Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Return Of El Prez.....

In my infinite excitement, I pasted over my last blog explaining the writers strike and when LOST will come back and blah, blah, blah....

SO just watch the new promo below and get ready for the goosebumps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NEW IMPROVED TRAILER!!!! OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

And so it ends

So here it is: The last episode update of the season. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. In an effort to once again let the LFCers into my brain, I'm about to give you a never before used literary device known simply, as the Play by Play...here goes..

9:00PM-- The show starts. There's a hush in the room because I've just yelled at my betrothed and that cat to ZIP IT. I didn't yell, just sternly voiced...I kid..I love them both very much...
Nice beard on Jack...he always seemed so clean cut in all of his flashbacks....Who's obituary makes Jack break down and want to kill himself?....Ahh Jack the hero, in action!!

9:07PM-- Commercial. The Idol kids are doing some sing along. I think I just saw Smokey Robinson reading the words off of a teleprompter

9:10PM-- Charlie is getting his arse whooped by Bonnie and Greta...Mostly Bonnie...Turns out Ben has been lying to everyone about the Looking Glass Station, even his communications officer Patchy....Makes me wonder if Ben was routing all transmissions through there..That's a lonely existence for Cagney and Lacey....Looks like Juliet has gone rogue..Finally I think she's a good guy...Jin is a helluva shot--Can't hit stationary dynamite but can shoot one guy in the shoulder and one in the leg, while being shot at...

9:16PM--Commercial. Commercial on Idol as well....

9:18PM--Jack's a pill popping drunk....and his ex wife is pregnant....The guy seemingly can't catch a break...good thing he's stranded on an island away from all these problems...I wonder where his dad's at?....Rose delivers the funniest line of the night: If you tell me live together, die alone I'm going to punch you in the face, Jack....makes Jack smile...Back at camp, Bernard folds like a cheap chair and spills the beans on where everyone is headed....Too bad cause Jin was about to take it like a man, Sawyer style....Looks like Ben's world is crumbling....

9:25PM--Commercial..Bathroom break

9:29PM--Ben tells Richard to continue on with the Others to the Temple..I think he's making notes on one of Danielle's maps...odd...Ben says he's going to talk them out of it, the rescue that is...Kate is calling Sawyer out for his odd behavior..Little does she know that Sawyer is dead and there's nothing left but Sweet Baby James, filled with guilt and remorse....She says something about being pregnant and he says Let's hope not..dang, even the cat could tell that was harsh...

9:35PM--Commercial. Apparently I've time travelled back to 2005 cause I see the one and only Chocolate Teddy Bear, Reuben Studdard, singing on American Idol!!! where's Clay?!?!?

9:39PM--Ben is telling Patchy to protect the Island by all means necessary....Bad folks are coming and Ben wants to keep the place a secret...For some reason I'm reminded of the Eagles hit Desperado:
Desperado, oh, you aint gettin no yougerYour pain and your hunger, theyre drivin you homeAnd freedom, oh freedom well, thats just some people talkinYour prison is walking through this world all alone
Is Ben walking through the world alone? Has his focus on getting women to give birth led him astray? Is he trying to redeem his curse that befelled his own mother? She died and now, all women on the Island die before they can give birth....Strange...We see Jack with the shakes...we find out he rescued the boy and his mother from the burning wreckage...Dr Hamill tells Jack to go home..Dr Hamill? Is that a shout out to Star Wars star Mark Hamill aka Luke Skywalker??? I've always said Jack was Luke.....

9:50PM-- I think I missed a commercial cause this part has been nothing but revealing!! Juliet tells Sawyer they were building a runway, which is why he and Kate were busting rocks way back in the beginning of the season. What's the runway for? The aliens....HA..She's funny but lying again..you don't build a runway with out knowing why and who for....wait...is that??.....LOCKE!!!!!!!!!! Alive and well...well not all the way..He's paralyzed in a grave with some corpses..good thing one of them has a gun...oh wait..not a good thing...don't shoot yourself John!!...STOP...who dat?? It's WALT!!! A very aged Walt...apparently the writers have a reason for Walt to be a foot taller, with baby dreads and a deep voice..You have work to do....I'm confused...Is this Smokey again, manifesting into an image Locke will respond to? Is Jacob channeling the image of Walt?...I need a drink....

9:55PM--Commercial..Wait...is that Reuben AGAIN?!?! what the hell is he singing?!? oh Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds...I think he just won American Idol....

9:59PM--Jack attends a funeral that no one else did. When asked "friend or family" he responds "neither"...who's in the box???..well the very next scene is Jack talking to Ben....maybe Ben will ask about the funeral...alas, only a commercial

10:05PM-- Jordin Sparks beats out Reuben Studdard to become the newest American Idol....Blake Lewis beat boxes for food signs being made in the streets...

10:11PM--Patchy starts a killing spree and Desmond shoots him with a spear gun...

10:18PM--Jack is apparently auditioning for Rush Limbaugh's job..Oxycontin, Jack?? really?!? How did your life get so screwed up??...Cut to Jack and Ben's standoff...OK, now Jack's lost it and is beating Ben's bug eyes into the ground..brutal...what if Ben is telling the truth???..Jack tells Tom he's going to come back and kill them all....whoa...

10:22PM-- I realize that I only have 38 minutes left in my term as El Prez..yes, I'm more of a dictator than an elected official but still, the sadness starts to set in...

10:26PM-- This is where my note taking takes a dive...see if you can follow along..Charlie's destiny is fulfilled because the code to the key pad can only be deciphered by a musician...Why, we have one right here!!!

10:28PM-- Hugo to the rescue!! Some hippie van..he mows over Ryan like he's cutting the grass...Sayid breaks the other dudes neck with his dang feet!! and then Sawyer guns down Tom for taking Walt off the raft...remember the line in the jungle??Me and you ain't through, Zeke....truer words have never been spoken...Jack is messed up on the pills..Dr Hamill accuses him of being drunk and Jack screams to bring his father down here..if he's drunker than I am, you can fire me..where is Christian??? and what the h has happened to Jack?? Seriously, shouldn't he at least invest in a beard TRIMMER?...

10:40PM--Charlie dies a brilliant death. A tear was shed when he crossed himself......let me rewind: NOT PENNY'S BOAT!! We saw Penny Widmore! She knows Des is alive but she can't find him....what the..?? Patchy's outside the Hatch!! With a grenade!!!!! aww hell!!! Damn you Cyclops!!!..Locke shows up in timeto kill teh new chick and threatens to kill Jack..Jack makes the call and help is on the way!! But what kind of help?? Was Ben RIGHT?

10:55PM--Jack's finally gotten through to whoever he's been calling..we see his apartment, covered in maps and trash...he tells the person on the other end he'll meet at the spot by the airport....A car pulls up....a Volvo...I don't do Taco night!!! Sonofabi...it's KATE?!?!?
Oh my...we haven't been watching a flash back!!! We've been watching a FLASH FORWARD!!!!!!!!! They're off the Island!!!! OMG and WTF and ICBINB*!!!!!!!....But Jack's upset...back to Jack...Kate's all you look like crap and he's all you look good and she's all what's going on and he's all we shouldn't have left and she's all what? and he's all I've been flying around the world on the Golden Pass, hoping the plane would crash so I can get back...We never should have left, Kate...I have to go Jack, HE doesn't know I'm gone..who's HE?? Sawyer? Jin? Hurley???AAARRGHH!!!!!!
WE HAVE TO GO BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You're dang right we have to go back!! You just told me you are off the Island and something so devastating happened there that you are a drunk, bearded, pill stealing mess!! Where's my Jack???
oh, my brain....You aren't supposed to do this Jack-Locke says....
I'm too spent to speculate...I would look for one more recap of what the heck we just saw and a whole summer's worth of head scratching and questions....The good news is there are only 48 more episodes left..the bad news is that we don't have a new one until February 2008.....
I'm out....for now....
*I Can't Believe It's Not Butter

Sunday, May 20, 2007

I like the way she eats ice cream

My Fellow Losties,
It with all due respect that I apologize for the late posting on "Greatest Hits", the excellent Charlie flashback episode. It's the time of year when I become overly obsessed with the show and I get wrapped up into my own salvation for answers, that I forget that I have a job to do.
That job is helping others find their LOST salvation. I have failed in some aspects but I hope to make amends today.
This is the LAST episode of the season coming up. A 2 hour season finale that will raise more questions and twist more heads than any of the previous. It's always about doing it better than the years before and we know how those ended:
Season 1: The Hatch is opened
Season 2: Jack, Kate and Sawyer are taken
Season 3:???? but soon, we'll all know...
But I'm jumping ahead...Let's talk about last week's episode, shall we?

It started with the "We're going to blow them all to hell" line, delivered late in the game by Jack. I say late in the game because it's been a bit of "where you been, dude??" Now you want us to follow you?? Well here we are, following Jack once again...
It's been 90 days on this place and Jack's back to being the leader....great...prove it..that's all I'm saying.
He's been my favorite since the beginning, but lately he's a sourpuss...I want the old crying Jack back...just my opinion..moving on

This week was Charlie's last..or was it? Desmond tells him that in order for Claire and the baby to be rescued, Charlie has to flip "the switch"...Where ever that is....ahh... but then Sayid has the idea of unjamming a signal that's been holding up the transmissions from leaving the island.
Juliet talks about an underwater hatch named "The Looking Glass" and VOILA! We've got ourselves a mission...It all connects...Juliet is led to believe by Ben that the Looking Glass is flooded. Charlie volunteers and sets in motion the prophecy of Desmond and what hopes to be eventual rescue.
This is what I love about the show: Desmond says he sees Claire and the baby getting on a helicopter. Sounds great right? Wrong...what if it's the real "bad guys"??

How can you say that El Prez, they all cried....Here's why....At the end of last season, Ben told Michael: We're the Good Guys.
Well what if he's right? Yes, all season we've been led to believe that the Others are the enemy and yes, they have done some shady stuff and Ben is the biggest of the shady for his "purge" on the DHARMA folks and shooting Locke and leaving him for dead(notice I said left for dead, not DEAD). But as we all know and can attest to in real life, there's always something more evil lurking out there...Powers that appear to be working for the good of the people can sometimes twist and turn on you in a blink. Absolute power rules absolutely...but I digress, down into my own rabbit hole.....what??
Rabbit hole, you say???? Why, that leads me right back into the meat of the meal: The Looking Glass.

Alice in Wonderland had a sequel book written to it, entitled "Through the Looking Glass". The plot summary, according to the all knowing Wikipedia:
Alice ponders what the world is like on the other side of a mirror, and to her surprise, is able to pass through to experience the alternate world.
Now, I'm not going to jump into that possible theory inducing argument but it really explains some of LOST to an extent. I'll let you all do the research instead of boring you. Suffice it to say that this show has a love of rabbits, a love of Alice in Wonderland and now it's follow up, The Looking Glass. Please note that the DHARMA symbol for the Looking Glass is a rabbit.
It's my belief that this is the writers way of telling us that any theorizing we may have will only be leading us down a rabbit hole of our own....
I will stick to the surface and keep on with last week's episode.

Rock stars....
So we learned that Drive Shaft derived it's name from an old family heirloom. The DS on the ring stood for Dexter Stratton. File that name away as we haven't seen any use of it thus far in the show but it could rear it's head somewhere down the line. It is also not in reference to anyone historically, like John Locke or Desmond Hume, so that tells me it will come back again.
Much like...

Nadia, Sayid's long lost love.
Yes, Charlie saved her from being mugged and she dubbed him a hero. This is no coincidence, I am now convinced.
This all goes back to Desmond and his time travelling abilities. The monk, the old lady in the jewelry shop. These are "plants" or other entities bent on keeping the order to the universe. Yes, this show has stepped into the realm of science fiction so I'll hop along for the ride.
We used to think these "crossings" were mere coincidence but there's something larger at play here. I don't have all the answers but Nadia has popped into Locke and Charlie's back story.
Christian Shepard is the king pin of flashback appearances: Sawyer, Ana Lucia, Claire and Jack of course. There's a connection here folks. This year provided more as we saw Sawyer's spurned love turn up in the same town as Kate. Now that's just wacky....and it can not be a coincidence. I don't believe it. But again, I digress.

Back to the beach and the surprise showing of.....

Rose and Bernard!!! Or should I say, Sniper First Officer Bernard? Who knew that a dentist would be such a good shot??

And yes, this was the most touching moment of the show...If anyone knows me by now, they know how I love to compare LOST to Star Wars and now is no different.
In the grand scheme of things, these two have been the C3PO and R2D2 of LOST, providing the comic relief in an otherwise tense situation. And this week they said their goodbyes, much like that duo did many times...They are buddies for life and it's only a matter of how this all plays out to see if they'll remain friends or if one will be..

Shot by 2 gun-toting underwater ladies?!?!?! What the..? So the Hatch wasn't flooded but was instead manned( or womanned)....Another of Ben's lies, as Juliet thought the hatch was flooded...or did she know that it wasn't???
I still don't trust that lady but dang!! I like the way she eats ice cream!!

Anyway, this week's show is going to out some evil plans, expose some lies and twist some heads...I can not wait and I'm sure that I will talk to you all before then....Oh happy day, the FINALE is upon us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 4, 2007

It's awfully hot down here

If you saw the show, you know this ain't no sack of potatoes....

GOOD FRIDAY, LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you all....I've been trying to wrap my head around what's happening on this dang show...
Let's just recap some key moments from the other night:
Starting with:

Yep..our boy Sawyer finally got his redemption...after carrying that letter around with him for 30 or so years, the numerous cons and the killing of the wrong man, James came face to face with the man who took his childhood from him...and 38,000 dollars....
Personally I would have choked him as well...that scene leading up to him committing the act was Emmy worthy and hopefully Josh Holloway will be recognized for this seasons work...He's paid his dues this season....
Isn't it ironic how Locke played a little con on Sawyer and convinced him to come with him? I also thought it was interesting to see Locke play with some of Ben's tools of manipulation by asking Sawyer about his childhood...re stoking that fire that may have been finally burning out...But Locke knew what he was doing...
The comment "free will" came back again this week.....Ben tried to have Locke kill his father but Locke is no killer, no matter the circumstances..In my opinion, he had more of a reason to kill Cooper than anyone on the planet but Locke knows that doing something like that will forever damn him, in the Island's mind. I see Locke using the Island as his new religion...he's not going to mess up now...He's most likely going to try to restore the place back to where it was before DHARMA came a callin'....
Other things learned:
Jack and Juliet are up to something...The question is: who's side is Juliet on? we may find out next week when Sawyer comes back with the tape recorder...
That whole tape recorder was a set up from somebody...My theory: Ben knew Juliet would betray him, so he had her commit to recording her mission. That tape will plant the seed of doubt amongst the Losties and they'll be divided as to who to follow, Jack or Sawyer....Civil war is a brewin'!!!
Desmond finally had a little pep in his step after Naomi came to and told him her mission. BUT, is all as it seems??? I ultimately trust Sayid's BS meter when it comes to these things....She IS NOT what she seems to be...Her words to Patchy were "I'm not alone"...She also confessed to working for a company that was hired by Penny and she helicoptered out from about 80 nautical miles, from a ship...Was she searching for Desmond or the Hatch??
**I have stated on numerous occasions that the end of last year and those 2 guys in the arctic station were searching for the "anomaly"..They called Penny and told her they found "IT", not "him"....keep an eye out for this one folks, this is more than just some long lost loves...
The "magic box" that Ben referred to a couple episodes back was a metaphor. Don't expect to see an actual box....When Ben told Locke "You brought him here", I think he was talking about finding out what was holding Locke back from being "special"..in a sense, Locke brought Cooper with him emotionally...The Others brought him there physically by causing an accident and dragging him to the island....
Cooper confirmed that the plane was found with no survivors..The cover up smells even more fishy this week than last....stay tuned there as well..
Well that's all for me....Excellent episode and next week's looks to be even better, with some new revelations about the DHARMA Initiative and Ben's back story..Stay tuned!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Sawyer's Tough night

GREAT WEDNESDAY, LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today's post is short and simple:
The Brig
Wednesday, May 2 at 10/9c
Locke tries to persuade Sawyer to help rid them of a great nemesis, and the survivors learn some shocking information about Oceanic Flight 815.

You will not be disappointed!! USA Today has given it 4 out of 4 stars!! They are usually right on the money with their TV ratings.
That's it...I'm done hyping..if you aren't convinced by now, I can't help you....:)

Monday, April 30, 2007

Oh boy

Box go Boom...No touch

GOOD MONDAY, LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can barely contain my glee after reading the press release for this week's episode entitled 'The Brig'...This will be a semi flashback for Locke and what he's been up to lately...As you can see from the picture, he's involved with Sawyer in some capacity and I'll let you all deduce your own conclusions as to WHERE they are on the island, based on the picture.
None of this is spoilerish by the way, if you've seen the previews but for those that haven't, I'll stop with all of that...
I do want to clear up some things from some past episodes and these come from the podcast that Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse do weekly, in support of the previously aired episode and they sort of tease the next episode. I'll stay away from spoilers so feel free to read on:
  • The parachutist's name is Naomi. This has been released in all of the episode summaries available to TV Guide.
  • The survivors are NOT in purgatory. Stop spreading that vile rumor.
  • Naomi's comment about Flight 815 could be read 2 different ways. Either she's lying or like I mentioned last week, it's a cover up...time will tell....
  • Patchy is alive and it's from the fence being at a lower setting in it's sonic state. He did not rise from the dead, regardless of appearance. The question I have is: Is the fence really strong enough to kill someone or just hurt them ridiculously bad??

If you are more than a casual fan, I implore you not to miss this week's episode. It is bound to be the best one of the year.

Also steer clear of the TV Guide magazine: It does contain some spoilers for this year's season finale. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!!

EPdeLFC out!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

5 times more

Okay...Because I've been pressed for time lately, I've enlisted the help of my neighbor's kid, to help me write the update. Basically I tell her what I think and she types it up. I don't have time to proof read it so I hope she gets it right....Later EP

OMG!!!!! It's totally the creepy eye patch guy....ewwww, he still has dried up blood in his ears!!!..GROSS!!! and that jumpsuit has got to be stinky!!! Seriously, this guy needs a bath...it reminds me of Kurt at school and the time he went on that camping trip for like, a month or something and his clothes were all dirty...
Anyway, EP told me that the fence thingy must not have been turned on high or something and that's why Patchy lived...Or maybe he had the same kind of implant that Claire did and he could make blood shoot out of his ears...that is disgusting...
Then Patchy tells The Fellowship of the Parachutists that she'll be better in a day and a half and that "the rules are a little different on this island"...I don't get this show, I swear...that's why none of my BFFs watch it...the Hills is such a better show and the mystery is much more involved..I mean, really..I love LC! She's amazing!!
Anyway...EP wanted to make sure I mentioned this above all else and then I can go back to my homework:
The parachutist spoke in Italian at one point when Patchy was working on her. Apparently the early buzz on the net is that she said "I'm not alone"...so be on the lookout for some other parachutists, I guess....
Oh and the fact that she said Flight 815 was found and that everyone was dead didn't impress EP much. He said that any company that secretly funds an island of research, owns a sub and an airplane facility easily has enough money to fake a plane crash....where they came up with the dead bodies isn't much of a mystery either considering they probably just robbed a morgue....
That was it...there were a few moments when I LMAO and then I was like, WTF? but all in all, I can't wait until next week....Deuces, peeps!!!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Catch 22

Now THAT is a terrible way to die.............

GOOD THURSDAY, LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today's first update will be brief. I want to hit on the big ideas from last night and then, hopefully, when I return to headquarters, I can sit down and write a proper theory on TIME TRAVEL and Future events..
First, do you all recall the season finale of last year? Specifically the 2 Portuguese fellows in the Arctic station who detect the "anomaly" and alert Penny Widmore?
Well guess what? She found the place...at least all signs point to that. First piece of evidence was the book and title of last night's show, "Catch-22". The parachutist had a Portuguese version of it in her bag, along with the picture of Des and Penny, which could of course, be the biggest clue of all, if she hadn't murmured Desmond's name after he pulled her helmet off.

Speaking of which, that's a pretty intense outfit for a parachutist and most likely leads to her coming from a VERY HIGH altitude. I'm no master of parachuting but I've seen it on TV. I believe you have to fly pretty high to have to be assisted by an helmet and oxygen supply. The helicopter sound was very interesting as well and I'm hoping more will be illuminated on that.

The other big thing from last night was the picture on the monk's desk, when Des handed in his robe. My good buddy, Jon at the TailSection website, had a great screen capture, so all credit goes to him for publishing.

Now the question for later is, what does this mean? Are there forces outside of this determining Desmond's path? If so, what are their intentions? Saving humanity by forcing Des down the path to turning the key? Are there other time travelers, like the monk and the old lady? Are they good? Or EVIL?
Too many to ask right now, but ask them I shall!!!!
But later...

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Somewhere, out there, Sara Neal just got the "willies"......

GOOD TUESDAY, LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today's LOST lesson is ANAGRAMS. Anagrams are defined as :A word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase.
LOST is absolutely famous for these...Why just look above at the picture of Ethan. When asked his name by Hurley, he said Ethan Rom, which can be rearranged to spell "Other Man", which is what he turned out to be...an Other...pretty creepy and cool, eh?
Let's take a look at another possible anagram from this week's Juliet episode. We know Juliet was courted by Mittelos Bioscience.

Mittelos can be rearranged into "LOST TIME". I wouldn't think much of that, except that Richard Alpert(I need to correct this from yesterday, in which I called him Mr. Halpert, which was me channeling Jim Halpert from the Office..:)), said that Time seems to fly by where they are going(the Island)...This kind of wording leads me into a theory about time moving much slower on the island, versus what's happening in the real world...I don't have any strong proof, just speculation based on interviews and really straight hearsay, so I'll leave that alone until the time is right...
Another anagram is the plane company Richard Alpert and Ethan were using, Herarat Aviation.

Herarat by itself could rearrange to Earhart, as in Amelia Earhart, the famed female pilot who's plane mysteriously disappeared, oh so many years ago, kind of like Flight 815.....
Or you could put Herarat Avaition all together and get A Variation Earth, which could imply that the Dharma Initiative was working on recreating a better earth and the Others are fulfilling that mission...who knows??
Lest you all worry about my mental health, I culled this information from the world wide web. I love my LOST spoiler sites and I greatly enjoy the info I find on there, so I thought I'd share. All the credit goes out to those like me who strive to find every last little mystery there is on this show. I applaud them all.
Just for fun, I decided to throw my own name into an anagram decipher system...Jason Brown can be arranged to Worn Banjos..which is close to Used Guitars, which is my Indian name, so take these things for what they're worth. It's not an exact science..:)

Monday, April 16, 2007

We all arrive in a yellow submarine...

2 guys and a girl...

GOOD MONDAY, LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yeah!! EP is back in tha hizzy!!!!.....The vacation has officially landed back in the States and it's time to get back to business....
Let's get right to it..No time for gabbing..
"One of Us" was full of big time reveals. Let's set them out straight:
1. Juliet was brought to the island in the submarine. She was given a tranquilizer because, according to Mr. Halpert, the ride can get a little bumpy.
When Juliet comes to on the sub, Ethan informs her that the last leg is always the hardest. I think this is in reference to the Islands strong magnetic force. By coming in under water, they can circumvent the force field. That's my theory.
2. The women on the island all die when giving birth. Not for the lack of the Other's trying to keep them alive, I would say. Obviously, they wouldn't keep sacrificing their own, just to get a baby. Which means that they wouldn't have let Claire die when they had her. But Alex seemed to think that she would suffer the same fate, so she helped get her free.
Juliet seemed to think the problem was at conception, which doesn't bode well for our newly pregnant Sun. Unless of course, we all believe that she did in fact get pregnant from her lover and not Jin. We'll see soon enough, I can promise you that.
3. "Jacob" was referenced again. This time Ben told Juliet that Jacob would cure her sister's cancer. And then Ben said, "Unless you don't have faith in Him", which caused Juliet to pause. This means to me, that Jacob is alive and well and on the island and Juliet has met him.
I have my theories as to who I think Jacob is but I'll hold them back for now. It seems so obvious to me that it can't be valid. So I'll wait.
4. Juliet has a great back.

And Goodwin has been appreciating it along with some homemade ice cream. Now I'm really glad he met the end of a really sharp stick via Ana Lucia.
5. Juliet discovered that Ben had a tumor. Ben promised that he could have her siter's cancer cured. Ben was surprised. Juliet threw a fit and thereby, kicked Ben out of the book club. So much for a previous love affair. We now see that she had a valid reason to hate Ben, or at least be mistrustful of him.
I thought it was interesting that Ben swore on his word to Juliet. He was very offended to be called a liar. It's just interesting because we know how he likes to play his mind games.
6. The Others really had some great communications with the outside world. Live direct feeds, cable TV...pretty cool stuff.
7. And finally the big reveal at the end that Juliet was in cahoots with Ben the whole time.

They had this thing planned down to the last detail, save one. I really don't think they know who Desmond is. He arrived on the island through a back door somehow and was rescued by Inman. And then he lived there for 3 years. I wonder if he arrived on the island the same day that Juliet did via the sub??? I'm willing to bet that that's exactly what happened.
There's a whole time loop thing that I have explored previously and it's starting to rear it's weird little head again. I'll save it for another time but I really feel like it's an issue we will have to explore.
So let's just review some things that have happened over the last couple of episodes. If you read between the lines and look big picture, this season has been so revelational that it warrants some deeper analysis.
Let's talk about the "implant" that made Claire sick. The Others were able to trip it, causing her to feel sick and more importantly: BLEED FROM THE HEAD. It's hard to see but blood came shooting out of her nose. That's funny. Didn't blood come shooting out of someone else on the island a couple of weeks ago???? That's right: Mikhail, aka Patchy.
Dollars to doughnuts, that one eyed Russian is alive and well.
Remember that the Others are MASTERS of deception. They wear costumes to throw the survivors off, they conned Sawyer into thinking his heart had a bomb placed in it(ooohhh the Rabbit! Remember Ben shaking it until it "died"?..more proof!)
In that vain, I want you all to think of how Nikki and Paulo died. They were bitten by a spider that could paralyze one so convincingly, that that person appeared dead.
Put on your thinking caps and hop in the time machine. Who else has been dead on this show from NO mortal wound??? I'll give you a hint. He liked the sauce. He was on a bender. In Australia. And he was in a body bag. And his son was trying to get his body on the plane. And his son found his casket. And the casket was empty.
Christian Shepard, Jack's dad.
This is all speculation folks but think about that episode of Nikki and Paulo. It served no real purpose but to tell a moral story, right? Greed is bad. Okay, fair enough. But it's the between the line stuff that is leading me down this path.... Fake death. Faked death and or sickness....The signs are there, it's just a little foggy.....Have we seen the last of Christian Shepard? Is he in fact, alive and well?And if so, in what capacity?
That's a pretty big thinker and I feel good enough about it to leave it sitting there for all to enjoy..:)
That's how I roll...

Friday, April 6, 2007

Back again for the first time

Hello. My name is Juliet. And I am a bad a$$....
GOOD FRIDAY, LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I actually mean that...
Let's talk about "Left Behind", episode 15 for season 3....We have 8 more episodes left for this year and they are rounding the bend and as I like to say: Business is about to pick up!
Let's start with the obvious. As I made mention earlier in the week, there was a major "crossing". Kate and Cassidy.
Like a modern day Thelma and Louise, except without Brad Pitt and they didn't blow anything up..But they did however, unwittingly, sleep with the same man....Sawyer gets around. I'll be the first to say it. The guy has seriously been with 5 women since the show came on...The writers are certainly playing him up as a rabble rouser, which is different than razzle dazzle but I digress...
Cassidy helps Kate ask her mom why she turned her in. Turns out it was love. I think we are finally getting the answer to what Kate really did. Yes, she blew up her father and yes, she robbed a bank to get a toy plane that belonged to her childhood sweetheart, who was killed trying to help her escape. Yes..my baby's done a bad, bad thing.
The point is that her actions have caused serious harm to those involved. And her actions, which she thought were altruistic, were actually selfish and beneficial only to her own motives. She didn't like her stepdad because he beat her mother. Who would?? But she took justice into her own hands and commited a sin. MURDER.
She tried to see her mom again in the hospital, to appeal to her mom that she killed Hank for her mother's well being and in the end, caused another person to die. I'll attribute that to GREED.
I'm mixing my sins with my 10 commandments but Locke had it right.
the short of it, is that Kate isn't a good person. She has done some pretty awful stuff. Locke's admission that the Others weren't very forgiving was interesting. I guess they are forgiving of someone who caused two of their people to die(pushing one through a sonic fence)...I think we may actually see that Patchy ain't dead...It would absolve Locke from murder, or maybe Ben gave him immunity for an island information exchange. Whatever it was it brought up two things to note:
Locke's hand was bandaged. So we may see some back story as to what happened right after he saw his dad tied up in the room to when he talks to Kate.
The other thing was Locke saying "I don't want to go home". Locke has become an Other. Whether he'll be as evil as they seem to be or if he's using them to gain some more insight into the island remains to be seen.
It is my opinion that Left Behind has a bunch of different meanings. One is that there was a trade on the show: Juliet for Locke. An other for the others, if you will. Both could be seen as pulling some "long cons". The fact that the episode actually referred to a person that was involved in a long con(Cassidy) sets the idea in motion. Locke is using the Others to find out more about the Island and Ben is using Juliet to find out more about the survivors of 815.
It's all about the mind games.
Juliet is wicked tough
So let's talk about good old Juliet. She was left behind. Don't feel sorry for her. She's not to be trusted and as far as I can tell, she may be the second in command after Ben. She seems to be at his side for the most part. I think she may have made a deal with the devil and now it's all coming down to her doing her part. We'll find out next week.
Wouldn't t be interesting if the Others didn't view death as a bad thing? Especially killing someone in the interest of promoting their cause? Think about this: Suppose the Others are working towards something that we'll call "The Greater Good". Basically saving the world. To die for that cause would be totally acceptable because of the BELIEF. So Juliet shoots Danny with what we consider zero remorse. She doesn't feel bad about it. It's part of the PROCESS. The belief that when he's killed, he's been killed for the greater good. He may have actually been happy to die. Perhaps they believe that when they die, they are actually able to leave the island and return to the REAL WORLD.
I'm not saying this is purgatory and redemption gets you out of it. I'm swinging more towards reincarnation. Or being thrown back to the beginning of your life. Like Desmond. He should have died when he turned that key. Instead it looks like he was given another chance.
So imagine that when Patchy shot Mrs. klugh and then Locke pushed Patchy into the fence, they were all acting for the greater good. Locke was a little less informed but his intention was the same: Preserve the greater good.
The island. All of this is to protect whatever the island represents. Whether it is an actual "magic box" is to be determined. But suppose it's the kind of place where you can be anything you want. Take Juliet as a case in point. A meek, walked all over lady transformed to kick butt, tough as nails, steely reserve woman. The island made her that way. She's had her shoulder dislocated 4 times??? Doing what?
I'm getting way off track...Let's circle back to the show and Mr Smokey....was he taking pictures of Juliet and Kate as they were hiding in the tree? remember Eko's first encounter with Smokey? The flashes were his memories. I would like to beleive that's what we saw this past week as well. Smokey was taking some mental notes on one of those 2 and my money is on Juliet.
Let's not forget Smokey doesn't seem to like PRIDE. And Juliet looked mighty defiant on the other side of that fence..I think that's the tell to this episode. We're made to believe that Kate is the bad one that Smokey is after but it could be Juliet. You think she hasn't stood on the other side of that fence before and looked at that thing?? And if it can rip trees out of the ground and hover and fly around, why couldn't it go OVER the fence like Kate and the gang did 2 episodes ago? Very odd.....
So next week it's back to the beach, with Juliet in tow....
We'll see how she got there and I'm interested in the line:
Juliet:If I told you everything, you'd kill me.
Sayid: What do you think I'll do if you don't?
I personally don't think Sayid will do anything but who knows? maybe he's had enough of this bs..:)
That's all for me...I'm out of the country on some diplomatic affairs all of next week and then I'll be back. Rest assured that when I come back, there will be a full on assault on next week's episode: One of Us

Friday, March 23, 2007

GOOD THURSDAY, LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry but I just couldn't resist putting this first!! Not a pleasant way to go but I nearly messed myself when Locke just looks at the rest of them and says "Sorry"....
So let's jump right into it..Why did Patchy say Thank you?..because after he shot Mrs. Klugh last week, he was about to shoot himself and Locke stopped him. when Sayid had the gun on him, he told Sayid to Finish it!..But Sayid did not....
So why would you so willingly want to kill yourself? Why put your own life behind a cause? and what would that cause be??
It must be something special to be so willing to lay your life down for it.....perhaps there's something waiting for these "others" in the next life...I dunno...we'll wait and see, I suppose...

Isn't it funny that Claire worked in a tattoo parlor and Jack just had an episode that talked about his tattoo??? NO??? is it just me?..:)
So Jack and Claire are half siblings...not a big shock..more coincidence, if you ask me...until I started thinking about it....There's a couple of things: Jack is Claire's baby uncle(not to be confused with baby daddy)...I don't know the significance of this, other than he's been treating his nephew for rashes and the such...The bigger thing is the man responsible for both Jack and Claire's existence: Christian Shepard. I feel like we've seen more of him than some of the living people on the island. There has to be a reason behind that. I feel very strongly that Papa Shepard is linked to DHARMA and maybe even the others in some capacity. I don't have an answer but I do have suspicion..and I will wield that like a sword until proven otherwise...

Leap froggin'

An intense game of leap frog is about to begin..

GREAT WEDNESDAY. LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Par AvionWednesday, March 14 at 10/9c
Claire becomes suspicious of Charlie's peculiar behavior, while tensions mount between Sayid and Locke.

I really don't need to say more....As each week progresses we will be learning more and more about what this island is all about, what the Others are really up to and what happened to Jack...ABC is showing a promo commercial(it aired this morning on Good Morning America) that shows Jack at a piano of all things...I don't want to tell you guys what I've read but suffice it to say that some stuff is really going to start happening very fast. I can only promise to do my best and deliver all the information and hidden clues in a timely manner..Listen closely tonight to all the conversations between Patchy and his captors, some of the stuff I've seen in enlightening....
Later folks!!!

The Ramblings of a mad man

The following post is an example of how I spend my free time...These are two theories I had posited online at a LOST fan website....People seemed to like the theories and I wanted to share them with all of you...Mostly because I like them and mostly because you all know how crazy obsessed I am...:)


Think of the success of the DaVinci Code(the book, not the movie). They were applying actual events to the story of Christ' time on Earth. Suppose our LOST creators have stumbled upon a story telling device that would let them explain the creation of man, but in a scientific way.
In the real world,as much as they're finding Christ's bones in a tomb to finding Noah's Ark in the Himalayas, who's to say that the Garden of Eden couldn't be discovered? And using that train of thought, what if our LOST creators found a way to intertwine Bible stories with today's events?
When Adam and Eve ate the fruit of "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil", they became aware. God was worried that they would continue to partake of the tree and feared they would become immortal. So he booted their asses and set up a cherubim to guard the Garden. This information was gathered from the all knowing wikipedia.
What if the island is the Garden of Eden? what if Ben is a descendant of Adam and Eve? Mix him in with the Dharma Initiative folks and after the purge, you're left with a group who's mission it is to protect the island. What if the Dharma Initiative found a way to circumvent the cherubim(Smokey) and figured out a way to gain immortality from the island's powers? Ben and his people lay the smackdown on them and it's their sole mission to protect the island.
Another fun fact(thanks to wikipedia) is the name Samael. It is believed that this Angel of Death was the one who tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden. He is also associated as the angel who wrestled Jacob, back in the day(a Wednesday) as he was returning to Canaan to submit his loyalty to his twin brother Esau. It was said that the angel was either God himself or an angel(Samael) and that he was Esau's guardian angel. Bad Twin, anyone?

I've been remembering all of my Sunday school teaching and I think the writers of this show have some serious credit to give when this thing is all said and done....Check out this theory:In my latest musings, I have compared the Island to the Garden of Eden..Actually Eden was the place and the tree that Adam and Eve ate from was in the garden...So the island is Eden...If that's the case, Adam and Eve had children(Cain and Abel are the most popular) but they had to have female offspring as well...Which means that after Cain killed Able, he ran off with his sister and they sired some children. Those kids had to marry each other and have kids..Incestuous and inbred? You got it!! But theoligists claim that this wasn't as inbred as it seems. Adam and Eve were creations of God, perfect in every way, pure bloods. The further the lineage splits from the core, the less perfect the offspring become, which leads to babies with birth defects or anyone from West Virginia....I KID! I KID! I swear....anyhoo, that all sets up my theory that the Others can't concieve their own children..Technically they are all related. The lineage is moving further from the purity...This is when the Dharma folks showed up..All that hippie love caused some real problems, as I believe the Dharma folks were comingling with the Island folks and having some messed up kids. You need look no further than the Nephilim. These were angels cast out of heaven who saw the daughters of man from heaven and wanted to get busy with them. This led to giants and other weird stuff, so God decided to squash the whole thing and came up with the flood. He left Noah and his family and all the animals in 2's to rebuild the world.So my point is, what if the same thing "happened" on the island? The Dharma folk(The Nephilim) came, screwed up the lineage, Jacob(God on the island) led a group of others on a flood like mission(the purge) and now all that's left are the pure bloods....

Monday, March 12, 2007

North by Northwest

My name is Claire...Goth Claire

GOOD MONDAY, LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have to apologize to the LFC....I have been getting into massive theory debates with other LOST enthusiasts on the web during the time I generally set aside to write the updates....I promise to get back on the scene with some good updates, starting with today...
I don't want to spoil Wednesday's episode but ABC is hyping a connection between two of the Losties on the island...Suffice it to say, I published the aforementioned connection in a LOST update, a long time ago...Think of when Christian Shepard, Jack's pop went to Australia with Ana Lucia....He went to a place in the middle of the night, demanding to see his daughter....I'll leave it at that....Draw your own conclusions but like I said before, this was previously discussed last season...For the new people in the LFC, I'll let you use your powers of deduction to finish the spoiler..All the information you need is in this update....Connect the dots...
This week's episode is "Par Avion" a Claire flashback....It's back to the beach as Claire discovers a possible way off the island....Look for Sayid and company to still be traveling North by Northwest with Patchy and Danielle....Some illuminating conversation between Patchy and Kate that I found fantastic!!!
Speaking of Patchy, aka Mikhail Bakunin....On his desk at the Flame station, there was a typewriter set up...There were some documents written in Russian that Locke picked up. A screen capture is below. This document details someone named Andre and his time in Afghanistan...In the red, it says "My name is also Andre"...Remember Patchy told a story of being in Afghanistan...is it likely that perhaps he is trying to pass off someone else's story as his own? Perhaps, he and Mrs. Klugh, aka Bea were at the Flame to try to get the satellite up and running. They concocted a story in the event that they were discovered? Possibly..look for more to come to light in this week's episode...

Special thanks to LFC member Dan Miller and his daughter Alina for the translation help!!! It's nice to have such great resources!!

That's it for today! Check back tomorrow and as always, this update will be archived on the WWW.....

We need more cowbell

Writing updates is a challenge I greatly accept but I have to be honest..with a show like LOST I never know what kind of format to put it...I wish I could find one and stick with it...Is it chronological, using the commercials as a break in chapters? or is it flashbacks first? Or is it geographical, with beach stuff, The Flame Station stuff or other stuff? It can be quite daunting and confusing to you, the readers....
I guess I'll just go with my gut...which is a sizeable task, if you knew what my gut looked like..:)

The following is part Episode detail, part Theory and all Crazy...Based on what we saw last night I have new theories about Dharma, the Others and the Hostiles..Let's dive right in...
We need more cowbell....

Now we know where Jack's hamburger came from...Bessie was out grazing at the same time as Sayid, leading him to The Flame station and the mysterious "Patchy"...

If he is to be believed, his real name is Mikhail Bakunin(this was not pulled from my extensive understanding of Russian, but from the ABC website that lists special guest stars)..The highlight about his name is that it's much like other names on LOST and it has a reference to the past. The REAL Mikhail Bakunin(according to my favorite site of all time,Wikipedia):(May 18 (30 N.S.), 1814June 19 (July 1 N.S.), 1876) was a well-known Russian revolutionary, and often considered one of the “fathers of modern anarchism".
Anarchy...fitting, considering the turmoil he caused in this episode alone....Patchy had a Russian accent and told a great story about being the last surviving member of the Dharma Initiative. After he was released from the Russian army, he saw an ad in the newspaper about 'saving the world". That was 11 years ago. He spoke of the war or "purge" that occurred between the "Hostiles" and The Dharma group. He was allowed to live as long as he didn't cross the line. The hostiles took 2 cows and he never saw them again.

The Flame Station had a satellite dish on the roof. Patchy described the station as the "hub". All of the communications come through the hub and circuit back out to the other stations. Here's instant internet access!! And possibly cable TV!! However, since 'the sky turned purple', communication with the mainland has been down. It hasn't cut the power though because Patchy had a lamp on and ice in the fridge. My Al Gore like hope is that the island is "green" and is self sustained on solar energy, with the exception of power needed to make the communications devices work.

Theory: the Swan station was the power plant. The electromagnetic anomaly that needed to be discharged every 108 minutes was also the source of power for all the Dharma Initiative projects and hatches. It also powered the equipment that enabled the island to communicate with the outside world. Think of it as an amplifier or booster. But it wasn't the only source of power. It would make sense from a hippie, Mother Earth News sort of way for the Dharma Initiative to have solar or wind energy as an alternative power supply. That would sustain all the power the stations or barracks need. Once Desmond turned the fail safe key and blew the power station up, the booster was underpowered and ceased to work.

The booster not working is confirmed by Locke's playing of the chess game. Once the chess game is beaten, Dr. Marvin Candle comes on the screen with a series of protocol situations and numbers. For a food drop, press whatever. For mainland communication press 38. When Locke presses 38, he's informed that it failed due to the system being down. For sonar something or the other, press whatever. When Locke tries this, he's informed that it failed as well and if there has been an incursion by the hostiles, enter 77. Before he can do that, he's stopped but I'm getting ahead of myself...

Theory: Patchy has been playing chess and giving the outside world the impression that the Dharma Initiative is still up and running. This can be confirmed by the food drop that happened last season, which by the way, won't be happening anytime soon due to the booster being dead. Slow down on consuming all the Dharma Oat bars, Paulo!!! Now that the communication is dead, it's just a matter of time before someone on the mainland recognizes that something's amiss and sends a search party, right? Except here's the next problem with the Swan station being killed: The sonar ping is gone. The submarines that have been traveling to and fro won't have a point of registry. Which could cause some serious problems....

Now you've got Locke carrying out the mission of destroying the Flame station because the computer told him to...How cool was it seeing Locke smile after he beat the chess game? I think Locke has been playing Dungeons and Dragons or other role playing games for quite some time(think back to his box company days) and now he's living one out....He's approaching the island as one giant game with each task getting him to the next level....

And next week we see another daunting task. The security fence. Is this to keep people out or something else out? Something "smokey" perhaps???? We'll have to wait and see....

This last episode was chocked full of cool things and I'll need to watch again to really dive into it...I have a major theory that's shared with a few other theorists across the net that I'll be publishing soon.....Stay tuned for that...

It was good to see the folks at the beach having some fun...It's an interesting dichotomy that they can be playing ping pong and Sayid and crew are getting shot and in fist fights...that's what I love about this show..you get all kinds of different action!
That's all for now...check the website over the weekend for some other ramblings and musing.....

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

on the 8 track

Sayid and Kate raid the file cabinets at Dunder Mifflin....

GREAT WEDNESDAY, LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
El Prez is back in the building!!!! I had to take some time off, do some traveling and see the folks...All is good in my hood, how about you!?!?!
Enter 77Wednesday, March 7 at 10/9c
Locke, Sayid and Kate investigate a strange structure and its mysterious inhabitant

Well, that sounds promising!! Don't expect the feel good story of last week...Tonight is all about intrigue and island lore. We may find out more than we expect about the Dharma Initiative and the Others....one and the same??? Tune in and you may find out.....

As for last week's episode, one little tidbit I didn't really touch on: The Song
It was playing at the beginning of the episode on the boom box and then it was also the same song on the 8 track in the van.
The Road to Shambala by 3 Dog Night.
Check out what Wikipedia had to say about this...Very Interesting, with a capital I...
The song is about the mythical kingdom of Shambala, said to be hidden somewhere within or beyond the peaks of the Himalayas and mentioned in various ancient texts including the Kalachakra Tantra and ancient texts of Tibetan Buddhism.[6]
Shambala is also a theme in
Sufism and it is through this tradition that the notion of Shambala became the song discussed. Songwriter Daniel Moore became a Sufi in 1970.[1]
The lyrics refer to a situation where
kindness and cooperation are universal, joy and good fortune abound, and psychological burdens are lifted:
Wash away my troubles,
wash away my pain
With the rain in Shambala
Wash away my sorrow,
wash away my shame
With the rain in Shambala
[...]Everyone is helpful,
everyone is kind
On the road to Shambala
Everyone is lucky,
everyone is so kind
On the road to Shambala
[...]How does your light shine,
in the halls of Shambala?

While the lyrics include the refrain "in the halls of Shambala", much of the song actually refers to "the road to Shambala", perhaps alluding to the idea of Shambala not as a physical place but as a metaphor for the spiritual path one might follow.[6]

Now, say what you will about last week's episode being more about Hurley's faith but this song is pretty damn leading when it comes to the world of LOST.....Read into it what you will..It could be an answer to certain mysteries or it could just be a feel good Hippie song that sums up the Dharma Initiative folks....That's what I love about this show...You never know what to expect...
Enjoy the show tonight folks!!! See you tomorrow!!

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Little Miss Sunshine

Damn Hippies....
GOOD THURSDAY, LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a show! It had a little bit of everything in it......here we go:

Hurley was a skinny kid. Before his dad left him, he gave him a candy bar. I guess that set into motion Hurley's weight issues. But his dad did leave him with one thing that came back: You make your own luck. Hurley was able to break free of the "curse" of the numbers and he found a little HOPE and FAITH, which, ironically was the name of that Kelly Ripa sitcom that ABC cancelled....at least I think they cancelled it...I saw it once..they should have cancelled it right away...

This shot of the meteor(or astroid) destroying Mr. Clucks was awesome!! It was on par with Heroes this week, for best visual effect...Those who watch Heroes know what I'm talking about...It was good to see Randy Nations, Hurley's boss turned employee...LOST TIDBIT: Randy also was Locke's boss at the box company. Who's willing to bet that Hurley got him that job, since Hurley owned the box company?? a little nugget there for you to chew on...it's delicious!

So Hurley finds a van and one Mr. Roger Workman, aka Skeletor. I swear Sawyer had some of the best lines of his career last night and then Hurley hit him back with a few pop culture references of his own..."Dude, that beer's been there since Rocky 3..Or Rocky 2.."...HA!!

Sawyer and "Jinbo" got hooked on phonics and shared a very endearing moment. I think the stuff that these two guys have been through has formed a bond that may not be broken. Way back when they got on the raft, Sawyer called Michael and Jin "Han and Chewie", a reference to Star Wars and the unspoken communication that Han Solo and Chewbacca had. Now I've always maintained that Sawyer was Han Solo, which would make Michael more of a Lando Calarissean....I always assumed that Lando and Chewbacca had a backstory and more history than Chewie and Han...I think it had to do with Lando moving on and becoming the Cloud City mayor or whatever, leaving Han and Chewie to their more mercenary ways...Much like Michael left Sawyer and Jin...sorry..my analogy went a little tangent-ish....

In the van, Sawyer discovers that Roger was part of a DHARMA road services program...Adopt a Highway that Doesn't exist yet...I loved it when Hurley said he was on a beer run....which he could have been..It would explain why he flipped the van and died..Don't drink and drive, even if you're on an island with no one else around...

But realistically(and I use that term loosely, seeing as how this is a TV show), why would you have a VW van on an island? It doesn't really seem all that terrain worthy...I would think a Jeep would have been more appropriate..either way, it sets up for a great flashback..Imagine if Roger was actually Gerald DeGroot, the founder of DHARMA...say he was drunk and trying to get out for a bit..go grab some beer from the Swan Station, threw on Roger's jumpsuit and then perished...No one finds him, the DHARMA initiative fails, everyone leaves(except the true believers, the Others) and many years later, he's discovered by our Losties....That's how I would write it..because of a drinking binge, the whole thing failed....

Let's see..what else happenned?...Charlie decided to join Hurley and laugh in death's face...I would be easy tempting fate, Charlie Pace.....all your past sins will come back to haunt you...Everyone please remember that it was Charlie who attacked Sun in her garden..It was Sawyer who put him up to it so I think it's very possible that will come out eventually..Atone for your sins....

Kate went off to get help....Sayid and Locke followed and told her that they found something at Eko's funeral. The way the sun hit Mr. Eko's stick gave them a compass bearing..This is important because way back in season 1, Locke gave Sayid his compass, basically because it didn't work...that may have to do with the large magnet they are all sitting on..SO the sun shined down, shone down?, shine downed?..whatever and pointed out where north was...And then Rouseau popped out of the woods...I swear this woman sleeps standing up....Kate tells her about Alex, so now we have some new drama...I guess Kate feels guilty about leaving Jack, or sleeping with Sawyer or drugging her husband and running away...any way you slice it, she's going to get Jack back....I hope when she gets to Othersville, she stumbles upon Jack and Juliet having a picnic in Juliets back yard....this show has been missing a good cat fight...:)

Well that's my two cents...I'll re read this later and realize that I left out something big but I have the power to POST and will if needed....

Next week's episode is going to be intense!!! It is a Sayid flashback, entitled "Enter 77"..If you pay attention to the preview, there's a voice that says "Manual overide complete. For mainland communication, enter 38"....AHH yeah!!!! The plot thickens!!!!!

Tell me what you think LOSTIES!!! Click comments and let the brouhaha begin!!!!



Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Earmites have stolen all the bread

Hurley has a bad experience with Clairol

GREAT WEDNESDAY, LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
El Prez has been burning up the campaign circuit, looking for those extra voters for the next election...it's never too early....
Before we jump into the update, I would like to announce a contest of sorts....
That's right..I am extending the offer to one of you awesome LFC members to have YOUR OWN words and opinions published here on this blog. There are no rules but let's set a few guidelines:
No curse words.

That's pretty much it....if you are interested, we can start tomorrow. Tell me what you liked about tonight's episode in 200 words or less and I will publish it on this site and for the readers around the world!
You can enter by 2 different means: In the Comments section at the end of this blog or you can send me an email at: elprezdelfc@gmail.com
We're all interested in this great show and here's a chance for all of us to be heard. Please participate and join the fun!!!

Onto to tonight's show:
Season 3: Episode 10 - "Tricia Tanaka Is Dead"02/28/2007

Hurley's discovery of an old, wrecked car on the island leads him on a mission of hope not only for himself, but for a fellow survivor in need of some faith. Meanwhile, Kate and Sawyer reunite with their fellow castaways, but Kate is still torn about leaving Jack behind with "The Others."

This is episode 10 of 22...we are almost at the halfway point and the pace is about to pick up....I am excited!!! of course, I'm always excited but that's my burden to bear...
See you tomorrow!!!

Monday, February 26, 2007

That's a mighty fine looking banjo

I was gonna make a joke about a bear in the woods, but I'll keep it clean....

GOOD MONDAY, LOSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Oscars are over and now it's time for LOST to rule ABC's promotional spots for the rest of the year. Congrats to all the winners and for the Academy finally giving Scorcese his due...

ONTO the show:

This week:

"Tricia Tanaka Is Dead"

Wednesday, February 28 at 10/9c
Hurley discovers a wrecked car on the island and uses it on a mission of hope.
According to my sources, this episode is going to be laugh out loud funny and get out your Kleenex sad. Look for the mythology of the island to be left alone for this episode and don't hold out hope that you'll see any Others. This is all about the big fella ,Hugo...

There will NOT be an encore episode of last week's show before the new one, like ABC has done the past 3 weeks. ABC is starting to get their spring programming in order but still fail to give LOST a companion show that could help it in the ratings. As it stands now, LOST is still the number one scripted show for it's time slot and it leads the pack in the ever important demographic, the coveted 18-34 age group. When it comes to ratings, it's no Grey's Anatomy(don't get me started on that debacle...Izzie's speech 2 weeks ago was the worst moment of television so far this year..." I believe that blahblahblahablah...."...uck!!) which pulls in 26 million viewers a week. LOST is currently at 12.9 million.....No fear of cancellation, no matter the grumblings of a few who find the show to be a little slow so far this season. Let's not forget that it was about this time last year that the show really started to pick up....I have no doubt that the show will continue to gain momentum and then leave us wanting a lot more by the season finale...

There is a moment coming up that will solidify Niki and Paulo's status on the show. A lot of people had been grumbling about their impromptu introduction as background characters(where have these 2 hotties been hiding out??..not my words..)...well in an upcoming episode, they will be explained and it's sure to be a shocker...I have a theory about this and will offer it up once we get closer to that particular story line...if what I think is right, it's sure to be a turning point in the show....

And now, if I could, I'd like to promote another one of my favorite shows: Friday Night Lights....If you aren't watching this show, you should tune in for what I consider to be the most honest portrayal of small town life on television today...If you aren't a football fan, don't stress...this show is about the people and Kyle Chandler(the dude who blew up on Grey's) is by far, one of the best actors on TV...The show has a lot of stand out performances...no magic, no law and order, no time travel..just simple, honest TV....good stuff...thanks for listening...

That's it for now...