Friday, February 23, 2007

It would be a shame to have to kill you now....

Hug it out, (insert bad word here)

GOOD FRIDAY, LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No pictures of swollen ankles today....just some LOST tidbits to get your day started...
This question was posed to Matthew Fox:

Why do you think LOST is so popular?
It's not about the 43 minutes that someone's getting when they watch an episode. It's about how they interact with people after, and how much they theorize about it.
I couldn't agree more....He hit the nail on the head..That being said, some of you may not know how to leave comments on the new site...remember nothing is too trivial and no one will hate on you if you ask a silly question...we are all in this together...
Here's some directions:

at the bottom of each update is a small font heading that says on will take you to a screen that says Leave your comment..Select "Other" and type your name in the yellow box...then place your cursor in the bigger box above and type away!....You then hit publish your comment and voila! you are now involved....

I don't know if anyone watches the Office but if you aren't, you should...Funniest show on TV, without a doubt...well last night's episode was directed by JJ Abrams, co creator of LOST....It was an excellent episode as well....too funny...

That's it for now! Keep the comments coming!!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

He limps amongst us...Part 2

The Others have beaten me and trapped me..LOOK at the damage they did!!! Animals!!!!!!

GOOD THURSDAY evening, LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you all for making me comfortable enough to take a picture of my injury and share it with you...I hope no one out there is squeemish..:)

I want to pick up where I left off with the show....
Last night we met Isabel, "The Sheriff".....She seemed more like judge, jury and executioner...It strikes me as odd that these "Others" seem to have lost their humanity for their fellow man...I think that's why we saw a look of surprise on Tom's face when Jack lied about what Juliet said..You could also sense that feeling with Juliet as well...Heck, even Ben told Jack that that kind of thing would ring hollow with Juliet.."She's one of us, Jack"....

As I said before, Isabel pretty much dismissed the rest of Jack's tattoos, rendering them obsolete in future episodes....No, the Chinese was the big thing...It was a symbolic way of showing that Jack was "manning up"..Becoming the leader he truly is....I think we have seen the evolution of Jack and I would look for him to somehow become more involved with these Others than originally planned....

I think they have forgotten that there is another world out there with a lot more people..Jack will bring that compassion back...They take children to give them a better life than the ones that the survivors had but it strikes me as if, they've never really seen any other members of the human race...Perhaps there's more of a religious cult like atmosphere they are trying to cultivate...
My theory is that they think they are saving the world..either by learning how to create a new breed of humanity(needing the fertility skills of Juliet) or by working still within the confines of the DHARMA Initiative...Perhaps they feel they are still carrying that mission out...But there is no such thing as utopia..there cannot be good without evil....And maybe some of them are aware of this or miss their former lives, where sin and free will were more readily accessed...
Look at Karl...perhaps he is part of a group of Others, more liberal than the pure fundamentalist style of Ben....In my theory, Ben is the head of all..The pastor.Think of the movie Footloose: Is Ben the oppressive town preacher who forbids the kids to dance?? Maybe Karl just wants to dance...Karl is Kevin Bacon!! If I see a tractor duel for Alex's affection, I may cut loose and footloose myself...Heaven helps the man who fights with me!!....I'm a bit of a Footloose fanatic..

So instead of being killed, Juliet is "marked" with what looked like an upside down cross or a star pattern....It's very odd...what does it mean?? perhaps the Others use the markings in their code and it means that she can't get to heaven or the after life or's very odd and puzzling...I like it....

Cindy and the other 'watchers"...This scene proved that Cindy and the others are still alive although I don't know what they are's been eluded to that they may be responsible for the whispers heard in the jungle..some of the transcripts have mentioned how they are there to watch...stay tuned on that one...

Jack's new job: primary care physician on the island...Talk about job security!! Oh wait..I forgot about poor Ethan...which raise a question..why would you send your only surgeon to spy on a group of crash survivors?? Unless you weren't planning on him getting offed by a one hit wonder.....Charlie will pay...Eye for an Eye...It's Island Law.....
And now Jack's off to Othersville to be at Ben's bedside....Great line about Jack's bedside manner...ring familiar? Hurley also called this out....

Well Kate isn't going to sit by and leave Jack behind...She's hell bent on going after them and getting him back...Look for the next couple of weeks to be action packed as we lead into the month of April...Lots of big things happening on the island....

That's all for me..I need to go ice the ankle and prepare myself for the continuation of my Desmond time traveling theory..It's a doozy..Perhaps it will go up this weekend...Perhaps I will injure myself again and post that never know.....

LOST update 2/22--He limps amongst us...PT 1

Go fly a kite!.....Don't mind if I do.....

GOOD THURSDAY, LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Stranger in a Strange Land".....This episode at first seemed like a surface episode, like a what you see is what you get but I think it went much deeper than that.....It was a Jack flashback that seemed a little light on the flashback..
Here's what we learned:
Jack goes to Thailand, seemingly to find himself. He meets Achara, a tattoo artist with a "gift". He spends every night with her for a month and then wants to know what EXACTLY she does. She tells him she can "see people and who they really are" and she marks them. So Jack demands to know what she sees and she tells him that he is a leader, a great man but that makes him afraid and alone. He makes her mark him, she says there will be consequences and he replies: There always are....Stone cold.....
The cool thing is that Isabel(the "sheriff" of Othersville) dismissed the rest of his tattoos so they won't be playing another part.
So where does that leave us? what did that REALLY say about Jack? From his actions with Ben and lying for Juliet and going above and beyond for Kate and Sawyer, we are seeing Jack stepping forward and embracing his natural born role as a LEADER....
The "He walks amongst us, but is not one of us" takes on many different meanings, in my opinion. Jack has always separated himself from the others by taking charge, albiet unwillingly and has emerged as the one all the survivors look to....
OR it could mean that he is simply not an Other, yet will be living with them for a time, in order to care for Ben....
Or, and this may be a stretch, it could imply the Christ-like nature of Jack....The name is Jack Shepard.."shepard-one who tends to sheep"...He traded his life for Kate and Sawyers, a sacrifice...
Like I said..maybe it's a stretch
Either way, Jack stepped up and got his stones back.....By accepting the fact that he was going to have to lead his way out of his situation, he took the bull by the horns and saved Juliet from execution....
My favorite exchange of the night: I would have a lot more respect for you people if you had a decent surgeon....We did. ETHAN was an excellent surgeon.....awesome!!!
So Juliet's ben marked with some sort of star symbol...I don't know what this means..perhaps she won't make it to the promised land in the after life....time will tell on that one...but it sure made for an intimate moment with Juliet and the aloe..I found Ben's word to Jack kind of cryptic"She's one of us, Jack", basically telling him that any efforts to change that would be futile...Jack loves him a challenge!!
Kate and Sawyer sleeping in the woods F-I-G-H-T-I-N-G.....I guess the Kate/Sawyer/Jack triangle isn't dead yet...maybe when she see Jack nestled next to Juliet, she'll change her mind....I thought it was awful crappy of the Others to stick Jack in the same cage that Kate and Sawyers did the do in....not cool...

I have more to add but I'll need to save that for another entry....I'll catch the rest of this update in a bit..

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

LOST update 2/21--The Time Hobbler

...maybe a baked potato with some cheese on it?!?!...then don't ask me what I need to feel more comfortable, JACK!!....

GREAT WEDNESDAY, LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is in great anguish that I write today's update.....I traveled back in time last night...or at least my mind body did not follow...During a pick up basketball game, I fell awkwardly on my ankle, causing a snap, crackle and pop...That's right..El Prez has got a bad wheel...It would seem at this juncture that it is of the high ankle sprain variety but I have another visit with a specialist this week and hopefully, they will confirm that it's not broken......
What does this have to do with today's update? Nothing really..I just thought I'd share..:)

TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All New Episode at 10/9 Central: Stranger in a Strange Land, A Jack flashback...A power play ensues between Jack and "The Others" as Juliet's future hangs in the balance. Meanwhile, Kate, Sawyer and Karl continue on their journey away from "Alcatraz."

Also, to clarify what exactly transpired last week to Desmond....According to the latest podcast by Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, Desmond DID IN FACT experience that time travel. During that iteration, he used his FUTURE MEMORIES to guide him. This experience took place in 1996, prior to his joining the military.
The theory is that he joined the military to impress Penny's father. We learned through his very first flashback that he was dishonorably discharged. It was then that he got the boat and tried to race around the world to prove his worth to Mr. Widmore.
In last weeks flashback, he is told that the greatest thing he will ever do is turn the fail safe key. Without carrying out that destiny, HIS DESTINY, the whole world would die. Pretty heavy destiny....
Carlton and Damon said that it is entirely possible that Desmond would have a flashback episode again but that it might not be the same as last week's time travel....You see, the first time we saw Desmond's flashback, it was the first time...Once he turned the key, he got a second chance to change the events leading up to his destiny. If we see another flashback(possibly about his time in the army) it will be as part of the first go around......confused yet? Think of it as loop 1 and loop 2. Loop 1 ends with him turning the fail safe key and loop 2 is pretty much the same, except he has already been through loop 1 and can now see things he can influence but cannot ultimately change, ending with him turning the fail safe key.....
Also, Desmond is the only one this is happening to...All other flashbacks are in loop 1 mode....And if Des goes back and changes one thing, it will have a changing effect in loop 2......
So let's play with that little nugget for a minute: What if, in loop 2, Des or someone close to him that he spoke with about seeing the future, told Penny about the island....if after 2 years she started to believe that he was in fact lost at sea and on that island, she would set about to search for him, there by explaining the season finale....
Now suppose someone found out that a plane was going to crash on that very same island? Suppose Des said that Oceanic flight 815 specifically was going to crash.....Someone could have influence enough to put all of these people on this plane, in order to land on that island...
"We were all brought here for a reason, Jack"-Locke
Yes..They were...And because they serve the greater purpose of saving the world in their own way, they were guaranteed survival in the plane crash...once they serve their purpose, they can die as they have served their purpose, possibly doing the one great thing they were meant to do...
For example: Charlie.....He saved Jack in season 1, when the cave collapsed....then he wasn't needed anymore and Ethan was free to kill him...or perhaps Charlie wasn't meant to survive the crash at all, since he ended up in the wrong seat on the plane...So now, Des is trying to save Charlie but Charlie can't escape his destiny of dieing young....
Look at it this way..If you knew you were guaranteed to pass away at age 80, anything you did death defying wouldn't matter because it's already predetermined that you will live to 80....jump out of a plane, drive crazy, whatever...Instead of living to a certain age, what if our Losties are living for a certain EVENT???
This is some heady stuff...I'll let you all mull it over...the big part of this is my's just now becoming formed based on events that we have seen on the show...
I'll leave you with this..Remember Des running in the stadium in Jack's flashback? Jack was worried that he didn't fix Sara..and Des says"What if you did fix her?".....Was that Des's 2nd loop?Did he use his future events to see that it was a miracle that Jack fixed her and then set into motion a series of events that got Jack on that plane to save Ben's life?
Later Losties,

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

LOST update 2/20--That peanut butter was disgusting

Her hair is so pretty...I wonder what she uses? This island air is destroying my roots!!

GOOD TUESDAY, LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So far the reviews on the new blog have been positive...I'm pleased and thankful for all the kind words and open minds.....I promise as the season moves along, we'll hopefully enter into some dialogue that will inspire some real thought provoking theories...

This week's episode is "Stranger in a Strange Land".....We will learn a little more about what will happen to Jack and it looks like we'll be seeing some of the other passengers of Flight 815, that were abducted by the Others....we'll also learn what Juliet's fate is..will Ben let her leave? will she have to serve time in some Other's prison for shooting Pickett? stay tuned.....

It was brought to my attention yesterday that I needed an action figure....I am currently in talks with Todd McFarlane to create one such figure of action...and by "talks", I mean that I have contacted him via email and have yet to be snubbed..we shall see what transpires...

In the meantime, enjoy series 2 of the action figures McFarlane is responsible for so far...Recall the first round having Jack, Kate, Locke and Hurley...Now comes Sawyer, Jin, Sun and Eko....
Mr Eko
And from McFarlane's website, this special announcement:
Look for LOST Series 2 figures to arrive in stores in July.
We're excited to announce the figure lineup for LOST Series 3 - f
our more central characters scheduled to be in stores in October.
Henry Gale
That's all for now, LOSTIES!!!

Monday, February 19, 2007

LOST update 2/19--This is the start of a beautiful friendship

Jack was unprepared for how low Ben's blanket was going to be.....

GOOD MONDAY, LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome to the new and improved update!! I want to thank you all for showing up and accepting that life changes and change is good! My hope is for the update to be a more inviting forum and I appreciate everyone keeping an open mind as we transition into this uncharted territory....

Moving forward...This week's episode is entitled "Stranger in a Strange Land"....has anyone ever noticed that the titles of the show's have many meanings? Sometimes they are dialogue from the show, like the episode "Not In Portland": basically Juliet's job offer was not exactly in Portland..a little more remote than that...."Stranger in a Strange Land" is a Jack flashback and bythe looks of the promos, it features his doings in Thailand....I would also say that title encompasses his situation on his island life as well...Ahhhh, the parallels..:)

Below I've posted a brief question from E!'s very own Kristin, who loves to get the early spoilers and dirt on all shows in prime time, LOST being one of her faves....She had a very good Q&A with Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse about last weeks episode...I only took a snippet because I like to keep everyone from being too spoiled...I just liked this quote because of the impending surprises on the show.....Very cool stuff...

Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse Q&A
Kristin:You little devils. We were taking these flashbacks at face value, and now, this mind-blowing realization that the Losties could be time-traveling. What the—?! That was awesome! Is this sort of a climax of season three?

C.C.: This is the first of a couple of turning points.
D.L.: Yeah. We had mentioned earlier that we were going to drop a couple of bombs in the middle of season three. And this is sort of—
C.C.: Bomb one.
D.L.: I'd say this is kind of a grenade. The real bombs have yet to come.
C.C.: Right now we are softening up the earth for the big bombs that are going to fall. The B-52 is on its way.

So that's it for now...notice that I didn't say "today"....You never know what could pop up in the comments section...:)
Everyone feel free to post any thoughts you may have in the COMMENTS section....I'd love to hear some feed back about the new forum or about the show or about life, if you want......just do me the solid of attaching your name and place..I'm also building a map to see how far this list goes, just as fun little thing for myself..

Sunday, February 18, 2007

It's the new style

GOOD SUNDAY, LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's right. This is it. The NEW LOST UPDATE.....available long as you have an internet connection....
A lot of you may have questions as to why I've chosen the new forum for the LOST here's my thinking, in a nut shell:
1. I love writing about LOST..all the mysteries, the theories, the love triangles...
2. I like to expound ad nauseam about how LOST ties into my personal life...I sometimes can't help myself...The update is takes a life of it's own sometimes, reading my thoughts and spitting them back out for all of you to enjoy...because of that process, point number..
3. I have these thoughts on a sometimes hourly basis...Instead of a smoke break, I take a LOST break...I write down some quick thoughts and keep them to myself until the next update...WELL NO MORE!!!...If I have a thought, it's going on this anytime of the day or night....
4. COMMUNITY....For far too long, I've led a dictatorship like regime. The thoughts come from one person: ME...I get responses back but not everyone gets to see those comments...I want to encourage a communal relationship with the LFC...I am a benevolent leader...I do my best to decipher information and get it out to the masses but I never know how it's recieved....well, here's your chance.
With this blog, you can ADD your OWN COMMENTS...You disagree with El Prez?!?! Tell me...tell everyone....You have your own theories?!!?! Tell me..tell everyone....It's about feedback and community....
You may have been afraid to REPLY ALL in the past, for fear of clogging up the emails of every person in the more...RISE UP, people!! Make your voices heard!!!!!
The pros far outweigh the cons with this blog. I've thought about the sacrifice of a daily email update...I mean, why go to a website when this stuff comes right to your door??? Because it's the same thing BUT BETTER.....YOU choose when you want to read about LOST, according to El Prez....The information won't be stopping or slowing down...I can literally wake up in the middle of the night and post a blog on some random scary cool is that?!?!
The update will stay the same...It will still be daily...It might even be twice a day or more but it will always be current....
It will be a place where you can go back to a certain update if you had a question, as the blogs are stored daily....
There will be seperate blogs that will be spoiler specific only...You now have the choice of reading these or waiting until you're ready to read them....
There will be discussions about your favorite parts of the show...You can form bonds with fellow LFC members and get your thoughts heard....
Best of all, it's still free..:)
Change is good.
Evolution is inevitable. Pretty soon, we will all lose our little toe because the human race will adapt and never need that little toe...Then we will erect 4 toed statues on remote islands and people will sail around them, wondering what kind of great civilization we were.....
Or this will fail miserably and it will be the ultimate party that no one shows up to...
Time will be the judge...Until then,my fellow LOSTIES...
El Presidente de LFC, the everchanging