Monday, March 22, 2010


Yeah, yeah, yeah....we get it...A Sawyer episode with the word "con" in it... At some point I hope that the creators stop drawing all of these direct comparisons to past episodes..and enough with the reflections...this week we saw Sawyer smash his fist into his reflection... I don't mean to start the blog by bashing the episode...I think I'm just seeing the end in sight and I was in I'm angry that it's ending and I'm just lashing out....please forgive me, LOST... I'm sorry...
So let's talk about the cool things in this episode, starting with DETECTIVE James that was interesting until we found out that he was still the same scared vengeful 7 year old inside... and hey look! Miles is his partner! And he knows Charlotte! Through his dad! At the museum! Why, its as if all the former DHARMA initiative members left the Island and went into higher education jobs...
Look, don't get me wrong...I'm not bashing the show, I just felt force fed a little with this episode with the Side Flash stuff... and then at the end, Sawyer catches Kate.... big shocker...
Obviously I'm a little too jaded to give a proper write up of this I'll just highlight quickly what I did like:
1. The girl playing Zoe(which means "life") was also in one of my all time favorite movies: Singles....Sheila Kelly...expect more from her she good? Evil?
2. Fake Locke telling Kate about his mother... I'm still not sure whether or not he was telling his story or Locke's.... it was very weird...especially when he pointed at himself and said "before I became this".... it just seemed an odd way to reference yourself...I almost felt like it was Locke peeking through and telling Kate before I became the Smoke Monster.... it was odd so I hope I'm on to something....
3. I like seeing Charlotte all goosed up and looking good... But she's like Miles and has been to the they are friends and she works with Miles dad...So I have this feeling that the Dharma Initiative is still kicking it in some capacity... maybe now they call themselves Scientologists... Scientologists take offense...It's not a knock... just a change in cult... I mean group... aw hell...
4. I liked seeing Sawyer reminisce about Season 3 "The Cages".... maybe he was thinking back to how drawn out that whole time frame was...or maybe he was thinking back to when he had to move rocks to make way for a runway... and now there's a big ol plane sitting there... interesting...
5. Charles Widmore has something locked in the first and only guess: Desmond.....some supernatural time shifting power being Desmondo...who he will use to fight the Smoke Monster... or move the Island again...
6. Did you notice the pylons Widmore's crew was constructing? I read a great theory that Widmore might be attempting to lure Smokey to Hydra Island and trap him there... Pretty sneaky if that's the case...
7. Also Fake Locke telling Ben to meet him on Hydra Island.. I thought that was a set up on Fake Lockes part to deliver Ben to Widmore...

That was pretty much it...I didn't hate the episode but I didn't love it... and for that I am sorry...