are all related. The lineage is moving further from the purity...This is when the Dharma folks showed up..All that hippie love caused some real problems, as I believe the Dharma folks were comingling with the Island folks and having some messed up kids. You need look no further than the Nephilim. These were angels cast out of heaven who saw the daughters of man from heaven and wanted to get busy with them. This led to giants and other weird stuff, so God decided to squash the whole thing and came up with the flood. He left Noah and his family and all the animals in 2's to rebuild the world.So my point is, what if the same thing "happened" on the island? The Dharma folk(The Nephilim) came, screwed up the lineage, Jacob(God on the island) led a group of others on a flood like mission(the purge) and now all that's left are the pure bloods....
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