Friday, May 9, 2008

And now a word from our sponsors...

This was sent to me by one of the faithful, Steve O...Enjoy!!!!

ABC has found more hours for the final two seasons of "Lost."

The 2009 and 2010 editions of the hit drama will be 17 hours each -- not
16 as previously planned.

ABC has added two hours to the show's production plan because the WGA strike knocked three hours out of the current season. To partly compensate, the network recently added an additional hour to Part 2 of the season finale that airs May 29.

All told, the changes will wrap up the show with the same number of episodes that producers and ABC negotiated last year.

"We were supposed to do 16-16-16," "Lost" co-creator Damon Lindelof said. "But we ended up doing 14 this season, so we owe two."

Lindelof, however, ruled out the show extending beyond the remaining 34-episode order.

"(Executive producer) Carlton Cuse and I worked so hard to get the show to end that I think to suddenly say, 'Oh, I think we got another season in us' would be a betrayal to everybody involved in the show -- but most of all the audience," he said. "It's better to retire your number at the top of your game."

For the upcoming season finale, Lindelof promised a more action-driven cliffhanger instead of the mind-bending flash-forward time shift that stunned fans last season.

"The finale this year will not be as tricky as last year," he said.
"Hopefully, this year it's a little bit more of a straightforward action-adventure narrative. But the ending of the episode will hopefully engage and intrigue people looking forward to the next season of the show."

Lindelof declined to say whether the flash forwards will continue, but did leave open the possibility of the show's main story line on the island catching up with the flash forwards that have taken place on the mainland this season.

"It's very exciting that the audience is going to be wondering when is the present going to be (next season)," he said. "We've moved backward in time, now we've moved forward in time. The present of the show has always been on the island -- that may not necessarily be the case in the future."

When it comes time to air the series finale in 2010, Lindelof said he and Cuse plan to "go into hiding for many, many months" at an "undisclosed location."

"David Chase set a great example when he went off to Paris after 'The Sopranos' ending, which is great because all these people are going to be asking, 'What does it mean? What is it?' " he said. "The fact that there's no one really around to answer that question, it forces people to come up with what they think it means. We can guarantee our show will not end with a cut to black, it will be more clear than that. But whenever anything you love ends ... there's a certain disappointment."

Thursday, May 8, 2008

As it happens...

This is the second time I've ever done this but I have to make up for lost time..or LOST time as it were...Tonight I blog LIVE!!...
Currently it's 9:54 and something angsty and melodramatic is happening on Grey's Anatomy..I know RO, I said those words again, but this is were I am....
This is LOST, According to El Prez, as it happens...
Alright here we go...DANG IT...I picked a bad time to rely on my typing skills...
So there's Emily, John Locke's mom...young and apparently impressionable...her mom says that the dude she's going out with is much older...My guess is that she's referring to the man we've known as Anthony Cooper, Locke's con artist dad...As she ran out, she was hit by a 6 months pregnant..
Now we got Keamy trying to kill Michael and he can't because apparently Mike's work with the island isn't done yet...explain that to the folks on the island who were randomly shot by Keamy...
Horace Goodspeed...find me looks like Horace and the missus built the cabin?? Is Horace Jacob?
Richard Alpert at Locke's hospital..Not the baby's father but what the h-e double hockey sticks is Richard doing at the hospital??? it takes me back to when Locke told Jack that the Island brought them here....This is proof that the people on the plane were definitely chosen....the question is, where they chosen because they've already been through this time loop once? and now there are forces at work that are placing them into the destiny they need to follow?? You can't change destiny
"I used to have dreams"....
drawing of smoke monster in Locke's house..
book of laws..gotta wikipedia that later...
grabbed the knife, Richard was not happy...I guess Locke wasn't really the chosen one...was the same test administered to any of our other LOSTIES?? Are these the type of tests that they made Walt take??
widmore knows where Ben was going...secondary protocol..almost like a script...again, a time loop reference??
Morse code from Daniel going off on Omar's satellite phone...
Mittelos Lab Summer by Richard Alpert, looking for young exceptional minds...John Locke is a man of science?? Wants to be somebody he isn't....very interesting...And Locke convinced Hurley that he would still want to travel with them..Ben complimented Locke and Locke was offended...Ben gets last word: No, you're not...
It was also intersting that Ben said that the leader of the DHARMA initiative wanted them to die...wonder why? is it like Star Wars, where when a Jedi dies, he becomes more powerful?? Oh yeah, the DI was inspired by Star Wars...this is Pop Culture Island!!!
Ben has lost his way, his destiny...consequences ...destiny is a fickle bitch....oops, don't read that last part kids...
Locke has met Matthew Abbaddon, I think that's how its spelled....he's the one who plants the walk about idea in Locke's head...
And when they meet again, Locke will owe him one....

Sorry, I really fell behind..We got Desmond staying on the boat after Keamy killed the captain....and what is Keamy wearing on his arm?? My guess? some type of magnetic repellant, in the event that he comes across the smoke monster again...
And now Locke has found the cabin and who's there to greet him? Christian Shepard...and a creepy Claire...But the big news here is that Aaron can't be on the Island...cause people are coming to destroy it? Or because Jacob wants them to "move the Island"???....
Okay..I may have lost my way, like Ben and Locke before him, but I'm here to tell you...I'm all in now baby!!!! Holy Smokes....this show is unbelievable... and then the last scene of Hurley and Ben sharing the candy bar was priceless....

And now, I've rewound the old DVR and am currently freeze framing the previews for next week...there's a scene in which Kate and Sayid have guns drawn on a man in the jungle..and that man looks to be....Richard Alpert....oh man....this just keeps getting better and better and better..."and they're describing you a the Oceanic 6"....the reveal to the world...but how do they keep the island a secret? and why???
Okay...I'm done for now...I need to go back and watch this again and figure out what I just witnessed...I apologize for the poor grammar, the misspellings and the rambling nature of this update...But it's warm bread...that doesn't make any sense....oh well...
Later..EPdeLFC, JB

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Where will I be in 2010?

I have to admit…..I’m a little jaded by LOST lately….w-w—w-w-wWhat?!?!? Yeah…I know that’s considered a bit treasonous, for a lack of a better word…I mean, you never hear George Bush say he’s disenchanted by America, right?? Even at the end of his tenure in office…heck, I’ve got 2 more seasons and I’m already feeling a little less glossy about the best show on the planet??

I’m not sure what it is…I think it’s because I feel “rushed”…you know, this season was truncated with the writer’s strike and the fact that the show is going to end soon…I miss the old days of not knowing everything...I know, I’s an embarrassment of riches, right? We’ve always had to wait for answers and now they are giving them to us at a faster clip and I shouldn't’t complain…But I will go on record as saying that I never complained about not getting answers quicker..I’ve always enjoyed the chase of the mystery, the thrill of the hunt..nowadays I think I’ll have a mystery to solve and then they turn around and answer it before the show is over…

So now I’m only left with making up theories and waiting for them to shoot them down…I thought I had Michael pegged at time traveling to get on the boat and was rudely slapped with the reality that he did in fact get on the boat less than 2 months after getting off the island….I went looking for mysteries and deception where in fact there were none….Looking back, I say “in fact” way too much….

But let’s talk about last week’s episode for a second….Jack and Kate together at last!!! But wait…Jack can’t be happy…It’s just not meant to be…it’s either the jealousy or the controlling or the bull headed drive to save everyone..Jack is the stereotypical doctor with the God complex….and I think the island is trying to tell him, guess what, buddy? You ain’t all that..and I think I’ll take your appendix to prove it…There is a huge theory going around that Juliet planted some type of device in Jack so that they could track him once he left the island…this is the type of theory I used to get behind but now, as I mentioned above, it’s most likely not the case…there’s no point..we’ve already seen them track Michael and they didn’t put anything into him…except a ton of remorse…

But there was one element of the show that I found to be the fulfillment of one of my deepest, most self respected theories, in that LOST is a reflection of Star Wars….and this week’s episode provided the biggest moment of foreshadowing of any of the past episodes ever….

If you’ve never read my theory on LOST and how it directly ties into Star Wars, then shame on you…I’m sure it’s logged out there somewhere on the internet highway…most likely it’s gathering dust at rest stop or something…Long theory short, Jack is Luke, Kate is Leia and Sawyer is none other than Han Solo….so maybe you can all see where I’m going with this…What did Jack step on in the kitchen? The Millennium Falcon…and then he let out a Sawyer like “sonuvabitch”…so I knew long before the end when Kate tearily told Jack that she was doing a favor for Sawyer, that the Jack and Kate relationship was over….I'm not saying they are brother and sister but I believe that like Luke, Jack has a greater destiny than just a loving relationship...and Han and Leia were such a better may have been the lack of the incest thing...but I digress way too much

Now I don’t know for a fact that it’s over but it doesn’t look well…I mean, this is where Jack starts the pill popping road to ruin…and then he grows a beard, which is kind of a slap to Kate, considering she bought him a razor at the beginning of the show…and we’ve already seen how jacked up poor Hurley is…How is Jack going to get back to the island??? He looks crazy and the only person who agrees they need to go back is Hurley, who IS crazy..but he’s really not…we know he sees Charlie in the courtyard of the loony bin and they talk about things…and now Jack is seeing his dad….wasn’t it interesting that the smoke alarm went off and that’s when Jack sees his dad? Is this a blatant reference to the Smoke Monster? We’ve seen Smokey manifest himself in many ways and it’s this humble writer’s opinion that this is just another sign that Jack’s work with the Island is not done…..

And I will lastly note that it’s going to be a real treat to see Sawyer again in the future, along with his current role of protector of Claire, who was seeing things and has now run off into the jungle(once again), this time, following her father, the one and only Christian Shepard...VERY INTERESTING...but we have to assume that Sawyer is still alive and kicking on the island…especially if Kate still feels the need to do favors for him still…..Maybe, just maybe Kate is seeing people from the island as well..maybe Sawyer…aww there I go again..hoping and wishing on yet another theory..:)

That’s all folks….my hope is slowly being restored…I will inspire the nation once again…I’m no lame duck Presidente..
